Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1787562-The-Deflowering-of-Cindy---Chapter-Two
Rated: XGC · Fiction · Erotica · #1787562
From the frying pan to the flames of Hades, Cindy is welcomed to the Manor.
The Deflowering of Cindy
Chapter II
Life in the Keep

Cindy was exhausted when she finally lay down.  The piece and physical relief she experienced, as every muscle in her body relaxed, was almost spiritual. But it did nothing to suppress the underlying thoughts, racing through her mind.   

Lying with her eyes closed, vivid thoughts and images passed before her. ‘What will become of me, where is this place I am being sent?  My aunt and cousin’s seem jealous of my good luck.'

'Will I ever see Jeremy again?  “Jeremy!” There is something about him that makes my heart beat faster and makes me feel warm all over; the thought of losing him makes me sad.’ 

Now in the twilight of sleep, her thoughts drifted to the constable, his stern regimented attitude and manor.  Her experiences with the cousin’s, will she ever feel that ecstasy again?  Then she thought of the day in the bathe water; the feel of the riding crop on her body, she remembered the exhilaration and excitement of seeing her aunt tied to the bedpost.  As her mind jumped from thought to thought, the nightly shroud of deep sleep took her over.

She dreamt.  She was bathing in that barrel of warm water, exposed and vulnerable. The room was unrecognizable; it was so dark that she couldn’t see the walls.  Strangely she was holding her hands over her head and something was keeping her from lowering them.  Then, she was distracted by the image of Jeremy, she wanted to go to him, but there were invisible restraints inhibiting her.  He was wearing a velvet tunic and pants with shiny boots, leaning against a fireplace; his sweet smile was inviting and he looked upon her intently. 

She felt the end of the crop on her back; someone was flicking it at her.  She imagined the sting and the sound it made; she even imagined the welts it raised.  Then the Constable was standing before her, she felt him push a gloved finger deep into her mouth as he pinched a nipple. 

Grecian appeared in a bright white dress with a hoop skirt; she stood beside Jeremy whispering in his ear.  In her dream, she felt herself being raised out of the barrel by her wrists.  She was bound to a heavy velvet rope that extended upward into the darkness.  Cindy looked down and saw the constable naked, his engorged erection was twice as big as she remembered and the girth of a tree branch…  She imagined her body bound in butchers twine like a roast beef… ready to be roasted.  Then she could see her two cousins’ were pulling on the end of the rope…Her aunt crawled past on her hands and knees, her broad bottom a rosy red with raised welts, as she sniffed at the constable’s immensely disproportionate phallus... Grecian stepped forward, her face had no wrinkles; she looked young and was calling to her… Cynthia…

“Cynthia!  Cynthia wake up!  It is time to go!”  She opened her encrusted eyes and thought she saw Grecian standing over her, but now wearing red.    Somehow she knew she was no longer dreaming.  Grecian’s face glowed from a shaft of light that found its way through the partially open door. 

A stern, commanding voice spoke to her, “You will dress and follow me young woman!”  Cindy realized it wasn’t her godmother, but a stranger.  Quickly sitting up on the edge of her cot and rubbing the sleep from her eyes, the vision of this woman became clear. Her dress was a bright red with rich silver and gold embroidery; she also wore a long, crimson cape of velvet over her shoulders.  Cindy blinked when she saw the woman’s face, perfect porcelain complexion, just the right touches of color, with a silver white coiffeur wig.  The woman standing over her was elegant, “Who are you?”

The stranger reached out and took a firm grip of Cindy’s ear, pulling her out of bed. “Never, ever, question your teacher.”  Standing side by side, the woman was almost a head taller than Cindy.  She looked around at the squalor, a look of distain on her face.  “You will refer to me as Mistress Marion and speak only when you are requested to!” 

The woman scanned the meager dwelling and pointing at the lump of Cindy’s clothing.  “Is that all of your things?”

“Yes Ma’am… Ha… Mistress!”

Marion looked Cindy up and down and shook her head, disapprovingly.  “Remove that rag!”

Looking down at her nightshirt, she looked with puzzlement at her mistress.  “It’s only…”

Marion swiftly looped her fingers in the neckline and ripped Cindy’s nightshirt from her, the threadbare material shredded like tissue paper, falling away and leaving her naked.  She stood with her hands at her sides, shaking and head bowed.  The mistress seemed pleasantly surprised.  “Very good, obedient, you did not attempt to cover yourself.”  She placed two stiff and abrasive lace-gloved fingers under Cindy’s chin and raised her head up, looking into her eyes.  “But, a little shy.  We will fix that!”

Cindy’s confusion was so evident that Marion asked, “Don’t you know where you are going or why?”

With a shaky voice she quietly murmured, “No, mistress.”

“The constable has selected you to live in the Manor, as a hand maiden to the Lord!”  She quizzically stared at her, “Would you want to be a hand maiden in the Manor?”

Having heard that the Manor was a grand and rich place she took little time to decide.

“Yes Ma’am,” she curtsied, “Yes I would!”

Roughly seizing her chin,  “Mistress, remember!  Always refer to me as Mistress!  We will see if you like it?”  A broad toothy grin put a sinister aura over Marion’s face. “You will have a week to be trained in your duties and prepared.  Then if Lords and Ladies agree, and you still want to, you may stay.”

The woman slipped out of her cape and offered it to Cindy.  “Here, wear this, nothing else here is suitable.”  Then she looked down and saw Cindy’s dusty bare feet, “No footwear?  Sit there a moment!”  Cindy draped the heavy garment over her shoulders; she could feel the warmth it retained from the woman on her back and shoulders, the hem hung down below her knees. She sat back down on her cot.

Walking over to the six steps the Mistress spoke with someone just outside the door.  In less than a minute a man in elegant servants attire came down the steps with a large silk basket filled with slippers; he also carried a small bucket of water and a hand full of towels.  Cindy pulled the front of the cape closed.  He washed Cindy’s feet, dried them and fitted her with the most comfortable silk slippers she could never have imagined. 

The Mistress motioned for her to stand.  She pulled a studded leather collar from the basket, it had a shiny silver ring and fastened it around her neck.  Inside the warm cape, Cindy gripped the opening with both hands to keep it closed.  Mistress then clipped a long silver chain to the loop in the collar and raised the capes hood over her head.  “Come along, we are leaving now!”  She led her up those six steps for the last time. 

