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About a girl who created her own world. Please comment & let me know how I can improve. |
Chapter 2: Nightwatch Green “Why don't you stay at our place? You know where your rooms are. I haven't touched them since the last time.” I asked “Alright. Just promise me you two won't be to loud!” Orange winked and stuck his tongue out at us. “”Dude, seriously? Like you got much room to talk! The last time you had a girlfriend was- OH that's right! You never did have a girlfriend!” I said in retaliation at the rude comment. And anyway, Silver and I don't even share a bed. The Crew all giggled at what I had said. But I wasn't done yet! “Did you hear that?” I asked “Hear what?” Orange asked. “Did you hear that sizzle 'cause you just got burned!!” The Crew giggled. “What ever guys!” Orange rolled his eyes, stormed off to his assigned room, and slammed the door shut. “Crew, go to your rooms. You know where they are. Silver, you come with me.” The Crew went to their rooms as they were told. Silver put on her sandals and walked out the door with me. We ran to the clearing and I said to Silver, “Call Emerald and follow us. No race this time.” Silver whistled and Emerald came crashing through the trees. I am surprised that he wasn't hurt. Ice came flying after him. She landed gracefully. We mounted and took flight. I left for an escape. I needed some time away from the house and think for a little. And anyway, it was more time with Silver. We flew away from the forest and far away from the house. I saw it in the distance. The shore and my safe haven. I wanted to go here 'cause I felt like I needed to share this place with Silver. And this was the best time to do it. It was a sunset. And the way the sunset reflects off the ocean, it makes it......... well....... romantic I guess. We landed on shore and dismounted the dragons. They flew off together, probably going to go hunt deer. We started to walk along the shore. Then Silver did the strangest thing. She started to hum. It was beautiful. I knew the tune from the other world but couldn't remember the name of it. “What is the name of that song?” “Oh, I don't know. I just know the words.” She said. “Will you sing it for me?” “Sure!” she stopped walking and started to sing. It was beautiful! “You're not alone, together we stand. I'll be by your side, you know I'll take your hand. When it gets cold and it feels like the end. There's no place to go, you know I won't give in. No, I won't give in. Keep holding on 'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through. Just stay strong. 'Cause you know I'm here for you, I'm here for you. There's nothing you could say, nothing you could do. There's no other way when it comes to the truth. So keep holding on. 'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through. So far away, I wish you were here. Before it's too late this could all disappear. Before the door's closed and it comes to an end. With you by my side I will fight and defend. I'll fight and defend, yeah, yeah. Keep holding on. 'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through. Just stay strong. 'Cause you know I'm here for you, I'm here for you. There's nothing you could say, nothing you could do. There's no other way when it comes to the truth. So keep holding on. 'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through. Hear me when I say when I say, I believe. Nothing's gonna change, nothing's gonna change destiny. Whatever's meant to be will work out perfectly. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Keep holding on. 'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through. Just stay strong. 'Cause you know I'm here for you, I'm here for you. There's nothing you could say, nothing you could do. There's no other way when it comes to the truth. So keep holding on. 'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through. Keep holding on. Keep holding on. There's nothing you could say, nothing you could do. There's no other way when it comes to the truth. So keep holding on. 'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through......... Well, what do you think?” “That was beautiful Silver!” It truly was! She had the sexiest voice ever!!!! And I loved it! She blushed and giggled. “Thanks!” She said. She blushed and giggled again. It was adorable! “Let's keep walking! I want to see why you wanted to go here.” “Alright.” We started to walk again. Silver was very close to me. Our arms kept brushing against each other. We walked on for miles just enjoying each others company. Silver grabbed my hand. I blushed and so did she. But I didn't object. It felt right. I told Ice ,through telepathy, that we were not going to be home soon, come here, and make sure that they guard the house. She landed