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Hayley discovers love when crossing the border into Tijuana. |
Tijuana has a certain smell to it. It is the cross between burnt chestnuts, which someone may enjoy smelling in New York City, and sewer. Hayley, a sophomore and documentary film student at San Diego State University, finally felt the thrill that most of her college friends have been talking about, crossing the border into Mexico. Hayley had promised her parents when she got accepted to school in San Diego that she would not venture the 20 minute drive to Mexico. Hayley, even though in college, still had innocence about her. And her parents had to accept that when she was the only film student from her school accepted to do the Crossing Borders documentary. And her slightly younger sister Dee was happy to be joining her so she wouldn’t have to travel alone. Dee’s face crinkles, “What is that smell?” Hayley just kind of giggles to herself and says, “We are looking for a grey Civic.” “So we are just going to get in the car with some random Mexican?” “Dee, you didn’t have to come. He goes to the school down here, and is working on the project. His name is Sal and he’s very nice.” “Mom only said you can do this if I am here, she knows it’s dangerous and dirty down here. And I want to go to the bars down here anyway.” A beat up grey Civic pulls up to the curb and a short, scrawny Mexican gets out. The introductions go around and the girls pile into the car. Hayley climbs in the back where she meets Ed and Dee discovers that she needs to go around and sit in the front seat. Ed introduces himself to everyone and something about him strikes Hayley’s attention. Maybe it is because he looks like a darker version of Tom Cruise, whatever it is Hayley finds herself interested. Dee on the other hand is not very happy to find out that Hayley volunteered her to be the film subject as the San Diego student. Dee suggests, “I am sure you guys can find someone much more interesting than me.” But Salvador just laughs it off and explains that Ed is going to be a film subject for the Tijuana region and everyone is going to have fun learning about each other’s culture. The group makes their way to Ed’s house for shooting his segment. There are broken down houses, houses with no walls or roofs, and it looks like what you think a border city would be. Hayley and Dee’s eyes are glued to the window. Ed says, “It was from the hurricane a while back. It is ok, people will rebuild them.” Dee starts to fidget in her seat a little. Salvador gets excited, “Why don’t we do some of the sightseeing shots first? What do you girls want to do while you are down here?” Hayley gets a little concerned, “We can go shoot at Ed’s house. I’m sure we have a lot to get done.” Ed says, “There is plenty of time.” Dee gets excited, “Well I would love to explore the fun clubs I hear so much about.” Hayley rolls her eyes slightly and Ed sees it. “Well I am a little hungry and I know a great place on the beach for some delicious food and dancing. You do dance?” Dee speaks for her sister, “Of course we dance. Hay’s is actually an awesome dancer.” Ed responds with some enthusiasm, “Well good it is settled. Sal let’s take them to our favorite spot.” Salvador turns up the radio in the car, it is a Spanish song that the boys start singing along to. The girls look out the window and they see women street vendors that are walking around barefoot carrying fruit. They have small children following them. One of the ladies is pushing a cart that has mangos and oranges on it. The car slows down because there is traffic in front of them, until it is almost stopped. The lady with the fruit cart pushes it right passed Dee’s window. Dee gives kind of a weird look and Hayley smiles at the lady. “Ed can you find out how much the mangos are, they look so good.” Ed asks, “Cuantas?” The lady takes a mango out and gives it to Hayley while rambling something in Spanish and walks away quickly. Hayley tries to pull her money out of her pocket in time and yells for her to come back but she doesn’t respond. Hayley doesn’t get it. “I am trying to pay her, why won’t she take the money?” Ed says, “She liked your smile. She thought you were very pretty and it made her day.” This makes Hayley blush. Ed says to Sal, “Mi escuela cerca de mi casa. Cinco minutos mas.” Sal responds and there some dialog that continues between them back and forth until Hayley interrupts. “Ok my Spanish isn’t that bad but you all lost me. What is going on?” Ed responds, “Sal has to use the restroom and we are close to my school, which I thought it would be good to show you and on the film but Sal wants to now change the plans and go to my house.” Dee gets upset, “What about drinks and dancing?” Salvador, “There is plenty of time. This will be quick and we may be able to get some of the video in.” The car goes up a big hill and pulls into a huge gated driveway. Both of the girls are pleasantly surprised. Sal quickly parks the car and rushes into the house. Ed is left to show the girls in as he can see that they are both pretty much in shock. Ed explains that he has two roommates and his parents own they house, which they rent from. As they walk into the