Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1796104-Lenas-First-Experience-Part-2
by Benari
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Adult · #1796104
Lena Nygard learns more about this adult activity, and participates with a friend.
It was a little over fifteen minutes when Lena landed at the gates of the complex. While she could have just flown over, that would have set off some of the automated sentry devices, and would have had her netted, tagged and in the back of a law enforcement vehicle inside of a few seconds.
         She waved at the ork at the gate who opened the barriers, and quickly slipped inside. The estate was surprisingly nice. Tidy and organised, all the buildings looking a few years old at best. The rain was just about dying down now, the clouds lightening up a little overhead. There were eight blocks of flats in total, all ringing a central area of... well, almost parkland. She found building four and pushed inside.
         A bored looking elven woman was sitting at the desk there with her feet propped up on it, filing her nails. She glanced up for a second, then chuckled and shook her head, going back to her task. “Lift's at the back, or you can use the stairs.” She said. “Tell Karyn hi for me.” Lena nodded, before raising an eyebrow.
         “Oh, how did I know you're here to see her? Most people are, or her sister. They're a really outgoing pair. Just a lucky guess.” The elf smiled.
         Lena shook her head, pushed her glasses back up onto the bridge of her nose and started up the staircase. At level six, she stepped off and looked around for flat B. She knocked on the door and waited. A minute later she knocked again. Finally, the door clicked open, swinging inwards electronically to reveal the interior. Karyn was standing there, covered in a towel and a soft dressing gown. She was grinning happily and leant forward, hugging Lena tightly.
         “Hey babe, sorry, was just soaking in the tub. Had a pretty tough day at the shop.” She said, before p pulling back from Lena and beckoning her inside.
         “Welcome to our humble abode, ours meaning my sister and myself.” She said, waving an arm around. The door opened onto a grandroom. A small kitchen on the left, that lead out onto a wooden floored dining area that looked out over the small pond in the middle of the park land. On the right hand side, there was a door, open, leading into a study by the looks of things, and further forward was a tidy sitting room area. The back of the flat seemed to be taken up by two bedrooms and a bathroom. Lena blinked, surprised by the level of comfort in the flat, before finding an ice cold bottle of something in her hands. Karyn grinned and cracked her own open on the counter top.”
         “Sorry about not getting properly dressed, but I thought you'd have wanted in quickly.” She giggled a bit, before hopping up onto the counter top, crossing her legs and taking a swig.
         “What made you want to drop by anyway?” She asked. Lena tensed up slightly, and put her bottle down, closing the door behind her. She turned back and fixed Karyn with a steely gaze.
         “... what?” The older girl asked, an eyebrow raised.
         “Which are you?”
         “Predator or prey... which ARE you?”
         “Wait... you didn't...”
         “WHICH?!” The scream surprised both Karyn, and Lena herself. The human girl blinked a few times, before sticking a finger in one ear and twiddling it a bit.
         “Prey... but why is it so important?” Karyn finally asked. Lena was breathing in and out in shallow breaths.
         “Why? Because I enjoy it? And it pays the bills?”
         “How the hell can you enjoy something fatal like that?!” Karyn facepalmed, pushing herself off the counter and standing infront of Lena, looking up into the serilya's eyes.
         “Because I just do...” She said softly. “I always have, as long as I can remember.” She looked down a bit. “It's not like I asked for it...” Lena looked at the smaller girl for a few seconds. She was still angry, wound up... but for a second she couldn't remember why.
         “Now it's my turn for a question. Who was it?” Karyn's normally bouncy voice had flattened out, as she turned back to look at Lena, her eyes holding back a deep sadness. Lena was silent for a second before...
         “My mother. A wild arachne back in my home country.”
         “I'm so... so very sorry Lena... truly I am... you must hate me.” The smaller girl's eyes could no longer hold back tears. Lena was more than a little shocked by this, and before she knew what she was doing, her arms, and even her wings had curled around Karyn, who was now quietly sobbing into her shoulder.
         “I knew this day would come... I said I was prepared for it...” She managed between her tears. Lena said nothing, not really knowing what to say in these circumstances. She'd been expecting to have a shouting match with the girl over this... instead, she was comforting her.
         Kari slowly finished up, wiping her eyes with the sleeve of her dressing gown.
         “Ancestors... Lena I am so sorry...”
         “Kari.... please, just tell me why... I need to understand.”
         The human walked over to the sofa, sitting down on it.
         “It started when I was really young... I think about six or so, when I had seen something, some flik, or some kid's show where they got eaten. You know, the whole cartoon “it's a whole world inside this thing's stomach.”” She sighed. “After that... I just kept on thinking “What's wrong with that? Soft, warm, comfortable...” It was just how my mind worked. Rikku and I... Rikku's my sister, talked about it. We were as close as could be, and still are. She felt the same way.” She looked up.
