Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1813536-Centaur
Rated: GC · Other · Contest Entry · #1813536
Aislinn's walk in the forest to vent her frustrations leads her down an unexpected path.
A centaur photo for my entry in TWQ's fantasy round 57

Aislinn struggled with her heavy skirts as she fled along the wooded path. Tears darkened her lashes, streaking over sculpted cheekbones. Rage and misery warred in her pounding heart. Three years she had been the King's concubine, and now the royal bastard was gifting her in marriage to a mere child! It was ludicrous! She was no unbreached, blushing maiden. She was a woman who enjoyed the pleasures of the bedchamber. She had no intention of waiting for her intended to become a man.

She stumbled over an exposed root. Sprawling gracelessly in the dirt, all breath left her. Her lungs protested, and fresh tears flooded her face as she fought to draw air. Her corsets dug deep, hindering her efforts. Suddenly she was lifted to her feet. Her sapphire eyes widened as she came nose to chest with a powerful male. Her gaze flew upwards, taking in long, black hair and noble features before cringing from a wicked blade that appeared in his hand. She blinked in disbelief when he merely cut the restraining laces of her clothing.

Heat colored her fair skin as her heaving bosom spilled from the slithering satin and her clutching hands. His lips curled in an unrepentant smirk and she lashed out at him in fury. He caught her hand easily, holding it in his steely grasp while dark eyes trailed over her exposed form. She squeaked when he jerked her against him. A fist closed in her rich, auburn hair, wrenching it free of its pins and pressing her lips to his.

The kiss was brutal, the intensity robbing her of breath again. She squirmed in his grasp, feminine moisture coating the inside of her thighs. Rubbing against the roughened hide of his tight breeches, she moaned into his mouth. The hair teased her tiny pearl from hiding, heightening her need. The bulge behind his laces was more than promising. Her fingers fumbled to free him.

She gasped in pleasure when his manhood sprang free into her waiting hands. Stroking the pulsing rod she marveled at the immense size. The man was hung like a warhorse. She sank to her knees in wonder, her tongue snaking out to taste his throbbing flesh. Her jaw stretched wide in an effort to take the beast into her mouth. She gagged as his right hand joined the left in her fiery mane, drawing her down on his shaft.

Sputtering around his massive size, she closed her eyes and concentrated on relaxing her throat as she had been taught. The King's champion was a man of unusual size and in their clandestine rendezvous he had taken great delight in testing her limits. This man was twice as large. Darkness swirled behind clenched lids as he pressed deep into her throat. She snorted desperately in a bid to draw enough air. Just when she thought she could take no more, he pulled free.

She blinked in confusion as she was hauled up only to be flung over the trunk of a fallen Oak. Mounting her, he thrust deep, splitting her open. She screamed in an exquisite combination of pain and pleasure as her body stretched to accommodate him. He gave her no respite, pulling back to slam repeatedly into her grasping body. She clung to the log, the bark biting into her tender mound and breasts.

His breath came in sharp snorts, fanning her back as he thrust forcefully into her. She jumped as his teeth grazed the nape of her neck. He rained nipping kisses over her neck and shoulders. A low whine built in his chest and he shuddered. She screamed as he seemed to stretch over her and hooves appeared on either side of her head.

Terrified she glanced over her shoulder at her dark knight now metamorphosed into a fearsome centaur. Head thrown back, nostrils flaring, his splendid features twisted in the throes of passion. Her mind struggled to comprehend his transformation, but her body had no such confusion. His driving rod swelled, stretching her snug sheath to the limit and still she bucked back into his thrusts.

His hands reached down to cup her breasts, bowing her back to him. Talented fingers plucked at her nipples, playing her with the finesse of the finest musician. Writhing wildly in his clutches, pleasure like none other tore through her body. He drove into her, riding out the storm of her release to the last cry before he trumpeted his dominance for all to hear.

Aislinn came to her senses slowly. Pushing off the tree, she turned on shaky legs in search of her recent lover. The enormous centaur stood a dozen paces away, regarding her with a smug smile. She blushed, but couldn't contain a grin of her own. His conceit was well deserved. No man would ever compare after this experience.

Her head whipped around at the sound of approaching soldiers. Eyes beseeching him, she bit her lip, searching for words. None were needed. Turning his equine body to her, he offered his hand and swung her to his broad back. With a flick of his tail they blended into the forest and fairy tales.

© Mara McBain 9/2011

~ WC ~ 861

*Star* Third Place Winner Round 57 ~ Fantasy Encounter ~ This week, I would like to see something fantastical. Give me fairies, aliens, or anything else out of the norm. No, I don't want to see any animals. But, you can pair up humans with the fairies.

Written for:

The Weekly Quickie Contest  (18+)
Can you excite in 969 words? Romance+ Contest. - September Theme: Birthday Bash
#1355442 by Dawn Embers

© Copyright 2011 Mara ♣ McBain (irish_hussy69 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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