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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Romance/Love · #1801264
Is a fantasy, and what would happen if there were any girl hero's out there.
“Don’t care about anyone. They will only hurt you.” My father’s voice rings in my ears. But there had to be at least on exception to that rule right? I mean not everyone was out to break my heart. There had to be at least one person who wanted me to be happy… right? He didn’t look like he wanted to hurt me. But then again my mother hadn’t looked like that either. And now where was she? I push such thoughts out of my brain. My name is Emily Baker. But that isn’t my real name. My father changed it from Hailey Forthson a few months ago. He said my name was too original and he wanted us to be hard to find. He said he would tell me why, “All in good time.” I lived in Atlanta, Georgia until my mother left. Then my father changed my name and we moved to a small town called Havendale in Vermont. Now I’m the new girl in school and am being constantly teased. I guess that it doesn’t help when your father is the school’s new Gym teacher. Of course there would also be fewer jokes if I wasn’t so smart. But that’s the product of having too much time on my hands. Anyway, with all of the jokes and the teasing I have basically been a loner for the three months I’ve been here. Needless to say I have no delusions about being someone people here will tend to like. So as I walked into Geometry fourth hour I wasn’t even embarrassed when I was tripped and spilled my books all over the aisle. I slowly picked myself up and looked at the person whose foot had caused this scene. “Excuse me. I don’t know if you realize, but you just made me fall.” The boy looked at me like I had grown a second head. I didn’t really expect anything different; this was probably the most I had ever said to anyone since I got here. “Excuse me. I don’t know if you realize, but I don’t care,” he laughed. I rolled my eyes at his brilliant comeback and began to retrieve my books. But then there was someone helping me. I looked up in surprise. He was tall, his eyes were green, and he was built like a football player. Thick muscles ran across his shoulders and his chest, only hinted at beneath his dark blue t-shirt. I shook my head to stop my ogling. I brace myself for this to be some kind of joke too, but he holds my books out to me and looks me in the eye. And now here I am thinking that maybe my father was wrong just because of this one kind gesture. I look away and take my books. I mumble a quiet “Thank you.” And walk with my head high to my seat. The boy took his seat as well. What I found strange was that he sat next to me. How did I not notice him before? Weird, I think to myself. “Aww! The freaks have banned together.” Someone yells from the front of the room. That extracts laughter from around the classroom. “Yes, it seems you have.” I comment in a voice loud enough for them to hear. I don’t know what made me say that. Why did I have to pick fights? I had done so well the past three months. Oh well, I sighed internally. The classroom was filled with the quiet shock of my words. The boy next to me cracked a smile, and I found myself glad that I had helped him after he helped me. Thankfully, the bell rang then and the teacher walked in to begin class. I paid close attention to the lesson for the first few minutes of class but quickly became bored when I realized it would be a review. The boy at the front of the class keeps turning around and glaring at me and the boy next to me. I just smile at him and search my mind to try to put a name to the face of the boy beside me. He's sitting with his head resting in his hands with his elbows on the table. After about ten minutes I still have no idea. I give up and think about the list of things in my life that I have to memorize. The list is long. My name is Emily Baker, no longer Hailey. I lived in New York for my whole life before I moved here, no longer Atlanta. My dad's name is Thomas Baker, no longer Tim. My mom died when I was six, which might as well be true. I am eighteen...that's the whole truth. I have never had a best friend. That's the one that stops me. Most parents would tell their kids to make friends and have fun. My dad told me to keep to myself with all but a maximum of three people. The truth is I did have a best friend back home in Atlanta. Her name was Holly, and she was the best friend anyone could ever ask for. We used to have picnics by the lake every Sunday. The bell rings and I startle out of my memories. I gather my books and then turn to the boy next to me. “Hi.” I say. “I'm Emily Baker.” I hold out my hand for him to shake. He hesitates, but then takes my hand smiling. “I'm Mitchell Reed. But you can call me Mitch.” I smile and swing my backpack onto my shoulders, “What do you have next?” “Gym.” he laughs. “Me too.” “Yeah. We've been in the same class for three months.” I look away for a minute. “Thanks for the help back there. Those guys are some real jerks.” I fume as we head off to class. “Yeah. The head guy who tripped you, his name is Colin. He's pretty much going to be on your case forever. It gets better though. Eventually, they just ignore you.” he says quietly. “Yeah? Well, I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon. For me anyway.” I mumble as Colin stamps toward us in the hall. “If I were you I would make a run for it.” I tell him. He looks at me quickly, but stays by my side. I shrug. Colin is upon us now and he leans over me. “Well, well, well. If it isn't the rude girl from class.” he turns to Mitch. “And her little boyfriend. I thought I told you to get lost.” Mitch just