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This is the story of one of the most horrific leader in history. |
CUT IN PRODUCTION CREDIT fade in: quote on a black screen white letters " A man's righteousness is judged by his good deeds" Holy Bible James 2:24 fade out: BLACK SCREEN (a beat later) fade in: year 1431 FADE IN: location CASTLE BUDAI VAR, HUNGARY fad out: BOTH YEAR AND LOCATION BLACK SCREEN FOR A BEAT... THE INDUCTION INTO THE ORDER OF THE DRAGON EXT. OUTSIDE CASTLE BUDAI VAR - AFTERNOON There is a explosion of colors and music, birds chirping, flowers pedals and tree's slightly blowing around in the foreground and then the camera pans back and captures the great Castle Budai Var in the background and its keeps and towers rising in all of its glory. It is a beautiful spring afternoon and celebration is in the air. The Order of the Dragon, Hungarian and Papal flags all fly in the wind and posted on the castles battlement walls as we go through the massive front gates. Inside people are walking around as festivities of the day go on. Foods cooking, goods being sold, people drinking and speaking loud, just having a great time. We here off screen for only a moment the HOLY ROMAN EMPEROR SIGISMUND with Pope EUGENE IV inducting a vassal into the Order of the Dragon. Telling him to stand and be recognized. sound effect: APPLAUSE'S ENSUE CUT TO: INT. THE GREAT THRONE ROOM - SAME We switch to the interior and see 100's of people dressed in their best in this time period, lavish decorations adorn the walls of the throne room the camera is posted in the upper perches of the hall. EXTREME WIDE SHOT: SIGISMUND (o.s.) Will the finaL inductee into the Order of the Dragon please step forward. EXTREME CLOSE UP: We move to a close up of VLAD II mustache and then the camera pans out. TRACKING SHOT: The camera zooms out as he begins to move towards the walk way, a tall long black hair and beard, a brooding man in full military regalia in his early 40's, he stops short and turns to his wife a beautiful brunette with long flowing hair and rare blue and green eyes dressed in white and adorned with ornamental duchess jewelry and 9 months pregnant. Smiles at him and is proud of his accomplishments. VLAD II I will be right back my love. She begins to blush as he smiles and turns back to his previous motion toward the alter of the throne. CU INT. TO THE THRONE EXTREME CLOSE UP: Starting at the bottom of the sword the camera begins to slowly move up the shaft till it reaches the face of the King. A man with a crown of gold with long blond hair and distinguishing eastern European featuresin his mid 40's, calls out Vlad's full name as he approaches him and as the camera moves up towards him. SIGISMUND (slow and regal) Vlad Batran of the House of Basarab... you stand before us as a great protector of Christendom... and the Duke of Transylvania and heir to the throne of Wallachia. Vlad with a proud face begins to kneel before the King and Pope to await his induction. The King slowly lifts his sword and begins to knight Vlad. SIGISMUND (slow and regal) I Sigismund, King of Hungary and Protectorate of Transylvania here by bestow upon you Duke of Transylvania ... the rights and privileges of Prince... and now by the order of Pope Eugene IV we here by welcome you into the Order of the Dragon... Vlad bows his head as the sword touches his shoulders. SIGISMUND (loud) What name shall I announce to this gathered assembly. VLAD II (in a loud voice) I take the name of Vlad Dracul. MEDIUM CLOSE UP: Both the Pope and the King look at each other and is surprised at his choice of taking the name of the Order he is now being Inducted to, and so the King nods and continues. SIGISMUND (slow and loud) Will Prince Vlad Dracul stand and be recognized by this court. Vlad stand as thou a great weight has been put upon his shoulders and rises with his head held high in honor and prestige and turns to the court as the entire room exploded in cheers and admiration's. Vlad looks over towards his wife as we see her tearing and applauding her husbands accomplishments. We turn back to Vlad. After a few seconds the camera begins to zoom out slowly and then... FADE TO: BLACK THE BIRTH SCENE INT. BIRTH SCENE-PRINCE'S ROOM - NIGHT (call this the black screen on off) We here a faint heart beat on a black screen. (a beat) black screen We here another heart beat. A little stronger. (a beat) black screen CLOSE UP: A flash of a close-up image of Vlad's wife face screaming in pain and drenched in sweat, and then... black screen We hear another heart beat. A little stronger than before. (a beat) black screen. CLOSE UP: A flash of a MID-WIFE tells her to push. black screen with a couple of faster heart beats. CUT TO: INT. PRINCE'S ROOM - NIGHT - (CONTINUOUS) SLOW ZOOM IN: We see his wife sitting in the delivery position with the mid wife between her legs. Vlad is beside her trying to console her but is very distressed himself. MEDIUM CLOSE UP: A fire place in the room is crackling. WIDE: The windows are open with a full moon showing. Just when things seem to be at its worst there is a pause. CUT TO: PRINCESS CNEAJNA (tired and distressed) I can not take this pain anymore! VLAD II (kisses her forehead) You can do this my love. You are after all a Dracul now. Vlad's comical remark put a smile on her face. She takes a deep breath and responds. PRINCESS CNEAJNA (with a little relief) I am glad you are here. He smiles back at her and snaps his head towards the