house Hayley looks around to see how clean it is and asks, “Do your parents live around here too?” Ed explains that they live a couple hours away and own a lot of property. Ed shows the girls to sit down while he gets them something to drink. As Ed is out of the room the girls are silent and in shock of how nice his house is. They hear a weird scratching noise and it freaks both of them out. It almost sounds like fingernails on a chalkboard. Hayley pulls Dee up and they find their way into the newly redone kitchen. Hayley asks, “What the heck is that scratching noise?” Ed kind of laughs knowing she is nervous, “Those are my doves.” Ed goes to the corner of the room and pulls a blanket off of the cage. He explains how he does magic shows for small children on the weekends. Dee looks very squeamish and Ed doesn’t understand. Dee explains that her ex-boyfriend use to have birds and he tried to scare her with them one time and is now traumatized for life. Hayley laughs at her and Ed asks, “So do you girls have boyfriends now?” Dee shakes her head no and Hayley kind of gives a smile not wanting to respond and notices that Sal has been filming them with the birds. Hayley says, “Oh I’m glad we started filming. Ed I would love to see your magic sometime.” Hayley realizes she’s almost blushing and says, “It would be great for the camera.” Ed smiles, “I would love to show you Hayley.” Hayley glances over to the shelf on the wall and notices that there are about eight empty vodka bottles. “Someone must have been feeling real good after that night!” Hayley kind of giggles at herself. Dee chimes in, “Oh, I love vodka! I think it’s about time that we go get something to drink.” Hayley gives her sister a glare. Ed explained how he had a party a few nights ago and agreed that it was time to go get some food. As they drove down the coastline the guys talked about the sights, the corrupt government, the way of life. Ed explained that there are people with money and then people with none, there is no in between and Ed and Sal were both very lucky. They had to drive for about an hour so everyone got to know the basics. Ed is studying to be an engineer and Hayley was intrigued by how intelligent he spoke. Sal and Dee made great small talk as Ed got to know how passionate Hayley is for the arts, the beach and sailing, she was making him want to be on a boat, preferably alone with her. Sal interrupts their conversation with some Spanish that Hayley could only understand the word kiss, which makes her give a look to Dee. Dee wants to know, “What are you guys saying, it’s too fast.” They guys laugh and Sal responds, “I just want to make sure you girls get back when you want to.” Hayley likes the response and gets excited to see the beach restaurant/bar that they pull up to. The live music is heard from the parking lot and gets everyone excited to be there. At the table they all order margaritas. Hayley explains to Ed that she has a love hate relationship with tequila and that prompts Dee to order a round of shots for the table. Hayley’s cell phone rings and the caller ID says MOM. Hayley clicks it off and Dee gives her a weird look. “It’s just Mom and I don’t want to her worry when she hears loud music in Mexico.” The shots come to the table quickly and Ed makes a toast, “Here is to new friendships.” They all cling glasses together and then suck on their limes. Ed puts his hand out to Hayley. “Would you like to dance Hayley?” Hayley gets up to grab Ed’s hand. Ed twirls her and she starts to salsa. Ed smiles with surprise and begins dancing with her. He takes her in his arms and twirls her back. She moves to the music as if it were inside of her, staring at Ed deep into his eyes. He grabs her hand, pulls her close, and puts her arms around his neck. The two dance really close as Ed breaths down her neck. They are so involved with the dance that they don’t even realize it is over and the band is taking a break. Dee interrupts them to let them know the food is at the table and they are both intoxicated by the other. The meal is a variety of Mexican foods, enchiladas, chili reallonos, tacos and soup. Everyone loves it! Hayley’s eyes keep wandering over to Ed because she can feel him staring at her. It flusters her so much that she rushes through the rest of her meal and excuses herself to get fresh air. Out on the patio is the remnants of a beautiful sunset. The ocean breeze makes her face feel fresh again until moments later when Ed comes out to join her. He asks, “Is everything ok Hayley?” “The meal was delicious.” “That is not what I mean.” Hayley starts to feel a little hot again. Ed walks over to her and brushes the hair behind her ear. Hayley wasn’t quite sure of what to say. “Well I saw you staring at me, and, I just needed fresh air.” Ed almost feels bad, but decides to make his move. “I wasn’t trying to make you uncomfortable. I just find myself drawn to you.” He grabs the back of her head like he is going to kiss her, and says, “There is something about you. I know I am Mexican and live across the border, a nobody where you come from.” Hayley tries to cut him off. “That is not…” Ed pulls her in passionately kisses her. His body presses against hers and he pushes her up against