Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1798420-The-Death-Institution
by cara
Rated: 13+ · Other · Contest Entry · #1798420
her familys dead all she has is a doll!!!
It was a quiet dark night when suddenly the neighbors were awakened by loud screams from the house next door. They quickly called the police. When the police arrived they saw fifteen year old Sara in a pool of blood screaming and rocking her doll. She was unresponsive and would not talk to the police the only thing she said was were going to get you and rocked the doll quietly.

The police took Sara to the Carlos Mental Institution. There she sat and slowly let her insanity take over. The guard came to make sure Sara went to sleep and when he left he forgot to lock the door. Sara woke up in the middle of the night everyone was sleeping she noticed the door was unlocked so she opened it and went wondering around.

She went to the kitchen because she felt hungry. When she opened the cabinet the doll fell out. The doll that she had the day the police arrived. She took it back to her room and there she played with it.

Later the guard came to give Sara her breakfast. He saw Sara’s doll and tells her she cant have it. The guard took the doll away and Sara went psychotic. She screamed and said I will get my doll you all will die
The nurse came in to give Sara her shots. When the nurse sat her tray of needles down Sara grabbed two needles stabbing the nurse. She then took off running to the kitchen where she knew her doll would be.

She went to the kitchen and opened the cabinet. Her doll was there. She went to grab it when she heard a guard. She plugged up the blender and grabbed a knife. Sara grabbed the guard put the knife to his throat and drug him to the blender. She turned the blender on sticking his hand in it. You could hear his screaming through the whole building. when she took his hand out his fingers where cut off his arm had chunks of meat gone and it looked gruesome. She took her doll and slit the guards throat and walked to her room where she sat and told the doll it was okay. The police arrived to find the nurse and the guard dead.

Was all of this revenge for her doll or her family? No one ever knew what happened to her family.
© Copyright 2011 cara (caracake1 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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