mid-wife remark. MID-WIFE (somewhat angered and humbled) Enough my Princess, you must push with all you strength. She takes a deep breath and begins to push. A moment later after a unbelievable push of strength a baby begins to cry and the mid-wife shouts out. MID-WIFE (shouting out) It is a boy. (a beat) A prince has been born. Both Vlad and Cneajna both Smile and overwhelmed at the birth of their child as the mid-wife begins to clean the baby of the afterbirth. EXTREME CLOSE UP: The camera focuses directly on the child being swaddled and adorned with the emblems and jewels of a prince. TRACKING close up SHOT: The camera still focused on the baby Prince as he is lifted and walked towards Vlad and the exchange is made to him. He raises him close to his chest and stares at him as thou he does not believe this little boy is his and then turns to his wife. VLAD II (to his wife) You have brought joy to me my love and joy to Wallachia for you have given us a prince. VLAD II (turns to his son and whispers) And a great prince you shall be. The scene holds for only a moment and the cuts to the next scene. CUT TO: THE RUSH TO WAR EXT. FOREST OUTSIDE SIGHISOARA CASTLE - DUSK TRACKING SHOT: White letters in the bottom of the screen SIGHISOARA CASTLE, TRANSYLVANIA WINTER OF 1431 The camera is on the ground looking up towards the legs of 5 galloping horses in full stride. special ground to aerial circling shot: It begins to move from front to back on the ground to a downward aerial view of the horses and it follows them. We hear men yelling the horse to full speed slapping their reins from side to side on the horses. Upon the horses are Knighted soldiers of Wallachia. Once the Camera reaches its zenith it starts to move back down and incorporate the Great Fortress of SIGHISOARA CASTLE in Transylvania, the adopted home of Prince Vlad II. The Horses race towards the gates of the stronghold. MEDIUM CLOSE UP: Once inside the gates, a man jumps of his horse while still in stride and stop short of the main entrance into the castle. GENERAL MICEA (worried and distressed) Man the horses, I will go and get the Prince. TRACKING SHOT: INT. SIGHISOARA CASTLE - PRINCE'S ROOM (SAME) He turns to the entrance way holding his sword into place as he begins to run. After a few turns in the castle he arrives at the Prince's child's room where a fully dressed Vlad stands over the child with his wife beside him. He is in full military battle vestments. The door swings open. Micea walks in and out of breath and tells him something. GENERAL MICEA (out of breath) Sire... The Ottoman Turks are assembling in the north plains of Arefu near Poenari Castle! one hours travel from here. Vlad turns to Micea. VLAD II (patient) Good... We can finally be rid of the Sultan's Islamic horde once and for all. Are the soldiers ready...My son. GENERAL MICEA Yes 20,000 men are assembled and ready for battle. 10,000 more are circling to their rear flank. VLAD II (calm) Good...Ready my horse we depart at once. The battle will begin at high Moon. (a.k.a. midnight) GENERAL MICEA (humbled) At once my father... The general nodes his head in approval and leave as he came. But inside the room a worried Cneajna looks at her husband and child. Vlad walks closer to Cneajna. VLAD II (comforting) Do not fret my queen. (moves closer) I will be back. (a beat) I promise. PRINCESS CNEAJNA (worried and in tears) I will hold you to that promise. (a kiss) VLAD II (reassuring) I will send word of our victory. PRINCESS CNEAJNA I will be waiting... He grabs the baby from his wife and looks down at him. VLAD II (to his son) What i do tonight is for you and my people.... my son. VLAD THE IMPALER (giggles and wiggles back at him ) TRACKING SHOT: After that cute exchange Vlad give the child back to his wife and looks at her beautiful eyes and kisses her, smiles at his son and turns to walk out. he heads to the front gates where the horses are ready and his first born son Micea and his guard are waiting. VLAD II (arriving to the horse) We will make for the Brasov pass. GENERAL MICEA (confused) But that will take us longer to get there. VLAD II I have a surprise for the Sultan's armies. GENERAL MICEA (mounting his horse) And what is that... VLAD II (mounting his horse) DUKE BATHORY has pledged 5000 men and horses to our cause my son. GENERAL MICEA (wild eyed) When did this happen? VLAD II It does not matter Micea...What does matter is that Wallachia will be freed tonight. Micea looks at his other general and companions and a huge smile comes across their faces. TRACKING SHOT: Vlad gets on his horse and yelps his horse on and Micea looks at his generals with surprise and follows. CUT TO: EXT. NORTH PLAIN WEST OF POENARI CASTLE- (MOMENTS LATER) MEDIUM CLOSE UP: The camera focus is on Vlad looking towards the lower plains where some 30,000 Turks are waiting for Vlad. The sun has gone down and the torches are being lit. OVER THE SHOULDER: We see a massive line of soldiers behind Vlad as the camera circles to the front of him looking towards his rear. Infantry men are behind him holding spears and swords and flags of Wallachia. To his right he looks at the Duke of Brasov Stephan Bathory and his horse regiment and the flags of Transylvania awaiting the orders of Vlad. To his left his son Micea and his horse regiment wait for him to begin. Vlad kicks his horse to turn to his men and begins a speech. VLAD II (strong slow and load) Warriors of Wallachia... here, we stand together against our