Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1787936-Love-Hugs-and-Other-Drugs-Chapter-1
by shelly
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Adult · #1787936
Chapter one of a novel that takes a girl's world and flips it completely upside down.
Love, Hugs, and Other Drugs

The events and stories in this book are made up; however the people are based entirely on real people.

Chapter One

When I started writing this, I expected it just to be a paper I was writing for a high school news stand. But it turned into something much more. This all started on my first day of my sophomore year. I was sitting in Letterman’s classroom, because that’s where the High school newspaper met after school. It was my sophomore year and my only goal that year was to get noticed, to be popular and big, for everyone to know my name. Again, I was a sophomore.

         “Okay, I’d like to welcome the few incoming new people to the Mainstream. We will be assigning you your jobs shortly. After looking everything over our board has come to a decision about where you all will be placed.” I waited patiently as they made their way down to me. One of the hottest seniors stopped in front of my desk. His name was Brandon and his filthy blond hair shagged just out of his face; enough for his blue eyes to pop through.

         “Hey, Ace, you are our main topic of conversation.” He said.

         “Um m, my name’s-“

         “Not important. I read your work. You are on a long term assignment. It’s going to be our breaking news for the last week of December issue. Since you are only a no name sophomore, we thought it would be easy for you to make friends with these people.” He handed me a stack of photos. “These people are marked as the biggest druggies in the school. Your job is to befriend them and then find out if the rumors are true and then write an article on it. You won’t mention any names, for privacy reasons, but this is going to our big break as a paper.” He smiled at me.

         “Oh, I don’t know if I can do this...” I said very hesitant. I hadn’t made new friends since like third grade. However, most of my friends had gone to the best private school that their families could afford and I went to public school, so at school I hardly talked to anyone.

         “I know you can do this.” He smiled at me and I melted right there. I just nodded my head and smiled like an idiot. When I walked out I realized what he had just told me and snapped back to reality. I flipped through the pictures. Each was a school picture and on the back of every picture there was a brief history on what they like and their name. The first was Logan. I looked at his picture. He was cute. He had shaggy brown hair that covered most of his face and a perfect straight smile, with dark brown eyes. The back of his read: Loner, doesn’t accept new people easily, has been known to hang out at the skate park, and loves to flirt. Suspected as the starter of the drug assembly.

         I looked at his picture again. He looked vaguely familiar. I flipped to the next one. This guy had a crooked nose, like it had been broken and perfectly trimmed eyebrows. His hair lay flat on his head, it was a light brown. I flipped it over to look at the back. Car man, easy to get along with, friends with almost everyone, is known as ‘The Doer.’ Not sure what the name means.

         I looked up and saw him walking down the hallway. I brought my books to the side and shoved the pictures into my skinny jean pockets and walked like I was looking for something and before I knew it: SMACK! I walked straight into him, dropping my books and his, me falling to the ground.

         “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry.” I said scrambling to pick up my books. He laughed. Was he seriously laughing at me?

         “Rough first day?” He asked bending down to help me.

         “Yeah, you could say that. My ride kind of left me here.” I lied, “I was looking for someone in one of the rooms to give me a ride.” I said.

         “What’s your name?” He asked.

         “Liz. You?”

         “I’m Joe. I can give you a ride.” He said smiling at me, “If you don’t mind making a few stops?” he asked.

         “No, not at all, the last place I want to be right now is home,” I said.

         “I know the feeling.” He grabbed the last of my books and we stood up. “There you go.” He handed them back to me. “Come on, I just have to stop at my locker real quick.”

         “Okay.” I smiled, flipping my red hair and following him. His locker was banged up a little. He flipped through his combo so fast. He was a junior. He was in the junior hallway anyway. His locker swung open to revel a girl, more than half naked and below it a ’66 Shelve. “Hey, my dad has a ’67.” I said pointing to the poster. His mouth dropped when I said that.

         “Are you even kidding me right now?” He asked.

         “Nope, my dad kind of collected cars. That’s his oldest though. ’67, baby blue…amazing engine, it’s only been replaced six times.” I laughed.

         “Damn I found the one cool sophomore, I hate your class.” He said smiling at me and pulling his back pack out of his locker. I looked up to see a collection of Red Bull cans. He saw me looking.

