Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1795352-Karate-School-Chaos-Part-2
Rated: 18+ · Other · Adult · #1795352
Andrew and Jessica find themselves up against a teacher with a fetish for foot torture.
Next afternoon, Andrew and Jessica hopped into Jessica’s car and headed over to collect Tyler from his house. It was three thirty in the afternoon when they collected Tyler, and Andrew knew that George and his son would already be at the karate gym so the house would be empty when they would arrive. Andrew directed Jessica to George’s home and she parked out front. George’s home was long, looking almost like a rancher, but it still had several floors. It had a huge front lawn, a driveway, and even a garage. Ah, the garage would be the perfect place to keep something secret, but what would they be looking for exactly?

“So what is it we are looking for?” asked Tyler.
“Anything that would expose George as a torturer of feet.” said Andrew.
“Look for pictures and videos.” clarified Jessica.
“Gotcha.” replied Tyler.
“We should go in barefoot so we don’t leave any trace we were here.” said Jessica. The two boys agreed and so before getting out the car, they all slipped off their shoes and socks and then headed for the garage. The boy were dressed in dark t-shirt and shorts, while Jessica was dressed with a white t-shirt and black short shorts. They were surprised to find the garage was not locked. Instead of their inner self telling them finding an open garage meant they were in for trouble, it told them they’d be in an our within minutes leaving no trace.

The three of the lifted the garage door and went inside. Andrew and Tyler pulled the door down, but it wouldn’t fully close. They didn’t understand why until they looked at Jessica and saw her right foot was still under the door. Her hand was covering her mouth to prevent screaming. They lifted it up a little and she grabbed her foot in her left hand while covering her mouth with her right. She began to hop up and down in place holding her foot with one hand and still covering her mouth. The boys apologized.

There was all kind of boxes and junk in the garage. Various tools laid all over the place as did boxes of unknown origin. Andrew believed one of those boxes had to contain something. So Andrew began pulling boxes down one by one. While pulling one box down a whole package of little screws fell out and crashed open all over the floor. Jessica didn’t see them as she was walking by and…”OUCH OW OUCH OUCH!” she said as she continuously stepped on them. She hopped and jumped and grabbed her feet to check the bottom of them. She jumped around like a cowboy was shooting at her feet. Jessica kept doing this until she tripped on a box that Tyler had pulled out, but had yet to open. She fell backwards on her butt. Jessica was mad and as she got up, she rubbed her sore bum and turned around towards the box. “Stupid box.” she said as she gave it a swift kick. “OWWWWWOOOWWWOWOWOWOWOWOW!” she yelled and clutched her foot in her hands and began to hop around while holding her right foot. Tyler opened the box and found she has just kicked a box full of weights. “Oh my aching footsie.” she said still hopping.

They continued to search through ever box, and even took several breaks to hop about the garage clutching their foot when something fell on them. Andrew was beginning to think this mission wasn’t going to be easy. They checked through every box and looked on every shelf, but nothing. They only thing that was left unchecked was a giant old tool box. It was reddish in color, due to rust. Andrew grabbed it by the handle bringing it down to his level. Whatever was inside was heavy, and they would soon find out what it was. The clips holding the metal box shut broke off due to the weight and it flung open sending an abnormally large wrench down to the ground landing on both of Tyler’s feet thudding with a metal “pang” sound. Tyler couldn’t help but scream out loud in pain, but Jessica grabbed his mouth with both hands from behind to muffle the scream. Tyler clutched his left foot and began hopping up and down in place alternating between both feet. Andre inspected the inside of the box, even removing the lining the wrench sat on to see if George has hidden anything under it. Nothing. Andrew put the wrench back in its place carefully to not receive the same pain as Tyler. When Tyler thought he could walk again, the three made their way through the connecting door that led them into the main house. Ah carpeting. It felt much better on their feet than the cold floor of the garage. That was until Andrew stepped on a computer map that was flipped spike side up.