         “We used to pretend. Play these games, pretending one of us was a lamia, or the like, and would gobble up the other. We'd stuff pillows up our tops and rub the bulge, the other curled up in the foetal position beneath the covers of our bed, both of us giggling about it... I remember when it was that innocent.”
         “It changed later... I... there's more to this story, but I can tell you about it later. My first time... I was sent to a military Takan boarding school. A good one, but still... I... I almost ended up getting raped... but Kristin... she was one my only true friend at that place... a lamia. She grabbed both of the guys, beat the living snot out of them, before binding them in her coils. She was literally about to devour the first one when one of our instructors found us. The two boys were expelled, Kristin got disciplinary action...” Karyn sighed, brushing a strand of hair from her eyes.
         “We grew a lot closer... I ended up becoming her pet in gratitude... one day she asked if she could eat me. I... I was so excited, but so afraid at the same time. I'd only ever seen her do this... or even start to do this in anger... but I agreed, feeling I owed her as much. And she promised I'd be safe. I don't know if you know, but Lamias have a special... holding sac of sorts towards the end of their bodies, that they can fill by eating people with their tails. That's why a lot of them look like snake's heads... but yeah.”
         “She bound me in her coils, her body pressing in against mine, lifting me up. I couldn't see, but I felt the tongue of the mouth crawling up my legs, hot and damp, before the sticky flesh of the mouth pressed against my legs. The flesh parted for my feet, pressing in around me, hot, soft, silky even... and strong. Her coils could be like a vice, but so could this passage... and I was slowly pulled in. I remember her tail unwrapping from around me as it consumed more of me, that point where my hands were pulled in too and I knew there was nothing I could do to escape now. Just as my shoulders entered her tail maw, she kissed me on the lips, before the jaws sealed over my head and I was swallowed down.”
         Karyn looked straight back at Lena. The serilya had been quiet, simply listening to this story. The human sighed again. “It was... one of the best feelings of my life. My body was hot, on fire, but not burning... everything about it, the closeness, the feeling of the hot damp flesh pressing in all around me, coating my body, being completely in the clutches of someone else, knowing she had complete control over me...” her voice quavered slightly. “For me... Lena... it was bliss.”
         “I soon found myself in a... I would say roomy chamber, but it really wasn't. I was still pinned, but before my face, there was room... and more importantly air. I wriggled around a bit, not sure what I should do, feeling the walls ripple around me, enhancing my experience even more. It turned out, after she let me back out, the same way I'd come in, I'd been in there for almost an hour.”
         Karyn sighed. “And that... as they say, was that. I was hooked. I was her belly filler on lonely nights. She cared for me, and I for her. And yes, before you say it... it wasn't legal, and it wasn't safe. I could have died if she hadn't taken some of the medication available for safe vore, especially when she swallowed me the normal way.” The girl shivered a bit. “Still not... entirely comfortable doing that now, even with all the safety procedures in place.”
         Lena sat back, quietly thinking over what Karyn had said. This girl... got off on being eaten, alive whole... her own mother had died that way but... but...
         “How many people are killed by sharks in the wild?” The question surprised her.
         “It still happens... and yet some people go swimming with them, perfectly aware that they could be killed in an instant.” Karyn said softly.
         “It doesn't make it right... and truly, I am so sorry that you lost your mother to this... but this is why we want to keep it safe, consensual, and regulated.”
         “But how?” Lena asked again. “If you're... swallowed. What if your predator wants a meal, not just... a stomach filler?” She felt a little sick at using the word, but continued. Karyn looked up, before nodding to herself and getting up.
         “See me after work tomorrow. I'll show you. This sort of thing needs to be seen to be believed.”
         Lena stood up, reaching out towards Karyn. The smaller girl walked over and hugged the serilya tightly. “If I could... I'd bring her back.” She whispered.
         “I believe you...” Lena said gently, before pulling away. Karyn smiled somewhat, but her energy seemed to have left her.
         “I knew this would happen... and I'm again sorry... I know that people die, doing what I now do for pleasure and pay... I can't escape that fact... but if it's not regulated, then it'd just happen off the grid... and people would die... this way, we all live. You'll see Lena... tomorrow.” She said. Lena nodded and opened the door, sliding outside.
         “Lena?” She stopped, looking back.
         “Please... still be my friend.” Lena blinked, before slowly nodding.
         “I promise. See you tomorrow Karyn.” She said, before stepping out, the door sliding closed with a soft click.