enemies... and against the enemies of our Christ and Lord. We must drive back this invading horde and free Wallachia of Ottoman oppression and of Islam... in the name of Christ our God, WE. SHALL. BE VICTORIOUS. WIDE: After that speech the men go crazy and yell to the top of their lungs and begin to rumble their shields and swords together. CLOSE UP: VLAD II (angry and determined) ONWARD MEN...AND ON TO VICTORY!!! EXTREME WIDE SHOT: The army start to rush out of the forest and down the hill. CUT TO: THE BATTLE OF WALLACHIA EXT. THE NORTH PLAIN BATTLE - (SAME) (the black screen on off effect) CLOSE UP: We see swords clashing. (the black screen on off effect) CLOSE UP: We see a Turk get killed (the black screen on off effect) SOUND EFFECTS: We here yells of agony (the black screen on off effect) MEDIUM CLOSE UP: More Swords clashing TURKS getting cut down. (the black screen on off effect) WIDE: Then Vlad make a killing blow to a major General of the Turkish armies. CUT TO: Some of the Ottoman Turks begin to run and then some of them begin to call retreat. But they run into the 10,000 infantry soldiers that are coming in on their flank. All hope is lost on their faces. CUT TO: TRACKING SHOT: Vlad in exstacy of his kill watches his army cut down the Turks and is proud of it. He gets off his horse and walks the battle field helping up some of his wounded men. Many soldiers are come up to him and separate while his son General Micea and Duke Bathory walks between them all bloody and tired, raises his sword in the air. MEDIUM CLOSE UP: GENERAL MICEA (overjoyed) PRINCE VLAD HAS BROUGHT US TO VICTORY!!! STEPHAN BATHORY (overjoyed) Hail King Vlad ruler of a free Wallachia. EXTREME WIDE SHOT: All the remaining men all stand up and in unison cry out "HAIL KING VLAD" "HAIL KING VLAD" "HAIL KING VLAD" MEDIUM CLOSE UP: As they chant he smiles and screams out in joy of the victory against the Ottomans and then the screen turns black. CUT TO: THE SULTAN'S DEAL EXT. INSIDE THE COURTYARD - DAY ESTABLISHING SHOT: In Poenari Castle courtyard. Poenari Castle, Wallachia " 12 years later" at the bottom of the screen. EXTREME CLOSE UP: We focus on a the hands of what it seems to be a child whittling a piece of wood to a point. A few beats later scene changes to the throne room. CUT TO: INT. POENARI THRONE ROOM - (SAME) SLOW ZOOM IN: A heated discussion about the recent event in the region is being debated, between REGENT JOHN HUNYADI and Vlad VLAD II (O.S then on) I will not bow to pressure from the Sultan or to the will of the our new Pope. HUNYADI (melo-dramatic) King Sigismund is dead... the Boyars will not support you if the Sultan attacks...Bogdan is in a war with Bathory over territorial right on the border and both can not come to support you. The new Pope can't send any reinforcements or supplies to help you. As your friend, i tell you this, make the deal with the Sultan. The Kingdom can not afford this war. VLAD II (desperate) What you are asking me to do is mad. HUNYADI (with frustration) Sire, we must keep the Sultans armies at your border. VLAD II (angry knowing what his answer is) Why? HUNYADI (calmly) Because if they over run Wallachian territory, the kingdom of Hungary is next and the doorway into Europe is then open and the spread of Islam will be severe. They can not rule the whole of Europe or Christendom will falter. VLAD II But is it not your sons he whats. HUNYADI The Sultan assures us that the Princes will be well taken cared of and educated. VLAD II (nearly in tears) He wants them as prisoners. To torture and to parade them around as animals. HUNYADI (reassuring) NO! It is only for reassurance that you will not attack the Ottoman Empire. In secret his goal is to gain control of Constantinople. He thinks that by controlling Constantinople he will be able to crush Christian hopes but it will take him a long time for him to conquer it and by that time we will be ready for him. My goal is to bring peace to Moldavia and Transylvania and take over Serbia so we have a better grip on Eastern Europe. VLAD II (hardened) We can do it now!!! I will talk to Bogdan and Stephan. I will not let my sons go. HUNYADI (convincing) It is the only hope for your people my great Prince. Your sons will understand... it's for your people. And the people of Eastern Europe. I promise you your sons will not be Martyrs. VLAD II (very angry and screams) arrrgh!! WIDE: Vlad angered at what he has to do. He throws his crown across the room and storms out of the throne room with Hunyadi wondering what his decision is. CUT TO: EXT. THE COURTYARD - (MOMENTS LATER) CLOSE UP: We come back to the child outside in the courtyard, a pointy stick has been put into the ground. angle on: the hamster The child that we still did not see his face is playing with a small hamster. He is talking to it saying things like. "It won't hurt"," I promise the pain will last for only a second" CLOSE UP: Zooming out: The child and the hamster look at each other. Just as the camera begins to pull back he drives the hamster through the stake impaling it. PAN: The camera pans to reveal a row of about 6 animals impaled on sticks and then a close up of the child face pleased at his accomplishments. OVER THE SHOULDER: reverse angle From behind the child you see a man walking towards the child. VLAD II (angry at what he sees) Vlad ... MEDIUM CLOSE UP: As young Vlad hears his father a sense of fear comes over him. He stand and runs, but is stop short as the Prince is grabbed by