Cindy found her aunt Teresa, with Rosa and Sara in the patio, they were quietly kneeling side by side with their heads bowed; she stopped and looked down at them in their subservient position.  “Do not dawdle child, they are beneath your level now!”  Mistress Marion tugged roughly on the chain; Cindy followed.  They walked through the house and out the front door.  Just outside of the stone wall was a shiny black carriage with large glass windows, drawn by four black horses.  A royal coat of arms decorated the door and one of the coachmen opened it, as she and the Mistress approached.

Mistress Marion sat in the only cushioned seat opposite Cindy; she unclipped the chain from her leather collar.  Her stern demeanor was tempered with an occasional smirk or smile.  Cindy’s seat was a smooth hardwood plank.  As she slipped from side to side, she had to hold on to the leather straps on either side to keep from falling.  Everyone in the village turned and curtsied or bowed as they passed.  As they exited the far end of the village the Mistress leaned over and pulled at the cape, “Let it drop, I want to see you in the light of day.” 

She let it fall off her shoulders.  Marion sat back and studied Cindy.  “You have no meat on your bone!”  She poked at Cindy’s ribs with her rough black lace gloved finger.  Running her fingers through her long hair and flicking at her pubis, “You need to be groomed girl!  This will never do!”

As they traveled through the countryside, she watched how Cindy’s body bounced and swayed.  Cindy felt self-conscious about being naked in this carriage with large glass windows. 

“Sit up, back straight and chest out!  Do not be shy or I will have you sit up with the driver for everyone to see!  Be proud of your body!” 

At first it was embarrassing to expose one’s self like this but after a while she was less embarrassed, she watched the reactions of the people that caught sight of her and became amused.  Now when they bowed they did not lower their heads all the way, contorting and twisting to see her pass.

“You may be slim but you have a good figure!  Be proud of it!”  She lifted the cape and placed it back over Cindy’s shoulders, allowing her to keep it closed. 

They traveled through a dense wood that she had never been to.  The road twisted and turned up a long grade until it broke out into a flat plateau.  In the distance she could make out a large stone structure, a small fortress at the center of this open plain.  Nearer to the structure the grassland turned into farmland. 

The closer they got to the fortress the larger it appeared.  She could see a short outer wall and a much taller inner wall and a Keep towering over it all.  They slowed as they approached the drawbridge at the outer gate.  She could see the same coat of arms over the entrance and there was writing under it, but she had never been schooled and could not read.   

Inside the outer gate was a small village of stone structures similar to the one they just left and a large open market. They crossed another mote and entered a small courtyard near the Keep itself.  The coach stopped and the footmen opened the small door, Marion stepped out first and Cindy followed.  The courtyard was cobblestone and small, leaving barely enough room to turn the carriage.  In the shadow of the high walls, the courtyard was damp, dark and dingy. 
She looked around and saw guards walking the platforms at the parapets.  The carriage left and she watched the heavily timbered portcullis being lowered, securing the entrance.  Her gaze drifted about the bleak courtyard to a double door with four stone steps.  The wood was scared and blackened from weather and wear.  Marion reattached the silver chain; a gentle tug was enough to bring Cindy up to the doors.  A bit apprehensive, she was so small and weak and this place is so hard, dark and depressing.  Maybe it was a mistake, agreeing to come here.

Two of the footmen opened the doors and they entered into a large, grand vestibule, a circular room of white marble.  Five stained glass windows provided light from high in the circular wall and there was a stained glass skylight.  The first thing she noticed was a smooth, black stone in the middle of the room.  It was oblong, stood waist high and could be a seat or a pedestal for a large statue.  White marble benches were molded into the rounded walls on both sides of the entrance doors and they extended around to another set of doors exactly opposite the first.

Marion sat on one of the benches and pulled Cindy down beside her.  Two of the servants approached and began remove their footwear. 

“All females go barefoot inside the dwelling at all times!”  When ready, they both stood and Marion led her through the inner doors, the smooth marble was icy cold. 

The room beyond the inner doors was breathtaking; Cindy’s bulging eyes drank in the luxury and grandeur.  The first thing that came to her mind was Aunt Teresa’s entire home, would easily fit in here. 

It was a rectangular space, stained glass windows all around.  Two staircases leading to a broad balcony, behind the staircases and under the balcony were openings leading away from this giant hall.  What impressed her the most was the majesty of the room. 

There were murals of beautiful women and men engaging in all sorts of behavior on the walls above a waist high marble freeze.  The floor was made of multicolored pieces of marble laid together to form a picture.  The pattern was a sunburst, with gold streamers going all directions from the center of the floor.  The Mistress walked her to the center where they stood on the round disk of yellow.  Cindy felt so small and insignificant in this grand place, her heart beating hard in her chest.

Seemingly out of nowhere, the constable appeared, he came forward and clutched Marion’s gloved hand, “Welcome back Marion, I hope your trip was comfortable?”  Kissing the back of her outstretched hand.

“Quite so, it was passable Edward.  And the Lord, how has he fared?” 

Edward’s eyes were caressing Cindy’s figure as he spoke. “Cameron has satisfied his appetite four times since you left.  He awaits audience with you in the large bed chamber!”

She smiled and handed the leash to him.  “I believe you have selected a gem in the rough.  Your brother will be very pleased!”  She pulled the hood from Cindy’s head and removed the cape.  Fluffing Cindy’s hair, she showed him her unkempt finger and toenails; then pointed at her pubic brush.  “She will need to be groomed and trained as soon as possible!”  Marion folded the cape; she placed it over her arm, “Do precisely as you are told girl and no back talk!”  Kissing her forehead.

Cindy watched the Mistress scurry up the stairs to the balcony and disappear. 

“Cynthia!”  She heard the sound of her name echo off the walls.  The constable produced leather gloves and was slipping them on as he began to strut around her.  She felt his gloved fingers caress her back and cup her buttocks; he paused to cup her breasts, squeezing, fondling and gently toying with her nipples.  His gaze drifted over her nakedness as he inspected her. 

As he circled her, she noticed his riding crop tucked in the waistband at the small of his back.  Reaching back, he pulled it out.  Snapping it against her bottom, “Up, Up on your toes, come on up, up!”  To emphasize the ‘UP’ he struck her four stinging blows.

