Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1812137-Road-Rage-Ch1
by Acal
Rated: XGC · Novella · Erotica · #1812137
A tired, frustrated cop pulls over frustrated businesswoman and his life changes forever
Chapter 1

Officer Brennan Parker leaned back into his car seat and groaned. He just wanted to go home, his shift had been long and aggravating, just another five minutes and he could clock off and get out of here. Speed trap duty was so tiresome but he was anxious to get the promotion he had been after to get out of this and into what he would call proper police work.

He cursed as he saw an expensive looking car drive past making the speed gun go crazy. He wanted to go home, but he was committed to this job, so he pulled out and followed the car. When he got behind the car, he flicked the siren for a moment. He wanted to quickly deal with this irritation and get home to relax.

Tanya Blake just had the day from hell. Her car had broken down making her super late to work making her day become even worse. She then finds out that her worst enemy got her desired promotion instead of her, this was the second time she had been passed over. Tanya was sick of her job, she wanted a change but it wasn’t going to happen anytime soon. She was brought out of her thoughts as a siren blared behind her.

She looked at her speed and cursed violently, she was three miles over the limit. She contemplated attempting to escape the cop, but that would only make things more complicated. Not that it could get any worse, she growled in frustration as she looked for a place to pull over. The siren blared again and she had to hold back an impulse to give the cop a rude gesture. It only made her more frustrated, she didn’t care now he’d pissed her off, she’d give the cop everything she had when the fine came out.

Brennan was about ready to grind his teeth in frustration, he could see her now, the shapely silhouette in the driver’s seat. She wasn’t obeying directions, he’d make the fine stick for sure. He was so sick of arrogant drivers who thought they ruled the road and could do whatever they liked, it was one of the reasons why he wanted to get off patrol duty.  He was about to flick the siren again until she pulled over on a service bay shoulder. At least he didn’t have to deal with dodging traffic this time thankfully.

Tanya turned off the engine and waited for the cop to get out,  as she was certainly going to give him a serve. These cops had nothing better to do then to chase down their all-important fines, she muttered in disgust it was a fine she certainly didn’t need. Yet more crap that she had to deal with today.

Brennan grabbed his ticket book and opened his door, stepping out and walking towards the car in front of him. He wasn’t in the mood for anymore shit today, he was supposed to be off duty now but he was stuck doing this. His promotion couldn’t come any faster he thought with frustration. He rapped on the window impatiently as the woman seated inside took her sweet time trying his patience further.

The sharp rap on her window pissed her off even more, she’d give him a stare that would send a lion off whimpering. She pressed the window button and glared at the cop, “What do you want?”

The outburst set him off, he was pissed off now, she was wasting his time. So he would waste hers in return, “Maybe for arrogant speeders to obey the road rules? Get out of the car, miss,” he demanded angrily.

She looked up at the demanding cop and for a moment was taken aback. He was devilishly sexy, especially now. His eyes were like dark stormy clouds in deep midnight blue, his short black hair cropped. Tanya could drool over the man but no he had to be an arrogant cop, pity. “Why should I? You haven’t given me a reason to,” she said. If he was going to play it like that so would she, she detested arrogance in all its forms.

“You’ve given me reason to suspect you might be hiding something, get out of the car now or this will be more than a fine,” he said almost growling his eyes boring into hers.

A shock of apprehension shot through her, the man in front of her was a real man, his arrogance struck her as being dominant confidence. Too bad for her he was an arrogant cop taking pleasure in fining her. She wouldn’t give up quite so easily though, she hadn’t pushed him quite far enough yet. If it had been any other day she would have just paid the fine and moved on but after the day she had just had, she felt like a raging bull and the arrogant behaviour of the cop only tipped her off even more, she wasn't letting him get away with this, real man or not!

“And what makes you think that? I certainly have nothing to hide, I just don’t appreciate the manner that this is being dealt with,” she said her eyes glaring back at him.

Her eyes were a vibrant green that just bored right into him, this woman thought she was so tough, her heated arrogance made him grit his teeth, she thought she could get away with anything with her long blonde hair and her sexy good looks. He was going to teach her a lesson, “If you don’t get out of this car in the next five seconds, I’m well within my rights to charge you with failing to respond to commands from a police officer,” he would take great pleasure in it too. This woman was pushing him to his breaking point.

Tanya cursed, it was a waste of hunky specimen she thought. Too bad he was such a hard ass and was in this situation or she’d probably ask him for his number. She opened the door and stepped out, the best thing she could do right now was to get this over and done with so she could get home and release the stress from her day.

“Hands against the roof and spread your legs, I’m conducting a body search for concealments,” he said gruffly. He was going to enjoy ruffling up miss uptight.

She growled under her breath and assumed the position, cop or not she’d whack him a good one if he tried anything. She wasn’t a piece of meat, she’d have his badge if he did anything inappropriate to her.

