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by GiGi
Rated: 18+ · Novel · Sci-fi · #1790801
The continuing story a young man, a mad scientist and clockwork minions
Chapter Two

         Three weeks. Three long, torturous weeks Daniel waited for the mailman and the exam results. However, Gilbert the mailman became a most disappointing visitor to the Flaherty household.

         “Sorry, Daniel; nothing today.” was the consistently deflating answer.

         His family tried in vain to distract him, but the exam haunted every moment of the day. Daniel was unable to eat, sleep or function in any way. Even as he stood up for Tom Bartlett at his and Lizzie’s wedding and the only thought in his mind was did he pass or not. What saved his sanity to a degree was his courting of Phoebe. When her parents gave their permission, Daniel’s heart swelled to several times its size. Although he wasn’t allowed to see her everyday, the times they shared were magical to him. Phoebe’s graduation dinner and being her escort was one of the few light moments in the last three weeks.

         “I enjoy our conversations so much, Daniel!” sweetly came from Phoebe’s lips.

         Phoebe wasn’t just a beautiful young woman; she’d shown herself to be a very astute, intelligent individual. He didn’t understand why her parents didn’t allow her to go to university. Women were now allowed to pursue their dreams, so why wouldn’t they say yes?”

         “Mother doesn’t believe a woman should enter a man’s world. I argued that I’m as smart as any man, why can’t I have my dream come true? You never treat me like some porcelain doll. You believe in my intelligence. You let me express my views. I don’t think you’ll ever understand how much I appreciate the respect you show me, Daniel.”

         “You have a very keen mind, Phoebe. You challenge me and I for one enjoy your inquisitive nature!”

         Phoebe blushed at Daniel’s words. She felt precious when he was near. All of the other young men who called on her treated her as if she was a small child in need of instruction. While their visit continued, Mrs. O’Malley was pleased and saddened simultaneously. Pleased that Phoebe has found a good, solid young man, but saddened because she knew would be losing her baby soon. Julia mentioned that she and her sisters were downtown, looking at wedding gowns. Before visions of tea roses and lace swept her away, there was a frantic knock at the door.

         “Hello, Mrs. O’Malley!” Lizzie breathlessly shouted. “I must see Daniel! The results finally came!”

         Hearing his sister, Daniel jumped up nervously. He sprinted to the door with Phoebe in tow. Lizzie handed him the results and everyone held their breath as he tore open the envelope and read the results.

         “We are pleased to announce that Daniel Flaherty has received a ninety-seven percent score on the engineer’s exam. Those results were the highest ever earned on this particular exam. On Monday, July 14th, 1866, you will report to the Newcastle Dock North at 8:00 am to begin your apprenticeship. You will be serving on the Reliant under the Admiralship of Jefferson Baldwin….”

         Daniel couldn’t read any further. Phoebe and Lizzie were clapping and cheering for him but he stood staring at the results, scarcely breathing. He passed the exam! He didn’t know whether to laugh, cry or faint. How does one react when once a dream is fulfilled? Phoebe forgot her manners and threw her arms around Daniel and kissed him deeply. He happily swung her around and returned the kiss passionately. Regaining his composure, the two disengaged, embarrassed.

         “Daniel! We have to go home and tell Mother and Father about the results! Come on!”

         Grabbing his hand, Lizzie practically dragged him home. Mrs. O’Malley and her daughters followed, wanting to share in the Flaherty’s good news. After giving them the good news, Michael embraced his son. He didn’t bother to hide the proud tears that fell. Daniel’s hard work and sacrifice had paid off and Michael couldn’t be happier.

         “Well, my son, you showed those overstuffed mucky mucks what’s what! For this achievement, we will celebrate in grand style! How about we have dinner at the Green Leaf tonight?”

         “Michael! Can we really? I have always wanted to have dinner there.” Margaret said dreamily.

         “A grand restaurant to celebrate a grand achievement, my son! Your mother and I our so proud of you! Mrs. O’Malley, we would be pleased if your family would join us this evening.”

         “Unfortunately, Mr. O’Malley and I have a previous engagement, but I will allow Phoebe to attend dinner with you.”

         Daniel smiled proudly. As the Flaherty family celebrated, there was one other who was very gratified with Daniel’s good fortune.

         “You’ve done very well, my lad. You’ve certainly proven your intelligence in a most spectacular fashion.”

         Dr. Osborne perused the results of Daniel’s exam. A well placed mole in the Society of Steamship Engineers pilfered the pertinent information. He sat in the comfort of his den, pleasure filling his very core. The doctor’s pride revealed something the mole found most fascinating.