his arm by his father. CLOSE UP: VLAD II (yelling) What in the Lord's name have you done. VLAD THE IMPALER (disappointed) Sorry father. VLAD II (upset by calm) We are all children of god my son. We must preserve life no matter the cost. As he says this to him he begins to get emotional and starts to tear. The son is confused by this emotion. VLAD THE IMPALER Father why do you cry. VLAD II Son what I must do... I do for you and the good of our people. VLAD THE IMPALER What must you do??? VLAD II (emotionally wrecked) My son you must go away for a while. VLAD THE IMPALER NO! I promise I won't do it again. (almost crying) I promise. VLAD II (shakes head no) It is not that my son, I have no choice, I must do this to save you and our kingdom. VLAD THE IMPALER (pulls away and runs) NO!!! I WON'T GO!!! NO !!! Little Vlad pushes off the father and runs off. WIDE: Vlad stands and watches his son run into the castle and stands there in tears. CU PRISONERS OF THE SULTAN EXT. THE COURTYARD - FOLLOWING MORNING WEATHER SHOT: Storm clouds over head thunder and lightning. WIDE: It is a cold dreary foggy autumn morning and its drizzling. 2 people standing in the middle of the courtyard behind a wagon and horse. MEDIUM CLOSE UP: Vlad stands in the courtyard with his wife weeping at the unbearable site of their son's Vlad and RADU being carted off by an Ottoman Royal Wagon. TRACKING SHOT: As the wagon goes through the gate Vlad peeks out of the wagon and says I love you to his parents as though he will never see them again. CUT TO: EXT. SULTAN COURT IN EDIRNE - DAY TRACKING SHOT: The wagon arrives at the Sultan MURAD II stronghold pasted the southern border of Wallachia in the Ottoman city of Edirne. The two brothers are escorted off the wagon. MEDIUM CLOSE UP: THEN TRACKING SHOT They both stop and look up and around at their new surroundings and walked into a grand tent where the sultan is sitting or laying on massive pillows, being indulged by food and women. They are then presented to the Sultan. TURKISH GUARD Great Sultan, these are the princes of Wallachia. SULTAN MURAD AH....these are the sons of the Great Vlad Dracul. RADU (curtsy) Yes, my lord The Sultan is a big man, heavy with distinct Turkish features. When Radu shows him respect and curtsy, Vlad looks at him and pokes him with his elbow as thou he did something wrong and Radu looks back at him confused that Vlad just did that. SULTAN MURAD And this must be Vlad the heir of Wallachia. VLAD THE IMPALER (looks at him and his surroundings with disgust and smells the air and is disturbed at the strange odors in the air) Yes. SULTAN MURAD (disgusted at the site) Send the old one to the training square to be educated. TURKISH GUARD What of the young one. SULTAN MURAD Put him in the care of the Harem. He is respectful and capable of learning much from MEHMED. TURKISH GUARD Right away lord. VLAD THE IMPALER (realizing where the smell is coming from) You smell. SULTAN MURAD (angered) What did you say. VLAD THE IMPALER I said you smell funny. SULTAN MURAD (angry) You my boy are an animal and will be treated as such. (looks towards the guard) If only your father would be a man and face me on the battlefield he too, would be treated as an animal. VLAD THE IMPALER (smiles and proud) But you are fat and a smelly man, you would never be able to kill my father. SULTAN MURAD (very angry) Guard... Twenty lashes for his insolence. Lets see if that will fasten that serpentine tongue of yours. Vlad has a hardened but scared look as thou he knows he is in big trouble. TURKISH GUARD YES MY LORD. Right away. The children are taken away and split up. TRACKING SHOT: Radu is taken to an opulent part of the palace Where beautiful women await him. They touch him as thou he was a great child king visiting the palace and after that he walks into the room where Mehmed is standing there. He is about 12 years old just like his brother Vlad, Mehmed is happy he now has a playmate. CUT TO: TRACKING SHOT: Meanwhile Vlad is taken to the prison courtyard where he is strapped to a pole and given punishment ordered by the Sultan for insulting him. MEDIUM CLOSE UP: With every lash Vlad gets weaker and weaker, crying and his back is bleeding profusely until he passes out. FADE TO: BLACK SCREEN THE YEAR OF THE RETURN TO WALLACHIA EXT. THE SULTANS COURTYARD - DAY CUT-IN: ESTABLISHING SHOT: The city of Edirne hold for a moment. At the bottom of the screen Edirne, 1447 CUT TO: EXTREME CLOSE UP: Camera is pointed to a man's back filled with blistered scars. The whole screen is enveloped with his back. He is moving furiously back and forth, sweat pearling up and coming off his back and glistening. MEDIUM: in the background you hear a horse coming into the court yard as the back stops moving for a moment. then continues in his rigorous chore. MEDIUM: We see the horse come to a stop and the horse make its sound. MEDIUM CLOSE UP: You see Vlad working on a big wooden spike for he is the man that is working like a man possessed. with out missing a beat he says to his guest. VLAD THE IMPALER What do you want, brother. A young man around 17-18 years old and very good looking wearing a small Turkish turban and Ottoman royal clothing. RADU (comical) I see your still playing with sticks, my brother. VLAD THE IMPALER (without missing a stride) You must find pleasure...as does the Sultan...to torture me. RADU (get serious) Why do you say such things. VLAD THE IMPALER While you live in the harem surrounded by beautiful women. I