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An American poet who inspires people by her life and writings.

            Have you ever been touched with poems filled with words of wisdom, comfort, love, and warmth? Have you ever read poems that bring you closer to God? Have you ever been inspired by a great poet? Apparently, the answer to all these questions is Yes.
            These volumes of poetry are written by a great American lady,
Helen Steiner Rice. She is known as the "poet laureate" of popular verse.
She is the source of inspiration to many people because of her life and her writings.
            Helen Steiner Rice's writings are for all ages. They are full of human
emotions. Her best-selling books are "Someone Cares," "Loving Promise," and
"Mothers are a Gift of Love." They convey messages about relationship in God, relationship in family, marriage, and friendship. They impart too about everyday living and make known the essence of virtues--faith, hope, and love. One will surely enjoy reading her poems and learn from them in every aspect of life whether be social, emotional, or spiritual.
            Her poems "God Knows Best," "Give us Daily Awareness," "In Him We
Live, Move, and Have our Being," "On the Wings of Prayer," bring people closer to God. They make people aware of the pr esence of God in their lives and the need of His presence.
            She speaks about love in her poems, "Love One Another for Love is of God,"Everyone Needs Someone," "What is Love," "When There is Love," The nature of how to love and be loved is embraced on these poems.
          The poem below is one of the works of Helen Steiner Rice.It conveys message about things that can't be bought in life.

                                            Heart Gifts

                        It's not the things that can be bought
                                that are life's riches treasure,
                      It's just the little"heart gifts"
                                that money cannot measure...
                        A cheerful smile, a friendly word,
                                a sympathetic nod
                      Are priceless little treasures
                                from the storehouse of our God...
                      They are the things that can't be bought
                                with silver or with gold,
                      For thougthfulness and kindness
                                and love are never sold...
                      They are the priceless things in life
                                for which no one can pay,
                      And the giver finds rich recompense
                                in giving them away.

          She is sincere, honest and truthful in every poem she writes. She is a strong lady who undergone storms in life but able to stand. Helen Steiner Rice married Franklin Rice, a bank vice-president in Dayton,Ohio.Franklin lost his job after the stock market crashed then he suffered depression and never recovered.Franklin committed suicide.Helen Steiner Rice's most satisfying outlet is writing poetry. She became a lecturer and a writer for a prominent greeting card  company called American Greetings.Her books sold about nearly seven million copies.
            Mrs. Helen Steiner Rice, a great American poet, who touches the hearts, inner beings, and souls of people through her life and writings. Indeed, a source of inspiration and an encourager to everybody. Truly, she is a gift from Above.
          Hats off to her!


Word Count : 443


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