         “You want one?” He asked pointing to them and grabbed two down and tossed one at me. “They’re life savers for finals.” He said. “Because you know what finals stands for right?” I shook my head. “Fuck, I Never Actually Learned Shit.” I laughed and we walked down the hallway towards the front door.

         “DOER!” Someone jumped on top of him. I flipped out!

         “Stop, let go man.” The guy let go and looked down at me with a confused expression. I recognized him as the first guy in the picture.

         “Who’s this?” He asked pointing to me.

         “This is my new sophomore girl Liz. She knows cars man! Like, legit knows cars. Her dad collects them!” He was so happy, and he called me his girl. I didn’t have the heart to correct him.

         “Sweet. I’m Logan.” He turned to Joe, “Can I get a ride home Doer?” He asked turning away from me.

         “Yeah sure, we’ll squish in.” He said and we walked out the door together out to the parking lot. He stopped in front of a shiny black Mustang.

         “Oh my God, I love your car.” I said.

         “It’s his best feature.” Logan said.

         “Nah, I thought it was my amazing looks.” He said and stepped closer to me. “What do you think my best feature is?” He asked. I couldn’t blow it, so I had to play along.

         “Well, I don’t know you that well, so I guess I’ll let you know.” I said stepping so close to him that we were almost touching.

         “Well you better let me know.” He said lightly putting his hands on my hips.

         “What’s my best feature?” Logan asked jumping in before Joe actually grabbed me. I looked down kind of disappointed I didn’t get a chance to kiss him. I didn’t know how to answer that. I stood with my mouth open but nothing coming out.

         “Let’s bounce.” Joe said and held his door open for me. I was in the middle, pretty much on the gear shift. Logan got in on the other side. “Come here girl.” Joe pulled me on to his lap. “I’ve decided I’m going to take you under my wing. I want you to be my sophomore.” He said smiling at me. I was on his leg. “First rule, always sit with somebody, it’s safer.” He smiled, buckling the seat belt around us. “Second rule, you control the speed.” He said. “I’ll steer.”

         “Okay…” I said kind of hesitant. It went pretty well and that car drove like a dream. We stopped in front of Drake’s house and Logan got out.

         “Come on, you need to meet some of the gang,” He said. I would review these people later that night. We walked straight up to the door and walked in. It was kind of weird. Drake and I had never been close, but the last time I was in his house was in third grade, for his birthday party. We walked straight down the stairs and there was everybody, spread across couches and laying on floors.

         “Hey, Doer, who’s the chick?” One guy, who I recognized as Drake’s oldest brother John, asked.

         “This is Liz,” he said. “She’s my new girl.”

         “What did you do, steal her from the freshmen hot ass store?” John asked. “Hey baby what are you doing hanging around with Doer?” he asked me.

         “Have you seen his car?” I asked. Joe and John laughed. “And I’m a sophomore, not a freshman.”

         “So she’s cool right?” he asked.

         “Yeah she’s cool,” Logan answered. He nodded and winked at me.

         “Come sit baby,” he said making room for me and Joe on the couch. “Hey Pig, you got that?” He called across the room and a guy with a shaved head, tan skin and blue eyes nodded and walked over to us handing John a blunt. I had seen one before but only in movies. “You toke?” He asked.

         “No, I’ve never tried it.” I admitted. He smiled a huge smile.

         “Well we’ve got to get you to blaze! You’re going to be so blown. I wish every time was like my first time,” he said taking a hit. “Okay, so this is what we call puff, puff, pass. Two puffs and then you pass it.” He said handing it to me. I inhaled it, but I guess I did it wrong. “No, no you’re doing this all wrong. Doer, you mind if I show her?” he asked.

         “No, man go for it, I just thought she was hot and... hey... she needed a ride,” he admitted taking the blunt from me and taking a hit.

         “You know I thought of your best feature: your amazing charm,” I said sarcastically. He laughed.

