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Rated: E · Short Story · Contest Entry · #1813674
"Please focus on our timely topics. No anger. Open heart." (Written for The Dialogue 500)
THIRD PLACE IN THE DIALOGUE 500 CONTEST BY Jay's debut novel is out now! Author Icon, SEPTEMBER, 2011

“The three of us are here today to talk about your pending issues. Karina - you start; then you Jasper. Please focus on your timely topics. No anger. Have an open heart. We’re trying to save this marriage.”

“I want---I need to be heard---understood better. I wish my husband would contribute more to my life, to my dreams.”

“Hey! I am always there. I give  all of myself. I am the one that wishes my wife would understand - me!”

“Jasper, listen - then speak. Continue, Karina.”

“Why does she always go first? I also want to be---understood.”

“Go ahead, Jasper.”

“Well, I find it difficult to understand my wife. She wants to change me all the time. She always sees my rough edges and wants to polish them off. I don’t need to change!”

“I changed for you, Jasper.”

“When? You dream about Hollywood. I am not George Clooney or Brad Pitt! I am who I am. Get real! Also, you are always trying to get answers to questions I can’t answer like what’s the major next step in life when---when I only want to know when is the next major meal or ball game on TV.”

“But what about the future, Jasper, and---our major life goals?”

“They’ll come with time and patience, Karina. And then - here is the crying, as if I was bullying you but you forget that I react to the constant criticism. Then, you like to play coy. If you don’t love me, let me go.”

“But I do love you, Jasper.”

“Then you always ask the wrong questions like “What are you thinking about?” when I’m watching TV! If I say “Nothing”, you say: “You’re lying!” TV is my release from work, Karina. I try to be accommodating. I don’t complain when you watch romantic comedies on TV and sigh at the mere vision of stupid Ashton Kutcher!”

“So... you ARE jealous! Oh I do love you, Jasper.”

“You do? Do you really mean it, sweet pea?”

“Yes, pumpkin.”

“This is such great progress! I am so pleased with you guys! Listen, I always tell my patients that marriage is like The Perfect Sandwich. Do you both want to know how to make one?”

“Yes, we do.”

“Well. You get a man and a woman - they are the two slices of bread. It can be any type of bread: white, rye, bagel, ciabatta. Then you add what you like best in between: peanut butter, Swiss cheese, jam, honey, ham, turkey, pickles or eggs... imagination is endless and you will create the desired result and taste - immediately! The ingredients create the recipe for a successful marriage! So simple - but, what happens if we forget the ingredients? There won’t be the perfect sandwich! What kind of marriage can there be without ingredients? I want both of you go home now and figure out which are your perfect ingredients.”

“I’m kind of---hungry. Aren’t you, muffin?”

"I sure am, honey bun!"

Count: 476 words dialog
© Copyright 2011 ChrisDaltro-Chasing Moonbeams (chrisdaltro at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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