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About a girl who created her own world. Please comment & let me know how I can improve. |
Chapter 4: The Nightmare Green At this moment was when I heard the most blood-curdling scream in my life. Silver woke with a jolt, after screaming. Naturally it woke me up. “Silver!! Are you okay!?” She was panting and had heavy breathing. She looked pale, like she had just seen a ghost. “I... had....... a... warning............. dream......It........was.........Red.” I let her get her breath back before I asked her more. But I didn't have to wait for long. “Red wanted to warn me. Something is coming Green. Something bad!” “What did she say?” “The game has changed, learn the rules. I am coming soon. Be ready. Don't ever keep your guard down. She then showed me a vision. A gruesome scene.” “May I ask what it was?” She looked disturbed. “I will just give the broad idea. I was kidnapped by a group of men. They took me and started to abuse me. They wanted the throne and for me to become their wife. Then Min started to die. The man whipped my back. The other one did something so horrible to me, that I am not going to describe, that was when I screamed. And I woke up.” I shivered. “Do you mind if I check your back?” She looked puzzled. “Sure....” I pulled the back of her shirt up. And sure enough, there was a whipping mark. I gently rubbed my hand on the mark to see if it caused her any pain. She winced. “Quit pushing so hard!” “I am not even touching it! We need to go home so we can fix you up. Call Emerald.” She did and I called Ice. We flew back home as fast as we could. Silver was weak. When we got there we burst in the door. Only to find The Crew holding a meeting in our living room. All of the seats were taken but four. One for me, Silver, and the last two were for Blue and Red. But they haven't been seen since Red got the job as a Ninja Guardian. “We got your message Silver. Take your seats.” Yellow said. We did. Then Silver spoke. “I am officially calling a Club Legends meeting! I will be speaking. Green is second in command. The rest of you are going to be inputting your own ideas, opinions, etc. Now, I had a dream last night. It was a warning. From Red.” The Crew started to whisper to each other. “What did she say?” Yellow asked. “She said: The game has changed, learn the rules. I am coming soon. Be ready. Don't ever keep your guard down.” “What do you think it means?” Yellow asked. “It means that you boys have to freshen up! Remember how much Red hates messes! You all need showers, fresh clothes, and a clean room. Go. Now!” Silver had said. And that was the dismissal of the meeting. Just as everyone started to leave, they heard a crash. And then Red burst through the door. “I'm back baby!” She yelled as the Crew scrambled to their rooms. |