Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1799350-Story-continued-Chapter-3
by carphi
Rated: · Novel · Writing · #1799350
Chapter 3 of A Weekend at Eagle House
Chapter 3

After dinner,  Jillian and Simon went for a walk, to discuss what they had discovered so far.  They found a small path going into the back field where the shooting party was earlier that day. There was still enough light out to see the wildflowers, thistles and other flora along the path.

“ So,” began Simon. “ We know that it was Wilson who tore up the Lieutenants cryptic poem.”  “Yes, not Bernard.” said  Jillian who ways toying with a cat tail she had plucked from the side of the path.  “We also know that someone shot but not fatally Bernard.” said Jillan tossing the cattail away from her. “Yes, I don’t think he was the target. I think the Colonel was and they missed.” said Simon looking quickly around to see if anyone was nearby. “ Not much of a hunter I guess.” said Jillian jokingly.  “Maybe one of them is farsighted and forgot their glasses, surely these army men know how to shoot a gun, some of them like Grant and Laurance definitely do, I was in their company in the war.”  As they walked along the path, Simon spied something in the thick grass.  “Well, what do we have here?” 

Simon bent down to pick up a small piece of  blue cloth.  A handkerchief.  It was pretty plain except for one interesting thing, a letter stitched in the upper corner. “Look, a there is a N clearly stitched right here.” said Simon showing the handkerchief. “ N… Nathan.  Again something relating to Nathan Wilson.” “ Yes, the ripped up poem and now this.”  “ Could he be who the poem refers to?” “ Perhaps but what could Lieutenant Colonel possibly  have on him?  He was always seemed an above board man.”  Simon thought a minute, trying to think back to his time with him in the regiment.  There was that time during the Battle of Amiens,  Simon had been transferred to the 129th division for awhile. While Recalling this memory and telling Jillian, Simon said “  Something could of happened then, if  Nathan spent anytime in the nearby towns, Corble was not too far way.  Perhaps something happened then.  Of Course that is just speculation, tonight at the dance I will try to talk to him privately.”  Jillian looked at her watch. “ It’s 7:00pm, we better go back and change.”   

Back at the house the rest of the guests were already changing for the dance.  John and Marline were finishing dressing.  Unbeknownst to  Simon and Jillian, John and Marline had been observing  what had been going on thus far during their stay, however they did not care to play detective. “ Do you think there will be yet another incident this evening.” asked  Marline, who was brushing her hair.  “ I hope not darling. This afternoon was quite enough for awhile, though if that poem  the Lieutenant  wrote to all of us, but meant for one of us in particular is anything to by, then perhaps there will be.”  “ Any thoughts on that poem dear?” “ Well, it hasn’t got anything to do with me or you I can say that.  I didn’t even serve directly with the Lieutenant Colonel.  I think we were invited because  he knew I served during the war like everyone else invited, but I wasn’t under his command.  I know Simon and Jillian Hocksworth aren’t suspect.  I think they wish to solve the puzzle enmeshed in that poem and prevent something from happening.”  “ Well John, I think everyone wants this weekend to go without a major incident.”  “ Yes, but someone will do something, they know they have been brought here for a purpose.”  “ Yes, well we shall have to keep our eyes open, and perhaps compare notes with Simon and Jillian.” “  Yes perhaps but I am not going to dawn the deer stalker cap.” said John sarcastically.

By  7:30pm, everyone was dressed and downstairs  in the dance hall.    Charlie Rock and the Rockers  was the local band playing.  Charlie was a tall, slim man with slick black hair. He wore a black tuxedo with a sparkly bow tie and diamond cufflinks.  There were  three other band members,  a drummer, base player, and a  trumpet player.  Charlie sang as well as played the guitar.  Charlie had a big smile and stepped up to the microphone. 

“ Evening ladies and gents, and  very special thank you to the Lieutenant and his lovely wife Lady Constance for having me and my boys here tonight.  We’d like to start the evening off with a jazzy little tune called  The Black Cat Rag. We hope you like it.”  “And  1,2,3.” 

