Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1795950-Gicandice-vs-Candice
Rated: E · Fiction · Thriller/Suspense · #1795950
Candice the cat faces her Biggest battle yet! an Anti version of herself!
AA T ΒΆ Candice vs Gicandice ff done

by ~JaredtheFox92

Jared the fox chronicles: Candice vs Gicandice .It has been a unusually quite day in the city of Station Square, Dr Eggman has been still missing and Eggman Nega has is still seemly classified as dead after his last battle against "Team Spirit" Jared the fox is as his lab and Candice was going shopping for things in Station Square. Candice:Hmm…hmm…hmm(singing) what a lovely sunny day it is today!(as she was carrying a bag of bought clothes)She walked by a bunch of TV screens in a window of an appliance store, when the news bulletin caught her eye.

News anchor man: Good day everyone this is …. …. With a emergency announcement! last night near the Station Square wild life preserve there was an accident it seems that the cages of some animals where gone and some of the animals are missing, There has also been what looks like the dead corpses of alligators and wolves. near the incident a massive crater was found near the site.*Candice looked at the image on TV in shock* Candice: That's not a crater that is a boot print,(like the ones she wears)!! (she then watched the TV again) the TV anouncher: authorities have found another clue, what they has said as a giant piece of yellow fur. Scientist have analyzed the evidence and found it to be the DNA of Candice the Mobian cat.*Candice gasped in shock*Candice: BUT BUT…I would never do such a thing!!

(Soon police sirens had can up behind her and helicopters were aiming spotlights on her. The car stoped several feet from her and a police chief came out with a micro phone) Police chief: CANDICE CAT!!! YOU ARE UNDER ARREST FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY!!!YOU HAVE THE RIGHT NOT TO MAKE ANY SUDDEN MOVES AND DO NOT EVEN TRY TO MAKE YOURSELF GIGANTIC!

Candice: But I'm innocent!!!*the soldiers were aiming their guns at her* (suddenly the earth started to shake and the police chief got on his phone to see what was going on)

Police chief on phone: What do you mean she's coming! We have her right here!(suddenly he ordered all his men into the police cars and they took off behind Candice. Candice: What the heck is going on here? *The ground started to shake even more, and she could hear small booming sounds coming closer to her* She could also hear what appeared to be really loud yet gentle humming of a song as if someone was taking a stroll.

She then looked up in confusion.(She could not believe what she saw. Just then saw with her own two eyes).Standing right in front of her was a giant version of herself!!(Only wearing a yellow dress instead of purple and the giantess had evil, yet pretty red eyes. She also had an evil smile on her enormous face. Candice: I must be seeing things! Im the only known Mobian to be able to become a size like that!!

She then yelled at her mysterious double.

Candice: Who or what are you!!! (The giantess in front of her then said this). My name is Gicandice, and I'm your sister!!!(with that "Gicandice lifted up her giant purple boot to stomp on Candice but Candice dodged it as it came down. Gicandice: Yay!!! You dodge my boot! Now turn big and fight me! (Candice then used her growth powers to become just as tall and gigantic as Gicandice). People in the nearby buildings where frightened because they never thought of another version of Candice that would be as tall and mighty as the original Candice.

Candice: Why do you want to fight me you imposter!!! (Gicandice then laughed in an evil yet strangely gentle and playful tone.)

Gicandice: Silly sis my "daddy" has told me you are me from this world and that I should go here and "play around" with you!

Candice: Daddy?!? I have no father that is related to you, and what do you mean by "Playing around"?!?(Suddenly Gicandice attacked Candice, and she kicked the good Candice onto the ground where The good Candice landed on her back while falling on a building destroying it utterly. Candice Recovered and started to talk.

Candice: I do not want to fight you my so called sister!! Gicandice: But I want to fight you sis' and It will be fun!! Candice: Very well then!!(She said in nervous anger) *the good Candice gets up and punches Gicandice straight in the stomach*.Gicandice loses her balance and starts walking backwards awkwardly until her back hits a building knocking out most of its windows. Candice Thought surely now her "Sister" would retreat, but to her surprise she started to giggle evilly. Gicandice:tee hee hee! You are fun to play with sis! Now It's my turn again!(Gicandice then turned around and put her gigantic hands on a tall nearby building she grabbed it and started to pull on the building until it was completely uprooted from the ground and was in her two hands!)People in the building started to scream in horror. Gicandice then charged towards Candice intending on bashing her in the head with the captured building!

Luckily Candice dodge the strange attack and kicked Gicandice in the back, unfortunitly the building Gicandice was holding fell to the ground and it shattered, killing everyone inside.

Candice: Ohh no!!! Look what happened to thoase poor people in that building!

*Gicandice interrupts her*

Gicandice: There were no people in that.

*the good Candice gets mad and lunges at Gicandice scratching her in the face with her gigantic claws.* (Gicandices face starts to bleed and her blood falls from her face and drops right on a shiny new blue car that belonged to a rich person*

Candice:are you Having fun now!!!(she said in anger)

Much to the good Candices surprise Gicandice is not crying, but she is laughing!!

Gicandice: Good job sis! But Im afraid I have to go now! *she then charges up to Candice and hits her in the back, then she grabs the back of Candices giant furry head with one hand and uses the other to repeatedly punch Candice in the stomach. Candice falls on top of a "adult store" breaking it. Candice is having a hard time breathing due to being hit in the windpipe far to many times. Gicandice walks up to Candice and with one fell swoop of her giant purple boot kicks her sister over and Candice barley is gaining conscious. Gicandice slowly walks up to her fellow giant sister to taunt her. Gicandice:"Gee sis it looks like you lost, oh well maybe you will do better next time!*giggles*,she said as she kneeled down to talk to her defeated sister. Gicandice then stood back up and "blew a raspberry" at her sister she then turned around and smiled in victory while she started at the outskirts of the city. Gicandice then proceeded to march towards the edge of town while being still 50ft tall. Candice had her eyes closed and was semi conscious but to her horror could hear all the evil things Gicandice was doing to the city while she was retreating outside of the city. Candice could hear he screaming of people running for their lives from Gicandice and could hear buildings being pushed down and cars and people being smashed between her giant boots as she daintily walked away why humming as if she was taking a strool….

When Candice came to(became fully conscise again) she realized she was still 30 ft tall and she opened her eyes in shock and screamed as if she had a nightmare. Candice: No! Gicandice not all those innocent-, she did not finished the sentence because she opened her eyes and saw all the destruction her evil anti sister caused. She began to cry in guilt and sympathy as a normal Hero/heroine would do if they failed to protect the ones they loved, but then she he felt as if something landed on her belly. she looked down to see it was her best Friend Jared the fox who teleported himself to her. Jared the fox: Who caused all this destruction? She replied," my sister" then she started to cry and her giant tears started to rain down onto the ground.(Jared the fox teleported himself using his mind onto her nose. Jared the fox: Its will be ok Candice. and the two both cried together in defeat….

© Copyright 2011 Jared the fox (jaredthefox92 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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