Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1812554-Life-of-the-Shadow-Beast
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1812554
A romantic adventure that is scary, sexy and sometimes funny.
Life of the Shadow Beast

Terpa stood at the edge of the cliff. Waiting for a sign, an interruption, anything to stop her from making the plunge. But of course he wasn’t here. He doesn’t love you. She closed her eyes and tried to silence the voice inside her head. He doesn’t love you. It wouldn’t go away. She looked down past her feet at the pool below, crystal clear and deep enough to be dark blue. Terpa took another step closer to the edge. He doesn’t love you. There was no longer a reason why she shouldn’t do this. Her heart was bleeding, crying out to him. But of course he wasn’t there.
It was an ancient tradition. The women of the village could become healers if they took the rite of The Plunge. First they would climb the ladder; it was the trials of life ahead. Next they crept out onto the cliff and took a breathtaking dive of the cliff into the sacred pool of life, this represented the journey of birth through the birth canal. If they made it alive out of the pool their emergence was their rebirth into womanhood. After making it out of the cold water they must ascend the steps, not easy when a lot of women obtained shocking injuries from The Plunge. The steps represented the ascendance into heaven. At the top stood a dais, where the Priest of the Holy Sword awaited. He judged them on their speed, style, injuries, beauty, poise and bravery then gave them according status. The nature of their injuries would become their specialty as a Healer of the Holy Sword. They were the only ones who could heal a shadow beast wound. Terpa shivered slightly at the thought of the shadow beasts. Wolf like creatures with glowing red eyes and an appetite for human flesh, they were the enemies of the people.
She opened her eyes slightly. She was taking too long. Before she could think about the repercussions of her action she dove off the cliff. The air rushed past her in a terrifying howl. Terpa moved her body into a diving position, arms out in front as though praying. The water was hard and deep. Once inside the cold womb she spread her body out and began the long journey to the surface. Her body strained and her lungs felt like they were going to burst. At last she broke the surface once more, breathing in deep gasps.
His eyes met hers. So he had come after all. The glare he gave her shattered her heart into a thousand pieces.
Terpa swam slowly and dejectedly to the edge of the pool. So he had come after all, but what for? Sighing she shoved her feelings into the depths of her soul. There would be time for that later.
Her shaking legs felt so weak, she only just made it to the top of the dais. Old Abe, the Priest of the Holy Sword smiled benevolently at her and took her ice cold hands in his.
“You have done well my lady” he said gently. He lowered the medallion over her head and pronounced her a Healer of the Holy Sword.
“Terpa, Healer of the Holy Sword you will be second to the High Healer and you shall specialize in matters of the heart”. She looked sharply at him but he just smiled and looked away. Terpa frowned, her heart hadn’t been damaged in the fall or the swim, what was he thinking? Suddenly her legs gave way and she realized her shoulder was bleeding badly, along with a finger that had broken.
Healers gathered around her and ushered her away.

“So you’re a woman now” said Darmic, stepping away from the wall he had been leaning on. Terpa couldn’t help but smile.
“But you knew that already” she replied teasingly. He smiled back and gave her an appreciative glance.
Terpa sighed and rubbed her shoulder where it was bandaged. The bleeding had stopped, her injuries had only been minor.
Darmic grabbed her hand and looked it over.
“Huh… Strange that your ring finger got broken. Figures.” He said enigmatically and shrugged. Terpa pulled her hand away angrily.
“He didn’t come to stop me, he came to watch me to see if I died or not” she said a little too loudly.
Darmic put his arm around her.
“At least you have me to warm your bed”.
Terpa shrugged his arm away and stalked off.
“There is nothing that can warm me now” she said softly as he watched her go.