Finding it difficult, it was not something she had ever practiced.  She managed to balance herself on her toes and balls of her feet, but she was very unsteady.  “Now!  Head up, chin out, shoulders back and hands at your sides; push your chest out and keep your back straight!” Lightly tapping her in all the correct places to emphasize what he wanted her to do.  She remembered Rosa having her do something similar.

“I want you to walk, like this; the length of the room, wall to wall until you are told to stop!”  He pointed the riding crop at a gold colored sunbeam imbedded in the design of the floor, it ran the length of the large room from wall to wall.  “Follow that line!”  He dropped the leash to the floor with a loud echoing clatter; the metal was cold against her skin as it hung down her back.  “Stay up on your toes, walk on that line and on your toes…” He began to walk away, “There will be two, to monitors and insure you do as you’re told.”

Out of nowhere she sensed a presence, below her plain of view.  She started out, the leash scraping on the floor behind her.  Every time her posture faltered, or she stepped off the line or went flat-footed; she would feel the sting of a whip on her bottom.  It wasn’t the same as the riding crop.  When she reached the wall and turned she saw two dwarfs with short whips standing before her and the constable was nowhere in sight. 

“Do not stop, you told to walk; you walk!”  His voice was guttural, like gravel.  She was amazed to see that they only wore large leather codpieces. “Come on lady, you must move!”  He did not hesitate when he swung the short snakeskin whip.  It curled expertly across her hip and stung her bottom.  The second little man did the same with matching accuracy.

It was strangely exciting, the coolness of the air in the room raised goose flesh; the sting of the blows sharpened her senses.  She could hear the sound of the chain dragging behind her. 

She kept lowering her head to see where she was going and see the little men.  “Head up!”  There was anger in his voice.  After a few steps he ordered her to stop.  “On your knees!”

Cindy carefully knelt before the little man, which put them face-to-face.  The other man passed the end of the leash between her thighs; the man in front grabbed the end and pulled hard.  She felt the metal links wedge themselves into her crevasse, he pulled up and she felt the links against her nub and tight against her soft subtle lips.  He held the end to her face.” Bite on this!” He ordered. 

“If you lower chin, you not feel the pleasure of it.  Keep chin up, chain tight!” He brought his stubby fingers up between her legs and pressed the links tight into her soft cavity.  “Chin up, tighter!”  She felt the sting on her bottom again.

“Git up n’ walk muffin… if yer not gonna obey us, then we gets ta rut cha.”  It was the little man behind her.  This voice was higher pitched and he spoke quickly.  She felt his stubby fingers following the chain into her crack and she quickly stood.  “Ata girl, do as yer told!”

The exercise became a game to her.  She realized that they were not there to harm or hurt her, just to monitor her training.  When she did well the taps of the snakeskin were light and tantalizing.  When she did something wrong they stung and were downright arousing. 

She did not count the trips she made across that floor, but at the end she was thoroughly aroused and the moisture of her passion was evident on the chain and her inner thighs. 

A servant approached and ordered the dwarfs to stop. He had a deep, rich sounding voice, “My name is Oscar, you may relax your body, it is time for your bath!”  When she relaxed, the muscles of her thighs and calves were quivering.  With ever so subtle movements, she had been twisting against the links of the chain to gain deeper returns to every movement.  “I suggest you open your mouth and let that leash fall!”  Reluctantly Cindy relaxed her jaw letting the chain fall to the marble with a loud clatter.  The sudden lack of it against her saturated lips caused her to twitch and her stomach involuntarily convulse.  He smiled, “This will be one of your daily exorcises!” 

Oscar draped a robe over her shoulders, lifting the chain, wiping it dry with a handkerchief from his sleeve and started to lead her from the room,  “Your bath is ready?”

The constable again appeared from nowhere stopping them; he held a short scroll of parchment; looking curiously at her, “Cynthia…” He puzzled with furrowed brow for a second.  “What is your surname child?”

“Carney. Sir.”  She curtsied as her aunt had taught her to do.

Sternly he reproached her, “I am to be addressed as Lord or Master to you, not Sir!” His eyes raced down the page twice, then nodded his head in approval before turning to the servant, “Have the girls groom her, Mistress wants her ready for presentation.”

“Yes me-lord!”  Where upon, Oscar led her back into the shadows under the balcony.  There is a dimly lit alcove and the beauty of that hall quickly changed to brick walls and slate floor that opened to a large brick chamber.  Sweet aromatic scents filled the air and she gazed upon a very large round steaming pool. 

A never-ending trickle of steaming water flowed from an opening in the wall into the pool and the overflow ran out a hole in the floor.  A small stained glass skylight, cast a dim light on the room.

The three young shorthaired women wearing large cotton aprons walked toward them from the shadows and took charge of Cindy.  They removed the robe and her collar; two grasped her hands and led her toward the pool. 

They stepped into the hot water and Cindy followed, it was much hotter than she expected.  She hesitated at the first step feeling the burning sensation around her ankles.  “Ma-Lady, it will not harm you!”  Cindy looked at them, already waist deep and continued down the steps.  As the water engaged her privates, she stopped again and almost moaned.  At this time the other two had ducked down and were neck deep. 

She found they were right; it was quick to get used to, in a moment she also was all the way in.  They allowed her the moment to bask in the luxury of the pool, weightless and relaxed, she closed her eyes. 

There was a disturbance in the pool and she looked to see.  Her eyes widened as three dwarfs entered the pool; she was amazed at the sight of their manhood.  All three were totally disproportionate to their overall size and very proud to display them.  Eyeing the women, they spoke among themselves in a foreign tongue, laughing and making gestures with their stubby fingers.

The girls moved Cindy to one side, leaving the men to the other.  They would not let her wash herself; they used sponges, lavished the pool with scented oils and bath salts.  Scrubbing every inch of her body.  One of them took her hands and began to cut and straiten the shape of her nails.  She came out of the bath red and sore.  They sheared off most of her hair, leaving only a few inches of growth as that same girl trimmed her toenails. 

At this point she was told to lie down on a wood bench, to hold perfectly still and to spread her legs wide apart.  Expecting they would pleasure her, as her cousin’s had, Cindy eagerly did exactly as she was told.  They blindfolded her, “It’s better you do not look!”

