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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1811819
The legend of the almighty Split Tail Dragon and her adventures with Neon Arkedore.
A long time ago a lonely boy named Neon Arkedore rescued a dying Ling pup, a Split Tail so weak and fragile it seemed a very miracle she lived at all. Neon had been on a family holiday to Lanka Port and took the little Ling home to show his parents. Most parents would not have let a little boy try and revive a malnourished Ling pup so they could spare someone so young the pain. But his parents were noble of spirit and had big hearts. Being Knights of Ling they felt it was their duty to help those in need. Neon named the Ling Ramseye and she flourished under his loving care, although she never grew very big.
His friends teased him for being life bonded to a Ling too small to ride but for being small in stature Ramseye was powerful. Neon and Ramseye made a good team and rarely lost a battle, their teamwork soon became legendary in village of Sanyor where they lived.
Arkedore soon grew up enough to venture out on their own and went to find their fortunes. Their travels soon brought them across the Arayan Desert to the village of Conessette where Neons cousin Pale Magonys lived.
Pale was a good companion but soon Rhonda Eclaris caught his eye and he spent a great deal of time with her. Ramseye did not like this Rhonda woman but they were married not long after meeting despite her objections. She especially did not like her Ling, Suki, who was a simpering affection hog.
Not long after the couple were married whispers began that someone was gathering unregistered dragons without a license but no one could find out the truth or why someone would want to do that...
One day the now Knighted Arkedore sent Ramseye far away on a journey to Sanyor Village to visit his parents and siblings.
That’s when Rhonda struck. She poisoned his morning tea with a sedative. She held him hostage, saying that she would kill him if the Knights of Ling and their Warriors tried to stop her.
A terrible uprising began, dragons took to the skies and began to lay claim to the Land of Isharis in the name of Rhonda Eclaris.
Lebyuna wanted to fight back but the Knights would no forfeit one of their most valued and beloved that easily.
Ramseye heard what had happened while in Sanyor. She managed to fend off the worst of the attacks on the village and travelled to the capital city. There she asked Lebyuna for help, he taught her how to morph into dragon form. She may have been small but had enough power to learn it easily. He even gave her a permanent dragon license.
Ramseye managed to rescue her bond mate Neon and then full blown war broke out.
After nearly destroying the surface of the planet a truce was made, lest there be no prize to be won afterwards. The dragons fought in space around Lebyuna Trenos. Soon there were only a few dragons left to fight each other.
Arkdedore and Rhonda fought head on. Luckily Rhonda got distracted by explaining her evil plot adn Ramseye killed her with a quick blast of energy to the head.
The battle was won and the rule of Lebyuna secured.
Ramseye and Neon Arkedore were celebrated as heroes across the Land of Isharis. To this day Ramseye has been the only Split Tail to achieve Dragon form.
© Copyright 2011 Belinda Cowell (bel08 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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