         In the corridor outside, Lena leant against the door, her chest rising and falling softly. She couldn't hate Karyn for this. Her mind suddenly flickered to an image of damp flesh, a horrifically inviting open mouth... Lena let out a gasp, before smashing that thought aside and leaving, her face scarlet.
         That night, Lena found her dreams to be full of images, a lot more vivid than normal. She saw her mother again, her smile, the gentle caress of her wing tips across her brow, the pain of loosing her, the conversation her father had had, Karyn, the club, the doors to the red area... Karyn was standing before them, dressed as she had been that night as the doors opened, tendrils wrapping around her still smiling friend, pulling her back as the door frame filled with a toothless maw, its flesh pink and glistening with saliva as it engulfed the human, her smiling face the last thing Lena saw before the mouth closed, and after an audible gulp, opened again to reveal that damp interior, opening wider and wider towards her as her mother's voice sounded, soft and gentle in her ears... “Join us...”

         Lena pushed herself bolt upright, her face and body damp with sweat, the sheets in a mess around her. Her windows slowly de-polarised and allowed the soft glow of sunlight through her window. The amount of clouds in the sky meant it was getting in the afternoon cycle. She sighed and slipped out of bed, sitting at her desk and picking up her tablet, along with a sheaf of papers.
         All of it was legal documentation of the practice of vore on Koracolis, and across Terra as a whole, the processed of registering yourself as predator or prey (and in some cases, both), lists of venues that allowed it. A lot of this had come from Jice last night, but some of it she had found herself. She sighed, shaking her head and rubbing her eyes a bit. Karyn and Zaz had been telling the truth. Everything was legal... and not only that, prey could actually be consumed and digested, without the prey themselves dying, but nowhere did it mention how this happened.
         She put her research down and went to freshen herself up for work. All the time though, her mind was folding back to her dream, and the thoughts that had started plaguing her since she'd left Karyn's place.
Although she hated herself for it, she found that she was craving knowing what that felt like, to feel that sort of closeness, the dampness of saliva... She blinked, finding she was running a finger around the inside of her mouth. She stopped, her entire body still as water from the shower cascaded around her, closing her eyes and focusing on her finger... that hot, moist feeling, the pulsing of her tongue, the smoothness of the flesh of her mouth. She could feel her a tingling across her body as her mind focused further, before her commlink interrupted her.
         She stepped out of the shower, her wings unfurling and beating out rapidly a few times, before she picked up the link.
         “Lena.” The elf sounded and looked graven.
         “How are you doing?”
         “Not as well as I'd like to be. Lena, you're too nice a girl to get mixed up in this whole vore business. Just please, ignore it, or get a new job. I don't want you near that place.” Lena was surprised for a second. Simoune hadn't ever showed interest in her... surely. It had always been Caz.
         “Please... Lena, don't do this to me.” He couldn't...
         “You mean too much to me.” The pieces were slowly falling into place. Sure, he was a womaniser but he'd... had he seen her as a challenge?
         “What do you think I'm going to do... Simoune?” She asked slowly.
         “I don't know...” He admitted, looking away.
         “I work at a completely different place, we have nothing to do wi...”
         “It doesn't matter, you know what happens there, people get eaten alive whole! How can you be alright with this?!”
         “They go there of their own free will Simoune...”
         “How do you know this? HOW?!”          
         “I've got the legal documents here.”
         “This is just kedva! They're going to grab you, I know it. I won't let them!”
         “Simoune!” Lena's voice cut through the air. “I'm... going there this evening. Karyn is going to show me how everything works.”
         “Don't do this Lena... please.”
         “I need to know Simoune... I have to do this.”
         “Think of your mum!” She froze, her heart beating rapidly in her chest before...
         “I am... and I think she wants me to do this...” She said, before closing the link and setting up a data block on Simoune. She'd never noticed. How had she never noticed? The respect he'd treated her with, so different than all the other girls. She'd thought he wasn't interested... but... she pressed her head against the wall, tears silently leaking out of her eyes again.

         The day passed in a bit of a blur. She didn't really know what she was doing, her mind focused elsewhere while her body simply took over. Once or twice she had ended up pouring a drink for someone, only to realise that order had come an hour ago. As her second shift drew to an end, she found herself in the office, looking blankly at an order form to restock the bar. She quickly filled out what she knew they needed and filled it away, before standing up and looking over at Meri. The garavort was flicking through a small book, what looked to be a photo album. Meri looked up after a minute or so, and grinned.
         “What can I say, I have a hankering for the physical. Data is corrupted or lost too easily.” He said, standing up himself. Lena nodded, smiling properly for the first time that day.