She could feel them playing with her brush of pubic hair, it felt like they were clipping it off with scissors.  Then she could feel someone smoothing something warm and soft all over her.  Starting at her navel, she could sense them scraping her skin, carefully scraping every inch of her belly and pubic mound.  They continued the scraping, both inner thighs and the soft folds of flesh that bring so much pleasure. The sensation was like nothing she had ever felt before.

When they were done they let her sit up, she put her hand down between her legs and was shocked at what she lacked.  Removing the blindfold and bending over, she found herself with no pubic hair.  She had never seen herself like that and the sight fascinated her. 

The three girls removed their aprons and Cindy could see they were all trimmed the same.  They were all well tanned all over, unlike herself with lily-white complexion 

One of the girls sat beside Cindy, “I am Ilia.  Here; spread some of this on your cunny, it will sooth the burning!”  She handed Cindy a small vile of oil. 

She watched as they dried off, each one had unique body markings in their skin.  She had heard of tattooing, but never saw anyone with the art.  “That is Azura and she is Zim; we are hand maidens to Mistress Marion.” 

Zim sat at the end of another bench, laid back and spread her legs.  One of the dwarfs picked up a very small blunt knife, stroked its strait sharp edge against a leather strap and then cleaned the blade.  He smoothed a rich soapy cream all over her and began to scrape it off with that sharp knife.  Cindy suddenly realized, why she was blindfolded.  If she had known they were going to use a sharp knife, like that one, she would not have been so calm. 

“Muffin!” She heard that voice again, “I hope ya foock up and we git cha!”  Cindy turned her head to see the little man, dripping wet, standing on one of the benches, a broad toothy grin and his shaft up hard and erect.

Azura stepped up to him and slapped the appendage a sharp blow, “Meeker!  Put that thing away, she will do nothing of the sort.”

She sat down beside Cindy, “Don’t fret about him, the only way you may fail is to be disobedient or not play their games.”  Another little man emerged from the pool making four.  “He’s Jake.” She pointed at each one, “There’s Meeker, he seems to know you, Philip and Horace.”  They were all slipping into their codpieces, but nothing else.  “We calls them the snitches, do somethin’ wrong and they’ll tell on ya.  Don’t fall for their stories, but you’ll find our!”

Zim picked up four identical aprons off a pile and handed one to each of the girls.  A simple garment of two strips of cloth, draped over the head with no side panels.  A rope was provided as a belt to secure the front and back at the waist.   

Oscar entered the chamber; four spiked collars in hand and applied one to each of the girls.  Clipping a chain to Ilia’s collar and handed the end to Horace, then Zim to Jake and Azura to Philip.  Cindy looked down at Meeker; he had a broad toothy grin as Oscar handed her leash to him.  “Take them to their rooms!” 

Oscar noted the expression on Meeker’s face and added, “Any one of you caught antagonizing or molesting the handmaidens will be gutted, drawn and quartered; your entrails sold as sausage casing.”

Meeker stopped smiling.

The little men led the ladies, like couples, through a small maze of passageways and up a stone staircase.  The door at the top of the stairs opened to a hall with doors on either side.  Ilia stopped before the first door on the left, “Meeker, this is Cynthia’s chamber.”  Each little man seemed to know where their charges belonged, leading them to their perspective residences. 

Each dwarf extracted a lanyard and key from a small box by each door and unlocked the door, all the girls bent over, allowing the men to remove the chains.  Cindy watched and followed suit.  After entering the rooms, the dwarfs remained outside, locking the doors and placing the lanyards around their necks. 

Now here she was, locked in the castles keep; a very nice room that was sparsely furnished with a bed, a small vanity and curtains on the window.  She marveled at the small mirror, something she only dreamed of ever having.  She looked at her reflection and saw a face similar to her new companions; she thought them all very attractive.  Having rarely seen herself, she did not realize the dramatic difference of her appearance with her short hair; only that she looked very similar to the others. 

Suddenly aware of the opportunity, she stripped off the garment and examined her body.  Contorting herself to bring the mirror in many different angles, she approved of what she saw.  She found futility in attempting to remove the collar; she rotated it and looked for the catch in the mirror, but there seemed to be none. 

Feeling very tired, Cindy sat on the edge of the bed and was again surprised at how soft and inviting it was, she thought, ‘May luck be with me!’

* * *

Marion hurried up the stone steps, hood obscuring her face, her robe trailing about her heels.  She heard the loud report of leather on skin coming from the tower bedchamber.  At the landing, she paused before two castle guards who glared at her with hungry eyes.  She lifted the hood just high enough for them to recognize her.  She showed her displeasure with an angry scowl and they bowed as they opened the chamber door.  Just inside was a privacy screen to block prying eyes, a gentle rhythmic moan emanating from within. 

As the door closed behind her, she stood silently listening before slowly moved into the room.  Her Lord was fully engaged with Dia, one of his many consorts. 

This place should be called his pleasure chamber, rather than bedchamber.  Special devices and restraints were located all about the room to enhance his perversions.  Dia was face down, bent over a large barrel that was secured to the floor; she had her feet in two widely spaced stirrups, also anchored to the floor.  Two of Cameron’s personal dwarfs, anchored the chains that she gripped in each hand and they pulled to stretch her body over the barrel.  Lord Cameron was entering her from behind with very slow and deliberate strokes.  Marion stood fascinated and becoming quite aroused by the sight of these two nude bodies, in full copulation. She noticed that he would slowly stroke her back with the tongues of a flogger.

Marion sat down and sipped at the crystal glass of wine on the table, watching them for many minutes.  She observed that every time Dia came close to orgasm, he would pause or do something to stop her and then start again.  Over and over he continued to tantalize her, holding her orgasm just out of reach, along with his own.

“Lord Cameron, allow her the pleasure!”  He straightened with a start, stepping back and away from his partner.  He bore a look of surprise, for he had not realized Marion’s presence in the room.  He held the flogger in one hand and his good-sized manhood stood erect and glistened with Dia’s wetness.  Dia was gagged and could only complain about his sudden absents with a loud moan and tears.

Marion stood up, set the crystal back on the table and curtsied “Finish her M’Lord, she’s been teased enough!”

“Mistress, you are, a soft hearted Cow.”  His sinister sneer and condescending tone warned her.  With a toothy grin he slapped the flogger across Dia’s ample red cheeks, causing her to groan.  Her bottom almost glowed red with the marks of the lashing as did her legs and back, but she did not let go of the chains; only pulled harder against the straining little men.  Cameron undid her gag and let it fall to the floor.  “Wench!  Do you wish more?”

