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Kyo Wolf older bro is making her do a reality show Kyo hates reality shows sorry 4 typos |
REALITY, REALITY, REALITY By: Kyo Henderson Wolf INTRO Oh, my, gosh! My brother, older of course, signed us up for a reality t.v. show! Oh, my, gosh! I hate reality t.v. shows! Hi, I'm Kyo, Kyo Wolf. My stupid older brother made us do a reality t.v. show! I already hate this reality, why need another? I know, I know, I'm acting like a brat, but wouldn't you if, you were forced to do a t.v. show. It sucks! Er, I mad! Well, I know, that you wanna know how this started. So, let's take a look! By the way, I have a frowny face right now. CHAPTER 1 GETTING STARTED "Hey, guess what, girl!" My bestfriend said to me. "What?" I asked. "Kendall, is gonna ask you out!" She was all excited. I started to talk, "Wait, wait, wait, Bree, you mean the guy that I had a total crush on since eighth grade and now we're both a freshman that one, is gonna ask me out?" "Yes!" Bree yelled. "Where'd you hear this, Facebook?" I asked. "No, Linsey told me." She replied. "Oh, then it has to be true, if the blonde says it." I looked at bree with one of my "stares." Your just mad cause she's popular, and you are not!" Bree said, like she knew everything. "Yup, totally, I wanna be a stuck up bit" I was interuppetted. "That's a bad word." Linsey, replied walking by. "Oh, my, my, the little blonde idiot, wants to sound cool." I said, like I was ready to fight. "I'm so scared, wait a second, my boyfriend is the toughest jock at this school." Linsey, said so happily. "What's that supposed to me?" I asked. "It means I have a boyfriend, and you don't." Linsey was just looking at me with a smirk. I grabbed on random guy, and started to talk, " Well, this is my boyfriend, who can kick your boyfriends butt." "Really, him, can beat up Marco?" Linsey asked. "Yes." I said. Bree was pokeing me. "Not, now Bree." I said. Bree, rolled her eyes. "Okay, so my boyfriend and your 'boyfriend' will, fight tommorrow." Linsey said. "Where?" I asked. "Behind the school." Linsey replied. "We'll, and he'll, and I'll be there," I said, "You can go now." I pushed the kid away. "Um, Kyo, that was, Kendall." Bree said. "What?" I asked, with a sad and scared face. CHAPTER 2 Home "Yo! Bro! I'm home!" I yelled. "Bree, is here too!" Bree yelled. "Kyo, I would love for you to meet, Dustin!" Derek said excitedly. "Who?" I asked. "Dustin, come out." Derek said. "Did, you make a friend?" Bree asked. "Haha cute." Derek replied. "What, I just thought old people didn't have lives." Bree said. Derek started to talk, "Okay, first, I'm not that old, I'm only 26. Second, Dustin is only 17 years old, and he's a t.v. producer." "So, that makes you a petaphile?" Bree asked. "Okay, for the 30th time, I'm not gay." Derek replied. "Yo, Dustin show your face, and tell me if Derek did anything to you!" Bree yelled. "Wait, you said t.v. producer." I said. "Yup, starting tommorrow we're gonna be a reality t.v. show." Derek said. "Really?" I asked. "Yeah, and you do get paid." Dustin said. "Does Tommy know?" I asked. "Yes." Derak said. "Where is he?" I asked. " Breaking stuff in his room." Derak replied. "Your an idiot." I said. "Well, I'm sorry, I'm out of work, and we get paid a decent amount of money." Derek replied. " Hey, wanna go upstairs and talk about how your gonna say sorry to Kendall tommorrow?" Bree asked. "Yeah." We went upstairs. "How, old is your little sister?" Dustin asked. "Sixteen." Derak replied. "Okay." Dustin said and went into the kitchen. "Wait, why do you need to know that?" Derek asked. "No reason." Dustin said making himself a sandwich. "Hmm, are you sure?" Derek asked. "Postive." Dustin replied. "Y-y-you like my sister." Derek said. "Ha, no, I don't" Dustin said nervously. "I got my eye on you." Derek said. Dustin just looked at him and ate his sandwich. CHAPTER 3 T.V. and School "Derek, Bree and I are going to school!" I yelled. "K, have fun!" Derek yelled back. "I'll try!" I yelled back and left. "Why, do