         “You alright Lee?”
         “Yeah... yeah, just tired. I had a rough night's sleep.”
         “Sure there isn't more to it than that?” Meri leant against his desk, the material uttering a mournful groan. Lena sighed softly, looking at him.
         “Is it that obvious?”
         “To me it is, but I have an attention to detail, hence the position.” He smiled. “I think I know what's bugging you too. Hopefully tonight you'll get the answers you're looking for.” Lena blinked rapidly. “Zaz. He told me you'd found out. I honestly expected we'd be loosing you.” He said calmly.
         “I... I'm harder to scare away than you'd think.” She said, but her voice was shaking a bit.
         “Good. I'd hate to lose such a dedicated member of the team. We all would.” He said, walking over and resting a hand on her shoulder softly before heading out. Lena turned to watch him go, before tidying up and leaving herself.
         Outside, she turned to see Karyn, who was waiting on the doorstep of the Red zone. For a second, her dream flashed vividly in her mind... but no tendrils snaked out of the doorway, and Karyn was now walking towards her and gave Lena a hug.
         “Well then, ready to see the magick in action?” She asked. Lena nodded softly as Karyn held out a red armband.
         “You're going to need this to get in.” Lena took it, and then slowly swapped her own white one for the offered red, watching it meld with her shirt.
         “You sure you want to do this?”
         “Yes... I need to.”
         “Alright then.” Karyn smiled kindly, and took Lena's hand. Together, they walked towards the doors to the red area, which slowly opened before them. A few seconds later, they were over the threshold and inside, the doors hissing shut behind them.

         Inside... actually turned out to be quite a surprise to Lena, but then again, she hadn't known what to expect in the first place. The room was large and oval shaped, with two bar counters, and an area that seemed to be for food. The place was currently deserted, even the counters had no staff, and the room was spotless, so a cleaning team would have had to have already been around.
         Aside from that though, the room was very nicely furnished and laid out, all the same style, but obviously built for the more natural predatory species of Terra. Seats for lamias and arachne were most common, and a few giant pieces of furniture that she assumed must be for daemons or people with the micro/macro ability. Karyn slowly lead her through the room, straight at a set of silver double doors. The doors glided open before the two girls, revealing a stairway down.
         “This leads down to the changing rooms and other staff facilities.” Karyn said leading the way. The corridor branched off several times when it levelled out, but the most interesting feature was the massive military looking silver blast door at the end of the corridor. Karyn walked straight towards it, stopping a few meters infront.
         “You're going to have to be quick once I've got this open.” She said, before taking a step forward onto a slightly raised panel. In the next two minutes, the girl seemed to go through a lot of different security checks. Voice recognition, iris scan, fingerprint scanner, hexadecimal codes... The complexity was mindboggling. However, the doors suddenly hissed, a warning siren sounding as the massive wheel at the centre slowly rotated, a deep clanging thud every so often, before the door broke in two, sinking into the floor and ceiling. It revealed what appeared to be a lift. Karyn beckoned to Lena and the two girls slipped inside quietly, before the siren sounded again, the doors gliding shut.
         Inside though, the lift had started moving, descending slowly into a basement level.
         “Karyn, what...”
         “What's with all the security?” Lena nodded. “You'll see when we get there.”
         “Why the secrecy though?”
         “What, globally or just refering to this section?”
         “Both actually” Karyn let out a low whistle.
         “Well, the prior is... a difficult thing to answer, and I can't tell you all of it. There was of course a time where this would have resulted in the death of the prey, nearly always, unless the predator had formed some sort of emotional attachment.” Lena nodded softly.
         “That fact that it's... a very sensitive issue is why it's not public knowledge. Like I said, people who know about it can find it, or people who think the same way. Combined with the fact it's still taboo, but not illegal... it's on very soft ground. And most people don't think the general public needs to learn about it just yet.” Karyn finished as the lift came to an easy halt.
         “As for the second... well, here we are.” She said, as the doors glided open.
         They stepped inside to be bathed in a soft green glow, before the lights over head flashed into existence. Lena let out a shocked gasp. The room was a control room of sorts, looking out over a massive laboratory. It looked like something out of a science fiction film, with rank of people sized tanks lines up along walls next to gantries. Inside the pods, there was definitely something.
         “Welcome to project re-birth.” Said Karyn softly as the lab itself illuminated. There were a couple of hundred pods Lena could now see, and along the ground, and on the first floor gantry, there were what appeared to be docking stations.
         “Come on, I should show you something.” Karyn said, tugging on Lena's sleeve, but the serilya was too overwhelmed to move. Karyn sighed a bit and took a seat in one of the chairs, spinning around.