“YEEEEOOOOOOWWW!” he shouted as his legs bucked under him. He nearly fell on the spikes, but balanced himself much to his dismay because it put more pressure on both his feet that were standing on the spikes.
“What’s wrong?” asked Jessica.
“Computer mat spiked side up.” replied Andrew still in pain.
“Where? I don’t see it.” said Jessica walking up until her left foot stepped on it. She yanked her foot away instantly grabbing it with her hands giving out a quick “YEOW!” She inspected her foot to find many indentations from the spikes on the bottom of her foot. Andrew hopped on the arm of a near by couch to inspect the bottoms of his feet, which looked twice as bad as Jessica. His foot was a lot more red and the holes more visible from the bottom of his soles to the top of his toes.
“Ouch dude.” said Tyler looking at Andrew’s soles. Andrew was rubbing them intensely.
“Yeah they hurt.” Andrew said. “Look, we need to split up to cover my ground. You two check upstairs while I check this side room down here….after my feet stop hurting.”
“Right.” Jessica and Tyler replied and they jumped over the spikes and made their way upstairs.

When they reached the top of the short climb, they were in the living room. Straight ahead of them was the front door. To the left was a large television and couches lined on three sides boxing in the living room. Further left was another staircase that led to the bedrooms. That was where they would go. Jessica decided to check the master bedroom, while Tyler checked out Raymond’s room.

The master bedroom was large, but that was because it wasn’t cluttered. It just had a large bed on one side, a large mirror closet on the other and a large dresser near the wall on the right side. Sitting on the dresser was a remote control of some kind. Jessica walked over to inspect it. It didn’t look like a television remote as it had buttons that listed commands of some kind. Curious by the remote, she clicked on the “ON” button. She heard a strange sound like some robot turning on, but she didn’t see anything around. Jessica then saw another button that said “Come to Master!” so she pressed that. She heard some “BEEPS” and “BOOPS” and the closet door slid open and out came a life sized metal robot that looked like a boy. The robot walked across the room and stood in front of Jessica standing tall like a military soldier. Then Jessica decided to press the button on the controls that said “DEFEND” thinking the robot would help the person behind the controls. What it really meant was “Defend George.” She clicked it and watched as the robot stood in attention taking in it’s orders. Then without warning, the robot kicked Jessica in the left shin.

“OWWWWW!” Jessica exclaimed in shock while grabbing hold of her left shin. She hopped up and down in place while rubbing her shin. “What the heck did you kick me in the shin for? You are suppose to defend me.” she said. Not thinking, Jessica retaliated by kicking the robot in the shin, but being it’s a metal robot her bare toes would not hurt the robot at all. The sound made where her toes connected with the metal robot resembled a “twang” sound. Regardless, Jessica felt all the pain immediately and clutched her bare left foot in her hands and began hopping around the room saying “OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW!” Not finished yet, the robot then lifted it’s metal foot up and stomped down on Jessica’s right foot. “OOOWWWWWOOOOWWWWWW!” she shouted as she switched feet and clutched her right foot while hopping around on the left one. Feeling satisfied for what is has done, the robot then waited for Jessica to turn it’s back to the robot as she hopped then it grabbed her by the shorts and collar of her shirt, lifted her up in the air, and tossed her out of the bedroom slamming the door behind her. Then it walked back into the closet, shut the door, and powered down. Jessica was left sitting on the floor while she grabbed both her feet in her hands and blew on them with soft cool breath to ease the pounding pain.

Tyler looked all around the Raymond’s room checking every drawer and shelf. He even looked under the bed, but found nothing. All that was left was Raymond’s small closet. The door wasn’t locked. As he opened it he saw a large box sitting on the floor. Tyler also saw a string that was attached to the doorknob, which extended to the top shelf and attached at the other end on a bowling ball. Opening the door caused Tyler to pull the bowling ball off the shelf, since the strings were attached on each end, and the ball fell onto his right foot closer to the toes. “YEEEEOOOOOWWWW MY FOOT!” he yelled as he grabbed his right foot and jumped up and down in place. Tyler admitted to himself in all his pain that the trap was well placed. It indicated to him that Raymond has something to hide. Tyler fell backwards on the bed still holding his foot. He held his foot up in the air while holding it and saw his toes were starting to turn a reddish color. Tyler got up and limped over to the box and with both hands drug it over to the bed, where he sat down with his sore foot under his body to keep pressure on the painful area.

