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A post-war zombie attack on Brazil |
The year is 2025, after Brazil had become the world's biggest economy it was wasting money as if there was no tomorrow, the cities were overcome by huge luxury buildings, gigantic malls and huge parks that made Dubai look like child's play. Every thing was all good and green till Brazil's biggest government-owned company "Brazilian Petro" decided to buy out the oil derricks from what used to be called the middle east till the fall of 2019. I don't know what was going through their heads at the moment, did they really think they could simply take those people's oil and think they would be glad about it, yea didn't think so. About a year after the people from the "Scorched Lands" (A.K.A Middle East) started to take back the oil derricks, as always it seemed to be a simple blood spot in a big sheet until they got power and really started to strike back. The scorched lands was now to be called, New Middle East and they declared war with Brazil, not just a little dirty war a huge war, some say it was World War 3. The world was divided in basically two groups those against the New Middle East and those against Brazil. Neo Mexican republic former USA and Canada joined in favor of Brazil, but when the whole world, Neo Russia, and Neo China, which now compose Asia was against Brazil, Europe was too far destroyed to even be able to vote in the U.N council. So it started the war, in Brazil all young man or those capable of holding arms was sent to Neo Middle East to fight for the oil derricks, those who refused, well let's just say that very little people complained to much when hung from an airplane during mid flight. The war in Neo Middle East didn't take too long, all Brazilian and Neo Mexican forces were decimated thanks to a weapon called "The Grimm Reaper", a weapon that only few knew how it worked, but everyone one knew two things, that it was filled with biological and radioactive waste and if you ever see it, well you won't live too long to tell the story. After the war Neo Russia and Neo China decided to stop, but Neo Middle East wanted more and single handed attacked Brazil's homeland, starting from the oil platforms in the sea going towards the main land, decimating the south and going towards the center where the capital was. When they reached BrasÃlia, the capital, even after the white flag was in clear view the enemy soldiers kept going, they destroyed the monuments, the ministries and every thing that stud in their way till they got to the TV Tower which was a central a elevated part of the city where the general in charge of the attack spoke and said: -We have gotten revenge, you despicable pigs! The Dictator Mahaswalf said that we could keep that land of sorrow and despair which the once beautiful Brazil had turned into. From there on no country would even dare to make a good deal with Brazil, all it could do is receive waste from other countries. A Year had passed since the the war when the Dictator of the Neo Middle East, Mahaswalf, said in a international speech that Brazil would receive a present as a sign of gratitude for it's good behavior. It was the worst thing that could happen to Brazil, I guarantee you, it was the "Grimm Reaper" the weapon used to kill millions of Brazilians and Neo Mexicans, God if we knew what was going to happen... On the day of the arrival of that terrible weapon what was left of the Brazilian population went to the docks in Rio De Janeiro, the former luxury city that turned into a scene you would only see in a movie, poverty, dirty streets, dirty people.... No wonder we where being used as a dump for the world, we looked like one since the war. In a movement to try and stop that horrible weapon to even making it to shore a few brave men got on their fishing ships and headed towards the container ship carrying the weapon. As they came each time closer they prepared the explosives aboard their ships to explode on impact with the container ship, I was able to steal some stuff from the national forbidden books library some important documents before this hell that broke loose, from what I read on the captains log from that they it went something like this: Captain -By the time we first saw the S.S. Lynx it was already night time, the waves are beating strong on us, a storm is headed towards us. We almost lost some men during the course thanks to the waves, some of us want to go back but we know we need to push hard, this will mean more then we can imagine, I just know it. -Sometimes I can't help but wonder what are going trough these men minds, I mean do they really understand whats the meaning of all this? Do they know how much they are helping their country? Its our last dinner in a few minutes, we will party for the last time. -We have just made contact with the other ships they have all triggered their explosives we are ready. I will be making a speech in a few minutes. (After the speech) -This is probably my last entry on this