Dia answered with a loud and breathy. “Yes, please my Lord!”

He began to swing the short flogger in a circle, bringing its leather tongues up between Dia’s legs, striking her red swollen mound and lips, over and over again.  The fine strips of leather found their mark, five, ten and fifteen times before she let go, the dwarfs falling backward to the floor with the clatter of the chains.  Dia clawed the barrel as her body quivered in release, her hips gyrating and pounding the barrel, she slipped her feet from the stirrups; her legs shaking as if made of jelly. 

He tossed the flogger on the table before the Mistress; he refilled the crystal glass and took a long sip.  She stared at his muscular body, his flat raked stomach and still throbbing manhood.  He put the glass down,  “How was your trip?”  His voice was impassionate, mundane.

She was always impressed with Cameron’s physique.  For a man in his fifties he still struck an imposing sight.  “My trip was fruitful.  Edward’s little frump has possibilities, little miss Cynthia is a gem in the rough.”

He turned and offered Marion a crystal of wine.  “Maybe I will have her one day, in the rough!” He chuckled. “So to speak!”

Taking the glass, she sniffed at its contents, “She must learn and climb the steps, just like the others.” 

They were distracted by the sound of Dia falling from the barrel to the floor; still quivering with all the waves of pleasure she had been denied that afternoon.

“And what of the others?  Did you locate them?”

“I did not.  Word has it that they all seemed to have been afflicted and died, mysteriously.”  She watched Dia dragging herself away from the barrel on shaking hands and knees.  “Dia, you may go back to your chamber.”

“Mysteriously?”  There was a curiosity in his tone.

Marion lifted a short black cloak from the floor and placed it over Dia’s shoulders as she raised herself to her feet.  “Thank you Mistress.”

“Your reputation precedes you M’Lord.  I suspect fear promotes this mystery illness?”  He raised an eyebrow and was not amused with her response.

She stood her ground as she watched him quickly strut up to her and pull the hood back from her head.  She was still wearing her silver white wig.  He roughly grabbed it, pulling it off to reveal a ring of braded hair wrapped about her baldness.  Mistress Marion shaves all but the back of her head; the remaining long fall of hair is braided and is long enough to hang down to the small of her back. 

Cameron passed his hand softly over her cheek.  She stood up to him as statue, he continued caressing the side of her face and brushing the loops of black braided hair off her head and letting it fall down her back.  He seized the root end in his fist and lifted, forcing her to bow her head to him. 

Dia started to leave, when Cameron pointed at her.  “Wait, take the Mistress’s robe, wear it as your own.  Wear her wig also and cover your head with the hood.  Let the guards think you are she.“  Dia did as she was told, leaving Marion nude and vulnerable before her Lord and Master. 

“The people you asked for are bastards; criminals, derelicts and peasants.”  Even in her tenuous position she spoke with force and arrogance.  “Why did you wish them here?”

“Assume your place, Cow!”  Pulling harder on the braided hair, she came up on her toes; she reached behind and clasped her hands together, palm to palm.  He slapped her across her face.  “Impudence will only make it harder…” His sinister smile emphasized his intent.

She grimaced as he drew his fingernails down her chest and pinched her soft left nipple.  She could see he was again fully engorged and as erect as when she arrived.  Still arrogant she smiled and asked again, “Why dirty the Keep with their kind?”

Roughly slapping her ample breast, “To find he who would have the arrogance to come against me and take my title.  I have over the years been indiscriminant and spawned hundreds of offspring. I will choose my successor and eliminate the rest!”  He let go of her hair and walked over to a rack that had a selection of whips.  “Ajax, bring the spreader and Cilious prepare the suspension.”  The dwarfs began scurrying about to fill their masters requests.

Knowing what was to come, she remained in the position, on her toes and her arms twisted about, hands clasped behind her. Cameron selected a cane switch with a thin shaft.

* * *

Darkness covers the countryside; only torches illuminate the parapets and top room of the keep.  In the quiet of night the sound of the gentle breeze easily covers the sounds emanating from that room.  Five floors down, four young women sleep, with their short keepers watching just outside their doors. 

Almost a days travel East is a small village, and an Inn.  Two cloaked figures enter and occupy a table in the darkest corner of the room.  Hans the keeper of the Inn, greets them, “Travelers, it is late but I do have quarters for you.”

Their hoods obscuring their faces, one answers. “Thank you, we will be leaving early, do you have food?”

“Mutton, it is still hot.  I will fetch two bowls.” 

Before he had a chance to turn, “Also, do you know of a young man named Jeremy Turuck?”

The old man scratched his beard, then his eyes went wide, “Why yes, he delivers fire wood…”

* * *

The night passes slowly, and Cindy sleeps fitfully.  Gripping the mattress, sweat soaking the sheet, she arches her body and moans softly, then suddenly awakens.  She had been dreaming; a vivid reflection of lust and passion that fully aroused her.  Her body churned and gnawed for her to answer her baser urges, to satisfy her craving, her hands shook as she went to touch herself, but stopped.  It was still dark and she sat up in her bed.  A gentle breeze fluffed the curtains.  Running her hand over the smooth sheets, a sense of calm came over her as she closed her eyes and let the urges settle and subside.  Suddenly sensing another person in the room she removed the shroud from the candle lantern and saw Grecian appear at the door. 

“Godmother, I’ve missed you, I have so much to tell…” there was a girlish giddiness in her voice.

“I know child, I know…” She stepped forward into the light of the candle.  “I’ve come with both good and bad news.” She gripped Cindy’s outstretched hands with her bone-chilling stick like fingers. “You will meet someone who will become your life long love.  I cannot tell you who, but do not be swayed by impatience of physical desire.” 

“Why can’t you say his name?  Why must I wait?”

“I do not know his name.  You will know him when the time is right, there will be no question in your mind.”  She smiled and clutched Cindy’s warm hands with cold bony fingers.

“You spoke of bad news?”

Grecian sat beside her on the edge of the bed, “I do not know if you will understand the meaning of this.”  She bowed her head, “You have grown to be a beautiful woman with very special needs.  Your thirst for pleasure can only be fully quenched by the ways of want and pain.  Your fait was always that you be led to this place.”