you guys yell when your right here and she's right there?" Dustin asked. "I'm really not sure, but aren't you going with them?" Derek asked. "Yeah, seeya!" Dustin ran out the door. "Don't look now, but your cute boss is following us." Bree said. "Wait, up!" Dustin yelled out of breath. "What?" I asked. "I can't lose you if I'm gonna make you a reality show." He replied. "Kyo, there Kendall is, go!" Bree said. "Kendall!" I yelled. "I have nothing to say to you." Kendall said. "Kendall, I'm sorry!" I said. "Why, why me, your asking me to beat someone up!" Kendall said. "Okay, your most likely gonna hate me for this, well hate me even more," I said nervously, "Linsey and I hate eachother, so, when she said she has a boyfriend I panic, so I'm sorry." "Whatever." Kendall said. "So, are you still gonna fight?" I asked. "I have to, if I don't I'll get made fun of even more." Kendall said, he sounded upset. "Well, once again I'm super sorry." I said. "Whatever, it's not your fault, it's Linsey's." Kendall said, and gave me hug, then walked away. "Well, did you two make-up?" Bree asked. "Yeah." I said. "Is he still gonna fight?" Dustin asked. "Yeah, wait how do you know about that?" I asked. "Bree told me." He replied. "Hey let's get to class before we're late." I said and we went. "Pretty nice place." Dustin said. "Don't you have a camera or whatever?" I asked. "Yep, and the office people said I could film." Dustin replied. "Great." I said. CHAPTER 4 It's Lunch Time "Oh, hey Bree, I'll be right back." I said. "Where is she going?" Dusting asked still recording. "I don't know, follow her." Bree said. "Okay." Dustin followed me. "Hey, Kendall, sitting by yourself again?" I asked. "Yep, I guess, high school isn't what I wanted it to be." Kendall replied. "Mind if I sit with with you?" I asked. Kendall started to ask, " Aren't you afraid if people are gonna make fun of you?" "No, I like to sit with friends." I said. "Friends, what friends do I have?" He asked. "Well, you have a Kyo." I said sitting down next to him. "I actually, have a friend who has blue hair, what a dream." Kendall said. "It's light blue, and I'm not so fond to have another blonde as my friend." I said. "I'm dirty blonde." He replied. "Haha cute," Dustin said, "Mind if I sit here?" "Yeah, I kinda do, I really don't like you." I said and shoved Dustin away. "I thought you were friends with him and why was he recording us?" Kendall asked. "I'm not, my brother is making us do a reality t.v. show." I said. "That would explain the camera." He said. "Haha, I don't why people don't like you, your quite a catch." I said. "I just get beating up alot." Kendall said. "Why?" I asked. "I don't know, maybe it's because I'm from Ohio, or maybe it's because I'm diffrent." He replied. "Everyone is diffrent, I mean look at me I practually made a really, really cute guy get into a fight, and I'm gonna be on a reality show, and Dustin is jealous of you and I, and I'm from England." I said. "Wow, I guess your right, but you have alot of friends." He said. "So, doesn't mean I'm 'popular' and plus I'd rather have two bff's than 100." I said. "Really, but, I'm single." He said. "So, am I , unless I count you as a fake boyfriend," I said, "And plus, your fighting some really tuff guy, and I made you." "Like I said it's not your fault, it's Linsey's." Kendall said. "That does make me feel better, thanks." We kissed, out of nowhere. "Woah." Kendall said. "What was that? Oh, I have to go, haha seeya." I left. "Bye." Kendall said touching his lip smiling. CHAPTER 5 The Problem Kiss Lunch is over. "Hey, you okay." Bree whispered in math class. "I kissed, Kendall." I whispered back. "WHAT! WHAT DID HE SAY!" Bree yelled. "Bree, Kyo do you want to share with the class what you and Kyo are talking about?" Our math teacher asked. "No, Mrs. Q." I said. "Then, be quiet!" Mrs. Q yelled. "Hard to believe she's married." Bree whispered to me. "What was that?" Mrs. Q aksed. "We didn't say anything, are you sure your not ging crazy?" Bree asked. "Anyways class." Mrs. Q