Tyler looked in to discover it was full of pictures. The pictures were off various men and women in awkward poses having their feet hurt, holding their hurt feet, and dishing out pain to others. There were even pictures of Raymond himself doing these things to himself. This was good enough proof that at least Raymond had a fetish for foot torture and pain. Tyler closed the box up and picked it up to go show Jessica. As he rounded the corner, he was startled by Jessica who was on her feet about to come in. The sudden shocked caused him to drop the box, which it landed on both Tyler’s right foot and Jessica’s left toes. “OOOWWW WWOOOOWWW OOOOWWWW!” they said simultaneously as they each clutched their sore foot with Tyler only hopping up and down.

“What’s this?” asked Jessica. Andrew stopped hopping and just wiggled his toes in his hands.
“It’s a box full of photos of foot pain that include some featuring Raymond.” answered Tyler as he inspected his toes.
“Well, that’s proof that Raymond has a fetish.”
“What about his father?”
“If you want to count a foot torturing robot as proof then yes I found some as well.” she said sarcastically as she let go of her foot and wiggled her toes as she kept her foot suspended in the air.
“A foot torturing what?” asked Tyler puzzled.
“Never mind. Take a few photos, especially one of Raymond and put the box back.” said Jessica. Tyler nodded and picked a few photos out handing them to Jessica. He then went back into the room with the box, while Jessica went to Andrew to show him the evidence found.

Jessica found Andrew in a side room that looked liked George’s study. Andrew was just lounging in a chair with his feet up on the foot rest reading a book. Jessica couldn’t believe what she was looking at. Andrew didn’t lower the book when he heard people come in. He just crossed one leg over the other as if adjusting his comfort.

“Excuse me?” said Jessica rather annoyed. Andrew lowered the book.
“Oh hello. Find anything?” asked Andrew.
“Yeah!” she responded. “which is more than you can say for yourself. What are you doing?”
“I’m reading a book.”
“Because when I found nothing in here I decided to just relax. My feet were still killing me so I decided to take it easy.”
“Well, while you lounged around doing nothing I found a foot torturing robot in George’s room and Tyler found pictures in Raymond’s room of himself holding his foot in pain in various poses.” said Jessica. She then walked over, snatched the book out of Andrew’s hand, closed it, and then whacked Andrew’s left foot with it.
“OUCH!” Andrew shouted and grabbed his left foot while sitting in the chair to rub it better. Tyler then walked in.
“It’s getting late guys we need to get moving.” he said. The three agreed and got up and made their way back to the garage, avoiding the spiked mat this time. They passed through the door when they saw Raymond at the entrance of the garage. In-between them was a sea of mousetraps all set and ready to snap.
“So,” began Raymond. “Thought you could sneak in here and rummage around for evidence to expose my father’s and I secret.”
“Yeah, and we have it.” replied Andrew.
“Indeed, but not for long. Hand it over and I’ll let you go without any trouble.”
“Not a chance.” shouted Tyler.
“You can do it the easy way or hard way. Either way I’ll get it.” said Raymond. From behind his back he pulled a remote out, which was the same remote Jessica found in George’s room.
“Where did you get that?” asked Jessica.
“You fools.” began Raymond. “I was home the whole time in my father’s security room watching you on the cameras. I saw every pain your feet took, heard every conversation you all had, and now I’m going to watch you guys fail.” Raymond then pressed the button and Jessica knew what that meant. The robot could be heard coming from the upstairs bedroom and making it’s way to their position. “When that robot comes you will have to answer to him or you could just give me the pictures now. Heck you could even run through my minefield of mousetraps if you like.” Jessica looked in the house and saw the robot at the other end of the room.
“It’s almost here!” Jessica cried out.
“What should we do?” asked Tyler.
“Well,” said Andrew. “Either we take the consequences from this robot or we make a dash for the car.” No answer was spoken, the three made a sudden dash through the mousetraps. The traps snapped shut on every step “SNAP SNAP SNAP!” some just grazing their feet, but other times actually latching onto their toes.
“YEOWCH! OUCH! OW OW!” They said, but still trudged on. They hopped like rabbits through the garage until they finally reached the end. Raymond thought he could stop those three, but they only shoved past knocking him onto the ground. The three then hopped on one foot while clutching the other to rib off the traps. They did this until both their feet were uncovered. They then jumped into the car and sped off towards home. Andrew had one foot in each hand and he winced in pain each time he tried moving his toes. He looked back into the rear view mirror and smiled as he saw Raymond yelling and screaming at them knowing he just failed at stopping them.