am down here working and training for when war comes. RADU (comical again) At least they are beautiful my brother. (laughs) VLAD THE IMPALER (smirks, still works his wood) Why are you here? RADU (gets very serious) You will be going back to Wallachia. VLAD THE IMPALER (stop for a moment) I am free. RADU You have always been free my brother. What you will be doing is attacking it. And taking Wallachia by force. Angered at such a suggestion that he jumps off his wood and gets into Radu's face VLAD THE IMPALER (stops, and begins to walk towards him) The Sultan wants me to attack our father. Why do you still listen to him.? He betrays us and now father but you still obey him as thou you are his little lap dog. RADU (smiles) You must learn to embrace Islam. It shall set you anger free. VLAD THE IMPALER (musters around angry) This is not funny brother. I will never embrace anything the Sultan likes or is. And i will not attack our father. MEDIUM CLOSE UP: RADU (gets closer and somber) Your right brother...forgive me...this is not funny you knew father longer then I did so please Vlad sit...I have something to tell you. They both sit on the wood Vlad is working and Radu tells him something important RADU (sad) Father is dead. (Vlad shocked at the news) The Boyars and the Voivodes killed him and tortured and buried Micea alive, and took control of the kingdom 2 months ago. We just found out that the Regent of Hungary has overrun and reinforced the country. And has installed as King ...Vladistav II of the Danesti clan. VLAD THE IMPALER (saddened) Father is dead... RADU (getting anxious) VLAD the Sultan will attack Wallachia and install you as King because you are the elder, you must embrace the Sultan so Wallachia will be free from the treacherous Boyars. VLAD THE IMPALER (memorized) Father is dead... RADU Vlad did you hear me. VLAD THE IMPALER (returns to his wood) Father is dead. RADU (grabs him in concern) Vlad!!! Are you O.K. VLAD THE IMPALER (with a ghostly look) Leave me now brother i must finish this before midday. TRACKING SHOT: Vlad returns to his wood, cutting away profusely and with more vigor than before with tears coming from his eyes. FACE OVER: MONTAGE: cutting in the scene of the court yard and joyous moments with his father. voice over: " I do this to save you my son" But while he is cutting here hears something that his father told him a long time ago " I do this to save you my son". It keeps going through his mind over and over again. He is unswayed by his brother trying to see if he is o.k. the news is heartbreaking to Vlad. CLOSE UP: Radu backs away slowly and gets on his horse with much concern, but before he leaves he takes one more look back at Vlad, but he is determined to finish this piece of wood before mid-day. TRACKING SHOT: So Radu yells his horse into motion and goes out the way he came. CUT TO: INT. VLADS CHAMBER ROOM - EARLY MORNING MEDIUM: Vlad is seen preparing for battle puts on his military vestments parts are Wallachian and parts are Ottoman. CLOSE UP: His aide gives him a neck chain on the symbol of the Order of the Dragon that was given to him at birth, he looks at it remembering his father and the sacrifices he made. As he looks at himself in the long mirror he is displeased that he is about to go into battle under the Ottoman flag and the Ottoman vestments he has to wear. TRACKING SHOT: As he finishes he walk out his chamber to the courtyard and mounts his horse another aide hands him his sword and he looks at it. VLAD THE IMPALER (with disgust) Ottoman steel what a wretched piece of iron this is. The aide smiles as he too is Wallachian tells him "MY LORD IT IS FOR THE PEOPLE YOU USE OTTOMAN THINGS" Vlad smiles back. VLAD THE IMPALER (smiles back) I know boy. and soon you will see your country too. He slips his sword into his scabbard and rides off to meet with the Sultans armies at the border of Wallachia. FADE TO: THE WAR AND BATTLES MONTAGE: of the war and battles Vlad commanding the Ottoman forces Hunyadi calling a general retreat. Vlad coming into the throne room getting installed as King of Wallachia. Vlad ordering His General Slav to bring together the boyars at a neutral site like Brasov for an Easter feast. THE 1ST EASTER FEAST EXT. THE COURTYARD IN BRASOV FEAST MID-AFTERNOON there is around 250 guests and most are Boyars and Voivodes of Wallachia. there are some dignitaries from Moldavia supporters of the Draculesti clan such as Stephan Bathory the Traitor and the perpetrator of the assassination of Vlad's father (which no one knows yet the truth but some suspect him) is also here boosting that there great Prince has arrived Duke of Bucharest BASARAB and the Baron of Tirgovostan ROGDAN EXT. VLAD'S TENT fade in: focus on the dragon symbol and zoom out slowly to reveal Vlad putting on his father's vestments from his induction into the order of the dragon. The General enters the tent. GENERAL SLAV My lord the feast has begun all is ready. VLAD THE IMPALER very well i will join you in a minute. TRACKING SHOT: Vlad steps out of the tent and looks up at the sky and takes a deep breath. CLOSE UP: VLAD THE IMPALER (eyes closed) My Time is here...give me strength to avenge you well Father. TRACKING SHOT: Opens his eyes and begins to walk towards the castle court yard. EXT. THE COURTYARD FEAST We see all the Boyars and their families all eating and boosting. They are talking about the political times they are having and the way they are stealing from their people. Stephan