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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Dark · #1789146
My mom warned me. All my instincts screamed at me she was right. I did not listen.

My head aches and my throat tastes metallic; blood, my blood. I'm not entirely sure how long he has kept me here. A few hours? A day? A week? This feels like an eternity. I groan and open my eyes to see an old ceiling with a fan on low. Reminds me of my home back in Florida and how i would sleep with the fan on. There is a sting in my eyes and I realize they are un-shed tears. I want to cry, cry like a baby. After he comes back from who-knows-where I am as good as dead. I will never see my family, my boyfriend, my best friend, my dog Lenny... That's when the door slams open and I look at the door in panic. 'He's back!' I think and try to move away as he rushes towards my fragile form on the floor.

My body is in too much pain to fight back as he grabs a chunk of my long, black hair and pulls me up into a standing position. As hard as I try not to make a sound, the pulling of my scalp is too much and I yelp.

His filthy black eyes roam my body as I struggle against the hand in my hair. I can hear him chuckle as his hand grabs at my bare chest. "You sure are a pretty catch. Hehe... Too bad I gotta get rid of yer. Too bad indeed..."

I can hear myself scream in horror as he throws me on the cold, tile floor and quickly gets on top of me straddling my waist. Unable to move my body, I try to hit him with whatever strength I have left, to no avail. He snatches both my wrist in his large left hand and pins them over my head. The more I struggle, the louder his laugh becomes.

"AH-MMM!" my scream was cut off by his sweaty, chapped lips that sealed themselves on mine. This pain is too much to bare and my eyes are now freely pouring tears. This monster had stabbed both palms of my hands with one knife pinning them permanently to the floor and above my head.

My scream becomes louder as his tongue enters my mouth, I quickly bite his tongue causing him to curse and pull away. Glaring down at me, he punches my left cheek making me cry out in pain, "Bítch! I was planning on letting you live as my toy, but now you'll do neither!" his face nears my bruised face as he whispers, "And I will make sure your last moment on this earth will be one full of so much agonizing pain, you will BEG me to kill you!"

With that said, he climbs off and walks towards his closet. The man opens it and begins to search through it. All I can do now is think back to my life as I wait for my early death. I should of listened to Ma'. You know what they say, a mother's always right. Unfortunately I learned that the hard way. Now I am stuck in this... This place. I am away from the world and in a place worse than Hell. I can clearly remember how all this happened...


"I still don't think you should go." my mom insisted for the fit time that day. It was a miracle my dad let me go, but the one person I thought would not mind was trying to get me to change my mind.

All I can do is sigh and hug my mom trying some sort of comfort, "Momma, it'll be all right. I've been places with friends. Going out of state won't be any different." I pull away and smile at her. In return she sadly smiles back at me and takes a hold of my face with both of her hands.

"I know sweetie, I know. It's just that I have a bad feeling about this trip." her eyes start to water as she tries to hold back the tears. She grabs my arm gently and leads me towards the couch. I sit down and stare at her in the one man couch in front of me with confusion. We both sit in silence as she stares out the window behind me in deep thought.

"Ma' I-" my mom then holds up her hand to silence me. I stay quiet and wait for her to speak.

She sighs and turns her pleading eyes towards me, "I had a dream last night. You were in it and might I say you looked stunning." she laughs though it sounds empty, "in this dream you were at a party, a guy comes and you two hit it off and then the two of you leave the house in his car..." I could tell she was having a hard time trying to speak because her lip would shake and her hands were playing with the end of her shirt. "That is when it turned into a nightmare. He dragged you out of that car at some strange house.. By-by this point you realized your mistake but couldn't escape, he had-he had drugged you... I could tell by the way you limped. Oh, he did terrible things to you! Things I never want to happen to you! Then-then-then......." the tears fell and she was sobbing and her entire body was shaking with anguish. I quickly stood up and ran to her side.

I hugged her and whispered, "It's going to be ok Momma... It's going to be ok, I promise." all she could do was nod into my shoulder as she weeped for her fears. After she calmed down I told her I was going the next day and that I was sorry. All she did was hug me tight and whisper in my ear, "May God be with you my dear Emily. May he protect you through your trip. Please, be careful."