Cindy was confused and did not understand; Grecian touched Cindy’s forehead with the tips of her fingers, “Think girl of what you have already learned!”  Visions of Rosa and Sara torturing her and the pleasure she gleaned leaped into her mind.  She felt the phallus being jammed into her on many occasions and her desire to have more done to her.  Again she remembered the riding crop and her arousal at being asked to prance, nude and on tiptoe in the great hall.  These things were not grotesque or degrading to her, but exciting and pleasurable.

“These perversions are ingrained in your spirit, a part of you and they must be satisfied; but they can also become your downfall.  Tread wisely, where pain and perversion are the norm.”  She withdrew her fingers.  “If you climb the steps of this tower, you are at the risk of losing yourself and becoming a willing slave to the beast inside of you.  Or, examine what happens here carefully, use reason over desire, thought over impulsiveness and avoid being trapped in a sewer of debasement.”

Cindy listened to her words and did not understand.  She knew of the pleasure she felt from pain but could not envision it hurting her.

The candle flickered and died leaving the room pitch black, Grecian pulled her hands away and the door opened.  Her little guardian had unlocked the door and stood with a candle in hand.  “Who was ya talkin’ ta?”  He held the candle as high as his short arm allowed and looked all about and behind the door.  Cindy’s Godmother was no longer there.  “What-R-ya nuts or what?”

“I… I… must have dreamt, I think…” With wide eyes, Cindy scanned the small quarters for Grecian. 

“I’ll git ya a mug o grog, that’ll put ya down.”  Meeker disappeared out the door, leaving it ajar.

Again in the dark, not even moon glow to pierce the darkness.  Now in a whisper, she heard her Godmother speak once more.  “Remember my words…”

* * *

I’ve flipped the hour glass five times, it must be near on one in the morning and my Cow is still being the antagonist?”  Cameron leaned on the table with the pitcher of wine as he drained his glass. 

Marion raised her weary head, the corners of her mouth upturned in a weak smile.  She was not one to give in; she had been insulting and generally impudent on purpose, for over five hours she verbally abused her tormentor.  A small trickle of dried blood on her upper lip, he had become a little too rambunctious at one point. Leather gloves protected her wrists from the coarse hemp ropes that suspended her from the small block and tackle above her head.  Ajax had carefully wrapped her ankles in silk before clamping them into the iron spreader; her toes pointing at the floor just an inch below. 

He approached her, bringing a crystal glass of wine to her lips.  Lifting the glass, he poured the bittersweet liquid into her open mouth and let if overflow down her long neck.  “So my Cow, have you learned your lessons today?”  Playing with the lead weights clamped to her nipples, making them swing wildly in circles. 

“Most certainly my Lord, you are a fine teacher.”  She fought to keep an even tone as the nipple clamps twisted and pulled at her breasts.  She watched him put the glass down and kick a footstool up before her; Ajax and Cilious adjusted the spreader so her legs were as wide as they could go.  Cameron stepped up on to the stool in front of her, face to face and pressed the head of his manhood against the folds of flesh that protected her aching, wet pit. 

Of all the men she had bedded in her life, this man had the stamina of a stallion. He gripped her flanks with his nails leaving shallow scratches and small rivulets of blood as he sank his stud deep into her. Ripping the nipple clamps from her breasts caused her to flinch and scream.  He hungrily puckered his lips, sucking one of her red, raw, nipples into his mouth.  His fingers drifted around to the nape of her neck, he dragged his nails down her back to the cleft of her cheeks; he gripped her cheeks hard.  He never broke his rhythm; if he had she felt the disappointment would have killed her. 

Even strung up in this precarious position, she could aid in the pleasure.  She would relax her muscles as he pressed into her and gripped his member as he withdrew.  Over and over, faster and faster, she felt confident that she could control her release and she wants to control his.  As aroused as he was when he first entered her, she could feel him growing even larger and harder as he approached his release.  She suddenly felt one of the imp’s force a fake phallus into her anus, with that sudden intrusion he took full control again, she groaned as she lost control over her lust and her orgasm gripped her body.  Hanging like a piece of meat, twisting, she shook, every muscle quivering, her guttural groan filling the room; she felt him filling her with his hot release, their fluids mixing and running down her thighs. 

His lips and hands turned from hurting to comforting, signaling to Cilious, he removed the object from her bottom.  He held her in his strong arms as wave after wave of pleasure gripped her core.  Tears formed when he pulled out, she relaxed in the restraints; going limp and close to unconsciousness.  It felt so good to relax all tension and all her muscles.

Cameron didn’t say a word as he stepped down from the stool.  He looked at his partner hanging there, her head hanging down, quiet and beautiful.  Signaling to his servants, they released her ankles from the spreader bar, her body hung loose, both legs straight down; toes just grazing the floor. 

The two little men untied the rope from a cleat attached to a wood column.  They slowly lowered her body; she could not support her weight and crumpled to the floor as they slackened the rope that had suspended her.  “Come Cow, I will sooth your hurt.”  He lifted her over his shoulder and dumped her weak body on the bed.  For the next hour he carefully massaged her abused body with fine scented oils and liniments.  Ordering her to finish the decanter of wine, she was off to a drunken sleep. 

* * *

Cindy had never had grog and knew nothing of drink. “Listen misses, I ain’t the smartest or the strongest, but I bet the trustiest, don’t be afraid, this is good fer ya.”  Meeker handed the cup to her and she smelled the dark brew within.  Taking a sip, she immediately knew it was a watered down drink because the flavor was weak and subtly sweet.  “Trust me, drink it all down.  I don’t wanna be yer mornin’ sausage, so I won’t be leadin’ ya wrong!”  He tapped his tight muscular stomach.

So in the dim light of the dwarfs candle she gulped the mug dry and lay back down.

“No more of dem dreams!”  He closed and locked the door.

She lay there feeling a slight dizziness creep over her and warmth in her belly.  Cold fingers touched her temples as she was almost in sleep; not quite a dream, not quite reality, Cindy sensed a voice.  “I will be watching, he is a good man, you may trust him…” Then the blackness of dreamless sleep engulfed her. 