Scorpion sat on a rock amongst the wildflowers with his head in his hands. He had come too late. And the bitch had done it, actually done it. He couldn’t believe it, didn’t she love him? Not that it mattered now.
She was dedicated to healing and the Holy Sword. But so was he. And now thats all he had left.
Standing he slipped his sword out, staring at his reflection in it’s shiny surface. He was not handsome as such but he had long eyelashes, beautiful green and hazel eyes with short hair that curled cutely around his neck. He sighed. There was so much he wished he could have done over in this life, saved his brother, told Terpa he loved her and forsaken the Holy Sword. But it was too late now...
Terpa arrived home the next day to find her friend Asta sitting at the table looking excited.
“What was it like?” she asked unable to sit still a moment longer. Terpa tried to smile but failed.
“Terrifying...” replied Terpa honestly enough.
“Oh...” said Asta a little crestfallen.
“But it’s different for everyone. Besides you haven’t lost your virginity yet. Have you picked someone?” said Terpa, changing the topic expertly.
Asta blushed.
“No not yet... Darmic has offered many times but I don’t...um...”
“Want to share him with every other woman in town and you want it to be special?” supplied Terpa knowingly. Asta blushed a deeper rose colour.
“I guess you could put it that way”
“Talking about me again?” asked Darmic from the door way. Asta looked away guiltily.
“Pfft as if. Don’t you have someone to go shag?” said Terpa still feeling annoyed.
He didn’t smile as he so often used to.
“I came to get you. There’s a town meeting and being second to the High Healer you’re expected to attend... My lady” he said bowing stiffly.
Terpa frowned. This did not sound good. She held Asta’s hand until they had to part ways. Asta to sit with the virginal young women and Terpa to stand next to Lady Snarl the High Healer.
The room was crowded and warm. It was shining brightly outside so Terpa knew it was not an attack from the Shadow Beasts. They could only appear at night. Though they had been attacking more frequently and certainly more viciously. Usually they only killed for food but lately there had been more deaths a week than there were Shadow Beasts. Terpa shivered despite the warmth, thinking about such bad tidings would surely bring them upon the town. Clearing her mind of such thoughts she looked around for the Priest of the Holy Sword, the ruler of the town.
When she finally saw him she had to cover her mouth in shock and disgust. Mikale lead the group, followed by Scorpion, Darmic and two men of the Holy Sword that she should have probably remembered the names of, they carried him on a bed of rushes on top of a sheet. He was bleeding badly and had burns in places. Purple liquid oozed out of his mouth indicating he had been poisoned by a Shadow Beast. All warriors of the Holy Sword feared this death more than any other kind. It made you relive your worst fears over and over again with physical pain to accompany it until you died eventually. It was better to die quickly they said.
Terpa turned her head away as the tears came hard and fast. Old Abe had been a good ruler and a kind man. A hand brushed hers as they walked past. She opened her eyes to see Scorpion turn away quickly, his face grim and miserable.
Sivid, the young man who had been Abe’s apprentice was white as a sheet and clearly struggling to hold it together. Everyone knew Sivid, he was charming, forthright and a genuinely good person. He had been adopted by Abe after his whole family had been slaughtered by the Shadow Beasts. Abe had treated him like a son and they had loved each other very much. Terpa’s heart went out to him in his agony.
He stood tall and brushed back his long curls in a nervous gesture. He hoped that no one saw how much his hands shook.
“We gather here today to...We gather here today to mourn the loss of Abe, Priest of the Holy Sword” he began and only just managed to finish the traditional speech before he broke down completely. Terpa held him while he cried, her heart aching for him.
Lady Snarl stepped onto the platform and stood before the altar. Her face was grave and so ancient she could have been a gnarled old tree.  She looked at the crowd with deep sadness.
“With the loss of our Priest of the Holy Sword it is the time to claim a new life for God. Sivid was Abe’s choice, does anyone contest this?” she asked, looking hard into the eyes of any who might object. The crowd was as silent as death.
“Then I proclaim that Sivid be given to God as the new Priest of the Holy Sword” she said softly. There was no cheering, only nods of approval.
People began shuffling about after that, preparing to go home and grieve.
“There is one last thing...” she said and looked to Sivid who withdrew from Terpa and straightened his jacket.
“I demand a quest be taken by volunteers into the depths of the Badlands to discover their secrets. As you all know the attacks have become more frequent and ever more vicious... That they would ambush and kill our leader tells me that they are planning something. I cannot go, as the people must have a Priest... So I ask...nay plead... who will go?”
Scorpion surprised her and spoke up first.
“I will go” he said, his tone flat, his voice almost dead.
Terpa closed her eyes to the pain of it.
“I will go” she said before she had even finished the thought.
“I will go” said Darmic shortly after as he winked suggestively at her.
“I will go” said Asta after staring at the ground and wiping away the tears.
“You will need someone to fix swords and carry things. I will go” said Merrick, a long time friend of Terpa and Asta. Although Terpa knew that he would die for Asta and probably intended to considering the nature of their quest.
“If someone will stand in for me I too shall go” said Captain Mikale. He had always been brave and true in his life and a very close friend of Sivids. She could tell the two were conversing silently through thier eyes but clearly Sivid had lost that argument as he lowered his gaze and sighed deeply.
“So be it” said Sivid and in saying dismissed the crowd.
The adventurers stayed behind. The men clustered together, save for Merrick who held a hand each of Asta and Terpa.
“You truly will do this?” he asked each of them seriously, not letting their gazes wander. Terpa felt that this would be their destinies.
All said that they would. Sivid clasped hands with and hugged Mikale and shook the mens hands. Asta and Sivid hugged tightly. It was clear to Terpa that he wished to say more to her than the simple good luck he said, and it was also clear that the brief and friendly kiss he gave  her on the cheek as a blessing for their journey was not how he really wanted to kiss her.
Terpa ached for the pain in the hearts around her.