looks him right in the eye and is silent. Colin turns back to me. “And you. You need to learn to mind your manners.” he intones. “Or what?” I challenge. People have now stopped to witness the impending fight. “What did you say?” Colin asks. Obviously no one has ever challenged him before. At this point the bell has already rung, and a bunch of Colin's friends are behind him...smirking. I could just back down and walk away, but I just don't feel like being the butt of his jokes for the rest of my Senior year. “Or what?!” I repeated with a slight taunting edge. He takes a deep breath. “You and me. Behind the building. After school. Be there to fight. And don't think I'll go easy on you just because you're a girl.” He laughs and his friends do too. “Alright. But if I win you leave me and Mitch alone. For good.” I say confidently. He laughs harder and shakes his head. “Alright. But if I win it's going to be even worse. And you can't go complain to a teacher.” “Fine.” I agree without even hesitating. “Okay.” he says. He signals his group and they stalk off to class. The rest of the crowd leaves disappointed. I stomp to the gym for my final hour of school and a lecture from my dad on being late to class. There's a movie on first-aid and I spend most of it at the back of the room, with my dad. “I'm going to fight some kid named Colin after school.” I tell him. “Why?” he questions calmly. “To get him to stop pushing everybody around.” I whisper. He scrutinizes my face for a second, and then sighs. “Don't hurt him too bad. I may be your father, but I'm still a teacher.” he whispers back. And that's the end of it. He knows the only one getting hurt today is Colin. My dad walks to the front of the room and sits down. I see Mitch look at me from across the room. His expression is very worried. He must be afraid that I'll loose and his life will be torturous again. I wink at him, and I think I see him blush before facing forward. The movie ends and I walk out of the room. Mitch catches up to me as I exit the back of the school. “You don't have to do this you know. No offense, but he's a lot stronger than anyone at this school. And he's going to beat you black and blue to prove that.” he grimaces at the end. “Don’t worry. He's not going to be bothering either of us from now on.” I assure him. He shakes his head as if he thinks I've lost my mind and goes to hide behind a dumpster until it's over. I roll my eyes and find Colin waiting just behind a large stone wall. “Well. You did show up after all.” he laughs. I sigh, and roll my eyes again. Some kids “Ooooo.” I feel like I'm back in Kindergarten. “Let's just get this over with. I have tests to study for.” I snip. Colin and I are now two feet apart. He takes a step-and I take him down. He's on his back groaning before he even finishes his advance. When he regains his breath he stands and comes at me again. This time I punch him hard in the jaw. He goes down again. By now he's angry, and he uses his rage to come at me yet again. This time I back up until I'm against the stone wall. He swings and I duck. His hand hits the wall and I hear a faint snap as one of his bones break. I sigh. My dad will be unhappy about that. Oh well. Colin calls out to his buddies and they all come at me at once. The first one goes down with a knee to the groin. The second is knocked to the ground by a swift kick to one of his knees. Probably dislocating it. The third gets a foot in his stomach and goes flying into the fourth. I'm starting to wonder how many there are, when Colin jumps me from behind. Luckily, I hear him coming and I deliver a crippling blow to his kidney. He falls to the ground. The last of his buddies is coming at me from the side and the one that was hit in the groin is coming from the other side. Now, I don't usually show off, but I do now...a little. Waiting until the last possible second, I jump and do a side split. Both of my feet connecting with their noses. They fall to the ground. I look around me and find Colin still lying on the ground. I walk over to him and lift him by his shirt. “I win. If you touch me or Mitch...or anyone else for that matter, I'll do much worse than this.” I drop him hard onto the concrete and he groans. I pick up my stuff and walk away. That's when I realize there are lots of people watching. Like the whole school. And they're all looking at me in awe. I look back and realize I've probably taken out most of the football team. I look back to the crowd, and see my dad standing in the back. Smiling. Then, someone starts to clap. And then someone else. And pretty soon the whole school of people who I thought hated me are cheering and clapping. And all I can think is... wow. Then they come up and congratulate me. And then I see Mitch standing in the outer ring of people looking at me weirdly. Like... he knows something about me that I don't. It kind of creeps me out until he runs up to me and lifts my arm into the air like a prize fighter. I take a few small bows, and start walking home. The crowd cheers a little more, and then starts to disperse. I hear someone running toward me and I turn around to see a small girl. She couldn’t be more than eight or nine. And running behind her is Mitch. “Hey! Hailey! Stop! I give up okay?” He’s laughing and the little girl stops running a few feet behind me. “I win Mittie.” She’s obviously out of breath. Mitchell seems to notice me now. His eyes get wide and his cheeks get even redder as he blushes. “Hailey, what did I say about that nickname?” he asks. She just giggles, and runs to him. He catches her in a bear hug and laughs. He’s by me now. “Hey Emily.” He greets me. I feel tears in my eyes at the simple pleasure of the moment, and