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"Please focus on our timely topics. No anger. Open heart." (Written for The Dialogue 500) |
“The three of us are here today to talk about your pending issues. Karina - you start; then you Jasper. Please focus on your timely topics. No anger. Have an open heart. We’re trying to save this marriage.” “I want---I need to be heard---understood better. I wish my husband would contribute more to my life, to my dreams.” “Hey! I am always there. I give all of myself. I am the one that wishes my wife would understand - me!” “Jasper, listen - then speak. Continue, Karina.” “Why does she always go first? I also want to be---understood.” “Go ahead, Jasper.” “Well, I find it difficult to understand my wife. She wants to change me all the time. She always sees my rough edges and wants to polish them off. I don’t need to change!” “I changed for you, Jasper.” “When? You dream about Hollywood. I am not George Clooney or Brad Pitt! I am who I am. Get real! Also, you are always trying to get answers to questions I can’t answer like what’s the major next step in life when---when I only want to know when is the next major meal or ball game on TV.” “But what about the future, Jasper, and---our major life goals?” “They’ll come with time and patience, Karina. And then - here is the crying, as if I was bullying you but you forget that I react to the constant criticism. Then, you like to play coy. If you don’t love me, let me go.” “But I do love you, Jasper.” “Then you always ask the wrong questions like “What are you thinking about?” when I’m watching TV! If I say “Nothing”, you say: “You’re lying!” TV is my release from work, Karina. I try to be accommodating. I don’t complain when you watch romantic comedies on TV and sigh at the mere vision of stupid Ashton Kutcher!” “So... you ARE jealous! Oh I do love you, Jasper.” “You do? Do you really mean it, sweet pea?” “Yes, pumpkin.” “This is such great progress! I am so pleased with you guys! Listen, I always tell my patients that marriage is like The Perfect Sandwich. Do you both want to know how to make one?” “Yes, we do.” “Well. You get a man and a woman - they are the two slices of bread. It can be any type of bread: white, rye, bagel, ciabatta. Then you add what you like best in between: peanut butter, Swiss cheese, jam, honey, ham, turkey, pickles or eggs... imagination is endless and you will create the desired result and taste - immediately! The ingredients create the recipe for a successful marriage! So simple - but, what happens if we forget the ingredients? There won’t be the perfect sandwich! What kind of marriage can there be without ingredients? I want both of you go home now and figure out which are your perfect ingredients.” “I’m kind of---hungry. Aren’t you, muffin?” "I sure am, honey bun!" Count: 476 words dialog |