The band began to play.  Most of the guests got on the dance floor,  Laurence and Helena doing the Charleston along with John and Marline  after finishing at the punch bowl at the other side of the room,  Grant and Rosalind joined in also. Bernard and Penny just kind of swayed to the music, keeping their distance from the Barrett’s. Bernard’s  arm was bandaged, but he didn’t seem to be in any real physical pain.  He just was not in the greatest mood.  Simon, spying that Nathan was alone for a moment, decided to have a word with him out on the porch.  Jessica and Jillian sat on the plush red couches and talked with Lady Constance.  The Lieutenant was near the band,  tapping his toes to the music. 

Out on the porch,  Simon talked to Nathan.  “ You say you wish to speak with me?” asked Nathan who had kind of half guessed Simon’s intentions. “ Yes, I  wanted to give you this.”  From out of his breast pocket Simon  produced the handkerchief.  Nathan looked at the handkerchief, was silent for a moment then said “ Um well, thank you, err,, where did you find it?”  Simon looked at Nathan in the eye and said”  In the front field, where you apart of the shooting party. It was in the grass, quite near where  Bernard was hurt.”  Nathan looked pale for a moment,  and then after quietly closing the double doors which led back to the dance hall he said”  Does anyone else know you found this?” “ Just my wife, she was with me when I found it.” 

“ Ok, how much do you want?”  Nathan reached into his trouser pocket and got out his wallet.  Simon stepped back a step. “What?” Simon looked at him wide eyed.  “ No, no mate, I don’t want your money,  this isn’t an attempt at blackmail!  I just want to know what’s the story mate, I don’t want that poem to come to pass. I want to help, if you will allow me to, but I don’t want anything for it.”  Nathan breathed deeply and the two men walked closer to the edge of the balcony. Nathan got a cigarette case from his jacket, choose a cigarette and lit it.  He offered one to Simon but he declined.  He didn’t smoke. 

Nathan breathed out a puff of smoke and said,  “If I tell you, you got to stop the Lieutenant, and don’t tell anyone else with the exception of Jillian what I tell you.”  “I promise.”    Nathan proceeded to tell what happened a few yrs ago, back at the front.  He had been paid quite well  by the Germans to steal cases ammunition and bring it to  Corble.  He must not of covered his tracks one time because the Lieutenant had him followed.  They had a camera with them and a couple of pictures of him were snapped coming out of a lodge house where a  German solider could be seen in the doorway.  The Lieutenant kept quiet about it then, nothing was ever said.  Now the Lieutenant had his chance, to tell many of his peers who knew him then what a traitor his was.  He knew he shouldn’t of helped the other side, but his family back home was poor and sending the money he got greatly helped him.  It was too late for a court marshal, he was out of the Army.  “ So you thought you would do  away with him at the shooting party?” 

“ Yes, I did but that blasted Bernard got in the way. I am glad I missed.  Nathan turned his face away from Simon.” I may of helped Hilter a hint, but I am not a  murderer, I hated having to shoot during the war.”  “ Well now, what and when do you think the Lieutenant plans to do?”  Nathan sighed.  “ I haven‘t the foggiest, but he has to be stopped. I think he will choose Monday, the last main day we are here to do his big reveal.  We need to break into his study and get those pictures.”  “We’ll work on a plan after the dance, I think our wives will  be wanting a dance.” “Right.” and with that Simon opened the double doors and the two men went back to the dance, and from the looks of it,  their absence hadn’t been missed. 

Chris and his band played a slow number, everyone went on the dance floor.  While dancing, Jillian whispered in  Simon‘s ear “ Well did  you make progress with Nathan?” “ Oh yes.  I will tell you more later darling.” Simon whispered back.  Gently they swayed to the music. Simon looked up and saw the chandelier twinkling.  In his mind he began to think of a plan, which would have to be well thought out.  Part of him thought that Nathan Wilson deserved to be  exposed for what he did but knowing his reasons, then thought otherwise.  If he were in his shoes then, he might of done the same thing. Might of..
Meanwhile someone else was thinking of a way to get back at the Lieutenant, for a entirely different reason. 

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