how the little girl has my name. I blink them back and smile a little at him, “Hey.” ‘That was really something back there.” He says. “Yeah, you were awesome!” the little girl squeaks. “Thank you.” I say quietly. We start walking as he introduces me to his sister. “Emily, this is Hailey. Hailey this is Emily.” “Nice to meet you Hailey, you can call me Em.” “Nice to meet you Em, you can call me Hail. Mittie always does.” I laugh and Mitch turns an even deeper red. We walk for a long time, until we come to my house. “Where do you live?” I suddenly ask. “Just a few houses over.” He says nodding up the street. He lets Hailey down and tells her to go home. She runs off without even looking back. “Do you walk to school? Or do you get a ride with your dad?” he asks. I smile, “I walk. My dad gets up way too early for me.” He smiles back at me, “Yeah. I walk too. Maybe we could walk together sometime.” He suggests uninterestedly. “Sure.” I say calmly. “Great!” he smiles widely. “Well…I should get inside. My dad will be home soon. Tuesdays are his days to come home early.” I inform him. Then he bounds off without looking back. I stand there like an idiot for a while. Slowly, I climb the steps. My head is spinning from my little fight. I need some calories. I find a granola bar and tear it open. I pour a glass of milk and sit down at my desk to start my homework. The phone rings and I race to answer it. “Hello?” I ask. Then a voice speaks into the phone. “Under your father’s desk is an envelope that will explain everything. The boy you walked home with is one too. He will help you. Your father won’t be back until you go on this mission. There’s no time to explain. Read the letter, tell the boy, and wait until I call.” Then the line went dead. I move with a sense of urgency, I know this kind of situation. It’s not the first time this has happened. I rush to my father’s desk, and look under it. There! The envelope is yellowed from time. I rip it open and unfold the letter. I read it as fast as I can:

My dear Hailey, I write this with the hope that when it comes time for you to read it your name is still Hailey. If not, I am so sorry. But now you have to grow up very fast. There are people in this world who want to take down the government of this great nation. Your mother and I swore to guard against them. Then there was a catastrophe. I won’t go into the details, but it ended with some good people dead. The government decided to take two children and make them capable of defending this country from the bad people. Twelve orphans were chosen for this task, six boys and six girls. They were genetically enhanced, and were given to different families to raise as their own children. They were to be raised as normal children, and they were to only train slightly. You were one of these children. Your lessons in fighting with me and your mother were your training. Do not be mistaken, we loved as if you were our own. And there were days when we forgot you weren’t ours. We are so proud of you. But now, my dear daughter, you will have to embark on a mission to save the world. It is a great responsibility and burden. I dread the day you read this. But there will be further instructions later, and you can do this. You must find your one power. Each of you got one special trait to help you along with incredible fighting skills. Find your trait and save the world. Your mother and I love you very much. Good luck my sweet child.

That is what it says, nothing more. There isn’t even a name. I know it was written by my father though. The handwriting is as sloppy as ever. I sit down slowly. I am about to start crying for the first time in my life when I hear an urgent knock on the door. I quickly pick myself up and prepare for a fight. I slowly open the door and find Hailey sitting on the steps crying. I quickly bend down, bring her in, and close the door. “Hailey what’s wrong?” I ask urgently. She sniffs a little, “Mittie says that mom is gone for a while. And then he told me to run and get you. He told me to ask if it happened to you too.” She looks up at me expectantly. “I’m coming over. Sit right there on the couch and don’t move!” I command. I race down the hall and into my room. I reach under my bed. I find my pack of essentials, and fling it over my shoulders. I hurry to the kitchen, and fill the bag with even more food. I put the first aid kit in the pack, and run back to my room. I sift through my closet and find my bag of clothes my dad gave me for emergencies. It is full of two months’ worth of functional clothes. I sling it over my shoulder. I cross the hall into my dad’s room and grab his gun belt off of the back of his chair. I stuff a few maps into the essentials bag. I open the last drawer of my dad’s desk and grab the four pistols, and all the ammo. I stuff it all into the gun belt. Then I hesitate, I need to find a blade. I’m very good with a blade, it might come in handy. I riffle through my father’s things and come up with a five inch knife. Perfect. I stick it in my sock and dash back to my room. I look through my drawers and find what I’m looking for, my mother’s locket. It has a picture of her and my father holding me. The other side is empty, for me to fill with people I love. I reach behind my neck, and clasp it. I put on my mother’s wedding ring, and run back to the living room. I pick up Hailey, and carry her outside. I don’t bother to lock the door. I have a feeling I will never be coming back. I run with Hailey still in my arms. “Which house?” I ask. I try not to sound panicked. She points to the house I’m about to pass. It’s yellow with a dark green roof. I run up the steps and open the door. I am met with a loaded gun.

