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the truth about excitement, spirit |
I just wrote about excitement as being nothing. Trouble is, we were all instilled with lessons that told us 'excitement is happiness' when we were babes. ----- So naturally we feel disquieted and maybe feel threatened and disturbed by the truth about excitement. (Also nobody wants to hear about the symptoms of their disease, even though the doctor only wants to help.) ----- For if we accept that excitement is nothingness, that means people lied to us, and worse, adults betrayed our total youthful trust in them. No wonder the truth initially disturbs us: we were betrayed by the people we loved and trusted the most! ----- For this reason it is written: 'I tell you the truth, unless you humble yourself and become like little children you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven.' ----- You see we have to start all over again, since ignorant adults lovingly told us the wrong things. ----- The 'kingdom of heaven' is the kingdom of all pleasure, the kingdom of the actual truth. ----- In Hebrews 5 we are told to 'excercize the senses to discern between both good and evil'. You see we have to learn the difference between pleasure and excitement. ----- ----- There is not much precision in excitment, but rather 'near enough is good enough'. But Hebrews 4;12: 'The word of God is quick and powerful, sharper than any two-edge sword, piercing, to the dividing asunder of the soul and the spirit and the joints and the marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.' 'In the beginning was the word, and the word was God.' John 1:1. On the battlefield of life near enough is not quick enough, precision quickens because it is life, but the dead are 'near enough'. This was illustrated by David as a boy who killed the lion and Goliath with a precise aim -- a metaphor. Luke 1:33: 'He shall be great and God will give him the throne of his father David and he shall rule over the house of Jacob and his reign shall never end.' How is Jesus David's son? Jesus is the son of precision, shape, color, pitch, significance. David was prcise with the slingshot but Jesus was more precise with words and so God gives Jesus the throne of David. Which does not mean Jesus will be a king but that the precision truth will rule in people's hearts and be their king, God. Why the 'house of Jacob'? There is much hidden truth in the story of jacob and truth pertaining to holy marriage, precision work and sex in holy matrimony. Jacob's story manifests the truth because God is a trinity. I am the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob: conception, execution and manifestation; and the last 'manifestation' rests on Jacob, whose story carries profound truth. The precision nature of God is more important than any other definition. For if love is not precise it is blind and blind love is not love for it is a curse not a blessing. The dictionary has many definitions, but God wants you to make your own definitions; to ask your own questions and seek your own answers, live your own life and dont give a fig about what other people are doing -- why distract yourself? Distraction is pain. Ask simple questions and dont care if the question has been answered by others; reinvent the wheel, be your own person: humble yourself like a child. The living stone is 1peter 2; ye are all lively stones. The stone cut out of the mountain shall rule forever -- Daniel. The stone's equatorial cross section (nest) can tell you everything. Metaphors of the stone are everywhere in the Bible: like David casting a stone. This is the engraving by THE BRANCH KJV in Zechariah 3. You are a pearl of great price, with layers of nacre a pearl is made round and whole. Like an onion sliced in half we can see the pattern of the soul, the essence of everything. The rings are drawn by radii the sine of angles 9, 18, 27....90. For example this nest is better than the mean or standard distribution curve of statistics and better than the MPT curve of electrical engineering -- this is the invisible pattern after which all things are made. But knowledge is nothing, because your saved by grace -- grace: by your own search for truth -- and not by strange-to-your-ears doctrines (end of Ephesians). Luke: Do you think i have come for peace? No I tell you but for division! I have come to set a fire upon the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! What fire? The fire of being your own man, of asking your own questions and seeking your own answers. Each man divided on his own personal quest for truth. Divided we stand but united, by leaning on each other for answers, we fall. A man of God does not lean, has no crutch. For no man quickens himself leaning on a crutch for support. What are you waiting for? Start a fire or God will kill you all! ----- ----- I am not changing anything I said. See it as a challenge to transform your life, or as the ravings of a madman -- that's your choice, but 'who is crazy and who is not' is a matter of opinion. In my opinion about 4 billion are crazy because they love pain. Anyone who believes excitement is normal emotion loves pain because excitement is generated by conflict: as any football fan will tell you. Without conflict we all 'mind our our business' and are happier for it. We were lied to very convincingly by adults when we were helpless children, because we had to trust them in a total sense and we were not mature enough to be able to think for ourselves and argue with what an adult told us. Its not so much what they told us with words, as the attitude they insisted upon us. They insisted we act with extreme zeal for no reason at all, merely because they thought we looked more alive and active. I saw