Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1802830-A-new-friend
Rated: · Other · Other · #1802830
A story for a contest. Bradley gets by with a little help from his new friend.
The sun hung lazily in the west that afternoon as Bradley ran. He was running as if his life depended on it. His life was in no real danger, as his pursuer would just beat him various shades of blue, depending on his mood. His aggressor today was Kyle. Though it was usually Kyle, sometimes he had his friends in tow to mix things up a bit.
“I’m gonna eat you for dinner, you fucking pussy!” Kyle screamed.
Bradley smiled a little. He had always been easy pickings for bullies. After years of chase, he had become a good runner, and avoided most would be tormentors, but Kyle was on the track and field team and could catch up to anyone. He was also meaner than most. The rumour was that Kyle’s father had been a drill sergeant in the army and had raised his boy on a steady diet of abuse, both physical and verbal, which moulded him into the godless hurt machine that was snapping at his heels. These pursuits were so frequent that all horror and adrenaline had been absent for some time. But today was different. Today, predator would become prey.
The thought gave Bradley a renewed sense of determination as he gave his last push of energy. He was almost at his destination. Soon, Kyle would meet his new friend. He had met him last Friday after evading his usual after school special, while hiding in the basement of the old abandoned house near his parents’ own house. He had been scared to go into that building, which had a bad reputation by virtue of the rumour mill, but it was better than getting bruised up. As it turned out, it was the best thing that ever happened to him.
The house was now in sight, only a few more yards. Kyle was close too. It would be a tight win. Up the steps, through the door, and down into the basement he went. His antagonist followed. He was now in the corner, covered by the shadows.
“Fuck your dumb!” said Kyle as he arrived. “You thought you could hide here? You shit bag, I’m going to make you suffer for making me run.”
Bradley just smiled as he tried to catch his breath.
“Gonna say something funny, funny boy? I’m gonna fuck you uuu...” Kyle’s threat ended as he fell to the ground. A large green tentacle had rapped itself around his legs.
“What the fuck?!” said Kyle.
It’s gonna eat you for dinner, asshole.” Said Bradley.
He watched as more of his special friend’s tentacles emerged and covered the bully’s body. His screams were muffled as one of the long appendages forced itself into Kyle’s mouth. His eyes wide with terror and wet with pain. More tentacles grabbed on to his arms and legs to hold him still. Then a sickeningly wet ripping sound accompanied an explosion of flesh and blood, the whole spectacle not unlike a fireworks display. Now it would feed and Bradley would watch. A small shiver of anticipation worked its way up his spine. He would have to find others if he wanted to keep his new friend, and he did. This would be something wonderful. This would be the start of a beautiful friendship.
© Copyright 2011 Bern Word (hollowheart at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1802830-A-new-friend