with skill while Emerald, once again, crashed into the sand. Chapter 3: First base Green We mounted our dragons. “Follow me.” I said as we took off. I looked back at Silver. Her golden hair flowed gracefully behind her. Moving with the wind. Keep your eyes on the route. I thought to myself. And not on Silver! We were almost there. I could see it in the distance. The trees looked beautiful now that it was Changing Season. The trees always look best during the Changing Season. The next season is the Barren Season. This is when all of the leaves are gone and it gets really cold out. During the Growing Season the trees start to get their leaves back and it is warm out. Then in the Sun Season it gets really hot and moist out. And then the cycle repeats its self. Different thins happen during the different seasons. ~Flashback~ “So what season are we in now, Silver?” “This is Winter. But from now on you shall call it the Barren Season.” “But why can't we call it Winter?” “Because that is the rule. Now, what season is it?” “The Barron Season.” “Good Green! Now let's go for a walk in the woods.” ~End of the flashback~ I was breathing fast. Silver looked at me, concerned. “Is something wrong?” “No, nothing at all.” I replied. I wasn't supposed to remember my past life! Why am I remembering it now!? If she finds out I might not be able to be the Guardian anymore! And I can't leave her! She needs me here to protect her! But, today is the 4th anniversary of my arrival here! I plan on celebrating! I looked up and saw the trees in the distance. Ice was looking at me. She had the Are-You-Daydreaming-Again look. Fly to the Lost Forest faster! I told Ice through telepathy. The forest was coated in shades of golds, oranges, reds, and yellows. We landed in a clearing, dismounted, and told our dragons to leave. We started walking. Silver, once again, grabbed my hand. I still didn't object. We walked by the creek. The colors of the trees reflected off its surface. And all of a sudden Silver stopped walking. She looked at me with her silvery-blue eyes. Oh, how captivating they were! “Look, I am cold and hungry. Can we go home now!?” She asked. “Who said anything about going home?” I snapped my fingers and a bag appeared. I channeled my Aura and set up the camp with my blazing green-blue Aura. Silver stood there, dumbfounded. “How do you know how to set up a camp?” “I don't know. Intuition, I guess.” I shrugged. The process came naturally to me. But I lifted up the tent flap and climbed in to get the pots and pans. I came back out, Silver still stood there dumbfounded, and lit a fire to start cooking. I pulled out some eggs and started to make them. Silver sat down next to me with a blank expression on her face. I finished the eggs and we ate. “Do you want to stargaze?” “What is stargazing?” “It is when you just sit and look at the stars.” “Oh, sure! That sounds fun!” She leaned back and stretched out her arms. Our fingers touched. She didn't move. I lost track of time and eventually felt her head on my shoulder. She was sound asleep. So, I picked her up and carried her to the tent. As I set her down to fix her sleeping bag, she woke up. “Where am I?” “In the tent. I carried you here. You fell asleep.” “Oh. Thanks.” “No problem.” I climbed into my sleeping bag. “Um, how am I supposed to get in this thing?” “You unzip it. Like this.” I walked over and showed her. “Oh. Well, goodnight!” “Goodnight!” I walked back over to my sleeping bag and tried to fall asleep. ~Dream~ “SILVER!” I screamed as I broke the window to her house. “Silver! Silver! Where are you!? Silver!” The house was on fire and the smoke was dangerous. I heard this girl named Red screaming after me. I couldn't hear her and I didn't care. Silver was my only concern right now. The house was getting really hot and I had to get her out of there fast! I looked everywhere but the kitchen. So naturally I went there. And there she was, kissing a boy named Blue. “GET YOUR HAND OFF HER ASS AND GET OUT OF HERE! YOU ARE GOING TO GET HER KILLED!” I screamed at Blue. “What is your problem!? She isn't you frigging girlfriend!” Huh? What was he talking about. But then words just started to flow out of my mouth. I had no control. “So! That doesn't mean you have to kill her!” Then there was that girl Red, who was following me, burst in. “YO! Dumb-asses!! Quit arguing and get the fuck out of here!” ~Dream Over~ I shot up and gasped. Was that a memory? Or was it a warning? Or was it something else? “Mm.... What happened?” “Nothing. I just heard an animal.” “Oh. Okay.” I lay back down and she snuggled up against me. How did she get here? She probably figured out how to work the sleeping bag. But I didn't mind. A wrapped my arm around her. Silver's body heat was soothing. So I fell back to sleep without any problems. |