         “Tell me, Doctor. Why would you be so pleased with the results of a seemingly perfect stranger? You act more like a proud father, rather than

         “The impertinence you’ve displayed is abhorrent. You are paid to do my bidding, not question matters that do not involve you. Anything beyond being paid to retrieve and deliver information is at the very least annoying.”

         “Touched a nerve, eh? I wonder if it my inquiries into your personal interest in this young man might bear additional fruit.”

         With a snap of his fingers, one of Dr. Osborne’s clockwork men appeared out of thin air. His brain casing illuminated the room is a bright blue hue. Fear loosened the mole’s bowels as he backed up, looking for an exit. With inhuman quickness, the clockwork man nabbed the mole. While the mole begged for mercy, Dr. Osborne began walking away.

         “Let this last lesson accompany you to Hell, you filthy lout. Daniel Flaherty is a young man with a promising future. You, however, are a waste of valuable time. Dispose of this individual and be sure to clean this carpet thoroughly. Thank you, my friend.”

         “By your leave, Doctor.”

         Once the door was closed, the clockwork man released the mole. Collapsing, the man tried to crawl away, all the while pleading for his life. A loud clank and a whoosh of compressed steam accompanied the rapid blue flashing within the mechman’s brain casing. A blue-tinged electrical current leapt haphazardly about his upraised arm. His hand began glowing and then emitted a frightening blue light. The mole didn’t have the chance to scream.

         “The temerity of some individuals! I must take better care in the selection of my moles. I guess good help truly is hard to find.”

         Dr. Osborne headed to his chambers upstairs to prepare for his evening activities. The blast indicated that his clockwork man carried out his instructions. A slight grin touched his lips as he checked his pocketwatch.

         “Excellent timing, my minion. You’ve achieved your first goal, Daniel. Let us see what heights you can reach. Now that will be worth the investment in time.”

         As he walked upstairs, his clockwork minion followed. His duty finished, he continued assisting his master.

         Meanwhile at the Flaherty household, it was abuzz with activity. It wasn’t everyday one dined at the Green Leaf, so the family rushed to and fro preparing for the evening. Daniel was putting on his church suit, feeling a mixture of excitement and dread. He achieved his dream of entering the apprentice program, but his fulfilling his dream meant fulfilling his mission—stopping Dr. Osborne. He had to excel; there were no other choices.

         “I have to defeat him, but how do I stop the most brilliant man in the world?”

         Daniel sat on the edge of his bed, deep in thought. The burden he carried made him fell isolated, alone. He wouldn’t allow anyone else to jeopardize their lives by learning his secret. Shaking his head, he finished dressing and headed downstairs. His family was waiting for him. Seeing Phoebe dressed in a lovely tea rose evening dress, thoughts of Dr. Osborne dissipated. She smiled once she saw him.

         “You look very handsome this evening, Daniel. We are all so very proud of you.” beamed Phoebe.

         “Thank you. Thank you all. You are the reason I succeeded. If I didn’t have your support, it would’ve been an impossible task. I appreciate you all so much.”

         “Enough of the speeches, I say we head to dinner and continue celebrating!” boomed his father. “Off to the Green Leaf! Our chariot awaits!”

         The happy Flaherty’s all piled into the waiting cab and headed for Platinum Row. Platinum Row is where the upper crust played, shopped and ate. The Green Leaf had to be the finest restaurant in all of Newcastle. The drive was a wonderful one. To see all of Newcastle’s finest all decked out in their finest, up and down the Row as if they owned it. Staring in complete stupefaction, The Green Leaf was indeed a showplace, which thrilled the family. The restaurant’s façade was nearly all glass and intricate wrought iron work. Inside was a beautiful Old World styled restaurant replete with the finest linens and dining furniture ever made.

         “Michael, this is so wonderful. I can’t believe we’re here!’ gushed an excited Margaret.

         The waiter, looking at the family’s style of dress, sat them in the back of the restaurant. Michael tried to hide his disgust at the waiter’s condescending treatment. He wanted to give his son and family a wonderful night out, so he buried his anger. Once they received their menus, everyone excitedly discussed what they were ordering. Unbeknownst to Daniel, Dr. Osborne and his guest dined at one of the best tables in the Green Leaf.

         “Daniel has grown into quite a young man, eh, Dr. Osborne?”

         “He has indeed. Passing the engineer’s exam with a ninety-seven percent was very admirable. That’s why he was tapped to apprentice on the Reliant. Not one string needed to be pulled or manipulated, Lt. Armstrong.”