Raymond was upset by what just happed. He hollered and cried in their direction, but his words fell were only heard by himself…and the metal robot standing in the garage. Raymond paced the back and forth the garage entrancing wearing his white t-shirt and grey sweet pants shouting, pumping his fist in the air, and stomping the ground. Of course, in his range he didn’t pay attention where he was stomping and “SNAP” followed by “YEOW!” and then him clutching his right barefoot in his hands while hopping around the driveway in pain. Despite his pain, the situation would be perfect for a picture so he commanded the robot to take a picture of him holding his mouse trapped foot in his hands. He took the instant photo and went to put in his collection. When he opened his closet door in his room, Raymond had figured the trap he set there had already been triggered. He saw it triggered, but what Raymond didn’t see was when Tyler put the box back, he reset the trap. So when Raymond opened the door, the string attached to the bowling ball pulled and the ball came crashing down on Raymond’s formerly mouse trapped foot. “OOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWW!” Another good photo for the album.

Back at Andrew and Jessica’s place, the three young adults were sitting in their garage with their feet soaking in a huge brown tub of warm water that was scented to relax them. To avoid suspicion, Andrew said he and Tyler endured a hard work out at the karate studio. When Jessica was questioned, she said after class she tried out some of the exercises and understood why they were rough. Every once in a while, they would pulled their feet out to inspect them. All of their feet were extremely red from all the stomps, bumps, thumps, and especially the snaps from the mouse traps. They began to discuss the evening’s events.

“I can’t believe we went through all of that just to be caught.” said Andrew.
“We thought we were being secret by bare footing it the entire time, but all we ended up doing was satisfying their desires” said Tyler.
“The good part is we still have the photos to prove that one of them has a fetish and is purposely putting you guys at risk to satisfy his needs.” said Jessica to be positive.
“Yeah, but all that will happen is Raymond would get removed from the class and George would just take his revenge on the students.” explained Andrew.
“So all of that for nothing.” said Tyler feeling defeated. He was rubbing the toes on his left foot.
“There has to be another way.” said Jessica.
“I think I have it.” said Andrew and they lowered their heads closely together to hear what Andrew had to say. He whispered it a plan to them while smiling the entire time. The plan made Tyler and Jessica smile too.
“So tomorrow then?” asked Tyler.
“Yep.” confirmed Jessica. “It can’t fail.”
“Fight with fire.” said Andrew.

Next morning, Raymond broke the news to his father that Andrew and the others stole some of his photos. George was upset, but not too upset. He knew only Raymond would get exposed and so he could still continue being the master of the school. George didn’t want to explain to Raymond this just yet. He wanted to punish him for failing to stop the three from getting away.

“I’m upset that you were unable to detain those three.” said Raymond’s father.
“I did everything I could.” pleaded Raymond. “I set up traps, all of which they hit. I even used the robot and had the entire garage filled with mousetraps.”
“Yet they still got away.”
“I’m sorry father.”
“You will have to be punished. Five kicks on the bag will be adequate.”
“No not the bag.” Raymond’s right foot was banged up from when the bowling ball fell on it. Having to kick the bag would only add to the pain that foot was feeling because of the ball plus the mousetrap. As the evening neared, the two got ready and headed over to the studio. Usually when they arrived there was at least two students already there. Today, nobody was there. George figured they had gotten there earlier than usual. When George tried to get into his private gym though and couldn’t, he became a little suspicious. He usually left the gym door unlocked, but today the door wouldn’t open. George saw this as an opportunity for Raymond to take his punishment so he ordered Raymond to kick the door open. Raymond kicked it five times with his injured foot, as ordered by his father, but the door didn’t open. Ray just stood aside clasping his sore foot, while he father with one hard kick, broke the door open. George walked in first while his son hopped along behind him.
George was wearing his workout attire, of black sleeveless shirt and gray athletic shorts. He even trained barefoot as did Raymond, which was hoped by certain individuals. George’s guard was up, but as he scanned the room he didn’t notice anything unusual. Everything was in place. Feeling less suspicious, George began his usual routine starting with lifting some hand weights. The weights George had at the gym was the adjustable weights where you could add or subtract the weight yourself. Since everything was in place, George didn’t consider the possibility that someone might have tampered with his weight. It was a mistake he wouldn’t soon forget. George grabbed a twenty pound weight, and as he brought it up towards his chest, the weights on the left side, that had not been secured in, fell off and landed right on George’s left foot with each weight stacking on top of one another adding another level of pain.