“Put that thing away.” I snap without even hesitating. I drop Hailey on the couch and start barricading the door. “Well. Help me!” I bark at him. Mitch just stands there staring at me. I roll my eyes. There is nothing worse than someone who goes into shock the moment you need them. “Please.” I beg him. I don’t want to have to do this myself. He snaps out of his stupor. We push a trophy cabinet against the door. With safety comes relaxation. I sigh and slide down the wall. Mitch sits beside me, breathing heavily. “I take it you got a call too. Did you read your letter?” he asks quietly. “Yeah, did you read yours?” I ask. “Yeah.” He says. We sit there for a long time. Finally, I stand up and offer him my hand. He takes it and I pull him up. “What’s your name?” I ask. He looks confused, “Mitchell.” “You didn’t have to change your name?” I asked jealous. He shakes his head. “Oh.” “What’s yours?” he asks. “Hailey.” I say simply. He just nods. I take a deep breath and look around. I am very surprised by what I see. Not including Hailey, there are two kids that couldn’t be over ten. One toddler and what looked like a newborn baby. Five kids. I know automatically that every one of them will have to come with us on the mission. I rub my temples. I want to scream and yell. But all I say is, “Five?!” my tone is strangely dead. He looks apologetic and nods once. “Great.” He doesn’t answer. I learn the names of the kids. The two kids Hailey’s age (8) are twins named Summer and Kira, the toddler (2) is named Sam, and the baby (8 months) is named Holly. This family and their ability to drag up my past with a name, I think. I turn to Mitch. “You do realize this is going to make our mission 10 times harder?!” He nods silently. I send him to pack the kids’ bags. I go around the house to get everything of use. I fit all of their essentials into a pack, and hand it to Mitch. He puts small packs on the backs of the older kids. He stuffs the younger kids’ things in with his own. The phone rings, and though it is his house I answer it. “Hello?” I ask suspicious. “I hope you’re ready. It’s time to go. Follow the directions we will send you via earpiece. You will find the earpieces in the mailbox. Go!” The line goes dead again. I hang up the phone and turn to my mission group. “It’s time to go.” I shoulder my bags. Mitch picks up Sam and looks toward Holly, indecisively. I pick up her diaper bag. “What?” I ask him. “How are we going to carry her?” he asks. I sigh in frustration, “Move the trophy case back!” I demand as I stalk down the hall. I find one of those baby carriers that I see mothers use all the time. I fit it onto my chest and hurry back to the living room. I scoop Holly off the floor and put her into the carrier. I put the diaper bag on Mitch’s shoulder, taking Sam from his hip to mine. “Now are we ready?!” I demand. “Yes.” He answers coldly. “Good.” I go first with Holly and Sam, followed by the girls, then Mitch. I open the mailbox and throw one of the devices to Mitch. He places it into his ear and I do the same. “Go to the bus station. There will be seven tickets to New York. They will be under the name Thompson. This is your new identity. You and Mitchell are married, with kids. The older ones were adopted. Your bus departs in half an hour. Go to the ATM and punch in the numbers 44587. The corresponding bank account will regularly be restocked. You needn’t worry about money. Ride the bus to only the first stop. We will talk when you get to New York. Good luck.” Mitch and I look at each other and I nod. We go to the bus station and he retrieves the tickets while I go to the ATM and withdraw $300. We get on the bus just before it departs. There is almost no one else there. We settle into the back row of seats, with plenty of room for the kids to sleep. The older kids fall asleep quickly. Sam dozes off soon after. Holly stays awake and I gently rub her back until she too falls unconscious. “The last thing I wanted was for this to include all of them.” Mitch says quietly. “Yeah, I know exactly what you mean.” I respond. I stroke Holly’s soft head. “She’s so small.” I murmur. He just nods. “Have you lived in Havendale for your whole life?” I inquire. “Yeah, it seems like a lot longer though.” He answers matter-of-factly. There is a long moment in which neither of us says anything. “What do you think about the whole orphans’ thing.” I wonder aloud. “I haven’t had time to process it yet. I don’t think anyone meant any harm when they did what they did to us though.” He tells me. We sit in silence. What a day, I think to myself. I went from loner, to victor, to agent, to wife, to mother, in a matter of hours. “You can sleep. I’ll take first watch.” I assure Mitch. Besides, I need time to think. There are so many questions and so few answers. In fact, it seems that for every answer I get 10 more questions surface. Who would genetically enhance orphans? Why? And who is giving me directions as to where to go? Where is my father? Is he safe? Am I going to be able to help him? What if I fail? What if…? No. I won’t think like that. I am going to complete this mission, and save my father. I sit trying not to think about anything, staring out the window. The sun begins to set, and I wake Mitch. He assures me he can take a turn at watching now. I settle into a deep dreamless sleep.

