Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1797295-The-Three-Little-Shoats
by Amay
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Contest Entry · #1797295
A twisted version of the three little pigs for Sensual Moments - Round 5 winner
The Three Little Shoats

         Once upon a time, in a land far way, on a small run down farm lived the poor
widow Shoat. She worked all day from dawn to dusk just trying to grow enough food
to feed her growing brood (growing in age and appetite, not numbers, by the way).
When the young Shoats were small, it was easy to feed them, but now that they were
growing up they were eating her out of house and home.  Some of these glutinous
Shoats would have to go.

         The oldest Shoat daughters- Circe, Porcine, and Babirussa were curvaceous
beauties to behold. They routed out every crumb, leaving nothing for anyone else.
Their selfish and immature behaviors were infecting the rest of widow Shoat’s family.

         The night finally came when widow Shoat made her stand. “Girls, I’ve got to
tell you. I’ve had enough. You don’t pull your weight around here. You terrorize your
younger siblings. You wallow around and make such a mess. Your bickering and
bullying are driving me nuts. You eat like there’s no tomorrow each and every day.
So daughters you are the oldest and setting the worst example, come tomorrow
morning, you’re moving out. Get your stuff packed and ready to go. By first morning’s
light, you’re out of here.”

         The daughters in unison stomped their feet, crossed their arms across their
chests, and pouted. They just knew if they looked pitiful enough their mother would
change her mind and let them stay in the Shoat family home. The poor little
(figuratively speaking) Shoats soon learned that Mother Shoat was not kidding. They
were shocked when their mother stood firm, and just pointed toward their bedroom
         Circe, Porcine and Babirussa scuffed their feet as they slowly sashayed
toward their bedroom.

         “I can’t believe she’s kicking us out, “ Babirussa complained to her sisters.

         “She’s just being selfish,” Porcine whined.

         “Oh my, what are we going to do?” Circe started to plan.

         “I know,” Babirussa exclaimed, “we’ll sleep in late! Then we can’t leave at
first light.”
So that was the plan, they all agreed upon.

         They woke near noon, wallowed in a delightful mud bath for several hours
thinking that their mother would have surely calmed down and things would be back
to the status quo. When they walked out of their sty, they couldn’t believe their eyes.
There were their bags, all packed sitting by the front door, widow Stoat was sitting in
her rocking chair with a stern look upon her face.

         “You’re leaving today, no matter the time. You’ve wasted so much valuable
sunlight. Where will you sleep tonight? Well, it’s not my worry. I’ve packed you each
a lunch, I guess it will be supper now, but you’ll not have time to eat it here. Out the
door, out the door! You’re moving out and that’s that.” She shooed them out of her
house, then closed and locked the door behind them.

         “Whew, now that’s a relief!”

         Stunned and silent the Shoat girls left the house, toting their bags behind

         The girls trudged along without a sound when Babirussa saw a handsome
man riding in a wagon full of straw. She immediately knew what she was going to do.
She sent her sisters on their way while she fixed up her makeup and daubed on some
of her special perfume.

         Babirussa sat on her luggage, pulled up her skirts, and started rubbing her
ankle. Her bountiful cleavage and shapely legs, well, let’s just say the wagon stopped
in no time flat.

         “Mistress, are you alright?” asked the man as he climbed down from the

         “Oh no, I’ve twisted my ankle and it hurts so much, “she replied with anguished
filled eyes.

         “Let me help you into my wagon. You shouldn’t walk on that ankle.”

         Babirussa stood and faked a slight stumble. He quickly pulled Babirussa close
to him. Her breasts pressed against his chest, her smile lit up her face as her hands
quickly slid up the man’s muscular chest lingering there with her nimble fingers. “Oh,
I’m so sorry. It must be worse than I thought,” as she batted her eyelashes. His hands, firm
and supportive, slid down her back as she molded her body to his. His own body
revealing his interest, she knew that she wouldn’t have a thing to worry about now.