“YEEEEOOOOOOOWWWWW OOOOOOWWWWWWWW!” shouted George as he lifted his foot up and grabbed it with his hands and began to hop up and down in a circle slowly. Raymond was in total shock as he never saw his father do that before. It sort of made Raymond a little happy in more ways than one.
“Father are you ok?” asked Raymond.
“Do I look ok to you son?” retorted George still clutching his foot and hopping. He hopped around for almost three minutes before he set his foot down and cleaned up the mess. He put the weights back on and made sure they were secure before began lifting them. George did two sets of ten in each hand before putting the weight down. George headed for the open floor to do some crunches before he’d do some pull ups at the bar. His feet were next to a air duct on the floor. Raymond was off in another room punching a small punching bag, and George was looking at the ceiling more since he was laying down, so neither saw the hands come out of the air duct with matches. The hands places matches in-between the toes of George. They were then lit and the hand slipped back into the air duct. After doing twenty crunches, he moved on to the pull up bar ever noticing the matches in his feet. George didn’t need any assistance on the pull up bar, but received some just incase. When the fire finally reached George’s toes, he cried out really loud “OOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWW” and did a pull up that pulled him up and over the bar causing him to fall on the floor hard. That pain was nothing compared to the hotfoot he had just received. “OUCH OOOCH OOOCH OUCH OW OW OUCH!” George whimpered as he hopped about the room grabbing his feet alternating between the two. He blew cool air on them and used his hand as a fan, but his toes still burned.

“Raymond get me a bucket of water!” he shouted.
“What?” replied his son.
“Get me a bucket of cold water fast or you’ll be kicking the bag until your feet are black and blue.” shouted George still in pain. Andrew quickly found a bucket and filled it with water and brought it over to his hopping father. Steam was made after George’s red hot toes touched the cool water. George’s exhaled in relief for his toes.
“What’s going on?” asked Raymond.
“I just received a hotfoot of all hotfoots.” replied his dad now picking the burnt matches from between his toes. He kept his toes in the water for a little while until he decided to take a run on the treadmill to relieve his frustration. Nothing could happen to him on there. Just incase he had Ray stand guard outside the room the treadmill was in. George stepped on the treadmill and turned it on. He started it at a walk then gradually moved to a run. Then, George noticed the treadmill speed was increasing causing him to run faster. The speed kept increasing, as did George’s speed, but the treadmill moved faster than what George could run to keep up with it and eventually fell down and the fast moving treadmill shot him like a rocket across the room skidding all across the floor until he crashed into a rack of medicine balls that spilled everywhere. He got up and went over to the machine and used pressed the emergency “STOP” button it in, which cut all power to the machine. George inspected all around the machine to see what might be wrong with it, but found nothing. He concluded it was a faulty machine. “Stupid treadmill.” he said as he lifted his right foot back and gave it a swift kick. His foot thudded on the side of the machine leaving nothing by a sorry expression on George’s face as he grasped his foot in his hands and cried out “YEEEEEOOOOOOWWWWWW!” and began hopping around the treadmill. There was another air duct by the wall near the treadmill and the vent opened up and the hands came forth again, this time spilled a couple of jacks down on the floor. The hands then retreated back into the duct and closed the vent. The jacks were placed in the presumed trajectory that George would hop, and sure enough George hopped right on the jacks causing the spiked edges to dig into his flesh to cause uncomfortable pain, but not enough to pierce skin. Either way it hurt. George didn’t have time to reach and switch feet to inspect the damage, the sudden pain under his left foot caused him to fall onto the ground clutching both feet, more so his left foot.