a boy in a church and an adult insisting he put his hand up with extreme passion to signify he wanted to answer a question from a public speaker. But when the adult was making him put his hand up the lecture was over and he was making him put it up for no reason. So the boy was as if making a passionate Nazi salute Zeig Heil! And the adult thought he was instilling good character into the child -- but in reality he was distorting his soul. The boys salute was as mad as the Nazi salute in a very real sense. Then I saw in a shopping center a woman with extremely loud music playing in front of children. The children were three meters away -- what was the point? To try and make them deaf? Again the same thing: try and make the children look intense as if that is putting character in them. Try and motivate the children to act, to dance, for no reason at all. In other words try and get the children to act without thinking, leap into something without consideration. So the child grows into an adult that looks for other people to motivate them, and looks for a cue from other people to guide them. The woman on the stage was trying to make them into sheep!? As soon as adults motivate us to act, they take away our self motivation. For sure we can choose events to motivate us if we wish, but children are not making that choice because their not old enough to decide. Some of the little ones reluctance to dance is not a sign of apathy but a sign of good breeding in that their not sure they want to dance for no reason at all. Most people agree it is normal to think first and then act, to make a plan and then try to execute the plan. Not dance just because music plays -- that example. The boy putting jis hand up intensely was the similar thing --'just put your hand up intensely because other people think it looks good, who cares what you the child think, whether you think it is appropriate or not'. It is definately good to act with power -- that's not the problem. The problem is the children are not learning to act with power or excitement when they themselves decide it is warranted, The problem is inculcating them to act for excitement's sake, for power's sake alone; and not teaching them to use power as part of their own plan. It defintely looks impressive to motivate children, but that 'brightness' the child displays is not good character but distorted character. If one acts to impress other people then one does not act with a goal in mind. The goal is only to impress another person and that is not a useful goal. If I work hard only when the boss passes by then I dont actually care about the work. But if I work hard when the work demands that I need to work hard to get a result, then I act for a good reason -- whether the boss is looking or not. Motivating children turns them into crazy adults who need to lean on other people for support and guidance. Adults unable to motivate and guide themselves. So the push to appear as if your doing something is counter productive. Too many people end up watching other people and living vicariously through them -- not actually living. So the people coaching the people are supported by the people who say they need a motivator but dont. Albert Einstein made this observation and called it Relativity. That is he said we dont need to live relative to others in a competition but need to live relative to our own guiding light. (If we all have the one guiding light its called Special Relativity and if we all have our own guiding light its called General Relativity.) EXCITEMENT AND WHAT IT BREEDS Excitement. like it or not, breeds sociopathic killers and pedophiles. The more we encourage excitement in the child and in people in general the more likely it is a murderer or pedophile will be bred. For the killer and the pedophile alike have no sense of right or wrong. We breed each other -- like it or not. Let us look at menstruation. Menstruation is caused by our behaviour-- like everything else including old age. It only appears as if menstruation occurs naturally when a child grows up because of generational breeding. We know many diseases are passed down from previous generations and they say 'its in the genes' -- its the same with menstruation. Sometimes a child is born with a brain tumour, but many children are born with menstruation -- its just a more common disease. People are all very sad as if living under a dark opressive cloud, they have little opptimism, little hope they will live much beyond a mere 70 years of age. Seventy is nothing, nothing! How depressing it is that we think life is over in such a short time. It is the cultivation of excitement that makes sure our lives are short and our health poor. It looks as if a very intense person is healthy and doing good for their fitness, but the truth is they are merely burning themselves out fast and not storing their energy well: dissipating their energy and not doing themselves good at all. The French dreamed of 'an age of reason' when men and women would be ruled by their minds and not by their emotions anymore -- they correctly reasoned that the emotions make us blind and irrational. Excitement also polarizes people into the coaches and the coached. So their are many people who think it is their job to police sex and work. Their idea is that sex or work is not at its best in other people unless those people show high intensity and excitement in their personality. Hence you see. many people control others and many people want to be controlled, coached, thinking it brings out their best. But high excitement in a person does not bring out their best, and an intense coach motivating a person is not doing his or her best either. We are on a path to utter destruction, and all we need to do to fix the problem