         She wrapped her arms around the gentleman’s neck, and he lifted her gently
breathing in her sweet scent. With her head nestled next to his neck she sighed,
she’d baited the hook, he’d taken the worm; now all she had to do was reel him in.
Little kisses along that strong muscular neck should do it she thought, and she
started her journey.

         Her sweet kisses led to soft little licks leading to nuzzling until finally he
looked down upon the beauty in his arms. His lips met hers for the first time, his
tongue slid gingerly through her lips. Claiming this prize for his own, Romulus felt
his inner wolf coming to the surface. Breathlessly he whispered, “My beauty, what
pray is your name?”


         Drunk with passion, Romulus sighed, “Babirussa, Babirussa, won’t you let
me come in?”

         “Oh sir, I shouldn’t sir,” batting her eyelashes at him. Her mouth was saying no,
but her eyes were saying yes. She shifted slightly in his arms, making sure her
buxom cleavage was at her advantage, then sighed and placed her head back
on her shoulder.

         Romulus slowly lowered Babirussa to the ground. “We should be moving on.
The sun is starting to go down.” He placed his hands upon her waist, and boosted
her up onto the wagon.

         Well this wouldn’t do, with her in the hay and him on the other end of the
wagon. What was she going to do? Quickly scheming, she screamed. The
startled Romulus, jumped aboard the wagon wondering what had scared
Babirussa so. Tears welled in Babirussa’s eyes, quivering as if terrified, her
hero stood before her ready to save the day. “I saw a monster, there in the
woods, hold me close. I’m scared.”

         Romulus looked all around, “I don’t see anything,” as he sat down wrapping
his arms around Babirussa to calm her fears.

         She sniffled and snuggled, and plied him with kisses again. She let his
hands explore while hers did the same. Lost in the passionate moment,
“Babirussa, won’t you let me come in?”

         “Oh sir, I shouldn’t sir,” batting her eyelashes at him. Her mouth was saying no,
but her eyes and her hands were saying yes.

         Romulus fought with himself and started to take his leave to drive the
wagon on before dark when Babirussa caught his hand. “Please don’t leave
me sir. Your touch, it is amazing. My heart is so enflamed, please sir, if you
wish sir, I think you may come in.”

         Romulus laid down beside the beautiful Babirussa. His hands gently
fondled her breast within its bodice, his thumb rubbing over the hardening nub. 
With a flick, he untied the bow and slid the blouse  open exposing her nipples
to the cooling air. His kisses, sweeter than honey upon her nubs, stirred heat
within Babirussa. Each touch created sparks that awakened her need. He took
her hand, gently kissed her palm then slid it over his arousal. “Babirussa, are you
ready for me to come in?”

         Her eyes were drunk with lust, she slowly nodded, “Oh yes, dear sir. Please
do come in.”

         He slipped her skirts up, lowered her knickers, her glistening mound called
for him to come in. He lowered his head. Soft little kisses up her thighs led to
parting her swollen lips to flick her pearl with his tongue. Soft moans and sighs
assailed his ears urging him on, to please come in. Her scent filled him with need,
her need and his need. His slid his hand up and down her thigh while he suckled
her ever hardening pearl.

         Her hands grabbed his head, pulling him in, welcoming him into her inner
sanctum, her breath ragged from her increasing desire, her moans increasing to
his delight. He plunged in his fingers, sending her over the first edge, rubbing
harder, sucking harder, feeling her muscles tighten around his fingers. He couldn’t
wait for her to let him come in.

         Meanwhile, Porcine and Circe had been walking around for hours. It was
starting to get dark and the temperature was dropping. Frustrated that they hadn’t
met a handsome man, they decided to go back and check on Babirussa. Maybe
she would take them in for the night, well, forever.

