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The first part of a Birdy the Mighty Fanfiction |
Tsutomu cringed as a terrible wave of pain washed over him. This was the most terrible pain yet, and his resolve was finally broken. He had to see Birdy again, nothing else mattered because without her he would die and so would she. He went over to a small desk and picked up the phone she had left him. He flicked the phone open and dialed in the number Birdy had given him, praying that the phone would be able to reach her on her home planet of Altera. The phone call went through and Tsutomu felt the pain lessen as he heard Birdy’s voice for the first time in the whole year that had gone by since they had separated into their own bodies. “Tsutomu,” Birdy said over the phone, “What’s going on? It’s about time you called me.” “Birdy, I need you to come to Earth right now. Meet me at the ruins of the Ryunka Incident,” Tsutomu said into the phone Tsutomu said into the phone with urgency in his voice. “Um Ok, I’ll be there soon. What is the big rush?” Birdy asked. “I’ll tell you when you get there,” Tsutomu said, “Bye.” Tsutomu closed the phone and left his house and started walking toward the ruins. He figured Birdy’s spaceship would take as long to get to the ruins as he did to walk there. He felt the pain lessen with every step as he and Birdy got closer and closer to each other. After walking for an hour he came to a large open area of the ruins. He guessed that Birdy wasn’t there yet or she would have shown herself. Tsutomu didn’t have to wait long for Birdy’s arrival. Three minutes later there was a brief gust of wind and then Birdy’s ship decloaked and she jumped out of the cockpit. For a few minutes Tsutomu was overwhelmed by her presence. She was more beautiful than he ever remembered her. This was mostly due to the fact that he hadn’t seen her for a year. There was also the fact that her figure had blossomed even more. Her breasts had grown from their previous G-cup size to an incredible L- cup size. Her skimpy Federation uniform was barely able to contain her boobs. Tsutomu forced himself to look at Birdy’s face again. She had a bright smile on her face, showing she was happy to see him. But Tsutomu knew she was also happy because the pain was almost gone. “Hey Tsutomu!” Birdy said, “What did you call me over here for?” “Because there are some things that need fixing and others that need showing,” Tsutomu said in a low voice. “Will a hug fix any of these problems?” Birdy asked sweetly. “Actually, a hug will fix one of my problems,” Tsutomu said. With that, Birdy hugged Tsutomu tightly. Tsutomu embraced her as well and with their arms around each other a golden glow enveloped the two of them. They both felt something flowing between them and after a few seconds Tsutomu released Birdy. “Tsutomu what just happened? Why were we glowing?” Birdy asked. “That was our soul being pieced back together Birdy,” Tsutomu stated calmly. “Our soul, why was our soul in pieces and why did you use soul in singular, “Birdy shouted, “We each have our own soul…Right?” “Actually in our case it’s different,” Tsutomu said. “How! Birdy yelled. “It happened the day we first merged,” Tsutomu began, “Although our hearts and bodies stayed separate, as soon as we merged our souls became just one soul between the two of us. While we were merged that was no problem, but the day we separated for good I began to feel a dull ache. Every day that ache got worse until each day I was in mortal agony, and so were you if I am correct.” “Wait… how did you know I’ve been in pain,” Birdy asked. “That is because our emotions and brainwaves have been in tune for so long we are each able to read each other’s emotions and sensations. If we try hard enough we can even read each other’s minds,” Tsutomu stated. “So our soul is fixed now, right?” Birdy asked hopefully. “Only temporarily,” Tsutomu responded. Seeing Birdy’s smile disappear he spoke up again, “There is a way for our soul to stay whole forever.” “Really! What is it?” Birdy asked with a note of joy in her voice. “We would have to always be close to each other,” Tsutomu said flatly. “Wait, what?” Birdy asked. “Ugh, that didn’t come out right,” Tsutomu muttered. “Birdy what I’m trying to say is…, I need you and I can’t live without you. I want you to stay with me forever. Friend, girlfriend, whatever. What I’m saying is that I love you and I know you love me as well, and I want that love to grow.” Having laid his heart out bare to Birdy, Tsutomu waited for her reply. Birdy was completely shocked by Tsutomu’s confession. This was partially because Tsutomu had admitted he loved her, but another part of her surprise was that he had somehow known that she had feelings for him as well. After a few more moments of thought she reached a decision that was surprisingly easy. “Tsutomu, of course I’ll stay with you forever,” Birdy said while running up and hugging him. “You will?” Tsutomu said asked happily. “Yes, and of course I’ll be your girlfriend,” Birdy said while hugging Tsutomu’s face into her massive breasts, “Altairans and Humans are almost exactly the same anyway so there isn’t any need to worry about crazy mutations and stuff like that. Now what was it that you wanted to show me?” “I wanted to show you one other change the fusion of our bodies so long ago caused,” Tsutomu said. Tsutomu slipped out of Birdy’s boob hug and walked over to a nearby ruined skyscraper. He then formed a Hyper Resolve attack in his fist and struck the skyscraper. Birdy watched awestruck as the building slowly began to crumble to the ground. “You see Birdy, I am an Ixioran just like you,” Tsutomu said. “That’s amazing Tsutomu, can you explain how that happened?” Birdy asked. “Yes, we would like to know that as well,” said a voice. Tsutomu and Birdy turned around, and in the settling dust of the skyscraper two figures stepped out. They were Commander Megius and Skeletsu from the Space Federation. “I’m afraid you are both to be taken in for questioning,” Megius said to Birdy and Tsutomu. |