Scorpion gathered together his things angrily amongst the mess of the house he shared with Darmic. Why must she come with him, a healer as well of course! He would never be granted his wish of a quick death with her around to heal him. Somewhere deep inside he heard the voice of reason, she will not see you die like this, but he stifled it.
Darmic sat on the end of his bed smoking, watching his best friend go back and forth without really doing anything.
“Why are you even coming, Darmic?” he finally said dejectedly and took the smoke off his friend, breathing deeply of it’s acrid taste.
“It’s not because I love her” he said pointedly “ and I do not plan to die like you either” he added.
“Then why?” he asked feeling confused.
“Because you are my best friend and like Terpa I will not let you die so easily” replied Darmic with surprising honesty.
Scorpion looked at his friend in a new light but could not meet his gaze.
“You know that I have shared Terpa’s bed but we have never shared hearts. The future is unknowable. There is still time” he said and left his friend sitting there, not knowing what to do.

Mikale sat alone by the heat of the fire, absently sipping his ale. The tavern was noisy with people drowning their sorrows.
Tomorrow the adventurers would leave for the Badlands. Mikale swirled his drink and stared at the flames. He had chosen to go for two main reasons, the first being vengeance and the other because someone needed to watch over Terpa. Somehow he doubted Darmic or Scorpion would stand true in her defense, and MIkale knew how much Sivid cared for her. There was of course his slightly personal agenda of making sure his two best fighters stayed alive and dedicated to the Holy Sword.
Mikale looked up as Merrick sat beside him on the bench.
“A penny for you thoughts’ he said.
Mikale smiled. Merrick was good company, he didn’t ask much and respected peoples secrets.
“I was thinking we may not make it the Badlands at all with Terpa thrown into the mix” he said with grim humour.
“It’s not her fault for the way men’s hearts twist around her” he noted wisely.
MIkale nodded, it was true enough. Terpa was kind and had an easy smile, it was not in her nature to be petty or cruel with the hearts of men.
“Aren’t you nervous about the journey ahead my friend? You are a blacksmith of the Holy Sword, not a warrior” said Mikale without judgement.
Merrick sighed and downed the last of his drink.
“I may not be a warrior of the Holy Sword but I too hope for a good death and for me that means following my heart” he replied, looking a little sad.
“Don’t tell me you too have feelings for Terpa!” exclaimed MIkale with a little disgust.
“Nay” said Merrick, his eyes searched out a face amongst many and softened when he laid eyes upon her.
“Ah, so you faun over young Asta. My friend you do know she wishes to be a Healer of the Holy Sword, don’t you” said MIkale uneasily.
“I know that, but I also know that hearts change” he replied mysteriously.
MIkale thought about all the love triangles developing and hoped fervently that his friend was right, and that it would be for the better.

“He’s looking at me like that again” said Asta nervously. Terpa glanced over to see Merrick eyeing Asta lovingly. She smiled.
”Do not worry so Asta, he merely admires your beauty from far. It is a compliment” she said patiently.
Asta looked uncomfortable.
“But we are only friends”
“Even friends can admire the beauty of one another, isn’t that right Terpa?” interjected Darmic as he wrapped an arm around each lady.
Asta blushed deep red and shied away from his touch. Terpa suppressed a sigh and leaned her head against his shoulder.
“Would you like me to warm your bed tonight? Consider it another way to bless the journey ahead” said Darmic warmly.
Terpa saw no reason not to, could she not enjoy the pleasures of the bed if not the pleasures of the heart?
Scorpion watched his true love walk out with his best friend once more and cursed himself for a fool.