Mitchell wakes me up when the sun begins to rise. The bus comes to a stop. “New York stop one.” The driver announces. We gather our things and exit the bus. When we step off we walk to a park in sight. We sit the children down on the bench, but I keep hold of Holly. “Good job.” The voice in my ear congratulates me. “Now, don’t look, but there are six men standing by the water fountain to your left. Mitchell, you may glance around the park…” There’s a pause as he gives Mitch a moment to scope out the danger. “Okay, now Emily you look…” Another pause as I look. There are six men dressed in black. They look extremely muscular and they are staring at us. I look away as the voice starts again. “You’re going to have to take them out right now, they are about to open fire on you. Don’t worry, nobody will call the cops. They’ve been paid off. Go!” I look at Mitch and he nods. I glance down at Holly and secure her head to my chest with a piece of the carrier so that it won’t whip around when I run. “Stay here, and stay down.” I command the children. I nod at Mitch again. I whip around and pull out two of the pistols. I pull the triggers and take out two of the six men. The rest of them pull out their guns and start to fire. I do a no handed cartwheel to the right and take out one more of them with a bullet. Mitch runs up to them, dodging the bullets like it’s nothing. He disarms them all with a powerful roundhouse kick. I run over to one about to club Mitch over the head and deliver a powerful blow to the lower spine. The man falls to the ground. I give him a quick heel to the temple, ending his struggles. Mitch has taken out one of them and is now working one over in the fountain. I pull the trigger on a pistol and am rewarded as the man drops. Mitch looks slightly disappointed. “You have to take five of the six don’t you?” he accuses playfully. “It’s how I was raised.” I answer, breathless. He hops out of the fountain and we walk back over to the bench. The kids are huddled together. We assure them that we’re fine and they’re fine. The earpiece voice starts again. “Very good, that was very impressive. Now go to the corner by the sign for Toby’s Bar. Cross the street and walk about thirty yards north. There is a hotel there. Get one room, and get some sleep. Set your alarms for noon. I will contact you then.” I take a deep breath and lift Sam. I am tired, my muscles burn from exertion. Mitch looks at me and gives me a sympathetic look. I glance at my watch. It’s six in the morning. We make our way slowly to the hotel. While Mitch gets a room, I change Holly and Sam in the bathroom. I meet Mitch back at the reception desk. “Which room is ours?” I ask impatiently, I am so tired. “Room 204 on the second floor.” He answers quietly. I lead the group to our door, and Mitch unlocks the door. The room is small. There is one bed, a coffee machine, and a small bathroom. We file through the door in silence, and I get the kids ready for bed while Mitch takes a shower. I put Holly, Sam, and the older girls on the bed. Mitch hands me a towel from under the sink, and I go take a shower. I let the hot water run over my sore muscles. After a while there’s a knock on the door. “You okay?” Mitch asks through the door. “Yeah, I’m fine.” I respond quickly. I turn the water off, dry myself, and throw on my clothes. I open the door and he comes in to brush his teeth. Now that I’m clean, I feel better. The kids are already asleep, so I have to wake them up and give them something to eat. They fall back asleep quickly, except Holly who starts to cry. I make a quick bottle, and feed her. I’m still sitting with her on my lap when Mitch comes into the room. He pulls a sheet from underneath the bed, and spreads it on the floor. He holds out his arms to take Holly. I give her up reluctantly; it’s so hard to be mad when I’m holding her. I go to the bathroom, brush my teeth, and then sit on the floor. I think of my father’s note, and suddenly all I want is to go home. There is absolutely no excuse for the tears, but they come anyway. Such stupid things, tears, betraying my innermost feelings to the whole world. I wipe my eyes with my sleeve and pick myself up off the floor. I walk out of the bathroom, and find Mitch asleep and Holly on the bed. I lie down on the sheet next to him, and say a silent prayer, before I drift off to sleep.