is cultivate precision instead of excitement, strong defense instead of strong attack. For example we need to learn to say what we mean rather than mean what we say -- the former is accurate communication and the latter is very poor communication. Einstein was dead right: we need to be individuals or we cannot progress. Time dilation meaning reducing power is manifested as growing older and weaker, and length contraction means short-sighted ness like our pessimistic view of how long we will live, and mass increase means our ignorance will grow and a maximum rate of understanding-comprehension will never be realized -- and obviously this means no peace ever, since we will not know how to live but will continue to live in ignorant ways that cultivate old age and its various diseases. The bible Ephesians; your not saved by every strange doctrine or knowledge but your saved by grace -- in other words your saved by your own search for knowledge and not saved by merely memorizing knowledge you heard from someone else. Knowledge is related intimately with skill or it is useless knowledge. Knowledge you have not worked for is knowledge wrongly gained -- and under appreciated because you didnt earn it. The grace of God is help when you attempt to increase your precision -- lust is the other thing: attempting to increase your power to solve a problem: raise your voice volume in an argument for example. You dont need what i say. You need to use the spirit to find all truth -- all you have to do is give up your life in order to find your life. So some people baulk at that 'giving up their means of earning a crust' --not easy? i think it is easier than we think. 'Start slow and finish higher. Start fast and finish lower.' -- a very true motto. The fact were all in a hurry means we cannot increase our speed much, but if we could stop and start again and slowly, then we would gain much. The wars thus forced our speed to be high and our rise to be mediocre. Its so true even in engineering. For example Nikola tesla invented a bucketless turbine: it starts slow but finishes at a higher speed, but the buckeded wheel starts fast and peaks slow. The similiar illustration is a paddle wheel in the water and a mere disk in the water: imagine a riverboat paddle steamer with disks. Its speed that counts because higher speed does harder work through a gear or pulley system.: just like a good rope pulley means a fast and easy lift of a heavy engine block. In the same way, its your personal speed that counts. Experience life widely and then when you specialize it will be swifter than the swift people who earlier left you behind: probably the truth meant by the tortoise and hare story. But see the problem with that is, we think were gonna die at seventy and be over the hill at fifty: our silly fast society is actually dead slow. How slow is it for example that were still using stupid rocket engines "pioneered" by the sociopathic murderous WW2 Germans? And to our shame, our wives still have menstruation? See also: 'I am the walrus' by The Beatles decoded under My Space highestprecision blogs. (Also Lucy in the sky with diamonds and Hotel California -- the drugs they took actually put they in greater touch with God; though it doesnt happen for everybody who takes psychedelic drugs. Aldous Huxley The doors of perception heaven and hell, also had a noteworthy experience. Note well that The Beatles and The Eagles did not actually know what they were writing, but still left us a very interesting message, as did Einstein.) But you dont need me. ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ Friends are lovers who want to work and dont want sex. Also see: beginning of my space blogs of highestprecision. Couples confuse work and sex, self and sex. Sex is not an expression of your love for the other or his-her love for you. ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- I do not remember being male or female as a child: it did not matter, was not relevant. I think the mind is neither male nor female, even thought he body is. Even though the energy-body may be male or female. That is, couples fight to make their life exciting and part of that is trying to be male and female with force? The personality of a child is the true personality. but they pick up guns or dolls only because of the psychic spiritual environment created by the adults, not becuase its their natural choice. The theory is, we learn to do girl things or guy things and kowtow the mind -- which is neither male nor female -- down to that degrading level. That is the mind stops being free and above the world, when we identify the doing of things as male or female. in the beginning male and female were one eg: Malachi. So how wer ethey one if male or female? So what a couple are is one mind or soul which has a male and female body to use in work and sex? Capice? It may be right or wrong. I know gender is not important, that the action and thoughts involved in doing work or sex is what is the important issue and the focus of the marriaged couple. Put the focus on the right place, and then all else will follow. The focus is increasing the precision, skill, in work or sex. God, the word we seek, is general, vital and precise: The knowledge we need to overthrow the ego in work and sex is general vital and precise. The so-called nerds could lead the charge if the others let them: ten tips to heal the nations section. A couple can marry to work-partner each other. Only the true sex-lovers should have sex, but pervert it in 'I am the walrus': as 'pornographic priestess'; and crabalockafishwife are the types "Doors" who love work and should be not having sex at all. Why cant you understand these simple rules for true happiness? Because you have