After making passionate love Terpa rolled to her side to hide her tears. Oh how she wished it was Scorpion beside her. Darmic sat up and pulled her close, gently wiping away the tears.
“If it makes you feel any better I too dream of someone who has my heart” he said after Terpa had stopped sobbing.
“Who do you dream of?” asked Terpa, her wide blue eyes searching his deep brown ones. He looked off into the distance as though recalling memories from the depths of his being.
“Fiona” he said warmly as he brushed a stray tear from his cheek.
She could tell he didn’t want to say more. She gave him a hug as she dressed saying she would go out for a walk.
IN the distance just beyond the meadows she saw red eyes gathering in the darkness. Suddenly leaving on their journey could not come soon enough.

The Badlands were beyong the Great Forest, through the Indigo desert and then once they reached the Badlands they must travel to its heart at the base of giant volcano. It would be perilous to say the least. The Priestess of the Wolf was planning something and it was their duty to find out what that was and stop her if they could.

It was unnaturally sunny the day they left, the weather was warm and pleasant. By contrast their hearts felt all the more heavier with thoughts of never returning.
MIkale led the way, followed by Merrick and Asta, Terpa walked alone with her head down with Darmic and Scorpion trailing behind.
They walked all day and finally, exhausted they began to make camp.
MIkale was a natural leader and so delegated tasks to get them set up quickly before nightfall.
Terpa went to collect water from a nearby stream; she stared at her reflection in the rippling water. She had never been called beautiful but others had always admired her long blonde curls. Especially Scorpion. Your hair is so beautiful he had said one day idly playing with a curl. Suddenly angry she pulled out her knife for cutting herbs and hacked into her hair. Breathing hard she stared at her short spiky hair in the water and smiled. Much better. She filled the bucket and returned to camp.

Asta searched out fragrant sticks fallen from large trees that would calm her companions’ hearts a little with its sweet smelling smoke. Humming happily she was intercepted by Merrick at the edge of camp.
“May I carry some wood for you?” he asked politely. Asta smiled at him.
“You are very kind but it is no burden” she said light heartedly. Merrick looked a little sad for a moment. He brushed a long strand of black hair away from her face.
“I wish you wanted something from me” he said softly. Asta blushed but did not pull away. He leaned in close as though he would kiss her. She felt suddenly warm inside and looked into his loving eyes. Then seemingly thinking better of it he pulled back.
She couldn’t explain why but somehow she felt disappointed as they entered camp.

Darmic sat on a log in front of the yet to be lit fire peeling potatoes. When he looked up and saw Terpa’s short hair he swore as the knife sliced his thumb.
Scorpion stifled a groan of shock. What possessed her to do such a thing? Her eyes were sparkling and defiant as she asked them if they liked her new hairstyle.
Darmic laughed joyously and smiled at her.
“You look very daring” he said with a seductive growl. Terpa grinned.
“And what say you Scorpion?” she asked as though challenging him to a duel. He didn’t look at her.
“You look as beautiful as the day I first met you” he said so softly she barely heard him.
Terpa growled in frustration and stormed off, followed by Asta who glared at him as she stalked past.

Terpa leaned against a tree sobbing. Why say such a thing? He doesn’t love you. But the voice was weak inside her head.
“You shouldn’t go off alone like that, it’s getting dark” said Asta.
“I’m sorry” said Terpa through her tears.
“It’s alright” cooed Asta and held her friend tightly until she calmed down.
“I’m alright now, let’s go back” said Terpa, wiping her face and smiling a watery smile. Then they noticed the glowing red eyes.

“Such pretty young ladies” hissed the Shadow Beast, it’s long fangs glistened in the moonlight.
Asta screamed with fright. Terpa stared into its’ glowing red eyes, mesmerized by her death shining out of them.
Two more wolves appeared, panting with the excitement of the kill. They snapped and snarled, forcing the girls further away from camp.
Asta moaned low and long, too frightened to move any more. The leader of the pack smiled and launched himself at Asta. Before it closed the gap it howled in pain as MIkale sliced open its belly. It fell writhing on the ground, its futs spilling grotesquely around it.
The remaining two turned on MIkale, circling him slowly. They began to parry and lunge, neither gaining the upper hand. MIkale was soon tired and could barely keep the women out of danger.
With a blood curdling cry Darmic launched himself into battle, slashing and hacking, careless of his own mortality.
From behind the women came Scorpion.
“Stay close” he said without looking at them and began back tracking away from the fray.
They reached the safety of the camp and its warm glowing fire.
“I’ll be back” he said and left them alone. Terpa reached out as though to stop him but quickly withdrew her hand. It was not her place.
MIkale and Darmic returned not long after. Mikale supported his friend who was badly wounded. Despite his injuries he smiled when he saw the concern on the womens’ faces.
“’Tis merely a scratch” he said too cheerily. Terpa ran to him and went about patching him up.