         “I thought... I thought cloning wasn't possible.” Lena spoke softly.
         “A lot of people didn't.”
         “But... it works?”
         “Obviously. I'm still here aren't I?” Karyn smiled, but there wasn't a lot of warmth to it.
         “But I...”
         “Okay. Let me give you a quick run down. Around the 400s, after that horrible mix up with Yan, Terra achieved cloning. We could make a biological clone of one of the big four, with no side effects. The problem was... what was the point?” Lena looked confused for a second.
         “Why would you need to clone someone?” Karyn asked. The serilya thought about it.          
         “Because they'd died, and the family wanted their loved one back?”
         “True enough, but not quite. The problem with early cloning was that, you were building someone from scratch. Biologically they may have been identical, but the problem was that they would be basically newborn. It's like identical twins. On a genetic level they're the same but...”
         “But their experiences and their own personality shapes them into who they are.” Lena concluded.
         “Exactly. The clone could be made, but they started out as a kid, and may not necessarily be the same person. The problems expanded when it came to trying to advance the ageing process. Clone someone so they were the same biological age as they were when they'd died. This didn't work either, as they still had a newborn mentality, and they suffered from an ageing disorder. Unless pumped full of magick, depending on how old they were, they'd die within a few weeks, or months if they were lucky.”
         “So it was useless?”
         “Sort of. The unified council decided to abandon the project, instead devoting time and money to enhance our natural lifespans. Which we know has been working.” Karyn smiled a bit more, standing up and opening a door out onto the gantry. “Come on.” Lena followed, shutting the door behind her. The air in the lab was cool, but not unpleasant, filled with soft hissing noises, pumping sounds and other such things.
         “Nope, the fact was until we could transfer the personality of someone back into their clone body, the technology was pretty much useless. However... as you can see, someone cracked that nut.”
         “Why didn't it go public?”
         “Two reasons. One, making a fully grown human clone body, that didn't age in advance of what it was supposed to, with this device fitted in it, and all the machinery that is needed to keep a clone fresh and alive, costs and absolute holy arm and a leg. Seriously, when it was developed, the asking price made billionaires blush. The second one was, could you imagine it? I mean seriously, imagine if everyone had a clone, a biological body that could be set so that you'd die, and then come back at like twenty again and carry on living, for every Terran? We'd have killed ourselves due to overpopulation within a few hundred years.”
         Lena nodded again. It made sense on a global scale.
         “Now, after a few years, the price did come down, enough that it was viable for the “cream of Terran society.” These clones are designed for long term use, and as such need to be perfect, which is where the cost comes in. Also the total transfer of mind into another body... I won't pretend to know how it works, it just does.”
         They'd stopped next to one of the gantries. Now Lena could see that there was a chair like device one one side, and a pod at the end. Inside, there was definitely a body, curled up, with wires and tubes coming out of it. The pod suddenly lit up, the liquid turning clear. Lena's gasp echoed around the room. It was Karyn. Like for like in every detail, curled up, eyes closed, suspended in the viscous goo. She turned to look at Karyn herself.
         “It's weird right? To see yourself there?” She chuckled.
         “But I thought you said it was astronomically expensive.”
         “It is, for proper, full body clones that will last a life time. She on the other hand, won't.” Karyn walked forward and ran a hand over the outside of the clone pod. “For this... industry, a rather clever solution was worked out. We could used the clones that had the advanced ageing problem. They are much cheaper to make and grow. And instead of a full mind transfer, we use them like remote control robots. The brain of these clones has never actually been used as such. It's inhibited from developing, so they don't have... well, I guess you could say a soul. We jack ourselves into a clone body from these chairs, go up, get eaten, and just as the digestion kicks in, we swoop back to our original ones. The predator gets a meal, we get to be eaten, no one actually dies. It's pretty much the perfect system. And the predators who want to actually get a meal out of the evening simply pay the price of making a new clone and normal service charges.”
         Lena walked up slowly and put her hand on the glass too, the warmth from the pod spreading through to her finger tips.
         “Are you sure they aren't... alive themselves?”
         “100% sure. But why and how I am I really am not at liberty to say.” Karyn said softly. “But trust me, they're not alive. They're empty vessels that can only be filled with the essence of the person they were cloned from.”
         “Essence? I didn't take you for a spiritual person.” Karyn smiled a bit more.
         “Comes from my herister, Tamara. Shi's about as deep as you can get without sitting at the bottom of the ocean.” The pair shared a laugh at that, before turning back to the rest of the lab.
         “Not many people sign up for this.” Karyn said.
