Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1813748-Kalimdor
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Young Adult · #1813748
Written for a Creative Writing Class.
It is early morning on the island of Kalimdor. An alarm sounds echoing through the morning mist. It is now time for all of the residents to wake up.

         Charlie slowly crawls out of bed with a whispered complaint beneath his breath. Dim light pours in through the small window in the small shared bedroom. The sun is just now coming over the horizon, giving the room enough light to illuminate the inhabitants and the objects inside. There are two beds. One bed for Charlie and his wife Emma, and another bed for their two children. Their children are Tim, who is eight, and Layna who is five. Two small dressers are pushed against the wall on the other side of the room. A small bed stand is set between the two beds; a single very plain lamp sits alone on the table.

         No one else in the room is awake yet. Charlie gets up and walks across the cold wood floor, his bare feet slightly hitting the ground in a nearly inaudible patting sound. He opens a draw of one of the dressers, trying to be as silent as possible as to not wake his sleeping family. From the open drew he draws out the clothes that he will need for the upcoming day in head of him. Dark blue denim jeans and a black t-shirt is the uniform of all the boys and men on the island. Charlie gets dressed quickly and discards his sleeping clothes, a light cotton set of pants and shirt, into a basket nearby.

         Charlie quickly leaves the room after he is dressed for the day. Outside of the bedroom is a small living area that contains only a small couch, a table in the middle of the room, a standing lamp in one corner, and in the other corner a small old wooden trunk. The trunk is what holds the few toys that the kids have to play with. Of the three rooms in the very small house that they are given to live in, this is by far the family’s favorite room to be in.

         But Charlie just walks through this room to go the third room of the house. The bathroom is the smallest of all of the rooms. Inside there is a small sink with a medicine cabinet hanging above it, and there is a toilet. There are no showers in the individual houses that the residents of the island are given to live in. Instead there are designated times each day when certain people can go and shower in the communal bathing houses.

         Charlie quickly uses the facilities to relieve himself and to brush his teeth. His tooth brush is made with very hard bristles, this causes his gums to bleed a lot, and the toothpaste that the government had given him to use tastes like peppermint. This helps to mask the taste of the blood in his mouth.

         After being done with his morning routine, Charlie goes to wake up the rest of his family.

         “It is time to wake up,” Charlie calls out when he enters the shared bedroom once more. His children stir and wake drowsily. His wife wakes with a start. Like Charlie had a bit earlier, the children and his wife get out of bed and do the same routine that Charlie had done only moments before, when they had still been asleep in their beds dreaming of good thoughts. The rest of his family gets ready for the day ahead, and once they are all dressed they meet in the living area where they now leave to go to the dining hall for an early morning breakfast.

         Charlie and his family walk slowly to the dining hall in the chill morning sun. It may be spring but the breeze off of the waters around the island gives Charlie goose bumps on his skin. From a short distance away they can already smell the scent of cooking food. Charlie believes, and has always thought that the best thing on the island has always been the food, especially on this day. There was so much and it was always so very good to him. And this morning was always his favorite, though the day itself was not one that anyone on the island ever looked forward to or would ever rejoice.

         Once Charlie and his family get to the hall they sit at a table that is their normal spot that they share with another family. Charlie and his wife are good friends with another couple Tom and Cloie. Charlie and Tom have known each other since they had been together in the island schools. They have been friends since the first hello.

         “Good morning Tom,” Says Charlie.

         “Good morning Charlie,” replies Tom.

         “This is such a beautiful morning. My favorite morning of the year in fact.”

         “That it is,” says Tom, “I believe that it just might be everyone’s favorite morning. Such good food. Too bad it has to be such a bad day though. Otherwise it could be such a perfect day.” Says Tom.

         “Agreed,” Says Charlie as he sips from his cup of strong black coffee.

         The food is really possibly the best thing on the island. Especially this dreadful morning. There is eggs and bacon, there is oatmeal and grits, pancakes and waffles, and there is real maple syrup that is made fresh from the trees on the island. There is fresh fruit that is harvested and many sweet juices. There are even potato cakes and hash browns which are some of Charlie’s favorites. The best morning for breakfast was by far this morning.

         Charlie and his family sit with tom and his family. Charlie and tom speak of the news and the day that is ahead of them. The kids talk and fool around, and the women sit and eat in silence.

         As another harsh whistle sounds, breakfast comes to an end. Everyone is happy and full. There were cheerful voices and greetings all around and much talking among everyone; even considering that soon the people of the island would all be disgusted with themselves.

         As everyone exits the main dining hall it is time to head to the town hall. The hall is white and has green trim. It is the only building that has been painted, and the only building that does not look like all of the others, besides for the dining hall, community bathing houses, and the mayor’s home which is large and looks over the whole island.

          As everyone files into the meeting hall there is no talking. It is pure silence. Charlie and his family sit in the middle section of the hall on the wooden benches that are nailed to the floor. The benches are not comfortable to sit on, but it is better to sit than to stand through the proceedings.

         Soon enough he mayor of the island slowly makes his way to the podium that is in the middle of the raised stage in the front of the building. He is a tall man. He is a very slim and slender man. His hair is jet black, just like the suit that he wears. His eyes are piercing daggers and his face is stern. Charlie would guess that the man was only thirty two years old. He is a young man, and he is dashingly handsome. He is the definition of perfect among every person on the island.

         “Good morning residents,” speaks the mayor in a voice that is as smooth as the warm spring air outside. The day is finally starting to get better.

         “Good morning,” reply the residents in one voice.