With that said, she said goodnight and went to bed leaving me in the living room to my thoughts.

The next morning was a rush. I woke up late so I had to quickly get ready, I even almost lefty money for the trip. Thank goodness for my parents! On the road, I was in such a rush that I almost crashed into another driver. Thanks to my running late, I almost missed my flight!

However, I made it a minute late and was able to leave with my friends to Sandusky, Ohio.


I plop down on the bed of the room I chose with my best friend and laugh, "FINALLY! Haha! We made it at last!" my best friend Luna laughs and sits on her bed.

"Yeah and it only took two hours of driving around in circles!" we both laugh as Daniel walks by the room and complains that it wasn't his fault that the GPS he recently bought didn't work.

Laughing I looked at Luna, "You know, I think that GPS had something against Danny." Luna just looked me and laughed. Laying down on her bed, luma looked at the roof.

"Why do you think that?" she looked at me and practically fell off the bed from how hard she was laughing. "No way! You switched the GPS with YOURS?" we both begin to laugh as I wave Daniel's GPS in the air like a prize.

Danny comes in the room and dramatically points at me, "YOU! It was you who got us lost!" I try not to laugh at his fake drama scene.

I just shrug and throw him his GPS back, "I wanted to see if my GPS worked for you cause it doesn't work for me." Daniel just laughs and walks out of the room to do his own thing.

Suddenly the door of the house is slammed close and an excited scream is heard. "GUYS! OH MY GOD GUESS WHAT?" Lexi is running through the house and finally gets to where we are. She enters the room jumping and not even close to losing her breath. Daniel walks in after her, unsure if he should stay or leave.

I looked at her in confusion, "What's up Lex?" Lexi just jumps up and down more and squeals. Daniel had to hold her down and sit her on my bed.

"Ok Lex, breath in and breath out. Good, now tell us CALMLY what happened." Daniel is kneeling in front of her as she smiles at all of us.

"What happened is that I found the PERFECT place to party tonight!" Lexi starts to squeal again causing me to groan. Luna sat up and looked at Lex.

"Where Lex?" Lexi then stands up, Danny following suit and turns to all three of us.

"At a place called Crowbar. I heard these people talking about it and said the place was a pretty cool place and awesome to hang out. So I asked them where it was and they said it was only three blocks from here!" Lexi raised het hands high and started jumping with excitement. "I hope you guys brought nice clothes cause WE ARE GOING OUT TONIGHT!"

The three of us just looked at each other with worried glances. This could not be good.


Boy was I right. When we got there at eight, there was some show going on. We sat down and started to talk and laugh. Everyone at the table wanted a drink so they all voted on who would get up to get them. I was elected and so I had to stand up and go up to the bar and ask for a drink. As I wait for my drink a man comes up behind me and whispers in my left ear, "What's a pretty little lady like you doing all alone here?" the voice sends cold shivers down my spine as I try to place the reason why.

I turn around and put some distance between us, "Hehe.. Actually I'm not alone I'm with my-" why I point at where we were sitting they're gone. "..What..?" I whisper as he laughs.

"The people that were at that table left in a hurry. Don't know why." I just stood there feeling confused as I tried not to panic. I was alone, at a bar, talking to a stranger in an unknown place. I was snapped out of my thoughts by the coke I ordered to be put in my face. "This yours?"

I nod numbly as I take the cup sipping a bit of the soda, "How am I suppose to get back home..?" I asked more to myself more than him.

He nods towards the door and smiles down at me, "I can take you, if you want." I knew then that I should say no, but my head felt light and I could care less. Sonia accepted.

That turned out to be the worst idea of my life.


"A body was found dumped by a rode in Sandusky, Ohio today. The victim was identified to be in her early twenties, 5'5, and with the name of Emily Swatson. The police say she was brutally beaten, raped, and tortured until her final breath. I pray to the family that must be feeling her loss-"

The mother of the girl sat in her living room as she stared blankly at the black t.v screen. Tears roll silently down her pale cheeks as she sits in the couch her daughter last sat on while they talked for the last time.

The mother looked out the window and into the clear sky, "I tried to stop you, I did... My God be with you my sweet Emily.."
© Copyright 2011 KawaiiKitsune (kawaii956 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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