Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/181254-Are-you-sure-you-are-going-to-Heaven
Rated: E · Letter/Memo · How-To/Advice · #181254
An open letter to all on how to be sure you are going to Heaven.
I like to run this back through the site every so often. I revised this about a week after 9-11.

Dear Online Friends,

I have ran this a few times but think there is a need once again in light of what our nation is going through. Please if you do not know if you are going to Heaven, read this. Those people killed last week did not have any idea when they left home that morning that they would not live to see another day. It could just have well been you or I. Are you ready?

I have been very active in visitation in my church lately and it has occurred to me that there are a lot of lost people in the world.
Many people are not sure of their eternal life? They do not know if they are going to Heaven or not.

I have but one question for you. In your personal opinion what do you understand it takes for a person to go to Heaven?

Many people think that good works will get them there. They say they are pretty good so they just hope they make it that way some day! Others have no idea! Maybe you think you are a pretty good person and you more than likely are ... therefore you think you will go to Heaven. I do not know what your answer is but I would like to share with you on how to be sure that you will go to Heaven.

It is only through Jesus Christ that we can become a Christian. You see, we are all sinners! Everyone of us is a sinner at some time or another in our lives. It is just human nature for us to sin. The first sin was committed in the garden with Adam and Eve. Since that time, God has always wanted the shedding of blood for atonement of sins. In the Old Testament, we read of animal sacrifices for the forgiveness of sins. But then God sent Jesus! It was foretold many years before he was even born that God would send a Savior for us. For you! You see, Jesus died and shed blood on the cross for you and for me and all of mankind. It should have been us shedding our own blood, but Jesus gave us a gift of dying for us. He suffered on that cross for you! He could have easily begged God to take him straight out of his misery up on that cross, but he didn't. Now, your part to becoming a Christian is to accept that gift. How? Well it works like this. First you must repent! Let's say you were going down a road and you passed by a place where you were supposed to go. What would you do? You more than likely would turn around. Right? Well to turn means to repent. Like I said, we are all sinners and we must ask God to forgive us of our sins. Repentance means a complete change of heart and mind regarding sin. You agree with God that you are a sinner and now you want to live a life pleasing to him. Then the FAITH part comes in. Faith in Jesus Christ entails accepting who He is, "God's Son!" He died for you and then conquered death by rising again in three days. You must believe that He is able to save you and you must put your trust (FAITH) in Christ alone to make you right with God.

If God has shown you your need and given you a desire to be saved, then turn to Christ now! Speak to him. He hears you. Admit to him you are a sinner("God, I am a sinner!") Tell him you are a helpless sinner. Ask him to save you and let him be Lord of your life, helping you to leave behind your sinful ways and live for him!
THe Bible saids "If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you shall be saved." This is in Romans 10:9.

If you have prayed in this manner, then you should find some Christians who hold the Bible as God's Word and ask them to help you as you learn to live as God wants you to live. Please e-mail me too. Tell others of you decision. God doesn't want you to be ashamed to share your salvation with others! Read the Bible and let it guide you! Welcome to the family of Believers! I'll meet you someday in Heaven!!!!!!!!!!

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