         “I can guess why.”
         “Yeah. Being digested alive... these bodies have diminished senses compared to the us, but that sting of the acids can come just before you pass out from lack of air. It's not what I'd call pleasant.”
         “Why do you do it then?”
         “The pay.” Lena gave her a hard look.
         “I'm being serious now. You get two and a half times pay for a client who wants an actual meal. Only the real masochists get a kick out of this. Some even go for the whole...” She swallowed. “Rip and tear side of things.”
         “You're joking.”
         “I wish I was. Personally, I think there's something wrong with you if you're volunteering for that... but who am I to talk? I still get eaten on a regular basis.” She sighed again, shaking her head. “Different people, different views.”
         Lena looked her friend in the eyes, and could now see the maturity that hid behind the bouncy, playful exterior. They both walked away from the pod, leaning on the gantry rails and looking down over the lab.
         “Sometimes I hate myself for liking this.” Karyn said softly.
         “I think... I think I know how you feel.”
         “Lena?” The serilya met the human's eyes again. There was concern there.
         “Ever since you... told me about this. Ever since I was shown it could be about love, and passion... not that it just took away someone I loved.” Lena swallowed, her voice quavering. “I... I want to know... how it feels. I hate myself so much for this, I wish I could rip that bit of my head out... but I want to... and I need to know.” She said. Before she knew it, Karyn was holding her tightly against her smaller body, and she was crying freely onto the girl's shoulder.
         “I don't... know why... just... I feel like I need... to feel it.” The serilya said between sobs. Karyn's hands gently rubbed over her friend's shoulders and back.
         “It's okay Lena... it's okay...”
         “No it's not!” She looked up, her eyes red and stinging. “My mum died by being eaten, and now I'm here, saying I want to know how that felt? What's wrong with me?” She said bursting into another wave of tears. Karyn continued to hold her friend, settling down on the floor of the gantry and cuddling the serilya against her chest while she let out her sadness.
         Time passed, and slowly Lena recovered. Eventually she pulled away from Karyn, kneeling now and looking at her friend.
         “Can I tell you something, Karyn?”
         “Of course.”
         Lena told her of her dream, how it had become so real at the end, and how she was sure she had heard her mother's voice. Karyn silently listened, nodding occasionally.
         “I'm no psychologist Lena. I can't tell you that doing one thing, or the other is going to make you feel better, more at peace or what have you... but.” She met her eyes. “In my heart, I think you should... just try it once. I hope that it might bring you peace. Who knows... But that's my advice. I was scared my first time... I thought I might die... and I had all these doubts in my mind. “Is this wrong?”, “Why do I want this?” and “People have died doing this...” But, at the end of the day, I wish no disrespect on those who have died in this manner. If anything I am sorry for their loss... but I don't think that by doing this I am disrespecting them. It is consensual, it is wanted by both sides, and it's safe.” Lena nodded softly. “So... what does your heart tell you?”
         Lena sat there, her mind racing, boiling and bubbling over all that she'd learnt, found out, her emotions, her feelings, seething together in a cauldron before again, that soft echo of her mother's voice cut through it all, diving right at her heart. Lena grabbed her chest, her heart racing as a wave of understanding flooded through her.
         “I think... my heart... tells me that it's okay. That I don't have to worry... and that by just doing this once, I might find peace.” Lena smiled, and Karyn met it with another hug, before standing up. “Alright then. Come on, there's someone I want you to meet.”

         The pair soon found themselves back in the lounge room of the Red zone. The warmth of the location was welcoming after the clinical coldness of the laboratory. Karyn lead Lena to one of the side doors of the room onto another large corridor. “These are private rooms for people who'd prefer their fun in... well, private.” Karyn chuckled a bit. “That generally means nudity, but little else apart from possible foreplay. The upstairs corridor is for a complete XXX-perience, while downstairs is for the predators who actually want a meal.”
         She stopped outside one of the doors.
         “Now Lena... seriously. Do you want to do this?” Lena swallowed softly, her brow slightly damp, but she still nodded.
         “Alright then.” Karyn said, before opening the door. Inside, the room was softly lit with the glow of an actual fireplace. It was styled like an upper class Silver era hotel suite, cream walls with dark wooden panelling, a lot of white faux Mitriel styling around the top of the walls. The carpet was a darker cream, soft and gentle to the feet. Karyn flumped down on one of the sofas and started dragging her boots off, followed by her jacket. Lena followed suit, before noticing that Karyn wasn't stopping there, stripping down to only her underwear. A black sports bra and matching tanga, the human went about folding her clothing, before finally noticing Lena looking at her.