to stop and start all over gain as babies if you want to understand. At least be willing to junk what you know and do [according to the answers you find] (see: solar system crop circle writerscafe.org) and start asking questions and begin the journey of an actual life -- as opposssed to the crap lives you have now. One must go all out to find the truth, ask the right questions and find the responses and decode the meanings from one's higher self. We are suppressed in a major way and nothing less than an all-out war to find truth will find the truth, as the devil that suppresses us is extremely clever, controlling our feelings and thoughts by virtue of being more intelligent. (1)We give the devil control by worshiping contest and power. (2) the devil lets us think there is no God and no devil (3) meanwhile the devil controls what we do and believe and feel. I cannot explain everything because I am not face-to-face, and even if I could you might not even hear what I say because you have all trained your ears to hear things to do with might an dpower and trained your ears to therefore not hear things to do with precision and vitality. One has to start 'as if just born' because we have to learn to think and feel in a different way; learn to have a different attitude to life and the acheiving of goals. Want whatever is the best thing to want. And stop just wanting this or wanting that. I have written elsewhere the couple become perfeclty male and perfectly female when they start concentrating on their precision work or their precision sex and stop worrying about their appearance as amle or appearance as female. Its not the appearance that counts but male or female is an expression of what you do together. But trying to be male or female and then have sex or work together is senseless and stupid: such as female cosmetics or men in gyms. Or worries about weight or overly worried about appearance. So ypou live right together and then become perfeclty male or female as a result of living correctly with each other. Trying to appear male or female is due in part to the society where families mingle instead of keep each to their own: Isaiah 65. Your saved by seeking the truth, by relationship with your higher god, not by memorizing ideas. Your edge ring is your 'firmament' and creates your body and all your feelings near the body like the feeling of having the holy spirit. Your edge is God. Sex is an imposter. Let us all stop living so we can start living. You see we brush our teeth because we dont live right with each other, cause if we did live right we would not need a tooth brush. So what were doing is tolerating illness and sickness and using toothbrushes and nedications vitamins and doctors to keep us going -- meanwhile the ways we act toward each other man and wife, keep us unhealthy. When a person cancels out work and sex, then God is what they find. Male and female might be a non-issue the stupid new-age wants to make an issue to distract us all from what counts. When one is an arrow, then the target matters, and not whether one is a long arrow or a short arrow, a male arrow or a female arrow. The new-age is wrong about past-lives, because this world is a bullshit world so reincarnation here is bullshit reincarnation; but reincarnation when we actually begin to live lives when we get to the new earth, will be the true reincarnation. What matters is here and now, and quickening the spirit fast enough, electrifying the self enough, to make it from here to the actual world-universe. This a bullshit universe, if it was not life would be on every planet. So if God made this universe she must have been joking. ---------- 17th oct 11:I want to start a church here. But first, let us draw the ego map and examine common personality traits -- the objective of the church is firstly to show people where they are on the ego and map, in order to show them they need to improve their lives and get free of the map, the next step is to offer the triangle solution: ask, seek and share: the beginning. Now bear with me for a while and draw a plus sign on a page and extend the ends to a large circle of four quadrants, clockwise from top left: plus work or self, plus sex-self, minus sex self and minus work self. But in this case, just draw a dashed line from the minus work quadrant, through the centre and to the plus sex quadrant. Now outside the circle on the bottom left label the dot: 'this is hatred of the opposite sex'. Now the top-right end is 'disguise the hatred as hot sex'. Now understand this is only talking about Door people which is a label for 'people who innately love work more than sex. Now the point is, these people should not be having sex (the bottom left is sometimes called 'the bad boy' or "bad girl" by our culture. These people need, if couples, to give up sex together, and the only way to do that is to cooperate with their significant other and stop fighting them. Stop letting the other make you feel weak and fell like critisizing them. We all need help because no man is an island alone and all to himself or herself, so there is no way to get free of the map without the cooperation or support of others. And yet, each person must stand alone and not lean for support (ask for guidance) from anyone except their higher self, their edge ring which is their 'firmament', and which firmament manifests all feelings at the bodily level like the holy spirit. (What if I'm wrong? there is no way i am wrong because I was shown these ideas by God and no man taught them to me.) Also a false prophet has no fruit but a true prophet has good fruit. For example the false preachers say we live forever in heaven and that is the 'eternal life' Jesus promised; so they compromise the truth, for the true