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My NaNo port & info. I will write this novel. http://www.nanowrimo.org/eng/user/848245 |
http://www.nanowrimo.org/eng/user/848245 http://www.nanowrimo.org/en/participants/dogpack I am preparing for the NaNo event this November. I believe that I can and will write the 50,00 word novel. Actually this isn't the complete truth. The truth and nothing but the truth praise God is; I believe I will write this novel, I will write more than 50,00 words, and I will not quit. This is extremely important. This is extremely important....because; what you believe is what you will accomplish. Believe you can and you will. Have the will and determination and do not quit, then you will successfully complete the task. I prefer not using the word (if). The word I really like to use is (when). That 2 letter word is for a self defeating word which leaves a huge amount of room for excuses and failure. I don't want me to be able to find reasons (excuses) for not getting something done or for quitting a task. I want to be able to evaluate a task, honestly figure out how I'm going to work towards completion of the task, plan the steps for starting the task, and then getting to the completion of the task. Also, I want to do the very best work I possibly can because for me anything worth doing is worth doing well and thoroughly. Although this applies to the NaNoWriMo challenge, I also realize that what I will be writing is the first draft of the novel. To me this means that I should do my best, however, a first draft is not the completed novel. The first draft is writing the novel so that the plot, characters, story and all ingredients are in the book but, it isn't ready to be published so mistakes, typos, and rearranging of elements and items are ok. Making mistakes and not having the perfect ready to publish novel is what the first draft is about. You have to start some where, some how and the first draft is the place to start a novel. Only after writing the first draft do we start working towards the finished product which is to be published. The second, third, and fourthdrafts should become better and more well written. NaNo is not when and where you take the time to edit your writing. NaNo is where you write your first draft of your entire novel, or as close to this as you are able to come to a completed novel. What is important is to write a minimum of 50,000 words for your novel, have the novel as close as possible to what you plan to have in your novel and do your very best job creating this art work. This is what I have to tell myself and remind me regularly. This is also a major consideration I thought about when deciding when I was going to take the steps toward writing my first novel. Because the act and art of writing a novel can be combined and used well for a first draft and then edited and improved later, I decided I would be able to successfully start and finish this challenge. I have to regress because I neglected to mention about the purpose for writing this, why I'm writing this, and what I expect to create by writing this. I decided to write this because I wanted to see how many words I would be able to write about NaNo and why I started embarking on this adventure of taking on this challenge. I wanted also to share my thoughts about NaNo, what I learned about NaNo, and what my process for getting ready for NaNo is step by step so that, anyone who reads has the option of using whatever information is helpful for them. By the time I got to the beginning of this paragraph, I realized that I was writing what could perhaps be a very good example of the process of writing a NaNo novel. As I;m writing this, I am glancing through these words because i know that i often accidentlly it the caps lock, transpose letters, and can totally type something that even i wouldn't know what it was supposed to be after less than a minute passed ; which could be a major disaster. When i notuice a minor very quick and easy fix for something which isn't what i wanted, I take a second or four and fix the problem. i do not take minutes rereading each word looking to fix grammar, spelling, or any other major issues because if i do then I've possibly lost my focus on my thoughts, direction I'm going, and derailed my writing process. This is why it is important not to worry about the little things. This is why I'm writing this for me and everyone. i want us to successfyllt write our novels. Now that i got that bit of information into a reasonably readable form I'll keep going on to the next part of this writing. oh, and before i forget to mention this tidbit; OOps, i lost it! See what i mean, you have got to keep going forward or you will drop your momentum like a bolder gets dropped off a cliff from the very top of mountain or perhaps from outer space. it is a serious problem when you get derailed. Or, maybe not. I don't know now where i was going, so I'll keep going with something else somewhere else. This is what you haver to do whn writing your NaNo novel; got it!? I can tell I'm making more typos and other mistakes because I'm getting a bit tired. However, when this happens and the creative ideas are still flowing, I will slow down a little and keep writing. If I find the situation has further deteriorated, then I'll have to write more outline type of a format and then return later and fill in the details. Ahaa! wonderful!!!!!!! What i was going to write earlier which ran away and got lost, has been fopund. Oops, there it goes again. i will be back. Now I'm going to glance at what i wrote when the idea returned so that I have a better chance of recalling this thought. YES! it worked this time ![]() Ok, time to brake this up with another paragraph. i did't concern myself with the paragraph useage because I didn't want to take the time to focus on doing anything other than typing the words. Oh, and another important point makes it's way to the surface. I lost it! Where did it go? Sometimes you have to change geers or you will have to do more digging for treasure later. This is a learning experience for me. I'm glad I decided to start to work on this project. Another regression. I started this project with the url for my NaNo port page and i think, the title. My intent was to return to this project the next day. Many days have gone by and I am now just working writing this. I almost forgot I wanted to do this, however, because i started this it was looming large in my port. A great reminder for me to get going with creating this art with words. Ok, this is it: gone again.....think, oh,well. I'll get it! It's amazing how thoughts come and go. I know this isn't exactly in order, well written, and certainly not something whichI would consider a wrok to be published, however, i think this is a good example of an example of something a writer would create as a first draft for a novel. The biggest difference is that i havn't created an outline, notes, or other items whichwould help me keep more on track and in order so that things have a decent time line. Oh, try not to end your writing at a good place to end it because this will cause the creativity, artistry, and writing to possibly stall. Finally, i got it written ![]() Actually I am realizing my creative flow is ebing right now. One thought which came to mind was the word (questions) and then making a list of words and/or something the 3 to 5 word mayhem type of writing so I would have something to work with andmake progress. Notes to self: more NaNo ideas, regulations?, writing novel techniques, struggles with writing, glitches and how I deal with them, excitement about being apart of NaNo, examples, cause and effect, Right now I'm tired and sleepy, want to know how many words I've written, and want to do as much as possible to help writers write any time and any where including NaNo. ~ Word Count Results ~ http://www.nanowrimo.org/eng/user/848245 Full Counts: All Words: 1707 2+ Letters: 1581 3+ Letters: 1283 4+ Letters: 981 5+ Letters: 592 6+ Letters: 366 Text Lines: 15 Blank Lines: 12 Total Lines: 27 Most Used: 4+ letters only. this: 48 writing: 28 what: 21 novel: 20 write: 18 will: 16 have: 15 that: 15 nano: 13 [ Refresh Counts || Close Window ] Last Refresh: 10-12-11 7:36pm Most of this month I've been entering a few contests and reviewing. The contests are helpful because I have to spply my writing to the contest guidelines. Here is why this is important to me. It makes me write because I have either content to use to start my writing process, or I have a few wrods to jump start the process with some cont telling me where this material should go with the story or what is supposed to be included in the story or poem. Reviewing is a very helpful exercise because it requires you to read, think, write, and do these activities to help an author. When I review ZI have to write abut what I read. When writing to the author to tell them what I think, what I feel, what is wonderful and , what I was challenged by; requires me to make myself understood and to some degree known to the author. A review is a part of me in writing. A review is an exercise in writing well for me. After I've written the review, aI have had to read the authors writing several times, think diligently about the written piece and what I got or didn't get from it, and communicate everything about my experience as i read what they wrote. I have realized that by reviewing and writing my thoughts and reactions, I have learned to spell better, use different words correctly, use punctuation better, and express myself in new ways and more creatively. I still feel like there is a very long way for me to go in my writing adventure before I can say I'm a writer. This is one of the reasons I decided to go for the NaNoWriMo challenge. It is another step toward learning more about my writing and what I may like to do or where I am able to create more writing art through the use of words and imagination. |