         “You all know what today is about, so there is no need to tell you. First though we will take care of some business. The fruit production first off. We have been doing so well on the growing and harvesting of the fruits. But we have not yet been able to reach the amount that we need to be able to feed the residents of Kalimdor. Therefore those who are working in the fruit orchards are going to start working an extra three hours to be able to reach the goal that has been set.

Second off, to those who are working in the poultry and livestock stables and pens. You all are doing so well. So those who wish to do so may add another ten minutes onto their lunch break.

         Now, to the students at Kalimdor Island School, so many of you are getting such good grades and doing so well at learning everything that you need to know. All I can say to all of you is to keep up the good work. I am sure that you will be the best that Kalimdor schools will ever produce. But now for the real reason we are all here.”

A sharp silence breaks through the crowd. No sound is made, not one person says a word, not a soul dares to move.

         “First off,” calls out the mayor, “We will be giving the two newlywed couples each a child.”

At that moment two young couples stood silently to one side of the mayor on stage in front of the whole congregation. Both couples looked very young. One couple looked as if they were only fifteen or sixteen years old. The other couple looked to be a bit older, maybe about eighteen or nineteen. Two children, looking to be three years old at the most, were also now on stage standing to the other side of the mayor. There was a young boy and a young girl. The boy has the color of a chestnut for his hair, his eyes a deep brown, his skin looking as if he had been deprived of all sun. But the young girl is who Charlie has his eyes set on, and no doubt every other male in the congregation as well. Her hair is bouncing blond curls, her eyes as blue and as sparkling as if the ocean itself were raging in her soul. But her skin, her skin is what was mainly entrancing Charlie. Her skin was so smooth and looks as if it was kissed by the gods themselves. Charlie was about to lose himself, he wanted so bad to just touch this girl. But he knew that he must wait. Not until the girl was at least thirteen years old. This is the one law that Charlie loved the most. As soon as a girl was to turn 13 she could be had by any male who wished to pursue her and to have her in his bed. Charlie had had many girls through the years. The first girl that he had was only fifteen years old; he at the time had just turned thirteen, meaning that he was now allowed to practice the law. The girl had been laid with so many times before he had gotten her. She was so good, and Charlie was addicted to the things that she could do and to the sounds that she made. Charlie had become a sex addict, like almost every other male on the island. Charlie could have any woman or girl on the island who was of age, but he preferred that younger girls. They were more vibrant and full. He would not sleep with anyone who was above the age of twenty. Charlie did not like the older women, and he seldom even made love to his own wife.

         Charlie had never felt this way before though, and it was curious to him as to why he wanted this girl so bad. He could not wait until she was to turn of age. But he would have to wait even longer still. The mayor must have her in his bed first. From the strike of midnight on the day that she turned, till the strike of midnight continuing to the next day is when the mayor was to be the first to have this girl.

Charlie wished so bad that he could be the mayor. He could be the first to be with this girl. He could have her now if he wanted if he were the mayor. No one could stop him. He was in complete control. Charlie just wanted this girl so bad. He loved to sleep with the younger girls, especially when they were newly turned. Charlie loved how they tried to deny him. He loved when they fought. It turned him on even more. But the thing that Charlie loved the most was when the young girls tried to squirm free from under him. He loved when they tried so hard to avoid their climax, and trying so hard not to have an orgasm. But after the young girls stopped fighting after their climax is when Charlie loved it the most. Charlie would continue to penetrate the young girl, the warm little body beneath his own toned and muscular physique. He loved to hear the young girls moan and beg him to stop. He loved even more to hear them cry out, weather it was in pain or in pleasure.

Charlie snapped out of his day dreaming when a roar of clapping arouse from the crowd. Now the two young ones were with their new families. The young girl going to the youngest family.

“Now for the next order of business!” Called out the mayor after the two families had left the stage. “Time for the releases and executions!” his voice rang with both terror and blood thirst.

It was tradition that once a year those who were no longer any use to the island, and those who had committed a crime against that island, would be put to death. It was known as the ceremony of beginning.

A line of people soon came out onto the stage. They walked slowly, not in a hurry for their own deaths. They all stood in a few moments on high stools, each one with a single black rope around their neck. A person in a black robe helped each one of those on the stools prepare for their deaths.

“Now for the ceremony!” Cried out the mayor. The crowd let out a noisy roar as the person draped in black walked behind each person on the stoles waiting for their death. As the black figure moved along the line he kicked the stool out from beneath each person. First there was one person struggling for their life. Then there two, then four, then seven, then eleven. Each person looked like a fish caught out of water. They were each grabbing at their throats trying to breathe, but they only flopped around hopelessly until life slipped away from them. By the end of fifteen minutes, each person had suffered and slowly died. All eleven people now hang dead like a necklace for the devil, just waiting to be cut down and hit the cold merciless ground beneath them.

Charlie did not agree with this practice. It made him feel dirty. He believed that each person should be able to die on their own, not with a dark masked figure taking their life away. One day Charlie might have to suffer the same fate, but he refused to linger on this thought.

The normal tradition now began to play out. Each person was cut down, then one by one dragged to the middle of the town and tossed into a pile. They were now marinated in a flammable liquid. The mayor then lit the pile on fire, as was tradition. The stench of burning human flesh and hair was now overwhelming and could be smelled from miles away.

“Now that the executions and the burnings are complete,” called out the mayor, “It is time to feast!”

Charlie and his family went to the feast. They ate the most wonderful foods that night. Meats and fish, fruits, vegetables and desserts. They also were able to drink their fill of fine wines that were only provided on this one night of the year. They drank and ate to a new beginning and an ending worthy of praise.

Charlie and his family then continued home. Charlie slept fully through this night, not a bad dream or an awful thought in mind.   

© Copyright 2011 Kali Cabisca (kali-c at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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