Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1809575-A-Peculiar-Potion
by Ber239
Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1809575
What happens when Harry Potter takes a swig of polyjuice potion and turns into Snape?
Sweeping my greasy locks from my forehead, I looked into the mirror before me. A smirk slowly lifted the right corner of my mouth, as I stood looking at one Severus Snape. It had been easy enough for me to acquire the required hair sample for my polyjuice potion, but keeping the actual Snape away from Hogwarts while I wrecked havoc was a whole nother story. The evil potions professor had been lured away with an 'emergency' call in Hogsmeade, and would easily be kept at bay for an hour or two.

A group of Ravenclaw’s and Gryffindors surrounded me in my dorm room as I drank the surprisingly bright purple potion that unsurprisingly tasted like a week old unwashed mass of hair. Pinching my nose, the drink went down. Moments later, cheers erupted as I took in my appearance. They were silenced as I swept my robe around and faced them, looking and acting exactly like Severus Snape. Eyes suddenly widened and fear washed through the crowd. It was as if Snape had come back from his little trip and was ready to punish whoever had been involved. But then I swept my hand forward and took a bow. More cheers erupted, and then I was quickly hurried out of the tower to begin my hour of mayhem.

My first act was to be seen being amiable to a house elf working at Hogwarts. Someone had gone down to the kitchens to extract one, and now we stood facing each other at the entrance of the Great Hall. It was dinner time and the place was full of chattering students. The young elf looked up at me with a shiver. Snape’s reputation preceded him, and all knew what he was capable of.

“Ye-yes Master Snape?” the young elf trembled on the spot, looking at everything but me. “Would M-Master Snape like anything?” Not being use to being called up into the castle, the elf didn’t know what he was doing there. I knelt down to his height, causing quite a stir in the crowd forming around us.

“Sparky, is that right?” I began. The young elf nodded. “Well then Sparky, I wanted to present you with a little gift on my behalf. I would like to thank you and all of the other elves at Hogwarts for your hard work.” I produced a patch worked quilt that was big enough for an elf, and handed it over to Sparky before standing up. With tears in his eyes, the elf held the quilt and moments later, attached itself to my leg. I smiled and rubbed its head affectionately before pulling him off and walking through a clapping and snickering crowd. I retrieved a piece of parchment from my robes pocket as I turned a corner, and before my eyes, the first of a list of over 50 things crossed itself out. Smiling, I put the parchment away and merrily continued on my way to complete the rest.
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