“Emily. Wake up. We have to go.” Mitch’s voice wakes me up. I glance at my watch as he gets the kids ready to go. It’s five to noon, almost time for our next set of directions. I splash my face with water in the bathroom. I go back into the main room and the voice starts again. “I hope you’re fully rested. You have a very long day ahead of you. There will be a package at the front desk. You are to deliver it to the address. The kid you give it to will accompany you for the rest of this mission. His name is Adam. You are to protect him at all costs. Meaning, die for him if needed. There will also be a cell phone for each of you at the desk. Throw your old ones in the trash immediately. They make you way too easy to track.” I hear Mitch sigh and I think I know why. Another person to take care of is the last thing we need. I really hope these people know what they’re doing. I strap Holly to my chest, pick up Sam and hand the bags to Mitch. I turn my head when I hear a snap, like someone’s at the door. Mitch hears it too and we both pull out a gun. I whip open the door. It’s just housekeeping, and we quickly conceal our weapons again. We file out the door, and exit the hotel. I take Mitch’s cell phone and mine and throw them in the garbage. Mitch grabs the package and the new cell phones from the desk. He hands me mine, and shoves the package into one of the bags he’s carrying. The voice startles me, “Quick! On your left three men.” I don’t even hesitate, whipping my head to the side and pulling of a few shots with my pistol taking one down. Mitch takes out the one closest to us, and I finish off the last one with the heel of my hand shoving his nose up. Sam and Holly begin to cry, and we dash off in the direction of the address on the package. There are directions in the form of a text message on my phone: North for three hundred yards, left, right, and then straight until we get to a house that is gray with a red roof. There is a boy sitting on the front steps. He seems about seventeen, very muscular, and sort of familiar with those big blue eyes. “Adam?” I ask hesitantly. He stands slowly, giving me a once over to see if I’m safe to talk to. He suddenly puts his hand to his head. “Okay.” He says quietly. “We’re to stay here for the night. But they say to be careful. There may some agents after us. They might even know where we are.” I turn to Mitch as Adam waves his hand for us to come inside. He just nods in resignation. I adjust Sam on my hip and pull out one of my pistols. Adam sees it when I enter the house, and cracks a smile. “There’s nothing in here to hurt the kids, it’s safe for now.” He assures me gently. “Yeah, I have just about given up on anywhere being safe anymore.” I heave a great sigh and put away my gun. Mitch comes up behind me and takes Sam, giving Adam a suspicious look. The girls follow him into the living room, and are almost immediately watching TV. I lift Holly and hold her out to Adam. He takes her with a smile while I drop all of the bags and detach the carrier from my chest. I take Holly back as Mitch comes back onto the room. “Is there somewhere we can talk?” he demands. Adam nods, and leads us down a dark hall to room with no windows. Holly starts to cry as we sit down and Mitch goes to make her a bottle. Adam and I sit awkwardly silent across from each other at a small round table. “You look like crap.” He tells me worriedly. “Thank you.” I respond icily. “That’s not what I meant. I mean you look very tired.” He clarifies gently. “Yeah, it’s been a rough two days. I went from beating up the school bully to saving the nation with a bunch of kids and a guy I hardly know. Well, now two guys I hardly know.” I correct myself. Adam smiles, “What are you talking about? We’ve known each other for years!” “What are you talking about?” Mitch asks, coming back and handing me Holly’s bottle. Adam doesn’t answer, and I stare at him trying to place him in my memories. I don’t know his face, but there is something familiar about his eyes…No! Could it be…it has to be, no one else has ever looked at me like that before. “Brian?” I ask hesitantly. He smiles wide, “Hey, Hail.” I slowly hand Holly to Mitchell and walk over to my best friend in the world, my ex-boyfriend… sort of, my Brian. I softly trace his face with my fingertips. Slowly, like ice melting in the summer, I start to smile. “Brian.” I relish in the sound of his name. “Didn’t I tell you I’d find you someday?” he asks. He opens his arms to me and wilt into his embrace. He holds me tightly while I start to sob. He strokes my hair and kisses my forehead.