Scorpion went looking for the rest of the pack, silent and deadly he tracked the last remaining wolf.
It was quite far from the camp but it seemed to have scented some kind of prey. He felt the bloodlust rise in him, death would come on swift wings tonight.

Terpa could sit still no longer.
“Why hasn’t he come back yet?” she asked, feeling restless and distraught.
“Worry not fair Terpa, he is one of the best” said MIkale without care. Darmic opened one eye from his pallet by the fire.
“Do not doubt him” he said with annoyance.
She could bear it no more.
“I cannot wait any longer. I shall go find him!” she announced rather primly and stepped outside the bounds of their camp.
The forest was deep, dark and cold. The sounds of night seemed overly loud and strange to her. She returned to the site of battle but found no sign of Scorpion. Wandering aimlessly for a while she soon realised two things, she was lost and she was being followed.
Taking a deep breath to calm herself she turned to see how close it was.
Too close. The Shadow Beast regarded her with cold malice. She took a step back and fell flat on her backside. The wolf smiled at her evilly.

Almost too late Scorpion saw its prey, Terpa! His protective instincts kicked into over drive and he spran into action the same time as the Shadow Beast.
Time seemed to slow down.
Terpa watched the beast launch itself at her, and then she saw Scorpion, pure fear that he would not make it etched across his face. Knowing she would die, and that it would be his face she saw last, Terpa smiled.
Then everything sped up, blood splattered everywhere.
Scorpiond stood breathing hard, covered in the Shadow Beasts blood.
Terpa sat on the ground also covered in blood; slowly she got to her feet.
“Are you hurt?” asked Scorpion urgently, looking her up and down rapidly. He grasped her shoulders, looking for something in her eyes. Terpa wouldn’t meet his gaze.
“Thank you, I’m fine” she mumbled and tried to move away. He didn’t let go.
“Release me” she cried, trying to hide her sudden tears.
“Never” he said and held her close, she struggled against him, tumbling them both to the ground. Wrestling each other Scorpion cried out in exasperation.
“Why won’t you let me love you!?”
Suddenly she stilled. Taking the opportunity Scorpion kissed her deeply and passionately.
Terpa leaned away from the kiss feeling frazzled and hot. Never mind that they were both slicked with gore.
She searched Scorpions eyes and saw the question in her heart mirrored there.
“I love you” she said softly, turning her head away lest her reject her.
He pulled her back down on top of him so she was against his chest. Scorpion stroked her hair and lifted her chin so she was looking into his eyes.
“I love you too” he answered, his voice cracking with emotion.
Terpa nuzzled his neck, then nipped him playfully. He gapsed but made no move to take things further. Rolling to their sides Terpa felt confused.
“Do you not want to make love to me?” she asked nervously. He smiled, suddenly shy.
“i... I’ve never done this before...” he admitted bashfully.
“Why not?” she asked curious and a little surprised.
“I was waiting for you” he mumbled. Terpa felt her heart ache, if only she had waited for him too. But that was in the past and this was now. She remembered her first time, she hadn’t been in love and it hurt only a little. She decided to make Scorpions first time memorable... and pleasurable.
“Well, I’m here now” she said seductively. He blushed.
Slowly Terpa kissed his neck and began unbuttoning his shirt. He soon had his fists clenched and arched his back as she went lower and lower. He felt like he was about to explode. Gently she pulled out his long hard member and kissed the tip. He shivered and gasped.
Straddling him Terpa lifted her skirts and slid him inside her throbbing centre.
It wasn’t long until they both cried out in ecstasy. Afterward they lay together, limbs entangled and feeling peaceful.
But it was not to last.

That night the adventurers slept restlessly whether alone or not. Tomorrow they would leave the forest and enter the desert, the lasts step of the journey before entering the Badlands proper.