went back to teaching. Class is over, school is done for the day. "Kendall, wait up." I said. "You, can't stop me from fighting this guy." Kendall said. "No, about that kiss, I'm sorry." I said. "It's okay." Kendall and I went to the back of the school, with Bree, and Dustin. "I was afriad that you wouldn't show." Linsey said. "Yeah, this little kid should be easy to beat up." Marco said. "I'm not afriad of you." Kendall said. Yeah, he lied, he's terrified. "Okay then lets fight." Marco went at Kendall with a fist, Marco hit Kendall in the face. Marco was gonna hit him again. "Stop!" I yelled. "No, stopping Linsey said. I went in front of Marco, he stopped. "Kyo, what are you doing?" Kendall asked. Dustin is recording this. "Look, Kendall, didn't do anything to you! And, can't hurt him, he's a sweet guy, if you hurt him I'll get you espelled, and that means no more football!" I yelled. "Okay, I'm done." Marco and Linsey left. Everyone left, except for Kendall, Dustin, Bree, and I. "What was that about?" Kendall asked. "I didn't want to see get beat up." I said. "Well, I guess you can stop me." Kendall said, "I'm sorry." I said. "No, thank you, if you wouldn't have come in, I would have been dead." Kendall said. We kissed, romanticly. "I'm, I'm um." I said. "Seeya tommorrow." Kendall said. "Um, yeah, yeah." I said. Kendall left. "Thats so going on t.v." Dustin said. "Dustin, way to ruin the moment," Bree said, "Let's go." CHAPTER 6 School Next Day "Okay, Kyo, your boyfriend wins, so do you." Linsey said jealously. "Linsey, thanks but." I was inturrupted. "Whatever." Linsey walked away really mad. "Bree, Dustin, did you see Kendall anywhere?" I asked. "Yeah, he's at his locker." They replied. "K, thanks." I said and went to his locker. "Kyo, hey." Kendall said. "Hey." I said. "How, is my awesome girlfriend?" He asked. "Girlfriend." I said. "Yeah, I thought because of that kiss, that we were dating." He said, alittle confused. "Yeah, your my boyfriend and I'm your girlfriend." Isaid proud. "That's what I thought, but I'm still a nobody in this school." Kendall said. "Your not a nobody to me." I said smiling. "I know, thanks again, let me walk you to class." Kendall said happily. "Okay, class is gonna be so much fun." I said. "Oh really?" Kendall asked. "Yeah, because your gonna be there." I said as we were walking. "What about Dustin?" Kendall asked. "Oh, right, forgot." I said. "Sorry, I ruin the moment, right?" He asked. "Yeah." I said. "Kyo, let me see that smile." Dustin said recording me. "No." I said rolling my eyes. "Come on, oh by the way you can't hang with your boyfriend, we have a meeting after school at your place." Dustin said. "I'll be there, but Kendall's driving me, home, without you." I said. "Okay, just be there." Dustin said. After school. "Okay, I'm home, what is it?" I asked. "We're notdoing the show, I got a new job that's decent pay." Derek said. "Oh thank you, does that mean that Dustin's leaving?" I asked, "No, I'm out of the bisnusse, and I'm staying here, and I'm going to your school." Dustin said. "Excuse me, I'm gonna call Kendall to bring me to the mall." I said and I went outside, I scream no super loud. Kendall got to my house and picked me up. "Thanks, we're done with the reality show." I said. "You don't seem to happy." Kendall said. "Yep, that's because Dusting is staying at my house and is going to our school." I said. "Oooh, don't cheat on me." Kendall said. "I wasn't planning on it. I said. "You just bummed, but you got me." Kendall smiled. "I know, I know." I said. CHAPTER 7 It's Friday...Gotta Down on Friday :D "Well, looking forward to the weekend with me?" Kendall asked. "You know it!" I said. "First arcade, then out to eat at a fancy place, and finally relaxing at my place." Kendall said. "I can't wait, and all my favorite things." I said. "Oh, bring me home something." Dustin said. "Your just jealouse, no girlfriend for you." I said. "Nope, I'm dating Bree." Dustin said with a smirk.' "Hey, it's your life, date whoever you want, as long as