         “What do you think saliva and mucus do to your clothing?” She chuckled.
         “Ewww....” Lena said, sending Karyn into a wave of giggles.
         “Come on Lee, you know it's going to happen. Again, are you sure you want this?” She teased.
         “Well... yeah... but when you say it like that...” The serilya slowly began to strip too, obviously embarrassed. Karyn looked away, but continued to giggle softly. It was an infectious sound, and soon Lena found herself laughing too. As she finished up, Karyn turned back to see the serilya was similarly dressed, function over fashion which was important in this line of work.
         “Looking good...” Said a soft voice, that contained a hint of a serpentine hiss. Both girls suddenly turned to the door of the bedroom to see their predator. Lena's eyes widened again, recognising it as Ms. Vaernheim, the lamia who had only just finished registering as a predator. Karyn however, was grinning and ran over to her, jumping into the lamia's inviting arms and kissing her cheek. “Hey Kristi... long time no see.”
         “Kari... alwaysss my pleasure.” The lamia chuckled. Lena's jaw dropped.
         “You're joking. This is Kristin?” She said, baffled.
         “Yeah girl, meet Kristin. The lamia who looked after me, and more importantly, the person who swallowed me first.” Karyn smiled. “I trust her more than anyone when it comes to being swallowed.”
         Lena's heart was beating rapidly as she looked over her predator. In the flesh, the lamia naturally stood... at almost nine feet tall, and her humanoid half had that typical hard ass military girl look that the fliks fell back on occasionally. Tattoos, a punk haircut, and that marine aesthetic to her clothing.
         “Don't let the clothes fool you... I can be quite a softy underneath it all.” Kristin said her voice surprisingly kind. “I just put on the accent and the look to make the guys stand up and pay attention.” Her voice flicked back to a tomboy, aggressive growl, before the lamia and Karyn began laughing. Lena again found herself laughing along with them softly, but it was obvious she was nervous. Karyn broke away from Kristin and walked over, reaching up and resting her hands on the taller girl's shoulder.
         “We're here now... And once it starts, you find that you just go with it. Don't worry though. I'll be with you every step of the way.” She said, standing on tip toes for a second and kissing the serilya's cheek. Lena blushed darkly, but smiled at the human. The lamia slid up slowly behind them, but kept her distance.
         “When you're ready... “ She said. Together, the two morsels turned and looked up at the lamia. They glanced back to each other, and then nodded. “Alright then. Cuddle up girls. You'd better like it tight.” Kristin said, before pulling off the skirt she was wearing, revealing the large slit in her under scales. Her tail snaked around from behind and gently curled around the girls, wrapping around their bodies before squeezing them together, gently increasing the pressure. Lena's wings had folded up to their smallest they could go, and were now pressed more against her back as she and Karyn held each other in the embrace of the lamia's tail.
         Lena was amazed by the gentleness of the lamia, who stopped her constriction just before it would have become painful, raising her prey up. The slit at her waist was opening, widening revealing the dark inside that was dominated by a blind snake's head which slowly pushed out, the maw opening and making a gentle hiss as the tongue slid out and danced across Lena's feet, dancing over the extended digits. As they were raised above the awaiting maw, Lena pointed her feet downwards, her toes curled up and blunt towards the throat, not wanting to damage Kristin. Slowly, from below, the maw extended upwards, opening widely in anticipation.
         Lena let out a soft gasp as the tongue wrapped around her legs, binding her to Karyn in yet another way. She looked at the human girl. Karyn looked back, smiling.
         “Stay with me...”
         “I can't exactly go anywhere.” She giggled.
         “You know wh...”
         “I know... I'm just teasing.” Karyn smiled again, just as the maw below them took in their feet, the flesh of the mouth soft and damp, heat rising up inbetween the two girls as the flesh wrapped around their feet, engulfing them and beginning to suck them down as the muscles of the snake's throat contracted, pulling them softly down. Kristin's coils slowly began to loosen as Lena's wing tips came in contact with the moist flesh of the maw. Another set of arms slid in through the coils, cuddling the two girls as gravity and the strong tug of the lamia swallowing them, pulled them deeper into her body.
         Lena knew that this wouldn't stop now, her legs engulfed in the lamia's body, pressed tightly against Karyn's. Fear began to surge through her again, but... the feeling of flesh against her legs, against her skin, damp and hot, rippling and pulsing, was as wonderful as Karyn had described it. Her own body was heating up, her skin tingling as the coils finally retracted completely, as the girls sank in to their waists, all their lower bodies held in the tight confines of the lamia's throat. Kristin's hands gently rested on her shoulders, causing the girl to look up. The lamia had her head back, a long tongue snaking out of her mouth, gasping softly and the pressure on her shoulders increased, her body being pushed further inside.