         “Come here baby,” John pulled me close to him, so our lips were even. “Open your mouth,” he commanded and I did as I was told. The whole room was watching us. He took a hit of the blunt and then slowly his lips touched mine ever so slightly and he blew the beautiful smoke in as I inhaled. It tickled my throat going down and I tried not to cough. He took another hit and did it again, this time though, after he blew in he stopped and closed his lips around mine. His were so soft and smooth and for a minute I fell into him and then I pulled back. He laughed after I pulled away. “Works every time,” he laughed. I blushed.

         “Don’t feel bad, he’s gotten every girl to kiss him that way. You at least were smart enough to pull away,” Logan said. “Give me that blunt,” he commanded and I did. John put his arm around my shoulders.

         “Don’t worry about it baby, you’re a good kisser,” he said.

         “I have a name,” I said pulling away. The room went silent for a minute and then Logan started laughing, hard.

         “Dude, a hot girl just turned you down! Put it in the record books, someone call Genus.” he laughed harder. John didn’t find this amusing and neither did I.

         “Yes, you have a name, Baby,” he said. “You know why I call you baby?” he asked.

         “Because you’re a self-centered jackass who thinks every girl is in love with him?” I guessed.

         “Damn, she just hit the nail on the head dude!” One guy yelled from a corner. I looked over he smiled at me. “I’m Carter.” I smiled back.

         “No, no that’s not why I call you baby. I call you baby because that’s what you are to me now. You’re at the bottom of the totem pole baby,” he smiled and leaned over to kiss me again. I hit him in the stomach and he hunched over.

         “The next time you want to call me baby… I’d think twice and then I’d cover your balls, seeing as you don’t seem to be that smart.” I don’t know if the wind was still knocked out of him or no one had ever talked to him like that but his jaw was open and a look of surprise on his face. I got up and sat back down on Joe’s lap.

         “Well Doer, looks like you got yourself a little frosh girl there,” Logan smiled, “One that’s got a lot of balls.”

         “Thanks. What? Does no one but me tell him when he’s being a complete jackass?” I asked.

         “Pretty much,” Logan admitted, “Here, take a hit.” I did. John looked up at me, my arms around Doer’s neck. I guess it was weird calling him Joe when everyone else called him Doer.

         “Jo- Jo,” he called a guy with shaggy black hair and bright green eyes that looked up. “Come here man.” The guy got up and walked over and sat down next to me and John. “Meet the newest girl, Baby,” he smiled at me and I felt Doer hold me back from hitting him in the balls.

         “Hey,” he said sweetly.

         “Hey,” I smiled, “The name’s Liz.” 

         “No, trust me, your name’s Baby,” he said and I frowned.

         “You have such a cute mad face,” John said grabbing my chin, “You are going to take little Baby girl here on a run with you. We need a good deal and she’s new meat. He’ll love her,” he said talking to Jo-Jo. For some reason I felt like I was being sacrificed.

         “Okay, come on Baby,” he said standing up and offering me his hand. I looked back at Doer and he nodded that I should go. I looked over at Logan and he wouldn’t meet my eye. I stood up and Jo-Jo led me out to the driveway where we got into a bright silver jeep. I got in the passenger seat.

         “When he said ‘new meat’ and ‘he’ll love her’, what exactly did he mean?” I asked as Jo- Jo turned on the engine and down the radio. Lil’ Wayne was on. Slowly he turned to me.

         “Well basically he thinks you’re a good flirt, but also you have some balls, so I’m taking you to a drug dealer’s house and you’re going to help me argue a price. He's really nice, you'll like him...Okay?” he said calmly.

          “Um m, okay,” I said nodding.

         “It’ll all be okay,” he said.

         “Yeah, well, apparently I am a good kisser,” I smiled as Jo-Jo pulled out of the driveway.

         “He says that about every girl,” he argued back, looking at me. I glared at him.

         “I’m so a good kisser,” I argued back.

         “Sure,” he said sarcastically.

         “I am!” I argued.

         “I believe you.” He totally didn’t believe me. He was such a know it all. I already couldn’t stand him. But at the same time I wanted him so bad. He was adorable.

         “You don’t believe me.” I sat back and crossed my arms across my chest.

         “Not really, John’s kind of a whore. But you seem like a pretty good flirt yourself.” He laughed. I got pissed and sat there mad.

         “Whatever.” I said pissed off.

         “He was right about one thing though, you have a cute mad face.” He replied, his eyes sparkling as he said it.

