Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1800464-Hide-and-Seek
Rated: E · Other · Contest Entry · #1800464
My first Writers Cramp piece. My darling 6 year old monkey plays hide and seek.

"Hannah, answer me now."

"Mike, I can't find her. She's not answering me."

"Did you look in Joe's closet?"

"Yes, I Looked in the closets."

"Hannah, the game is over, answer me now."

"Did you look in the laundry room," Mike asked, "I am checking down here and in the basement."

"Yew, I checked the laundry room, I am going to the attic now, I've scoured the whole upstairs."

No, honey, don't go to the attic, come down here to the kitchen. You have to check this out.

"Check the downstairs bathroom." Mike told me.

I went in to find the plastic covering the missing drywall half removed. Underneath, we see the faint glow of the flashlight from above. Our 6 year old monkey bar chamion has climbed to inside of the demolished wall.

Between the upstairs and downstairs bathrooms appears to be a 3 foot space that our happy monkey has discovered and filled with all her favorite things. A hidden fort that no one knew about but her.

© Copyright 2011 Zoe Grace (mesiegweeks at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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