Bathory and Bogdan Vlad's uncle is there talking to each other trying to forget about the old fights they got into and then the General walks up behind them. MEDIUM CLOSE UP: BOGDAN Where is Vlad. GENERAL SLAV (sarcastic) He will be here soon enough. STEPHAN BATHORY (fearful) I fear this is not going to be a good festival. BOGDAN your fears are always unwarranted Duke. GENERAL SLAV (fearful) I think this time My Prince...the Duke may be correct. Fear is what Vlad strive in and today is no different. BASARAB (o.s.) Vlad welcome...come eat with us My Prince. TRACKING SHOT: The three snap their heads behind them as Vlad arrives at the festivities with a jovial smile and ready to enjoy himself walks towards Basarb and grabs his drink and chugs it down. But his face changes from jovial to serious very quickly as he looks towards General Slav and turns to Basarab. VLAD THE IMPALER (sarcastic) Duke Basarab of Bucharest are you enjoying these festivities. BASARAB (laughing and joyful) Yes my Prince this is a great feast. VLAD THE IMPALER (serious and wide eyed) The same feast you enjoyed after you murdered my father!!! Basarab stop cold and gets serious and almost chokes on his drink. cut to: The camera turns to the the three friends of Vlad and they look at each other in shock. STEPHAN BATHORY I told you something was wrong here. Bogdan began to nod in agreement. cut to: BASARAB (serious) Me.... Murder...Why do you (interrupted) VLAD THE IMPALER now..now Duke we all know here you betrayed the people of Wallachia to Hunyadi and the Danesti clan for personal gain and... (interrupted) BASARAB (serious and loud) You are surly mistaken My Prince!! VLAD THE IMPALER (laughs) Do you really believe that, or are you trying to beg for you life. BASARAB (gets angry) Are you threatening me now. VLAD THE IMPALER (walks to him) did my father beg for his life when you killed him or did one of your men do it. (a beat) didn't you have guts to do it yourself..... (a beat) i fear you didn't and it was a young man here that is now a baron that got his title and all he had to do is kill my father the King of Wallachia. BASARAB (angry) You are out of your.... (interrupted) VLAD THE IMPALER (slaps him down) SILENCE!!! You are going to die for your treason My dear Duke. General NOW!!! TRACKING SHOT: soldiers come running in and take the court yard prisoners General Slav takes Rogdan and basarab and walks them to a big and black boiling cauldron in the middle of the court yard. Bogdan and Bathory walk towards Vlad. BOGDAN Vlad my boy... are you sure this is the course you want to take. VLAD THE IMPALER This is vengeance uncle...this is the only course. The people must know that the Boyars have deceived them long enough. And that I mean to rule with a heavy hand. STEPHAN BATHORY Yes we know that but public humiliation is another thing entirely. VLAD THE IMPALER Humiliation??? that is to good of a punishment for these traitors ...death is what awaits them and a painful one at that. TRACKING SHOT: Bathory and Bogdan look at each other in fear to what is about to happen. Basarab is dragged to the middle of the court yard where the cauldron is boiling. the General gets him there with Rogdan and is thrown to the ground. Vlad walks slowly to the middle while Bogdan and Bathory stay behind by the gates as to stop anyone from leaving. CLOSE UP: VLAD THE IMPALER (addressing the crowd) For betraying the people of Wallachia i here by sentence you to pain... Vlad grabs Basarab with some help from the General and gets him close to the cauldron. Basarab begging for his life is in tears for what is going to happen VLAD THE IMPALER (disgust) You beg for you life... you disgust me with you presence. He grabs him by the head and shoves him into the boiling cauldron. CLOSE UP: Vlad face in a pleasurable pain is getting seared by the hot water and then releases him. Basarab pulls out instantly and we see a boiled, blistered, wounded face as he falls to the ground in agony. The General walks to Vlad and gives him a rag to covers his wounds. VLAD THE IMPALER (to Basarab) Now i will have a wound to remember this day. BASARAB (in agony) My Prince spare me... VLAD THE IMPALER (burst laugh) Spare me....I have only just begun... CUT TO: Soldiers begin to bring in long wooden stakes into the compound and a major montage begins. THE MONTAGE OF TRANSGRESSIONS MONTAGE: the first reign of Vlad all of the atrocities conducted during the first reign Him forcing the wives of his enemies to eat their newborn children the hot irons burning the eyes of some of the boyars the stripping of the boyars cloths as they are marched to Poenari castle to rebuild the castle of his father. the impalement of some 10,000 people as he brings order to his lands, and him sitting at a feast table eating and drinking a cup of blood taken by a servant from one of the impaled bodies then the Sultan tried of Vlad's atrocities sends his armies to attack Wallachia. Vlad is greeted by Bogdan in exile. Bogdan is assassinated. end of montage: Face over during the whole montage. Matthias Corvinus the heir to the throne of Hungary is speaking to Hunyadi the regent about Vlad and his recent ousting in Wallachia Transparent face over during the montage. Space out the dialog through the montage give it a few minutes. MATTHIAS CORVINUS He is a madman. HUNYADI But a mad man we can use to keep the Ottoman Empire at bay. MATTHIAS CORVINUS But the Ottoman's over ran the territories in weeks. HUNYADI And Vlad