“If we walk all night and day we should reach the Badlands in no time” said Merrick nervously.
“The sooner we find out what’s going on the sooner we can leave” said Asta shivering slightly. Merrick took her hand in silent comfort, she didn’t pull away.
“Well I guess we better start moving” said Mikale and adjusted his back pack before stepping out of the shade and into the hot desert sun.
Darmic followed after, his expression grim.
Terpa held tightly onto Scorpions arm, holding him back for a moment.
“Whatever the future brings just remember that I love you” she said with a little pain in her voice. He smiled at her.
“Everything will be fine” he said light heartedly but his eyes betrayed his worry.
Terpa would have liked to talk more but Darmic called out to them.
“Come on now, we wouldn’t want to be late for our date with destiny. Ha ha!”
Scorpion laughed and led them both into the heat.

The day wore on painfully, the sun beat down relentlessly and muscles screamed from the strain. When nightfall came there was little relief as the temperature dropped and they shivered in the cold. Mikale finally called a halt.
“It is best if we rest for a while. This is dangerous territory and I need everyone to be well prepared... just in case”.
Everyone plonked down on the spot, exhausted.
Merrick opted for the first watch while the others rested. He sat quietly, listening for trouble while he whittled.
Asta came and sat by his side, leaning against him sleepily. After a while she spoke.
“Is it true you think me beautiful?” she asked hesitantly.
“Oh Asta! The stars cannot compare to you” he said whole heartedly. She blushed but looked at his earnest face.
“Would you... would you take my virginity?” she ventured softly.
“Asta it would be my pleasure” he said honestly then added “So you have chosen the path of Healer?” the last part was said so sadly Asta almost changed her mind.
“I’m not sure” she said and realised it was true.
“When...?” he asked awkwardly.
Asta took a deep breath and leaned forward, kissing him softly on the mouth. HE held her firmly, his lips moving gently with hers. It was so tender Asta no longer wondered I he loved her, she knew he did. She felt her own heart open to his love like a blossom unfurling for the sun. Feeling daring she drew one of his hands to her breast. He squeezed it a little and they both moaned.
“Asta... Don’t tease me like this” he gasped.
“I’m not teasing” she said feeling very warm and ready.
He began to kiss her neck, distracting her from the removal of their undergarments. He pulled her onto his lap. Asta noted his thick man hood and felt her heart beat faster. Merrick brought her closer, rubbing himself against her. She moaned and wriggled against him.
“Are you ready?” he asked breathlessly.
“Do it” she commanded. He plunged into her and began thrusting slowly. Asta had expected pain but it was only mildly uncomfortable and then it began to feel good. Merrick shuddered.
“I can’t hold on much longer” he said.
“Then don’t” she breathed and he groaned loudly as his seed spurted inside her. Slowly they became aware of their surroundings and Asta blushed deeply. Merrick kissed her on the cheek.
“Are you alright?” he asked helping her into her knickers.
“Just a little giddy” she replied honestly enough.
Just then Darmic appeared.
“I’ll take the watch from here. Why don’t you two get some sleep? I’m sure that was exhausting” he said with a wink. They giggled and hand in hand retreated to a comfortable spot by the fire.

Terpa screamed. They were surrounded by glowing red eyes, drooling maws snapped and growled. While the company had been asleep the Shadow Beasts had found them.
Darmic, MIkale and Scorpion formed a protective triangle around Merrick and the women.
“When I say so, take the women and run to safety” whispered Mikale to Merrick. He nodded solemnly and took Asta’s shaking hand in his. Terpa looked at each of the men. They had that look in their eyes that meant they wouldn’t survive this battle.
“I’m not leaving you!” she cried desperately, “You need me to heal you afterwards!” she added, looking at their resolute faces.
“It’s alright, I was born for this” said Scorpion.
“No! No, you were not born to sacrifice yourself like this! Scorpion please, I’m begging you. Don’t do this... Stay with me. Please don’t do this” said Terpa all at once, tears began streaming down her face.
“This is my destiny and you must live to meet yours” he said and nodded to the others to say he was ready to engage in battle.
Crying hysterically and clinging to Merrick, Terpa got ready to run. Asta and Merrick took a side each to make sure Terpa didn’t do anything foolish. Asta squeezed her hand slightly and gave a slight nod. Terpa looked at her friend and she smiled sadly at her.
“Go!” shouted MIkale as the men left the circle and began a bloody battle for survival.
Merrick and Asta began running then just as they were out of reach of the wolves Asta let go of Terpa’s hand.
“We can’t stop!” cried Asta when Merrick went as though to turn back. Terpa sent a silent prayer and thank you to the best friend she had ever had. And she hoped and wished they would make it to safety.
Terpa turned back to the battle, watching as they slashed and tore at each other. The ground was slicked with blood as she arrived, almost slipping in the gore.
Mikale turned and saw her, disengaging his combatant to try and protect her. But the Wolf saw a weak spot in his defence and slashed open his back. Mikale cried out and fell, dead before he even hit the ground.
Terpa screamed.
Scorpion and Darmic came to her, fighting their way across the battlefield. They were surrounded and the odds were bad, very bad. Then from amongst the wolves came a beautiful woman, dressed in furs.
“Surrender” she said harshly.
Terpa slumped her shoulders in submission. Darmic growled but lowered his sword. Scorpion looked at his friend and with a great deal of effort followed suit. The Maiden of the Wolves smiled.
“Bring them home, boys” she said and began to walk off. They had no choice but to follow.