the side of the building. It is more than just the physical chemistry, the connection is something that goes deeper. Ed knows that even if it only lasts for a short time, Hayley is in his soul. Hayley is more than into the moment, she is ready to take Ed into a dark corner and have her way with him. Ed starts to slightly pull on her hair and she breaths a heavy breath. Sal walks outside to see what is going on ad interrupts, “Well I see the tequila got to you two.” They both almost jump with embarrassment. Hayley quickly fixes her hair. Sal continues, “I think your mom called again. Maybe it is important.” Hayley sighs and walks inside. She knows that it’s not her mom that called. Joel is a very possessive boyfriend and it only recently happened once, but Hayley had the bruise to prove it. She’s been trying to get out of the relationship but can never find the right time or the right words. She knows she is in the relationship because she is intimidated and hates herself at times for that. Ed can tell that there is something wrong with her. Hayley picks up her phone and walks over to the window for a little privacy. It is obvious that Hayley is getting an ear full and Dee gets upset for her sister. She goes over to console her and hears, “Actually Joel, you physically make me sick and I don’t want to see you again.” “Well you don’t need me to jump in here.” Hayley throws her phone on the ground, “I think I should have another shot.” The group all does another round of tequila shots. Hayley is happy, she feels free and alive. For the first time in a while she didn’t really care about anything else but what she was doing in that moment. Dee and Sal enjoy the bar and salsa dancing, he is trying to teach her. And Hayley and Ed go out for a walk on the beach. They learn everything they can about each other, passions and goals, what their pasts have been, what kind of relationships they have been in, what their family is like, they both just wanted more. Ed loves the way Hayley looks walking barefoot in the water, “I wasn’t expecting to meet you.” Hayley knows what she has to tell him. She knows that she is going to be broken inside after he learns about her long time, possessive, boyfriend Joe. “Listen Ed,” Ed pushes his lips onto hers, then interrupts her, “You don’t have to tell me what I already know. We have learned a lot about each other in such a short time, but we don’t need to explain everything.” With that the subject was never brought up again. The two enjoyed the rest of the walk. When they went back to find Dee and Sal, Dee was looking concerned. “Dee what’s the problem?” She responds, “Nothing besides the fact that it is almost 4 am, I really didn’t know where you were and Joe told Mom that we are in Mexico at this hour, we talked on the phone.” Hayley’s stomach sank, “Ok, let’s head back then. Sorry guys. I really didn’t even realize how late it was.” Sal responds, “Not a problem girls.” They all head back to the car and towards the border. The drive is quiet as though the night had never happened. Hayley didn’t want it to end this way. She didn’t want to remember the night she had as a mishap. She wasn’t quite sure on what to do. Sal gets in the line of cars to take them across the border. Hayley speaks up, “You guys don’t have to go all the way across. We can walk or get a cab.” Ed responds, “I want to make sure you are safe.” Hayley smiles with some sort of relief. Though it is 4 am the border is bright with lights and loud with horns and the bustle of unfortunates selling their treasures. Ed rolls down his window when he sees a hunched over woman carrying a satchel of glass crosses. He expresses his want for the green one with the bird and gives her a couple of dollars. And with that the line moves and they cross the border. Hayley directs them the best that she can to where they parked and after many attempts they find it. Both the girls are disappointed that the night is ending. They all give hugs to say their goodbyes. Hayley says to them, “I’m so glad we are all working together. I can’t wait for you guys to come up to our neck of the woods.” Sal responds, “Yes, that will be great. We will have to do it before Ed leaves for Europe.” Ed explains, “I’m leaving in a few weeks. We will have some time.” Hayley’s heart sinks. Ed goes over to Hayley and runs his rugged fingers in her hair and pulls the cross out of his pocket. “It will all work out.” “He clasps it in her hand and pulls her in for a soft kiss good bye.” Dee announces, “Thanks for everything guys, it was good times! See you guys soon.” Hayley agrees, “Yes, thank you.” They get in their car to drive home. On the way home the girls reminisce about the night. Hayley talks about how sweet Ed is and the first thing she wants to do in the morning is end it with Joe. Dee is happy to hear her sister say that but feels inclined to tell her, “I think Ed is going to Europe for some kind of therapy or treatment. That is what Sal leads me to believe. I don’t know what is going on with him but I think there is some kind of medical thing. You know it would never work between you two anyway.” Hayley responds, “It will all work out Dee. Maybe not with Ed but I have to follow my heart to him.” The End. |