Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1792177-The-Hunter
Rated: 13+ · Novella · Fantasy · #1792177
They say she's just a myth made up to scare the demons. But the Wolf lives.
The sound of a guns hard, powerful voice jars through my body as I squeeze the trigger, my arm observing the shock that I've come to expect. It doesn't hurt anymore. Not like the first few times anyway.

The monster in front of me howls in pain, it's newly opened wounds seeping green ooze as it lashes out with a vine-like hand, thorns jutting out and flying out towards me, seeking blood. One the size of a freight train flys by me, missing my head by a few inches.

"Watch it! Don't get cocky kid!" I hear the old man bark, jumping up to avoid another lash of the giant plants vines.

I smile a wide, toothy smile, jumping up and onto one of the vines. It lashes the vine up sharply, sending me airborne. As I'm summersaulting in mid air I hear the old man mutter, 'Damned brat, that's exactly what being cocky IS.' This makes me smile more.

I land rate on the things head, it's arm-vine things lashing out at me. I'm moving to quick, though. I dodge the assault, blowing the vines to shreds with my bullets then pointing the gun rate down at the head, I squeeze the trigger.

The room seems as if it's exploding with the thing, sending me airborne once again. I'm sure I'm going to hit the wall when arms wrap around me, pushing us away from the wall and safely on the ground.

"Thanks. That was close." I say, stepping away from the old man.

He raises his hand to hit me, but I see it coming and move back just an inch, letting him slap the air between us. He glares. I meet his hard gaze with my own, showing him the red rings in my irises.

"If you plan on hitting me I'll just go hunting by my self. I told you about my style when we partnered up, Gramps." I say casually, slinging my gun back into it's holster.

He shakes his head but doesn't argue.

"Im gonna follow the scent and find where all these babies are summing from. In the meantime can you got to the local Market and get me these things? I'm not sending you on stupid errands so get that out of you head. I need this stuff and your the best at haggling." I explain, handing him the list I made this morning.

He's not pleased but again says nothing. I take out my disposable cellphone and dial the Agency, telling them to clean up the Central Park in NYC. They'll be here in a few minutes so I start walking, leaving my partner to his job. It's true about what they say of me. I hate partners. I don't work well with others and they don't work well with me. I nickname them all, never remembering their real names. Gramps is really only 40 something and in fit condition. There was just nothing else to call him besides Poker, but that doesn't have a nice ring to it at all. So Gramps it was.

I let my nose guide me through the busy New York streets and sidewalks, letting my mind wander.

The next thing I know I'm entering a huge mall, the white shiny floors and the glass walls catching my attention and drawing me out of my jumbled up head. 'mmm, I have been in need of new gloves...' I think, looking down at my tattered black arm length gloves. I mulling over how long it'll take to kill the mommy when I spot a grope of goths. 'Why not? They're always fun to talk to.' I think impulsively and head over towards them.

I catch sight of a boy stAnding in the middle of the crowd, grinning from ear to ear. But his eyes hold more then that smile. Is he...?

I walk over to the crowd, nodding my head and trying to blend in. That's not too easy for me but vie had a lot of practice. The boy sees me, cocks his head then walks over to me.

"I'm Rush." he says, leaning against the wall next to me.

"B." I say shortly, not wanting to say my really name.

Suddenly he takes hold of my black trench coat, tugging it open to reveal my gun holster strapped to my leg. His smile gets even wider until I swear his face will rip. I smack his hand away, glaring.

"Relax. I'm one too." He says, rolling up his sleeve to reveal his right arm. There I see Roman Numerals tattooed in small black print.

"40?" I ask, trying to sound amazed.

He nods, act superior.

Just then I catch a gloms of something big and green zooming towards me, an evil smile spreading onto my face. I can tell Mr.40 kills is gonna try to kill it so I act fast.

He whips out his gun, ready to fire, but I seize his hand and point the gun away from my kill, my eyes alight.

"No way kid. I've been after the mama for half an hour already. It's my kill." with that I jump out of the way, just missing the green vines attack.

I do the same trick from earlier, letting it launch me high into the air when it tries to get me off of it's hand. I spin in mid air the fire my gun, letting the bullets connects with the orang, leafy head, the red crimson petals catching on fire as it slowly wilts and dies.

I m walking back over to the boy when I smell burning cloth and look down to see my trench coat is on fire.

"Shit!" I yelp, ripping the coat of and stomping on it with my boot.

I hear Rush gasp and look over to see his eyes wide and his mouth hanging open like a fly trap. I rias an eyebrow before I relies I'm wearing a tank top. I look down and see the familiar roman numerals weaving up my arms and onto my back. After the flames are out I shrug back into my coat, check of the mama on my Hit List, and walk over to Rush.

"I remember when I was a 42. It was my 3rd weak on the job." I say laughing. His eyes still look like they're about to pop out of his scull.

"Whats your really name?" He asks in a whisper.

I smile a huge, toothy grin, showing my white, sharp teeth.

"Well I won't tell you my REAL name. But I think you've hear my Nick name. The Wolf? Well see ya kid." and with that I walk away.   

© Copyright 2011 Ash Night (devaux121 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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