Asta and Merrick returned to the scene of battle, unable to leave their friends behind. The embers of their campfire still burned. Not far off Asta cried out, seeing MIkale’s still body. She ran to him hoping it was not too late for him.
Sobbing she closed his unseeing eyes. With shaking hands she pulled out her knife and cut off a lock of his hair. If they returned she would take it to Sivid, along with the story of his heroic death.
Merrick knelt beside her and they mourned the loss of a good man and a good friend. Wiping away the tears Asta stood, her expression resolute.
“We must rescue our friends” she said firmly. Merrick nodded and hand in hand they began their journey into the heart of the Badlands. In the distance the volcano belched smoke ominously.

“My, my, my what have we here?” purred the Priestess of the Wolves.
“We found them snooping about...” said the Pack Leader, sidling up to her for a scratch behind the ear. She indulged him.
“We’ll tell you nothing!” spat Darmic, shaking with rage.
“Oh but I think you will” she hissed venomously and snapped her fingers. A woman entered, chained at the wrists and ankles. Her long dirty blonde hair covered her face. Suddenly Darmic paled and moaned a low ‘no, it can’t be’.
“Show them your pretty face my love” said the Priestess gripping the woman’s chin in an iron grasp. She tried to pull away but she was too weak. The woman looked up at them with dead unseeing eyes. She must have been very beautiful once but now she was scarred and malnourished. Darmic closed his eyes as a torrent of memories cascaded trough his mind.
“Still not talking?” she said with acid and made a quick hand gesture. A huge wolf with long straggly fur and a hard cock came forward. The Priestess nodded.
With a jerk the woman looked up, straight into Darmic’s eyes with a single desperate plea.
‘Kill me’ she mouthed. The beast placed his claws around her protruding hips and made as if to mount her.
“Fiona!” screamed Darmic and with momentary super human strength escaped his captors and snapped her neck with his bare hands. He saw her smile peacefully in death and then everything went dark and silent.

Terpa and Scorpion sat watching Darmic, he moaned and cried out in his sleep. Sweat beaded his brow and his limbs twitched.
“I don’t know if I can heal him...” said Terpa looking away from her fallen friend.
“He’s beyond healing, Terpa, you know that” said Scorpion putting an arm around her. She cuddled up to him and wept for her friend. They may not have shared hearts but they shared many memories and he had always been kind to her.
They say together for a long time, wondering what fate would bring next.

Merrick looked down over the village. Tents and teepees surrounded a large mud hut.
“Where do you think they are keeping our companions?” asked Asta sidling up beside him. Merrick sighed and scratched his chin.
“I’d say in that cave at the base of the volcano, see the iron bars blocking the entrance?” he said.
“but the question is how to free them...” said Asta more to herself.
Just then a huge tremor rocked the ground. Asta and Merrick tumbled down the hill a little.
“Are you alright?” asked Merrick, helping her up.
“The volcano!” she cried and he whipped around to see thick black smoke and bright flames erupting from its mouth.
Another shattering rumble sent them sprawling again, followed by a loud groan as stone cracked and tumbled down the volcano.
Asta saw a hole in the prison and tripping down into the chaos they went to rescue their friends.