         Suddenly, his phone rang. He pulled it from his back pocket and threw it at me, still driving with one hand.

         “Read that.” He ordered. I did as I was told. It was from Logan.

         “Logan says wait, he’s coming with us.” I read aloud and Jo-Jo pulled over. We sat in silence for a few seconds. Neither of us looked at each other.

         “You are really cute.” He admitted, “And I bet you’re a great kisser.” He smiled at me and I smiled back.

         “Thanks.” I smiled leaning towards him. We were really close to kissing when Logan knocked on the window and hoped in back.

         “Hey guys, let’s go!” He smiled, “Hey Baby, good news, you really are a good kisser. John told me. He’s got his eye on you, thinks you’re cute.” He said, totally not realizing what he had just interrupted, if it had been anything at all. 

We pulled over by an apartment complex and we all got out. We walked up to a door and Jo-Jo knocked.

         “Who the hell is it?” A voice called. It sounded happy though.

         “It’s me man, open up.” The door swung open to reveal a guy with the body of a swimmer in boxers. His hair wasn’t in his face at all, but his sideburns grew down into a bunch of stubble beard.

         “Who the hell is this?” He asked nodding towards me, still happy.

         “This is Baby,” Jo-Jo said.

         “I’m Twist. Well get in,” he said holding the door open. I followed Jo-Jo and Logan followed me. Jo-Jo plopped down on a couch and I sat next to him. Logan sat in a chair and Twist sat on a couch across from us and lit a cigarette.

         “Babe, who is it?” A girl called from the other room.

         “No one, go back to sleep,” A girl with brown curls walked out in nothing but a button down shirt, that wasn’t buttoned at the top, reveling majority of her huge cleavage.

         “Who the hell is this?” She asked crossing her arms and looking at me with disgust.

         “I’m Baby,” I smiled sweetly. I assumed that was my name now. She rolled her eyes.

         “Let me guess,” She laughed. “John named you after you made out with him. Baby, please, he keeps getting less and less creative.” She said rolling her eyes.

         “Actually, when he tried to make out with her, she pulled away and punched him in the stomach. She even called him a dick. Baby wouldn’t fall for John’s stupid tricks. She’s smart,” Jo-Jo said standing up for me.

         “Obviously not smart enough to stay away from you,” She replied and Jo-Jo’s nose flared and his eyes narrowed.

         “Hon, go back to sleep. I’m making a deal here,” Twist said.

         “No, I think I’ll stay here,” She said sitting down next to Logan and practically shoving her boobs in his face. He turned away.

         “No! You’ll go back bed or you can leave. But you won’t stay here,” Twist said angry now. “We don’t need you flashing everybody while I’m trying to do business,” he said and she got up, obviously pissed.

         “Well isn’t that just fucking great? You Drug lords are all the same! Fuck you!” She said grabbing some pants off the floor along with a bra and slamming the door as she walked out of his apartment.

         “YOU ALREADY DID!” He called after her. “Sorry,” he said, “That crazy bitch.”

         “So why do you stay with her then?” Jo-Jo asked.

         “She fucks my brains out man,” he said taking a hit, “So anyway, I’m assuming you guys came to ask me for this month’s allowance huh?” he asked, dubbing out the cigaret.

         “Well, pretty much. We need some weed and Steve wants coke, but we’re cutting him off, we’d appreciate it if you didn’t let him use anymore. It’s not like he’s buying from you anyway,” Jo-Jo said.

         “Yeah, I’ll make sure he’s not while I’m around him,” he promised. “So give me a number here, how much did you guys make?”

         “Altogether, about fifteen hundred. We want about a thousand.” he said.

         “A thousand. Okay, hold up, let me go measure that shit out,” he came back with a fairly big bag. “That’s about four pounds right there. I’ll give you a deal this month,” he said sitting back against the couch. “So who is the new chick anyway?” He asked, nodding at me.

         “Well, Doer brought her home today. We thought we should make sure she’s straight before we let him befriend her,” Logan said, “You know Doer, he trusts everyone. Always bringing home strays.”

         “So you hot for our little Doer boy? You know why we call him Doer right?” He asked. My mouth opened but nothing came out.

