Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1788556-Heartbreak-in-44
Rated: E · Poetry · Romance/Love · #1788556
My longest and most pretentious poem
I had a dream where I was bare, swimming in the sounds.
I could feel the waves of the overture starting to crash down.
I was tossed amongst the sharps and flats, sent to spiral with the ride.
My pulse was then snare drum raging on the inside.
Along the trumpet river I flowed in 4/4 time,
pinging off the edges that deafened with their chime.
The choir sang in harmony to hark a coming end.
I listened to their calming tones as I washed around each bend.
The sounds of waves come clashing, the cymbals of my demise,
and brought fear into this all too human heart and tears to these frail eyes.
I tumbled with the melodies, the beats, and ivory tides.
A passenger on every bar to which the music now confides.
The strings and winds then spoke to me as the notes then filled my lung.
A story of such tragedy that should never have been sung.
My head struggles to remain open as the peddle fights to keep me closed.
The sound is much more silent and essential to the pros.
Adiago cries the maestro, Dolce she yells aloud.
The music becomes silent afraid of her mighty sound.
She looks upon me drowning, her baton right to the sky.
She smiles with such anger and she winks at me so sly.
I remember her from dreams before, a figment ever blurry.
Yet now I drown in requiem beneath her sound and fury.
She reminds me of a hymn once sung, one sad and incomplete.
I dreamt her then to calm me and keep in the beat.
All her discord now beguiling, I weep as she stands high.
I cry to her with longing but all she does is smile.
I see tears upon her face and I hear the weeping of a guitar.
The strings are plucked with emptiness and the skies then torn apart.
Raining down upon me, come the lyrics to her song.
They scream at me with anger and love and then swiftly there are gone.
I, she speaks again to me holding back the flow of tears
I loved you once upon a time; I once let you hold me dear.
I remember the day you wept like a baby as you slowly fell apart.
I gave you life and happiness and kept you in my heart.
Then when the curtains fell for me, when they came to usher out my life.
You haunted all our places claiming that you felt the strife.
You pretended to be sad then, damning all the gods.
You shut out all the music but it was a fool’s facade.
You took the love you said was mine and gave it to another
and left me here to rot in dreams while you serenaded your new lover.
You sang her such sweet poetry and wrote such pretty lines.
You were caught up into your joyousness you didn’t see your crime.
I loved you once, dear Romeo...you touched my bleeding soul
and now I stand a remnant of a story never told.
I send you now to darkness, drowning in my loveless nocturne.
I hope that your will feel the pain that made your once bride burn.
I seethe no more in anger, I repent to God all my ill will.
I will not enjoy your departure; I will sob as your lungs fill.
Goodbye long lost lover, write me verses in your in your sleep.
All your lusty words will drag you down and in your death will keep.

Without hesitation or delay she drew a line that did not bend.
She asked for endless silence as she brought my orchestra to an end.
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