held them off with a small contingent of men. with the backing of Hungary we have a chance. MATTHIAS CORVINUS But he forced women to eat their newborns.... he impaled thousands and you want to talk to him. this is the cut in from the end of the montage. HUNYADI I know his reputation is bad. but he is a man that can help us. MATTHIAS CORVINUS He is the son of an old rival. I don't think he has forgotten that. HUNYADI He is a man with out a country right now... and if we can talk to him he will join us. MATTHIAS CORVINUS Moldavia is with out a prince with Bogdan dead how do we know that he didn't kill him. HUNYADI You will soon be King and you must trust your instincts. He did not kill his uncle the boyars did. they are the treacherous ones that keeps the wars going. Vlad is another matter. he knows the inner working of the Ottoman court and the Empire he would be the best choice for a confidant against the Sultan that we can find. he will help us i know it. MATTHIAS CORVINUS I hope you are right. FADE TO: THE HUNYADI MEETING EXT. HUNGARY - WINTER DAY FADE IN: ESTABLISHING SHOT: CASTLE BUDAI VAR, 1456 (white lettering) Castle in full view with the camera zooming in hold for (a beat) CLOSE UP: Vlad and his Generals arrive on a horses. he gets off and is greeted by Matthias. Matthias is walking out from the main doors to greet him. MATTHIAS CORVINUS (jovial) Welcome Prince Vlad... My name is... (interrupted) VLAD THE IMPALER (annoyed) I know who you are. Why have you summoned me here. It was said that it was urgent and vital to Wallachia that i come. MATTHIAS CORVINUS (get serious) It is Vlad, and i must ask that we speak alone. VLAD THE IMPALER General Slav here will accompany me. he is a Wallachian noble and if this is important to Wallachia it will involve him. MATTHIAS CORVINUS As you wish. I have prepared accommodations for you. VLAD THE IMPALER (abrupt) No need your highness. I will not be staying long. MATTHIAS CORVINUS (surprised at his brash rudeness) O.K. follow me. INT. TO THE HALL ROOM TRACKING SHOT: they begin into the castle and walk around the corner as Vlad looks around he is astounded at the beauty of the Budai Var. They walk through 2 big wooden doors and arrive at a hall room. There is a long table and chairs a fire is crackling in the fire place, drapes closes out all the light of the day a strange shadow is in the background that Vlad notices but he disregards it for now. VLAD THE IMPALER (sarcasm) So what does the future King OF Hungary want with a madman like me. MATTHIAS CORVINUS (taken back at the response) Prince...If i though you where a madman i would have killed you already. VLAD THE IMPALER yes...yes... i know you need me for something and if remember correctly the last time a Hungarian needed something from Wallachia i was made a prisoner. MATTHIAS CORVINUS (shocked AND speechless) I....i... didn't (interrupted) VLAD THE IMPALER (surprised) The Regent has never told you...ah i wonder what else he didn't tell you, like how he had my father killed. Before Matthias had a chance to regroup the mysterious shadow reveals himself and it is the Regent. HUNYADI (o.c. then on) I never ordered your father killed. We may have been rivals but i never made that order. I had no choice but to accept it, to keep the territory under Wallachian rule. VLAD THE IMPALER (angered) You...your still alive. I will kill you with my bare hands. Matthias move in a hurry and calls the guards. but Hunyadi stops them from coming in. HUNYADI my dear Vlad my death will only bring about yours. if you just listen to reason then we can accomplish something here today. VLAD THE IMPALER (slows to listen) And what is that, you have done nothing but lied and cheated your way to power and i am surprised you haven't take the crown yet. HUNYADI Matthias is the true King i can only guide him, just as i want to guide you. VLAD THE IMPALER Matthias may be the future King but if your still alive the rule will be through you. MATTHIAS CORVINUS (angry as thou he is invisible) I will rule Hungary alone!!! VLAD THE IMPALER then be rid of this traitor so we can get to the business at hand. HUNYADI (convincing) Vlad.... what you have here is an opportunity to regain control of Wallachia with the support of Eastern Europe. VLAD THE IMPALER (calms down) How is this. HUNYADI I will pledge... (interrupted) MATTHIAS CORVINUS (angered) I... you mean Hungary. HUNYADI (annoyed) My apologies your highness...I did mean Hungary will pledge its full support to the recapture of lower eastern Europe and the new pope is sending supplies, men and money to the cause. Since the Ottoman took control of Constantinople the spread of Islam is gaining. VLAD THE IMPALER So it seems you have everything under your control. why do you need me. HUNYADI You are the rightful leader of Wallachia. I did very much support your father as its leader and i wish i could have helped, but i had no choice in the matter. As far as Hungary was concerned it was an internal power struggle for Wallachia. VLAD THE IMPALER but you ended up supporting the Danesti clan for power. HUNYADI I had no choice.. you where still under the Sultan's command, what was i to do. VLAD THE IMPALER (angered) Condemn my fathers murderers. HUNYADI this is all in the past my Prince. It is time for you to join us in this crusade. with Your knowledge of the Ottoman armies and battle tactic we can put them on the defensive and drive them out of Europe. I will attack through Serbia and you through