* * *

At first light the two travelers saddled up and started towards the woodcutters home.  Two miles into the woods and up the road near a rough-cut clearing, was a small wood dwelling.  There were stacks of firewood, so large they almost dwarfed the house, there was also a pit from which they cut the turf bricks.  The young man was splitting logs as the older man sat and sharpened the Turf cutter. 

When the old man saw the two stop and dismount he rose with the cutter in hand.  “Greetings, what brings you here?”

“Are you Gustav Turuck and do you have a son Jeremy?”  The leader spoke with a grim monotone.  His companion stood staring at the younger one, who was not paying attention and continued to split logs.

Not knowing who these men were, Gus hesitated with some confusion in his expression.

“Is your name Gustav and do you have a son Jeremy?  It’s not a difficult quest!” Now there was anger and impatience in his voice.

The old man stammered and weakly answered, “Why, Yes I am and I do ha…”

Before he could finish the sentence there was a flash of steel, he never saw the sword being drawn.  Gus attempted to raise the cutter blade but was run through.  The young man never noticed, he didn’t stop splitting logs and did not hear the second stranger come up behind him. 

The two hooded assassins dumped the bodies into the open Turf pit.  They spent the afternoon refilling it with un-split logs; they made the pile so high that the existence of the pit was eradicated. 

Cindy begins to blend.

Five days have passed and Cindy has been busy learning to sing and dance; the etiquette of eating, of serving, the application of makeup and to read.  Twice a day she must walk her tours in the great hall.  Some days she has an audience and others only her little guardians.  Every night they all bathe together and every other night she is shaved.  Cindy learned that the razor is only to be wielded by the little men.   

For the most part, all the little men were the trainers, intended to intimidate and coheres the girls into failing.  Some were nicer than others but they all carried those snakeskin whips. 

Meeker was all talk; a blowhard, Cindy and Meeker became friends.  He told her that the dwarf’s quarters were beneath the Keep, in the old dungeons, he referred to his companions as the Circus.  He warned her of Ajax and Cilious, they were the leaders of the Circus.  Both were sadistically mean when allowed to act on their own.  They were the only two allowed in the Lords quarters and to pleasure the women of the Keep.

On the morning of the sixth day Mistress Marion entered the handmaidens floor.  The dwarfs opened the doors and summoned their wards to the hall. 

“The Circus will perform today to entertain the Queen.  She will arrive a two and the festivities will begin at four.”  Pointing at Ilia, “Instruct the new girl on what her duties are at Circus.”

“Yes Mistress!”

She lowered her gaze to the dwarfs, “When Oscar takes them down for their bathes, you will prepare and be back up here to outfit the handmaidens and escort them to the presentation.”

Cindy caught Marion’s eye, she raised the front flap of Cindy’s apron with her walking stick exposing her legs.  “Your complexion is all wrong, you must gain color.”  There was annoyance and displeasure in her tone, “She must be sunned at the earliest convenience.”
Cindy remembered that Oscar was the handsome young footman who washed her feet and marveled at his handsome rugged features.  He oversaw the bath and he took meticulous personal pleasure in insuring all were properly groomed.  They were all herded into one small room at the head of the stairs.  It was setup as a wardrobe; Cindy followed what the girls did and Oscar started to fit each girl into a costume. 

Ilia took Cindy to one side, “Here, put these on and I will tie them for you.”  She handed Cindy what looked like riding chaps, made of horsehide and with thick-knee pads.  The only way she could wear them was if she was on her knees, they did not flex far enough to allow her to straighten her legs.  “OK Cindy, put these on also!”  Ilia handed her two, horse hair, elbow length gloves with hooves instead of fingers.  Cindy smiled with puzzlement.  “Put them on. There is a grip in each hoof and bend over on all fours girl.”  She slapped Cindy’s bare posterior and giggles.  “We will be horses at the Circus.”  And slapped her again.

By now she was not the only filly in the stable; Zim and Azura were both on their hands and knees.  Oscar approached Azura with a long plume of horses tail attached to a wood plug.  He straddled her backwards and pressed the end into her bottom.  Azura widened her eyes and opened her mouth wide as Oscar forced the wood plug into her anus. 

He did the same to Zim and then approached Cindy.  Unwilling to show resistance, Cindy gripped the little handles in the hooves and planted her knees hard, then she felt him finger her with what felt like lubricant before he inserted the wood plug.   

The three of them clopped out the door and up the length of the hall, little tails waving about.  When they turned to come back, the little ones had returned in gentlemen’s riding attire, white shirt, black trousers, jackboots and riding crops. 

Ilia came out of the room with all the same attire, including a small saddle strapped to her back.  Her head was in a leather bridle with a leather bit between her teeth and mock horses ears were attached to the bridle.   

Oscar came out of the room following Ilia, holding another saddle; he motioned for Cindy to approach.  The saddle pad was soft against her bare back; he roughly tossed the saddle on her and pulled the padded cinch tight across her belly, driving some air out of her.   

* * *

Cameron and his brother greeted her Majesty at the outer gate; they escorted the carriage to the inner portal, followed by her entourage.  All the residents of the castle and surrounding village that were of suitable stature and rank were present in the great hall.  He guided her through that dart entrance, past a perfect statue of a woman in the throws of ecstasy, her head thrown back, her back arched, the expression of both pleasure and pain on her face.  She gripped her breast with one hand, her feet firmly planted, knees in the air and her other hand was gripping her mound.  The perfect white stone, in contrast to the black marble pedestal made for an eye-catching work of art.  The queen stared in amazement and commented on the intricate detail. “She almost looks lifelike!” 

They entered the great hall, which was decorated with flowers and a sumptuous feast. 

Once seated, Cameron motioned to have the entertainment begin.  A small orchestra began to play, Cameron’s courtesans danced, one after another spun out on the floor with elaborate costumes that flowed in the air like wings.  Jugglers dazzled the audience at either wing of the floor.  A group of dwarfs came forward and performed acrobatic feats. 

Cameron drew the Queens attention to the still open entrance doors and the statue.  He snapped his fingers and the statue became animate, she rolled off the stone and ran into the center of the room, gripping a thick silver rope and was raised to a platform where she proceeded to perform on a trapeze over the other entertainment. 

The feast continued for over an hour, one at a time the different entertainers sat down to rest, the high wire entertainment also came down and her Majesty signaled for her to approach.  She bowed down before her,  “Child, what is your name?”

“Lia your majesty.” She never raised her face, as if speaking to the floor.