I'm with K-dog." I said. "Thanks my nickname?" Kendall asked. "Yeah, deal with it." I said. "I like it, Kyo-kyo." Kendall said. "Oh thanks." I said. "Don't mention it." Kendall said. "If you want, I can just call you Kendork." Dustin said. "Get a life." I said. "Sorry, I got one, your the one who needs one." Dustin said. "Leave my girlfriend alone!" Kendall said. "Whatever." Dustin walked away. "Geez what's his problem?" I asked. "I don't know, oh ready to go?" Kendall asked. "Yes K-dog." I said getting into his car. "To the arcade!" Kendall shouted. "Yeah!" I yelled. Done at the arcade, and at the fancy resturant. "To my place?" Kendall asked. "Oh yeah." I said. "Well, here it is," Kendall said, "Oh, I live alone." "It's a nice place." I said. "I'm looking for a roomate." He said. "Is that a question?" I asked. "Yeah, do you wanna move in with me?" Kendall asked. "I would love to." I said. We started making out. "I love you." I said. "I love you too." Kendall said. CHAPTER 8 Morning "Hey, wake up." Kendall said. "What time is it? I asked. "9:00 p.m., you told me to wake you up at this time." Kendall said. "Are, you making breakfast?" I asked. "Yeah." Kendall said. "Wait, did we, do something last night." I asked. "Yeah, we made out and then went to my room." Kendall said. "Oh, okay, so we did do it?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm sorry." Kendall said. "No, I'm moving in so its fine." I said. "Does your brother know?" Kendall asked. "I'm telling him today, when I get my stuff." I said. "You should go now." Kendall said. "I'll be right back then." I said and went to my house. "Hey, you were at Kendall's house right?" Derek asked. "Yeah." I said. "Are you going back?" Drerek asked. "Yeah, I'm moving in." I said. "What! No your not!" Derek yelled. "Yes I am!" I yelled back. "Did, he give you money?" Derek asked. "No, I love him, and he love me! That's it!" I yelled. "Fine. Go." Derek said. "Hey, I'm home." I said. "Hey." Kendall kissed me. "Do you have a job?" I asked. "Yes, I work at the drugstore down the street." Kendall said. "Okay." I kissed him back. "How did your brother take it?" Kendall asked. "He's alittle mad, but he'll get over it." I said. "You, okay?" He asked. "Yeah I am." I said. "Go back to bed okay." He said. "Okay." I said. Kendall kissed me on my forehead. "Wait, but I'm not tired." I said. "Okay, then I'll take you to bed." Kendall winked at me. "Why, don't we just go to the mall, let me get changed." I said. "Okay, fine." Kendall said. CHAPTER 9 The Mall "I love the mall." I said. "Me too, but I love you more." Kendall said. "Awe, thanks, I love you more too." I said. we kissed. "Ew! It's Kyo Wolf, or should I say Kyo Roy Mustang." Linsey said with her friends. "Don't use my real name, and how did you find it?" I asked. "Oh, Marco got it for me." Linsey replied. "I don't care what you call me." I said. "Okay, Mustang." Linsey said. "Just ignore her." Kendall said. "I'm trying." I said. Linsey shoved me. "What the hell was that for!" I said. "Nothing, but this is for fun." Linsey slapped me. "Okay, who got serious problems," I said. "Lets go Kendall." We walked away. "Walk away, you chiken, you slut!" Linsey yelled. "Relax." Kendall said. "I'm just ignoring her." I said. "Hey! Kyo!" Dustin yelled. "Hi?" I sounded confused. "Derek said that you moved out to live with Kendall." Dustin said. "Yep." I said. "Cool, Well, I'll miss you, but I'll still seeya at school." Dustin said. "Yeah, bye." I said. "Bye." Dustin walked away. "Ready to go home?" Kendall asked. "Yeah, I need to relax." I said. "Okay." Kendall said. We made it home, and went into to Kendall's room for "fun." CHAPTER 10 Last Chapter So, I live with Kendall. My brother is still mad. Dustin still likes me, and Linsey wants to kill me. I love Kendall and he loves me. Does that count? Whatever. If you wanna know what happens next stay tune for REALITY AND REALITY. My new book, that is the seaquel to this one, well it's countinueing. I hope but there is deffinley gonna be a second one. |