fruit is that you can live forever starting right from here and with your physical body; and THAT is a good fruit. its a clever half-truth (lie) to say 'yes!, eternal but no, not now'. Remember both Enoch and Elijah raptured -- in the new earth, rapture will be usual: to stay in heaven a while and then to be born again onto earth in an endless cycle seeking perfection; but, reincarnation here has no perfection possible since were sinners. Revelation: NO MORE DEATH. Of course, some will only live to 500 and up to 900 on the new earth, being the least of all. But to get back to the church and the Map. With this map I was shown that no sex at all is the only possible way for the work loving doors. Lets sing a song: 'Let's give up sex together; lets take a wrong and make it right; lets share that special closeness only two can share; all I ask you is to have faith.' Now the ego map has a symmetry. This is a diagonal line the other way from bottom right to top-left. Write: bottom-right: 'lust for the same sex' and top left: disguise it as intense work. These are Walls that love sex innately. SOLUTION: stop taking pride in your work self: you love sex! (Write this solution under bottom right.) Add: Its not your job to control sex, and 'Gay' does not exist as a viable personality -- its just a spirit that is not you. Seek a partner who wants real sex not 'fight-club sex'. (Perhaps the church would help in this regard.) Write the SOLUTION for the lower-left of the map: these people are doors, work lovers. Write: 'love work with your mate (stop thinking your hot, your not -- no matter how many liars laud your exploits) also your job is not to control working people [note the symmetry of the map with the other solution] your just stuck in a spirit that is not you. Stop letting your other make you feel weak and feel like critisizing them. Melody Beattie 'codependent no more' could help.' Although I did three miracles, I am in the map also, I am not saying 'you need help (and I dont)' -- Im not as egotistical as that. As I said, 'no man is an island': 'We all need help from each other, otherwise, there is no escape from non-thinking reactive-lustful living that extrapolates (trends, continues) to old-age death.' With this map I hope some will see it DOES describe their own lives, and know I speak no bullshit. The name 'the church of spiritology' the logo: a road of three dashed lines that ends in a distant sun of seven rays and a rainbow over the sun. Its surround is an horizontal ellipse, the curve of the earth is shown inside the ellipse. The church has Role Rotation: no one speaker, no one leader. No fixed doctrine except: ego map, the seven polygons of freedom, and the Nest: the geometric drawing of the the ball-like true soul's interior spirits shown as concentric rings. In other words: the spirits of our folly and the spirits of the solution: nest; and the guidlines for freedom: three freedom triangles: 1) ask seek share 2) the truth triangle: general vital precise and 3) the method triangle: conceive execute manifest. The square: ask seek share encourage, the pentagon ask seek share encourage know, the hexagon: ask seek share encourage know do and the septagon: ask seek share encorage know do wait. I believe in a weak church of strong members. Bible: Paul and Peter(?) argue sharply on the preaching road and separate. One other church doctrine: 13. There are 13 personalities of God, hence twelve tribes. 13 types of people in the church. The church is about transformation, not standing still. There is no routine in God. There is only a narrow road from ego to true self: unlimited potenital. Nobody is asked to believe in the church's ideas but is encouraged to build their own doctrine and be a church unto themselves, for people are saved by their journey and not knowledge. This is not my church and anyone can start it anywhere anytime, so long as they do not forbade others to start the church elsewhere and unrelated to them. ------ Couples work lovers 1 talk dont touch 2 work sex lovers 1 talk dont work 2 touch ----- I am not sick and I am not mad, it is the world that is sick and mad, and because i tell the truth that they are sick and mad they want to kill me.# ----- Revelation 13:15: the ego map is the image of the beast, and it is like a machine that controls people without their knowing it, and by this method the machine kills everyone who does not worship the mark of the beast. (For example geek or nerds are ostracized and treated way-differently at school from other people. Why? because the ego map 'the poor part of our culture' tells people to treat them badly. Why? Were controlled by an evil genius (spirit) who does not want anyone to get more intelligent than he.) The mark of the beast is lust in work and sex, is lust by the eyes and with the hands. Its stupid and unhelpful to say its a computer chip, and doing so is aiding and abetting satan by creating yet another covert-subtle threat to fear. -- Of course, if you shut up and do as your told, you never realise your under control with hidden-tiny threats directing your every move. If you shut up and do as your told, then the threats will not get louder nor will they get more obvious. Evil hides and controls from a hiding place. Evil never robs a bank (or a soul) without a mask. Many people are semi-aware their being threatened, and so they shuffle through life always afraid and miserly; maybe because part of the problem is they dont know how to get free and dont see any body who can help ( and certainly no churches will help. ) # Maybe I am sick and mad. Just becuase some want to kill you doesnt mean your necessarily a prophet. I cant be sure everything I said is 100% correct. For those reasons each person is alone with God. |