The Queen lifted her staff and put the tip to the young girls chin, forced her to look up into the royal face.  “I think you were the best performer here.  You lay there so still… I did think you were stone!”

“Thank you, your Majesty!”

“What is this that makes your skin look and feel like stone?”

“It is a paint or paste that will wear away in a day or two.”

“Lia, do you like it here?”

Cameron spoke softly to the Queen, “If you want the girl she can be yours, your Majesty!”

She turned her head sharply in his direction. “She is mine any time I want her!”  She turned back to the quivering naked girl, “In answer to my question, if you wish to come with me you may!”

Lia’s eyes drifted between Cameron and the Queens.  “I do like it here your highness, but if you want me to be in your court, just command me.”

Queen Linda smiled with a slight chuckle, “Very diplomatic young woman.”  She leaned her head in Cameron’s direction,  “Yes, I will have her!”

At that moment Ajax and Cilious approached snapping their snake whips.  The loud crack and pop of their weapons echoed off the hard walls of the crowded hall.  The handmaidens followed, being ridden by their trusted guards.  The illusion of small pony’s being ridden by dwarfs was so complete that the Queen had to stare in amazement for a short while before realizing what she was seeing.  By releasing and clenching, the girls could make the tails swish, as if to chase flies.  The dwarfs put their charges through their paces, riding a circle, riding in a column and then in pairs.

When the show was over, the dwarfs dismounted and stood beside their mounts and bowed in unison.  The Queen left her place and stepped down to the floor, followed by Cameron.  Looking carefully at each girl and laughing, “Are these some of your harlots?”  Cameron just smiled.  “This is marvelous, I will not take your troop from you, but you must tell me how to make my own.”

Cameron pointed to Oscar, who came forward.  He loosed the cinch on Ilia’s saddle and removed it.  He, piece by piece, removed all of her costume, showing each to the Queen.  “Please take this costume as a gift, I am sure your artisans will be able to reproduce it.”  Ilia boldly stood beside, and just behind Lord Cameron covering her nakedness as best she could.

Her Majesty eyed Ilia up and down, “Does she wrestle?”  She slowly circled the beautiful young woman. 

“She will do whatever her highness wants.”  Cameron motioned for the dwarf that was riding Ilia to undress. 

The Queen swiftly said, “No, not him,” she pointed at Cilious, “have that one wrestle with her.”  She left to return to her seat. 

Ilia was unsure of how this would come out, she had wrestled dwarfs before and come out the winner, but Cilious was another story.  He had a mean streak and was very strong. 

Cilious quickly shed his clothing, revealing a very muscular body and large pendulous cock.  Cindy watched as each was handed a vile of oil, they poured the substance on themselves, rubbing and spreading it all over their bodies. 

The people all around started to take sides and wager.

Cindy felt sure that Ilia was to be the winner, she towered over the little man by two heads.  The smooth marble floor was also lathered making staying upright a precarious chore.  Cindy watched both of them position themselves, slipping and sliding.  As confident as she was she still worried for Ilia, she had gotten to know her and liked her. 

They stood back from one another, their bodies slick with oil, in crouched stance, when the Queen clapped her hands together.  The crowd roared and Cindy’s heart pounded.  Their bare feet slipping on the marble, they approached one another cautiously.  Cilious lunged forward, fell to his belly and Ilia opened her legs, letting him slide under her.

Everyone roared in laughter.

She went to turn and face her opponent when she slipped and fell, her body slapping the floor hard.  Half the crowd moaned in sympathy.  Before she could recover Cilious scampered up between her open legs, gripping her ankles together, twisting her to be face down, but failed to flip her over.  She kicked at him, but for every unsuccessful blow, she put herself at a disadvantage.  Even with his stubby fingers, his grip was vice like.  He bit into her thigh and jammed his small hand up between her legs.  Gripping her with his small thumb in her anus and fingers jammed deep into her slit.  Ilia screamed loudly, kicking her heal into his face made him let go.

There was applause and screaming as the crowd swayed with every movement.

Cindy did not like this and wanted to help her friend but she was still tied into that ridiculous costume. 

Cameron called out, “Cilious, if you win, you will have a gold piece!”

Ilia was beating him about the head and shoulders with her heels, his nose was bleeding and he had a swollen eye.  She had red teeth-marks on her inner thigh.  Lunging forward past her kicking and twisting legs, he ramming his hand into her again, gripping her the same way.  She sat up and pummeled his head and back with her fists.  Using his handhold, he pulled himself forward against her pounding fists.  She continued to slap and beat his swollen face as he climbed onto higher, gripping her collar and pushed her back as he straddled her, wrapping his short legs around her.  She twisted her head back and forth, she dug her nails into his face.

The crowds roar was ear splitting, 

He smiled as he went to grab her head, she turned her face left then right and dug her teeth into his wrist.  He screamed in pain and jammed her head to the marble, not once but twice times. 

She stopped fighting; her body went limp as she faded into unconsciousness.  Cindy cried.

Cilious rolled her head back and forth, lightly slapping her cheeks, “She Alive, She Good For Me To Have Master?”  On unsteady footing, he stood over her, his large member in full arousal. 

Cameron flipped a gold coin at his feet. “Be satisfied with the Gold, Dwarf!”

Cindy watched the Queen lay three gold pieces in Cameron’s hand.  “Thank you for the entertainment, the costume and your hospitality, we will speak more tomorrow, I am tired and wish to retire to my quarters now.” 

“Most certainly your highness, you will be quartered in the Mistress Marion’s chambers.”

She raise her eyebrow and looked around, “And where is the Bitch of the house?”

He smiled, “She is on a mission of my bidding, highness!”

* * *

As the sun was setting, the carriage raced from the plateau back into the wood.  Marion was jostled but comfortable in that padded seat.  She had been in union with Cameron the night before and still felt soar; her legs ached, her arms also ached from supporting her weight all those hours.  In her mind she could still feel every pleasure. 

She was glad not to be there when the queen visits.  Calling the Queen by her first name is not acceptable and she had done it too many times to keep her head.  She was warned the last time that another incident would result in serious repercussions. 

The carriage swerved to one side and almost overturned as two cloaked riders charged past in the opposite direction.  “Imbeciles!”  She muttered. 

When the coach was back in the ruts, she thought, ‘Off to find another dead man…’

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