Wallachia, Bathory will attack out of Moldavia and there we will conquer back what was ours to begin with. VLAD THE IMPALER (curious at the proposal) and when will you begin the attack. HUNYADI (smiles) at first spring. but we can't go without you. VLAD THE IMPALER (interested) And what of Wallachia after the Sultan's expulsion. HUNYADI yours to rule freely with the support and friendship of Hungary. (a beat) what say you son of Dracul will you join us and bring back the sprint your father once held over Wallachia. Vlad was inspired by the talk of the Regent and nods his head in agreement. and looks over to his General. VLAD THE IMPALER We are going back my friend. the General smiles and is pleased at the out come of this meeting. VLAD THE IMPALER (turns to Mathaius)Matthias i pledge my support to you as King. but as for the regent i still do not trust you... walks closer to Hunyadi and almost into his face. VLAD THE IMPALER (threatening) you so much as sneeze wrong...if there is a wind that comes down on me that feels wrong i will come here and kill you in the most painful way possible. You know this of me so do not tempt me. he turns back to Matthias and goes down to one knee. VLAD THE IMPALER (humbled ans serious) I pledge my men and my armies to Hungary and to you My King. MATTHIAS CORVINUS I am not King yet. VLAD THE IMPALER But you will be. CGI: looks dead into his eyes as the camera zooms in to one eye of Corvinus and it begins to spin and turn white like the moon. MATCH CUT TO: THE RETURN TO POENARI CASTLE EXT. OUTSIDE POENARI CASTLE - MID-DAY ZOOM out: the moon WHITE LETTERS " SPRING, 1456 " TRACKING SHOT: Vlad arrives with his regiment of mercenaries loyal to him and and sees his armies camped out everywhere along the countryside. After he crosses the Arges River he continues on towards the castle as he looks at all the despair of what is left of Wallachia. Smoked out homes, farms destroyed, people starving along the root to Poenari and Vlad is angered at the decrepit state his country is in. VLAD THE IMPALER (speaking to himself) Look at my country. After so many years of war, What am i to do to help bring this country back from ruin. angle on: As he says that a person walks up to his horse. Looks at him like he knew him and says something to him. STEPHAN (with a confused look) I know you. VLAD THE IMPALER (looking back at him) How. STEPHAN You are Vlad the son of Dracul. VLAD THE IMPALER How do you know me. STEPHAN I was a knight in your fathers court i help raise you. It is me Stephan your cousin. TRACKING SHOT: Vlad realizes who this person was. The son of his mothers sister and nephew to Bogdan, Stephan. He jumps off his horse and embraces him as though he as just found his father alive. But Stephan pushes him off. MEDIUM CLOSE UP: STEPHAN Please Sire no! I'm not worthy of your embrace. VLAD THE IMPALER You are my friend and you are a Prince of Moldavia I thought you were dead. Join me within the Castle walls, you and your family and help me restore Wallachia to it former glory. Then i will help restore yours. STEPHAN Much has happened Sire. Glory is far from reach, the people need leadership. VLAD THE IMPALER We shall lead them together. STEPHAN (nodes in approval) TRACKING SHOT: Vlad nodes back at him and gets back on his horse and continued to the castle. CUT TO: INT. THE THRONE ROOM TRACKING SHOT: Vlad walks into the throne room. Sees the chair that his father once sat in on it's side broken and begins to walk towards it. ornamental drapes hang destroyed and burned. PAN: p.o.v. vlad He sees the Crown his father once wore in the corner of the room. He runs towards it and picks it up and stares at it profoundly. CUT-IN: Stephan walks in and sees Vlad. STEPHAN (with sadness) You miss your father? VLAD THE IMPALER (with tears in his eyes) Yes Stephan. what happened here. Some of his mercenaries come in as Stephan begins to tell him. MONTAGE: death of vlad, micea. the installment of vladistav and the battle of wallachia STEPHAN (v.o. of the montage) Your father was assassinated in the marshes near Balteni by the Boyars. It was believed that the Regent Hunyadi was in league with the Boyars and installed Vladistav II from the Danesti clan as king. When you arrived with The Ottomans the Danesti clan fled. But with all that has happened between you and the Ottomans the counrty has never been the same. CUT TO: VLAD THE IMPALER (disgusted) The Danesti clan... father never trusted them. VLAD THE IMPALER (with a angry feel) Where are they now. STEPHAN It has been revealed that the Danesti clan was behind your father's assassination and the assassination of Bogdan II, our uncle and are now in control of Moldavia. The General enters the room with information GENERAL SLAV news from the front My Lord. VLAD THE IMPALER What is it. GENERAL SLAV The Regent has won the Serbian territory. but... (pauses) VLAD THE IMPALER (annoyed) What... GENERAL SLAV (surprised) Hunyadi has died. VLAD THE IMPALER (angry) how? GENERAL SLAV it is said the plague has taken him. MEDIUM: Vlad upset at the news screams out in rage and throws the crown he was holding across the room and then turns to his mercenaries and issues commands. VLAD THE IMPALER General set up court in the courtyard and along the hills of the castle. Stephan get the towns people assembled in front of the castle gates. DANIEL take the best men and hunt down the Danesti clan and bring then to me alive and call on all the Voivodes and the Boyars to come here. |