“It’s okay. I’m here now. It’s okay.” I try to hold back my emotions all the time, but I’ve never been able to do that with him. Mitchell clears his throat and I turn quickly, suddenly remembering he’s there. “Oh.” I sniff, wiping my eyes on my sleeve. “Mitchell this is Brian, Brian this is Mitch.” I turn back to Brian, “Why do you look so different? What happened to your hair? It used to be a lot lighter. Your eyes are the same though.” I still can’t believe he’s really here. “I had to change my look to be allowed to come here, so that I could go undetected. You look exactly the same, a little more worn down though.” He touched the dark circles under my eyes. “Well, that’s what you get trying to save the world with five kids and Mitch.” I turn my head and stick my tongue out at him playfully. He rolls his eyes, but they tighten defensively. I turn back to Brian, “I still can’t believe you’re here!” I squeal and hold him. He chuckles softly, “Well, believe it. I’m not letting you take all the glory of saving the world.” That comment makes me remember the mission, and sit on his lap with my arms around his neck. I face Mitchell, and nod for him to start the conversation. “Well, to begin…are you one of us?” he asks Brian suspiciously. “Yes. I am one of those genetically altered orphans. If that’s what you mean.” Mitchell looks unconvinced. “Then why did they tell us to protect you. Die for you even. Why would Emily and I be defending you with our lives?” Mitch barks. Brian looks confused for a moment and looks around. “Who is Emily?” he asks. “My dad changed my name when we moved. I’m Emily.” I inform him. His eyes get wide with fear, and maybe some anger. “They asked you to die for me if needed?!” he demands. His grip on my waist becomes almost painful. “Yes, they did. Do you have any explanation for that?” Brian’s hand grips me even harder as he starts to lose his temper with Mitch’s rude accusations. To be honest, he was kind of getting on my nerves too. “Mitch.” I rebuff him. “I have no idea why they would ask you to do that. But disregard those orders. I don’t expect either of you to die for me.” Brian says calmly. His grip on me relaxes and he bends down to touch his lips to the top of my head. “What do they want us to do after tonight?” Mitch wonders aloud. Brian looks at him and smiles slightly. “Who knows? All I know is that I was here looking for Hailey and my dad disappears. I get a phone call and read a letter explaining what’s going on. I guess we all did.” He looks around to confirm his guess and frowns. “What’s with all of the kids? You do realize they will make this mission 10 times harder right?” Brian’s tone is accusing, and he’s looking at Mitchell. “They’re my family! I wasn’t going to leave them alone!” Mitch yells and stalks out of the room. “Brian.” My tone is reproachful. “What?” he asks innocently. “Would you have left Bailey?” I ask. “That’s different…” he responds defensively. “Oh yeah? How?” I ask. “Because…” he flounders to find a good reason and I laugh. “That’s what I thought.” I laugh again. He smiles and holds me closer. “You have no idea how much I’ve missed you.” I confess into his chest. He starts to stroke my hair again, “I thought of you every day. And every night I would lie awake missing you so much...” I look up at his face, and there are tears in his eyes. I wipe them away gently. Then he leans forward and kisses me. I slip my arms around his neck and fall into the kiss. His hands move to my face, and begin to stroke my cheeks gently. When he pulls away, we are both breathing heavily. “I love you.” He whispers. “I love you too.” There’s a knock on the door and Mitch is standing in the doorway frowning. “I fed the kids, and they’re taking naps. It’s almost two o’clock, and we have no idea where we’re going to be tomorrow. I suggest we take turns on watch in pairs.” He says his tone full of authority. “Okay. Who gets to sleep first?” I ask, holding back a secret yawn. Brian eyes me suspiciously. “You.” They both answer at the same time. I roll my eyes and give Brian a quick kiss, heading out to the living room. “Wake me in three hours.” I call as I make my way down the hall. But when I enter the living room I know I won’t be getting any sleep.