         “The question begs to be asked, why? Why the interest in this lower class boy? inquired the lieutenant.

         “Don’t be too inquisitive, lieutenant. Time shouldn’t be wasted on matters not your concern.” Dr. Osborne said in a low, menacing voice.

         Lt. Armstrong didn’t speak on the subject again. He was paid handsomely by the good doctor and didn’t wish to end the arrangement or his life. Of course, he had his suspicions about the connection between Dr. Osborne and Daniel Flaherty but he was wise enough not to voice them.

         “Time may well remain your friend once you continue doing only what you are instructed, lieutenant.” Dr. Osborne sipped his wine and smiled at the lieutenant. Paling noticeably, Lt. Armstrong saw the smile, but reacted at the cold, hard eyes that stared at him.

         “Try the salad, it is exquisite.”

         Nodding at the waiter, he came immediately to the table. Whispering his orders, the waiter disappeared quietly to follow the doctor’s orders. Within a few moments, the waiter came to the Flaherty’s table carrying the best champagne the Green Leaf has in its cellars.

         “This was sent over by Dr. Osborne, with his compliments.”

         As the champagne was served, Daniel scanned the restaurant until he located Dr. Osborne. Lifting his glass, the doctor tipped his head slightly. Daniel raised his glass and returned the gesture. When he turned, he noticed the concerned looks his parents’ faces. Margaret whispered something frantically in Michael’s ear. Glancing at the doctor, Daniel felt his anxiety rise. Did they feel the oppressive aura, too?

         Dr. Osborne continued eating, while watching Daniel.

         “Soon, Daniel…soon.”

         In spite of Dr. Osborne’s presence, dinner was incredible! Food never tasted so good. The thing he’ll remember most was seated at his right. Phoebe was looking even lovelier than ever, in ladies’ dress and an elegant upsweep. Once his apprenticeship was over and he began his work as an engineer, he’ll be able to afford a wife and family.

         “Daniel’s planning his wedding, I bet! Lizzie teased.

         “Elizabeth Marie Flaherty! Don’t embarrass your brother!” her mother warned.

         “Mother! It’s Elizabeth Marie Bartlett! Don’t forget I am a married woman now!

         “I’ll never let you forget, either.” said a happy Thomas Bartlett.

         While the newlyweds gushed over each other, Michael stood and raised his glass.

         “To Daniel; you have done us proud. You’re going to be a fine steam junkie, my boy. Congratulations on a fine achievement!”

         Cheers rang out around the table as Daniel sat overcome. Phoebe grabbed his hand, smiling proudly.

         “This was a splendid day, all around!” he said softly.

         Dr. Osborne wore an odd expression. Sadness and pride were there, with a disturbing aura of malevolence. Lt. Armstrong figured out why Daniel garnered so much attention. Again, he stayed silent. Sipping on his after-dinner coffee, the doctor’s mood was contemplative.

         “There was a glimmer of recognition in your eyes, Lieutenant. You at least have the common sense not to speak on what you have pieced together. I applaud your restraint, but let me caution you; time will come to an abrupt end if you break your silence.”

         “Understood, sir.” Losing his appetite, Lt. Armstrong sat quietly. He turned to observe Daniel’s party. The young man appeared content, confident and obviously loved. Dr. Osborne’s face held no emotion, just a bone-chilling hardness.

         “May God be with you, young man.” the lieutenant said quietly.

         Later that night, Daniel lain in his bed, unable to sleep.  It was a wonderful celebration with a troubling black cloud enveloping it. There was something connecting Dr. Osborne to him and it was becoming more apparent. Why was he sensing something like that? Why did he feel this way? That question kept Daniel up half the night. His parents were also still awake, for much the same reason.

         “Marie Patrice is turning in her grave now. I don’t know if we can still shield him any longer.”

         “He always knew where Daniel was. You were Marie Patrice’s best friend in the entire world. He knew she would come to you and knew you would do anything to help her.”

         “I don’t want to tell him. We can’t, Michael!”

         “There may be no other choice, Maggie, my girl.”

         As Michael held his sobbing wife, in the upper class Diamond District, Dr. Osborne sat in his study, adding Daniel’s scores into a leather-bound scrapbook. In it held pictures of Daniel at various stages of his life. Grades, accomplishments filled the album. Closing it, he held it lovingly.

         “Prepare for a fantastic adventure, my dear boy.”

© Copyright 2011 GiGi (gigigirl at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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