         They found the hay wagon right where they’d left their sister. They didn’t
see the handsome man, nor did they see their sister. But someone was close by
because they were hurt and moaning. Porcine and Circe ran to the back of the
wagon hoping that their sister was not the one that was hurt. They stood, smiled
and winked at each other, being the older sisters they knew a thing or two.

         Quietly, Circe climbed up onto the hay wagon. She didn’t want to startle
this busy young man, but she wanted to play too. She gently kneeled behind him.
Freeing her breasts with ease, she let her nipples graze his back, and started
kissing and licking his ear. Her hand slid down his back, reaching between his l
egs to his dangling sack. She felt him tense, “There there, my sweet. I’m just here
to help. No sense in her having all the fun,” and she plunged her tongue back
into his ear while she toyed with her prize.

         Romulus felt his pulse quicken, soft hands toying with his balls made it
difficult to focus. “ Babirussa, now may I come in?” He placed his head at her
opening, and paused waiting for her nod of approval, then one long hard thrust
sent on her second trip over the edge. She gripped him tightly, their orgasm
pulsing through them in unison. Circe felt the tension and release in her hand
as she continued to toy with his balls, her breasts pressed against his back,
and her whispers of what was to come in ringing in his ears.

         Porcine joined the threesome up on the wagon. Romulus felt like he had
entered Nirvana, three women, all wanting him, all desiring him. His lips wet with
Babirussa, found Porcine’s lips. She reveled in flavor of his kiss, while his fingers
played with her breast.  Babirussa slid over and let Romulus spread out on the hay,
huffing and puffing catching his breath, his naked body glistening with sweat. He
sighed and grinned, as Circe and Porcine threw their clothes in a pile. Circe knew
what she wanted, just as Porcine knew what she desired. Porcine whispered to
Romulus, “Will you eat me, my pet, while my sister has her pleasure in eating you?”
Romulus just smiled like a Cheshire cat.

         Porcine straddled his head while Romulus’ hands guided her down upon
his waiting mouth. In seconds he’d found her growing hardness. His tongue danced
trying to capture every drop of her growing wetness.

         Circe laid down by his side, her fingers daintily tracing the ridges on his
member while Babirussa caught her breath.  Circe took Babirussa’s hand, “I want
you to hold him here,” as his cock started to pulse, “now, rub little circles with your
finger, right here. That’s right. Now you can watch and be part of the fun, little sister.”
Circe slowly licked around his crown, savoring the flavors before taking his head
into her mouth. She sucked while Babirussa rubbed the ever hardening dancing

         Porcine massaged her breasts, her breath was ragged, she knew that
she’d come soon. Romulus never stopped attacking her pearl. He knew it was
hard and so swollen, his fingers gingerly rubbed her special spot; he could feel
the muscles trying to hold onto his fingers. He slid his fingers from their hot wet
spot, back to her tight brown rosebud. He held her pearl lightly in between his
teeth, rubbing it back and forth with his tongue, and delved deeper into her rosebud.
He felt her orgasm pour as he bit down tighter upon her pearl. Her moans of pleasure
spurred Circe and Babirussa on.

         Circe and Babirussa slowly teased and sucked Romulus’s cock to its fully
aroused state, long and hard, pulsing in the evening light. Circe suckled his head
with amazing abandon. His hips thrust as Porcine came; Circe accommodated his
length with ease. She drew long and hard as Babirussa felt the tension building in
the base of Romulus’s cock. She watched his sack tighten, and felt the pulsing through
her fingers, as Romulus moaned his satisfaction.

         The three Shoats all snuggled up with Romulus, as the last light of day
left the sky. “Little Shoat, Little Shoat, Little Shoat,” he sighed, “Which one will let
me come in?”


++ shoat- a weaned pig
++ Circe- Daughter of Hecate and the sun, who lured sailors to her island where she
made love to them and turned them into pigs
++ Babirussa- a type of wild boar
++ Porcine- relating to pigs
++ Romulus-  suckled by the wolf with his brother- founder of Rome
© Copyright 2011 Amay (amay5prm at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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