“Oh my poor sole.” said George while inspecting the bottom of his left foot. There were red indentations where the jacks made contact with his foot. “I don’t know who’s doing this to me, but they will pay when I find them.” He realized there was a mess on the floor where he skidded into a rack of medicine balls. George decided to clean up the mess. First he picked up the rack that fell then turned to all the medicine balls. They were all different sized, weights, and colors. Color meant nothing, nor did the size. It was the weight that mattered and for George it would make all the difference. He picked up most of the smaller balls first, but he was having extra trouble picking up some of the more heavier balls. It wasn’t the weight that was a problem so much as his ability to grip it. The balls felt slippery and no matter how hard it gripped the ball, it would slide through his fingers. He gathered all but one of the balls, which was a heavy fifteen pound ball. He gripped it tight, at least as tight as he could. He could feel the ball slipping, but still got a grip on it. Just when he was about at the top of the rack to place it down, the ball slipped through his fingers and landed on his right foot. “YEEEEEEOOOOOUUUUCCCHHHH!” he shouted and clutched his foot in his hands and began to hop around while holding his even sorer foot. As he jumped around he saw a jar sitting behind the rack. Upon closer inspection he saw it was a jar of Vaseline. He set his foot down and picked the jar up off the ground. His heart rate began to increase as his rage started to get the better of him. George tossed the jar across the room as watched it splat against the far wall above the treadmills.

George was really angry and felt the need to punch something. The punching bag in the corner was the safest thing he could hit without actually doing somebody else bodily harm. Of course, he never counted on what harm it might do to him. In rage, George punched the small punching bag with all his might, but the bag didn’t move as his hand connected with the metal sounding object. “OWWWWW WOOOW!” he shouted as he grabbed his right hand with his left. He paraded around the room cursing out just about everything and everyone. Now George was even more angrier than before and decided to kick an upside down metal bucket. Like the punching bag however, it didn’t budge and his right foot bounced off the solid object like a ball being bounced on the wall. “YEEEEEOOOOOOOOWWWWWW!” he shouted and stopped focusing on his sore hand and grabbed his sore foot and hopped up in down in place.

Raymond heard all the commotion from outside and came rushing in to check on his father. He was still amazed by the fact his father was hopping around in pain like a cartoon character. Raymond inspected the bucket first and revealed a large heavy metal ball under the bucket. Then he inspected the punching bag and opened it to reveal the same thing, except this time the ball fell down to the floor crushing Raymond’s left foot. “OOOOHHHHHHHHH OOOOOWWWW OOWWWW OOOOOOOOOOO AAAAAAHHHHHH!” Raymond let out and joined his father in hopping up and down while holding his sore foot. Both of them moaned and cried and continued to hop. Then they heard laughing. The sounds emanating form the room and then they saw Andrew, Tyler, Jessica, and the rest of the students in the door way laughing at the sight they behold.

“What are you doing here? GET OUT!” shouted George clutching his foot with one hand and pointing towards the exit with the other.
“Na we can’t leave.” said Tyler. “This is too funny.”
“We know you both have a raging foot fetish.” said Andrew in his blue polo t-shirt, blue jeans and wearing simple slip on shoes with no socks. “We know you like putting people’s feet through pain for your own amusement and satisfaction. Well, we won’t be your Ginny pigs anymore.” The other students roared in agreement.
“Foot fetish?” said George finally putting his sore foot down. “Preposterous. What evidence do you have?”
“The bruises you’ve given us from your abnormal teaching methods.” said Tyler showing off some of his bruises he gained from the prior night.
“Well, I am still your teacher and you are still my students and I will make you all pay.” said George. “Specifically you three.” he said pointing at Andrew, Tyler, and Jessica. He started moving towards Andrew, but got stopped in his tracks by a well placed stomp to the toes on hi right foot by Andrew. George cried out in pain and grabbed his right foot and began hopping up and down.
“You can’t do anything to us. You are weak and vulnerable.” said Andrew. “Now it’s my turn to make your toes suffer.” In his hand was a small weight bar that you’d put the weights on. Andrew was going to use it as a small club and give the toes on George and Raymond a good tenderizing, but before he could do anything he heard some scuffling come from behind him. Through the crowd came a tall and slender girl in a pink t-shirt and blue jeans and wearing white flip flops.
“Father!” she cried as she shoved past everyone and went over to check on George. “Father, I got his as fast as I could. Am I too late?”
“Not at all honey. You are just in time.” replied George while rubbing his toes. “Class,” he said as be stood back on both feet. I want you to meet my daughter Gabrielle. Gabrielle, I want you to meet the man who has been torturing my feet for the past half hour.” George said while pointing to Andrew.
“What?” questioned Gabrielle. “He’s been torturing your feet? How dare you?” She slipped off her flip flops and positioned herself in the middle of the floor gesturing to Andrew she wanted to fight. At first, Andrew declined, but Gabrielle wasn’t going to and made the first strike clawing Andrew’s face. She left scratch marks on his left cheek. Andrew slipped off his shoes, threw down the weight bar and prepared to fight. He expected the fight to be simple, until Gabrielle started pulling out karate moves he never saw before.