         “Actually, John’s got his eye on her, but I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if she winded up with Doer, she seems faithful…like a golden retriever.” Logan said.

         “Did you just call me a ...bitch?” I asked, yanking his chain.

         “Dude, not cool. Apologize.” Twist demanded.

         “It’s okay. Jo-Jo already called me a whore,” I joked knocking his shoulder.

         “You like Jo-Jo?” Twist asked, seeing this.

         “No.” I scoffed, immediately denying anything. I felt my cheeks flush. 

         “Na man, she’s new. Today was her first time even smoking,” Logan interrupted.

         “Are you telling me that you’re a weed virgin?” he asked leaning forward now.

         “Kind of,” I said.

         “She punched John before she actually got high today, so yeah, she’s a virgin,” he said laughing. I looked at Logan.

         “Would you like to get hit?” I asked.

         “Please, John’s such a sissy. You probably hit like a girl,” he said standing up and flexing. “Go ahead, hit me,” he said. I got up and punched him in the stomach as hard as I could. He bent over and hit the ground with his knees.

         “I’m sorry. Do I still hit like a girl?” I asked, bending down to ask him. He grabbed me in a headlock. “Hey!” I yelled and pulled back with him so that he let go before he broke his legs. “Don’t test me, boy,” I warned. He laughed.

         “Well, I’ll be damned; I bet you’re amazing at rough sex,” he said. I narrowed my eyes and sat down on the couch next to Jo-Jo.

“Umm,” I said backing up and looking at them, they were all staring at me.

         “Oh, don’t be shy here, Baby, it’s free spirit,” he said, leaning forward. “What happened to your arm?” He asked and his eyes got wide. I pulled my t –shirt sleeve down.

         “Nothing, I just fell on it. No big deal.” I lied, but Twist wouldn’t let it go. He got up and walked over to me, he rolled up my sleeve.

         “Does that hurt?” he asked squeezing my arm.

         “What are you, a doctor?” I laughed. “Really it’s nothing.” I said, grabbing my arm. Twist backed off a little but stayed by my side.

         “How did you uh… fall?” he asked.

         “Uh.. I was skate boarding,” I said.

         “And you fell?” Twist asked. I nodded. He wasn’t going to let this go.

         “Wait, I’ve seen you skate boarding around the block. You’re good. How did you fall?” Logan asked, “Half pipe or something like that?”


         “And you only hurt the top part of your arm?” Twist asked.

         “Yeah, if I didn’t know any better I’d say someone hit you…” Logan said. “But you wouldn’t let that happen, you’d kick their ass,” he laughed.

         “Unless she really cared about the person,” Twist said. Logan moved closer and I felt Jo-Jo squeeze my leg. I felt backed into a corner. “Did someone hit you?” I couldn’t answer his question. I just sat there. Mouth open, not saying a word. I had never told anyone before. No had ever asked.

         “Go get her some water,” Twist commanded and Jo-Jo got up and Logan sat down in his place. “Baby, listen, my dad abused me. That’s why I left home. If you’re getting abused you need to leave,” he said.

         “It’s not that bad.” I couldn’t believe I was talking. My mouth felt completely dry.

         “Really?” Twist asked looking at my arm and pulling back my sleeve to reveal an even bigger bruise. “I think I should have a talk with your dad about how ‘not bad’ it really is. Get my jacket.” It took me a minute to realize what he had just said.

         “It’s not my dad!” I yelled as he stood up. He knelt down in front of me.

         “Who?” he whispered.

         “My- my mom,” I said. “But she’s a drunk; she doesn’t know what she’s doing. She’s never sober. Honestly I’m fine,” I spat out.

         “No, you’re not,” he took the bottom of my shirt and lifted it. I heard them gasp but I closed my eyes. I could picture the bruise in my mind perfectly.

         “I’m getting you out of there now,” He said. “Jo-Jo take her home, get her clothes packed. Logan go with in case you get mom-troubles. I’m going to call John and we’re going to clean out the extra bedroom,” he said. Jo-Jo stood up and I followed. Walking out of the apartment, I couldn’t believe it: I was finally getting away from my terrible home.

Rate and comment or e-mail me if you want the other chapters!
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