Brennan bit his bottom lip to hold in a groan, she was one sexy woman too bad she was far too uptight and arrogant for him, her demeanour could freeze the balls off a horse. One thing he did know about the uptight ones was that they didn’t like getting ruffled at all. It could at least provide him with some entertainment, he was moving into uncharted territory here with what he planned to do, an impulsive urge had just grabbed hold as he went with it, tossing his usual measured caution to the wind. He started with her underarms, grasping her firmly. He knew the touch wasn’t exactly professional but he was past caring, this woman had stirred up something hungry inside of him. He grinned wickedly to himself, it was at least going to be a bit of fun.

She had to bite her lips to stop a groan from escaping, his rough touch sent a dark thrill through her. She should not be enjoying it so much, she knew she should say something anything, he was certainly not acting professionally and she should kick his ass for it but for some reason she was frozen there unable to react, but she knew that subconsciously she wanted this rugged man. She had to do something or she knew that the hunky cop would think her weak and easy to push around, she was so not that type of woman, it was time to show the cop what she had. She pushed back against him and rubbed against his crotch, she almost did let a groan come out as she felt the solid bulge in his pants. He was rock hard against her, now she certainly should do something about it but still she was frozen in place,  unable to react to it as his hands reached around and ‘searched’ the sides of her breasts. Guiltily she knew that she was enjoying his conduct way too much, but the impulse just leapt up and grabbed, she needed to see where this went.

“Hold still,” he said more of a growl then anything as she brushed her tight ass against his cock straining against his zipper. Touching this woman had sent streaks of fiery hot desire racing through him, he didn’t understand how his frustration of this arrogant woman had turned so hot and in a whole other direction. He was certainly going to get his ass kicked for this one he thought, he’d never behaved so unprofessionally, but the impulse holding him tight didn’t want him to stop. He reached around her and grasped the sides of her breasts, she was however testing him with her ‘accidental’ rubs, so he’d test her right back. He had to bite back another groan as the softness of her breasts gave way under his demanding grasp.

As she felt his hands slide lower down to her hips, she jerked and then rubbed up against his groin again and smirked wickedly as she heard his muttered curse and strangled groan that he had unsuccessfully tried to suppress, she was starting to get hot, she had never felt like this before. This was new and exciting, the danger of doing this right here out in the open where any of the passing motorists could see that this wasn’t a routine search, sent a sharp thrill through her body. “Mind backing off a bit there officer? I wouldn’t want you to get into any sort of trouble...” she said to him with a little bit of huskiness in her voice, it was fun to tease.

The cop was totally gorgeous and even though he was an arrogant hard ass, he was making her hot from his touch. His commanding presence spoke to the real woman inside of her, she knew he really shouldn’t be doing it like this and the fact that she had felt his considerable solidness pulsing in his pants. She knew that this was no longer a perfunctionary search if it ever had been from the start.

He almost chuckled at her comment, she was just as bad as him, if she really didn’t want this she would be protesting a whole lot louder than that, the impulse rode him harder to do something crazy. “Would you stop doing that?” he asked with gritted teeth as she brushed her tight ass against his cock again. She was going to drive him crazy, he had to get this done now and get out of here or he was going to get into some serious trouble, weather she was open to it or not he didn’t really want to risk his career like this. With the same grasp he searched the rest of her, trailing his hands down her ass and thighs before standing back.

Tanya turned around and leaned back against her car admiring his solid form. She wondered how far she could push this.

“I just need your license and registration now,” he said roughly, he had to get away from her fast or he’d likely end up doing something he regretted.

When he removed his hands she almost whined, she was scorching now, he wasn’t just going to drop her like that after stirring her up she thought, he’d already gone this far she thought wickedly, it was time to make her play for the sexy cop, damn the consequences. She opened her car door and retrieved her wallet and the registration papers then handed them to the cop.

“I’ll just process these and I will be right back,” he said with a hot look, his face flushing with restrained heat.

“Damn...” she whispered to herself as she watched his ass move and the flex of the muscles in his legs and shoulders. She knew exactly what she had to do now, she wanted a piece of that beefcake, maybe more than one... She was too hot to care now, he had already pushed the boundaries, she was going to tear them asunder, he won’t know what hit him.

Brennan took longer than he needed to process the documentation, he needed to stall for time to let his overheating body cool down some, she was a fire cracker that was liable to set him on fire. Miss Blake had him so hard he was about ready to burst he quickly and discreetly adjusted his straining cock in his pants, he just had to give her back her papers and be on his way before anything else happened, he didn’t trust himself any longer. If she touched him again he may be liable to just throw her against the car and devour her. He opened the door and stepped out with her details and strode towards her, strategically letting the registration sheet rest over his aching cock.