I don’t even think before I pull the knife out of my sock and throw it at one of the men in black. “Brian! Mitch!” I scream. I hear them running down the hall, but they’re not going to make it in time. The men are already aiming their guns at me. I reach for a gun, and almost touch it before I’m shot in the shoulder. The pain is instantaneous and blinding. I focus on pushing through it though. I have to protect the kids. I lift the gun and shoot one of the men in the leg. Brian and Mitch burst into the room, and Mitch immediately takes one down with a blow to the head with a lamp. Brian goes around the room, gathering the kids who can’t walk and rushing them into the safe room. One of the men jumps me from behind. He cuts off my air supply, and I reach behind me with my good arm and punch him in the face. He falls and I put a bullet in his chest. I hear one of the kids start screaming and I run toward the sound. Two of the men are in the room with them, and have them backed into a corner. I aim and pull my trigger; one of them falls to the ground. The other turns, and puts a bullet in my thigh. I shoot, and the bullet finds his heart. I tell the kids to stay put, and I limp to the living room. As I limp down the hall, a man turns out of a room, putting yet another bullet in me; this one finds my stomach. I grunt and shoot him without even breaking my stride. I keep going until I reach the living room. Brian and Mitch are standing in opposite corners of the room, panting. “You guys okay?” I ask quietly. They nod their heads. The whole ordeal couldn’t have lasted for more than two minutes. “Okay.” I say in a haggard whisper. They both look up just in time to see me fall. Brian gets to me first, “Hailey?!” “Ouch! Watch it! They got me in my stomach, left shoulder, and my right thigh.” I explain calmly. Brian looks me over in shock. The earpiece person starts talking then, “Good job agents. Emily, we’ll get you something for your wounds. It will be in the mailbox in the morning. Hang on until then.” I am starting to wonder what she means by hang on when Mitch asks Brian to find a pair of tweezers. Right, I think. I have to have three bullets taken out of me. That sounds like a lot of fun. Brian returns with the tweezers and lots of cloth. I see the kids come around the corner into the living room. “Keep them out of here!” I demand. I can’t be sure, but I think I look pretty bad. Mitch gives them a look, and they retreat into the back room. “Okay Em. I’m going to do the one in your thigh first.” Mitch tells me. “Alright.” I grimace. “Hold my hand Hail. I’m right here.” Brian comforts me. I squeeze my eyes shut and hold Brian’s hand. I feel the metal of the tweezers touch the bullet. “Ahh!” I yell. I open my eyes. “Sorry.” I mutter, not sorry at all. “It’s okay Hail. Yell and scream all you want.” Brian assures me. I laugh a little. “How about a little conversation to take your mind off of things?” He asks. “About what?” I ask, gritting my teeth against the pain. “What about the fact that some people call you Emily and I call you Hailey? Which one do you prefer?” He looks sincere. “Honestly, I like Hailey much better.” I answer truthfully. He smiles, and I scream as Mitch begins to pull the bullet out. I feel a tear slip down my cheek and Brian wipe it away. The pain intensifies and I scream again when Mitch pulls the bullet the rest of the way out. “It’s okay, it’s out.” Brian soothes me while brushing away the tears that are running down my cheeks. “Alright, now do my shoulder.” I say, wincing as Brian puts pressure on my thigh to stop the bleeding. I hear a noise and stiffen. It seems to be coming from the front door. “Shh.” I demand. They both stop, and there’s another noise. We all look at each other, and I struggle to get to my feet. Brian gives me a look and shakes his head, pushing me back down. He takes a gun from my belt and signals Mitch to go cover him. I can’t see after they go around the corner, but I can still hear when a gun goes off. Then I hear hushed voices, there seems to be a female. Brian comes back into the room laughing. He’s followed by a girl, about seventeen, with brown hair. She doesn’t look familiar until she turns to look me in the eye. I think I’m going into shock and having hallucinations. I squeeze my eyes shut and shake my head to dispel the illusion. I slowly open my eyes and she’s still there, only now she’s closer and looking at me too. “Hailey?” she asks in wonder. “Holly?” This is just too weird, everyone I know is one of these genetically enhanced super children. I start to ask if she lost her dad when I start coughing. I cover my mouth quickly, and when I pull my hand away it has blood on it. I look up to see Brian staring at me with a tortured expression. “Yikes. That can’t be good.” I laugh weakly. Holly kneels beside me and takes my hand. “It’s been awhile. Not quite how I imagined our reunion though.” She laughs. Leave it to Holly to make a serious situation funny. The only one who isn’t laughing is Brian, who’s still staring at me. I meet his gaze, and try to hide the fear in my eyes, to reassure him that I’ll be fine. But he sees through me and crosses the room to take my free hand. Mitch clears his throat, “Sorry to break up this touching moment, but we need to get the bullets out of her.” He circles around to the hand that Holly’s holding. I feel the tweezers touch the bullet. I grit my teeth and clench Brian’s hand. Holly’s stroking my hair out of my face. Mitch grabs the bullet and pulls gently, making me scream. Holly wipes away my tears and Brian starts to cry. That makes me smile and brush away his tears with my thumb, even though every movement burns. He almost smiles and puts my hand to his lips. I feel something wet drop on my forehead and look up to see that Holly is crying too. “Alright, the next person who cries is going to be exiled to sit with the children. And those of you who are crying, you have thirty seconds to stop before I send you to sit with them.” Holly and Brian both sort of smile and dry their tears. “That’s better.” I comment. “Okay on the count of three I’m going to pull the bullet out.” Mitch warned us. I squeeze my eyes shut and grab Brian’s hand while Holly starts whispering words of encouragement in my ear. “One, two, three!” Mitch whispers. The bullet hurts much more coming out than it did going in, and I pass out.


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