         There weren't words to describe what she was feeling. Her body felt alive, and Karyn's obviously was too, both letting out soft moans as the tongue of the maw wrapped around and over their shoulders. Lena's eyes closed, her mind exploring her body and the sensations washing over her as finally, over the top of their heads, the maw closed, sealing them in the damp darkness and warmth of the lamia's maw. Flesh continued to ripple over their bodies, pulling them deeper, dragging them down inside as a fire warmed her internally. Her mind had pushed out all thoughts of being scared, and simply let go to enjoy the tissue squeezing her and pushing her deeper.
         She had no concept of time inside the lamia's body, but eventually, the passage widened out, and deposited Karyn and herself into what could only be the girl's stomach. The walls were hot and slimy, rippling and churning the two girls even though there was no liquid in there. Lena's wings stretched out slightly, pressing outwards as much as they could, as she felt Karyn stir against her chest. With the additional room, the human girl wriggled up Lena's body, before the serilya felt the hot contact of lips against hers.
         Hungrily, she met the kiss, her body alive with a vibrant fire and passion that Karyn shared with her,  and with a sense gone, the feeling of physical contact magnified exponentially. The girls met and entwined, sharing their passion, causing ripples of pleasure through the lamia's body as they wriggled and squirmed inside kissing each other, rubbing over their bodies, the walls pulsing around them, wrapped in hot flesh.
         “Ancestors...” Karyn breathed softly as they broke apart again, before cuddling the serilya tightly.
         “Don't... don't stop.” Lena panted softly.
         “I ne...”
         “No... no you don't. Just drink in this sensation... enjoy it, but don't go further. This feeling will slowly pass, and I don't want you to do anything you'd regret... I'm just happy that I was here to share this with you.” She said softly. Lena blinked, before slowly nodding.
         “Thank you... Karyn. You're a great friend...” She said softly.

         A short while later, the bag of the stomach contracted around them, pushing them further into the lamia's body. Again they held each other as they were pushed through and along Kristin's body, holding on tightly to each other as the flesh rippled around them. Finally though, their feet felt the cool gust of the outside air as the maw parted, beginning the soft release of their bodies from the tightness of Kristin's body. Lena was surprised when she suddenly felt water touching her toes, feeling her body sliding out more easily, lubricated up by the lamia's internal juices, before both she and Karyn slipped out of the mouth, dropping into a warm plunge pool.
         The two broke apart and swam for the surface, rising up with a gasp, gulping down the cool outside air as Lena's body finally relaxed from it's aroused state. Karyn was grinning happily, diving down again into the warm water. Lena looked up to see the tail maw of Kristin flicker its tongue at her, before the tail was drawn out of view, replaced by the lamia looking down at her, grinning.
         “Wow you two were really going at it in there.” She grinned. Lena's cheeks flushed again, before the lamia reached down and ruffled her hair.
         “Hey, don't worry. I know it was nothing properly adult. I'd have noticed if there was.” She winked. “But, it just means you were having a good time.” She leant down, resting on the side of the pool. “So... like it?”
         Lena simply nodded, flushing again. The feelings had been magickal, there were no other words. Water suddenly splashed over her as Karyn broke the surface of the water, tossing her head back. The girl was grinning, and winked at Kristin.
         “A grade, without a doubt. Grade A Voraphile.” All three of the giggled again. Lena finally pulled herself out of the water. Kristin's tail was raised in a hump, a few large towels slung over it.
         “That was...incredible.” She finally breathed, leaning back against the tail that curled slightly around her.
         “Now, here's the thing though.” Karyn said, looking at her. “Has this satisfied you?”
         “And, we don't mean in terms of arousal either.” Kristin said. “But... has this helped with your more... personal problem?” She asked. Lena let the question sink in softly, before smiling.
         “Yes... I feel at peace... “ The other two smiled. “It's like a weight has been lifted. I can't explain why... but it just feels... right. It's almost... almost as if my mother was willing this.” Karyn smiled and pulled herself out.
         “Well... I won't pretend to understand it, but I'm glad you managed to find a little bit of peace.” She said, starting to towel herself down.
         “It doesn't make sense though.” Lena said softly.
         “Some things don't sweetie.” Kristin put in, her tail pushing Lena upright before withdrawing. “Anyway, I'm going to get some shut eye. I set the sofas up for you girls. Night.” She said, before slithering off out of the bathroom. Karyn wrapped an arm around Lena and smiled.
         “Let's get some sleep.”

© Copyright 2011 Benari (benari at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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