Gabrielle used a combo of punches and kicks to keep Andrew off balance. She was too fast for him and all he could do was block the attacked or move out of the way. Andrew tried to retaliate, but she only countered him and threw him to the floor. She decided to end the fight and when Andrew tried for a strike to the head, she planted her foot down hard on Andrew’s right foot demoralizing him from doing anything further. Andrew shouted out in pain, but before he could even react, Gabrielle leg sweep him to the floor. She then put her right foot under Andrew’s chin and like a puppeteer moved his head to look at her.

“That was a pathetic display of karate. You should have left my father alone and learned some more karate.” Gabrielle said.
“Your father is crazy. He got what he deserved.” replied Andrew. Gabrielle pressed up against his throat harder with her foot.
“It doesn’t matter now because I’m going to finish you off and you will never ever hurt my father or brother again.” she said to his face with a smile. Before Gabrielle could do anything though she got an unexpected surprise, when Jessica came over and used the weight bar to smash Gabrielle’s left foot with. “YEEEEOOOOOWWWW!” she shouted and retreated away from Andrew to hop around while holding her sore foot in pain. At the same time, police arrived at the karate school because of one of the students calling.
“All right what’s going on here?” asked one of the officers. Everyone started talking at once. “QUIET! One at a time please.”
“We just broke up a fight instigated by her.” said Jessica pointing to the hopping Gabrielle.
“Yeah, and we were confronting our teacher about using us to satisfy his foot fetish pleasures by putting our feet through hell.” said Tyler.
“Is that so?” said the officer turning to George.
“This is all a misunderstanding.” pleaded George, but the officer didn’t want to hear it right then.
“Let’s go down to the station and work this all out.” said the officer as he pulled out his handcuffs. His partners pulled out their cuffs and placed George’s two children under arrest as well.

With so many students pleading the teacher was treating them terribly at the gym, George and the others were barred from ever working at the karate school or any karate school in the future. George was found guilty of using the children to satisfy his fetish needs. He was sentenced to some prison time and would pay a fine. His children were not charged with the same crime but were found guilty for assault and battery. Andrew and the others could have gotten Raymond in serious trouble had he submitted the photos they found, but he choose not too. He knew Raymond had finally learned his lesson. Raymond and Gabrielle were forced to do a hundred hours of community service.

Several evenings later, Andrew, his sister, and their new friend Tyler hung out in Andrew’s room playing games, watching T.V. and for once not being put through torture. Their feet still showed the wounds of war from their time spent trying to put away George and company, but they were successful. It was nearing ten o’clock and Tyler had to go home. As he made his way out of Andrew’s room he didn’t pay attention where he was walking and THUD.

“YEEEEOOOOOWWWW!” shouted Tyler from stubbing his toe on Andrew’s dresser. He grabbed his toes on his right foot and began to hop around the room in pain.
“That’s it!” said Andrew. “That dresser has to go.” He and Jessica began to laugh knowing they too had done the same dance, hopefully for the last time.
© Copyright 2011 Trapper26 (trapper26 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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