“Terpa?” came a far off cry.
Scorpion still held onto her tightly, both had been terrified by the earthquake.
“Asta?” called Terpa softly.
“Oh Terpa! You’re alive!” shouted Asta joyfully from a gaping hole in the wall.
“Asta! Asta, Asta!” shouted Terpa running across the rubble into her friends’ arms. Merrick quickly helped Scorpion to carry Darmic.
“There isn’t much time, let us be gone amongst the chaos” said Merrick.
None hesitated to abandon the mission. But on the way out they noticed propaganda plastered on the walls. The People of the Holy Sword were sworn enemies of the People of the Wolves, it mentioned an ancient love triangle and the betrayal of the People of the Wolves, sentencing them to generations of slavery. It must have been a very ancient tale because no people of the Holy Sword remembered keeping slaves...

After all that time they were finally together and returning home triumphantly, Terpa could not understand why Scorpion would not touch her any more.
“Why do you shirk me so?” she asked at last when they were alone by the fire.
“Because of you Mikale is dead” he hissed. Terpa was stung.
“Because of me you are alive! If I hadn’t healed you back there you would have died!” she cried out, horrified.
“Maybe I’d be better off dead” he said darkly and gathering up his sword walked out into the darkness to keep watch.

How could he love someone whose actions resulted in the death of his friend and captain? It hurt him deeply. He wished Darmic would snap out of his zombie like state, he needed his friend right now. Sighing he prepared himself for another long sleepless night.

Things were strained after that, the companions felt lost without Mikale and with Darmic lost to inner turmoil it was a dangerous and difficult journey home. Scorpion and Terpa were barely civil to each other and only spoke to one another when necessary. Asta tried to be there for her friend but Terpa would not be comforted. Merrick did his best to care for them all and keep everyone sane.

Sivid was alone in his study praying to the Gods of the People, a single candle was lit in a ritual meant to light the way home for the adventurers. It’s lonely flame shone brightly at his window, barely illuminating the darkness beyond.
When there was a knock at his door he feared more Shadow Beast attacks, but instead was overcome with joy to see Terpa, followed by Asta and Merrick along with Scorpion and Darmic. But where was MIkale? Asta saw his searching glance and pulled out the lock of MIkales hair, the only thing they were able to bring back.
“I’m so sorry Sivid” she said solemnly. He took the lock of hair gravely, holding it to his heart.
“It was a good death?” he asked, choking on tears. Terpa stepped forward.
“He died protecting me, Holy One” she said expecting him to curse her. Instead he took her in his arms and wept against her. Merrick held Asta close, sharing Sivids grief. Scorpion stood by Darmic, silent in his heartache.
It was a long night spent with the telling of their adventures and the reason behind the attacks. At last they parted ways, each to their own dwellings.
Scorpion sought out Terpa and made love to her, in the morning she wished he hadn’t for on the table was a note:

I am taking Darmic on a Soul Journey. We may not return. Live your life as you please.

She fell to the ground in shock, staring at the unmistakable hand writing. He doesn’t love you.

Terpa became a shell of herself after that, only going through the motions of life. Never really feeling, tasting or seeing anything. She barely managed to smile at Asta and Merricks wedding. Eventually Sivids patience and devotion brought her back to life and they married.

One day many years later in the dead of winter a man going by the name of Scorpion turned up, badly wounded and asking for Terpa. He refused to be healed by anyone else.

Terpa sat by the window staring out at the rain. Her heart yearned to go to him but she would never betray Sivid like that. She had made a vow and she intended to remain true to it. She didn’t hear the soft footsteps behind her and jumped as Sivids gentle hand rested on her shoulder.
“Go to him” he said with compassion.
“But...” she began. He silenced her with a finger to her lips.
“Go” he said smiling sadly. Terpa hugged him with all her might and then rushed out the door.
Sivid stood there and watched the rain, tears could come later he decided.

Terpa rushed into the Healing room, recognising the face that had haunted her dreams for years. He was barely conscious and looked ravaged by time. She thought she would never see anyone so beautiful again. Terpa held him close for a moment. He opened his eyes slightly, smiled and breathed out his last breath.
“No” she whispered. The joy of seeing him turned to ice inside her.
“I love you” she moaned, more a plea as all her dreams of him coming back to her turned into one long hideous nightmare.
“No!” she screamed. It took three strong men to drag her away.
Whatever was left of Terpa died that day with Scorpion.
Some say she killed herself not long after, but other wiser people say she died of a broken heart...
© Copyright 2011 Belinda Cowell (bel08 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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