She gave him a good once over as he approached again, his uniform clung tightly around his muscular chest, his arms almost tearing up the short sleeves of his shirt. She grinned at his feeble attempt of hiding the bulge in his pants with the papers he was holding in front of it, he couldn’t fool her, especially not after she had gotten such a hard impression of his package earlier. It lured her eyes to the strong muscles in his legs as he was almost near the car. she licked her lips in anticipation, she wanted him and nothing was going to come between him and her, her mind was made up. What she wanted she always got... not including that damn promotion however.

He was almost away from here, if it had been anywhere else he would have taken the opportunity but not now, not while he was still in uniform and officially still on duty. He approached her with her details and said before handing them back to her, “Drive more carefully in the future and you’ll avoid any more incidents,”

Oh no, he did not just give her the brush off! She thought fuming she had to act fast or her chance would be lost, before he had a chance to back away from her, she grabbed his hips and shoved him up against her car and kissed him hungrily, demandingly. He tasted like a man should, rough and earthy sending a bolt of pleasure through her. She pressed up against him to feel his delicious hardness pressing against his pants and his delectably hard abs hiding under his shirt.

He grunted as she shoved him up against her car, before he could react to anything her tongue was pushing its way into his mouth. He groaned into the kiss, she tasted of spices, hot and fiery, equal to her obvious domineering personality. At least he still had some of his wits, if he allowed this to continue here. They would make a public spectacle and would likely end up costing him his career, he shoved her away forcefully and growled letting all the trapped passion and heat escape into his growl. “You’re under arrest for assaulting a police officer,” He grabbed her arm and pulled her towards his squad car.

“Stay there, don’t move,” he said gruffly. He reached in the driver window and picked up the radio to sign off his arm quivering with anticipation as he spoke into the receiver.

Tanya licked her lips and savoured his taste again, I suppose he thinks he’ll control the whole thing. But he’ll be mistaken, she wasn’t going to let him run completely over her, her instincts demanded a more even setting. She knew that they wouldn’t be interrupted gladly as she saw him turn the radio off after reporting his status, it would be a yet another major downer in her day of lows.

He didn’t want any interruptions especially now that he was off duty he could turn off his radio, he wanted to devote his full attention to driving the woman crazy. He looked at Tanya and saw the fire in her eyes matching his. He opened the back door and demanded, “Get in.”

His growl sent shivers up her spine, this was going to be explosive. She knew he’d probably tease her, being fully clothed while she would end up naked. She sought to rectify that little issue right now, she wanted to see his delicious chest bared. She sat back in the seat and waited for him to get close enough. Then she struck, she quickly reached out and with a sharp yank ripped his shirt open scattering his buttons all over the road. Her mouth watered at the sight of his hard packed muscles. The clear sharp ridges of his abs dusted with fine black hair made her drool.

He hissed as she tore his shirt open, it set his body alight no woman had ever been physically aggressive with him in this way it charged him up like never before. He wanted to just drive himself into her right now, but that would end up being way too short for his liking not to mention his pride, he’d handle it for now. He was committed to this, no matter how wrong it was. For once he was being impulsive and completely throwing out his carefulness, the thrill of danger that he may be caught made this all the more exciting.

His scent filled her nose and clouded her brain as she caught his shirt he threw it at her. She shivered in anticipation as he with potent intention pulled off his gun belt and dropped it through the driver window, she wanted him to take off his pants and show her the package she had already felt.  He was big, she knew that much, she was in for a rough ride. While she mused, distracted from what he was doing, he struck and ripped off her blouse.

Electric heat sizzled through her body, he certainly wanted to play rough and that he would get in spades. He grinned wickedly at her, she felt as though she could melt into a puddle of lust right now. She didn’t like not knowing what his name was when he knew hers. “Before we go any further, what’s your name Officer?” she dragged a pointed nail down between her breasts and opened her bra.

He growled and said, “You’re such a temptress you know that? Its Brennan,” he couldn’t take his eyes off her newly exposed breasts. He had to have a taste, he leaned in and pushed her down on the seat and closed his lips over her nipple.

She gasped as his searing hot lips grasped her nipple and sucked. Her hands with their pointed nails reached over him and scraped his back. She gave a wicked grin as she felt his muscles quiver under her touch.

He bit back a groan as her nails scored streaks of fire across his back. His cock pulsed angrily against his pants as he feasted on her flesh. He needed to contain her desire to control this or he’d end up losing it and ravish her hard, he grabbed her arms and pinned them down, he kissed down her chest to where her dress laid.

She knew he was going to keep torturing her, unless she did something about that. She did something she had never done before but desperate situations called for desperate measures assuring her pride that it was alright she’d get it back, she begged him, “Damn it! Just fuck me Brennan! Please!”

