Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1807728-She
Rated: E · Other · Other · #1807728
For my wife

I was not looking for anything
when she found me,
soft curves reminiscent
of the last, drawn out days of summer.

I was in college then,
a world of promises and make believe,
an unrealistic portrait of possibilities
that dances on the edge of reality.

I was attracted to her beauty,
but fell hard for her essence.

In the fast track of a modern world
where nothing is sacred,
and all is disposable,
she still clung to the simple.
The virtue of reality
in a world filled with plastic people
hiding behind their showplace homes,
their fancy cars,
and their sterile, white bread ways.

We’ve had our moments,
nights when tensions
have hit their breaking points.
Disagreements about little things
and horrific storms
that shook foundations.
but from the rubble, we still arise
a testament
to the strength of our love.

So now, fifteen years on,
I am still struck by the same beauty,
the constant desire to remain
removed from the quickening pace
of a world gone mad.

Two children later,
and she is more beautiful today,
than she was the day we met.

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