Fuck it, he could go slow next time, he thought after hearing her plea, it burned through his body her ardent submission shattered his control. He leaned back and quickly stripped her dress off, then sat back on the seat. He groaned as she reached over him and pulled his belt open and unbuttoned his pants. Her fingers on him sent pulses of sharp pleasure all over his body.

He was going to explode if he didn’t control himself now. He took a deep breath as she unzipped his pants and then quickly tugged his boxers down with them. He kicked them off yanking them away from his boots and then shoved her down on the seat. He practically snarled at her as he slammed deep into her. They both hissed together at the sizzling burn racing over their flesh.

“Fuck! Brennan! Do that again!” she hissed, she was being a shameless hussy, something about this situation had allowed her to let loose like she never had before. She reached around and dug her nails into his back and gave his thick cock a squeeze with her inner walls.

He grunted as she squeezed around him, he pulled back and slammed into her again, the fire had overtaken him raging throughout his body, he pulled back and rammed into her again and again, picking up the pace. Sweat beaded all over his body as her nails cut into his back, the sharp pain blending with the fierce-some pleasure eating him alive.

She had reduced him to just grunts and groans, she grinned at her feminine victory over him, she wrapped her legs around his and followed his thrusts doubling the pleasure almost knocking her out with the intensity of the ground shaking pulses running through her. The energy and viciousness of their coupling as they scratched and bruised each other must have something to do with all the stress and frustration that was exploding out of her and out of him. She knew her nails had drawn blood as she felt liquid pooling around her them. She wanted to add to that frightfully exotic feeling, she reached up and dug her teeth into his neck, tasting his skin loving that she could make him roar like an animal.

He was fast losing control, the tension and frustration of the day pouring out of him as he savagely slammed into her, the fierce bite of her nails in his back sending it up a whole other level. Her bite to his neck made him back and let loose a roar of ragged passion, he was nearing the end of his tether as he jerked against her.

She leaned back and screamed from the pleasure it was burning hot and out of control, her nails dragged down his back as he slammed into her, his rough sweat dusted chest muscles rubbing over hers, his chest hair brushing her nipples making her crazy. She bit into his shoulder and screamed as her orgasm thundered through her, crushing his cock inside of her.

Brennan leaned back and roared as the bite to his shoulder was all it took to send him crashing over the edge, the death grip she had on his cock choked off his blinding orgasm, trapping it inside of him until her muscles loosened allowing him to violently pulse into her spilling his hot seed deep inside of her. He collapsed on top of her and panted heavily, his back stung all over from her nails cutting into him.

Tanya panted harshly as Brennan’s heavy bulk collapsed on top of her, her eyes rolled from the mind altering pleasure. She knew one thing for certain, she was a whole lot more relaxed now, the day’s stress burned away. Then she looked down at Brennan’s back and gasped, She had dug bloody gashes in his back with her nails. “Damn it, sorry Brennan,” she said.

“Don’t be, that was breathtaking,” he said panting. The sting from his back had been swallowed up by the post-sex bliss out he always had after extremely good sex. After a while he managed to get up, the dark had settled and he needed to get the car back to the station and retrieve his. He knew how to get in contact with Tanya should he want to. And he did want to he just wanted her to know that without making it seem to obvious. He slid on his boxers and opened the door and slid out, he collected his ticket book and wrote down his number and tore out the ticket, dropping the book back onto the seat.

She watched what he was doing, the man was certainly very sexy, even more so now with that mellowed look that had gotten over him smoothing out his expression. She wanted to explore that broad muscular chest, but she knew there wasn’t any more time for that sadly. She got her clothes in order while he was writing something.

He slid back into the car and handed her the ticket, “Here’s your ticket Miss Blake, drive carefully,”

She got out and stared at his chest one last time and got out. “I will now,” she said as she stumbled slightly out onto the road. She walked over to her car and pulled the door open and sat down and inspected the ticket.

Call me anytime you’re feeling stressed

She looked at the number and she thought wickedly she had nothing to do tonight.... she shut the door and started her car. She’d give him about an hour to finish up then she’d call and see what he would do. Tonight was going to be fun after all she thought with a grin.

She looked in the rear view mirror as she slowly pulled back on the road and saw him leaning against his police car his shirt hanging open. Even though he gave her his number she wasn't sure if he'd go through with it, with a mischievous grin on her face, she opened the passenger window and tossed out her purse. She really hoped he got that message and was proven right when she checked the mirror again and saw him jogging up to her purse and picking it up. Bright with teeth flashed as he grinned and shook his head. Now he had a reason to come, she just had to wait.

 Road Rage Ch.2  (XGC)
A tired, frustrated cop pulls over frustrated businesswoman and his life changes forever
#1812138 by Acal
© Copyright 2011 Acal (acal at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1812137-Road-Rage-Ch1