log, the men are ready to give their life for this greater cause and so am I. I hope every thing works out. (20 minutes before impact) -It's horrible, they where expecting are attack, they are coming to arrest us, if we can't reach the S.S. Lynx we will detonate the explosives as close as we can get. To any one who finds this log, I hope things have gotten better and that we where able to destroy that terrible item that should never have been invented. Unfortunately they didn't reach the S.S. Lynx and died from the explosions, all that was left from the ship was a metal box where the captains log was. So it came, the world's worst weapon ever invented, it didn't even work anymore, all it had was it's biological and radioactive waste. When the ship was docking it was horrible. The ship was huge, dark and the Grimm Reaper was in a huge egg shaped box on the ship's dock, you could feel death irradiating from it, some say that if you listened closely enough you could hear the screams from the soldiers that haunted that weapon. For such a big payload they would send it to one of the worst dumps they could find, the Sinop dump, east from the city Sniop on the Atelchu river. It was a environmental nightmare, and soon to be a complete nightmare. I remember when hell started to open it's gates, I was in that same dump researching the area when I saw the first "lues" (evil in Latin), I don't know I guess it's easier to say that then zombie. So there I was when I saw what was probably the first lues, I knew right from the beginning something was wrong, it was a kid I knew from a village close to the dump, thing is he was dead for three weeks now. Each step the kid took towards me I was getting every time more details, the face purple as a flower, the mouth drooling dark red blood, worms eating away his flesh, it was hell breaking loose. I ran away and hid in the my house at the village, I hoped that he would eventually get lost or eaten but he found his way. When he got there his mother and father rushed to hug him, I got my rifle and ran as fast as I could locked and loaded to shoot that thing, as I aimed for the head the father pushed me and I hit the kid in the thorax, it tore him apart, I yelled "its a zombie goddammit", no one believed me, and started to yell at me and shout out nonce as the whole village came to see what was happening, but when the body that looked dead started to crawl everyone knew something was wrong, except his mother she ran and hugged him crying: -It's okay now, don't worry everything is going to be alright. (bullshit) And he took his bite, (goddamn those things can bite) it took a chunk out of her everyone panicked and started to run, the panic was overwhelming everyone (no wonder). I just took the time to get a hold of my rifle and blew both the woman's and the kid's head off. When things seemed bad the brains flew on to a girl who was by, she got in a deep panic, you could see her mouth open as she looked at her clothes, she couldn't even react, she was paralyzed by fear. Her mother grabbed her arm and took her into the house to clean her up. About three days later everyone was calmer and the helicopters from the army came, I was in my house trying to find out what happened so I didn't even care to go outside to see what was happening, then I heard gun shots, when I gazed out of my window I saw that the military were rounding up and killing everyone in the village, they started going inside the houses and clearing them out. When the military came towards my house a little girl, the one who got the brains splattered all over her, tried running away but they saw her and shot her, damn it was like if I saw it in slow motion the bullet going trough her and she fell on top of some other bodies. Thanks to her, me and my research was safe. Before they left one of the men got nervous and started making bullet holes in the dead bodies, the other men just watched as he made Swiss cheese, he only stopped because he ran out of bullets, no one even tried to stop him. After they left I gathered some samples of the blood from what bodies I could, I got all my stuff ready and left towards a near by safe house I had hidden deep into the forest, it was perfect, underground, the walls where several inches thick just like the hatch. You would need to much explosive to even be able to open that hatch. I made it in case of a nuclear wipe out that the Neo Middle East could have pulled off. God, so there I was in the safe house taking a look at the samples I got from the village, it was crazy not only the infected cells kept alive and working, if any of the non infected samples came in contact with infected sample it would rapidly get infected in less then 8 hours you could expect a complete conversion. That's when it hit me all those piled up bodies with holes in them, what if that thing, that disease could spread with those bodies, what if what happened to that little kid could happen with everyone in those piles. I couldn't let that happen I got out and ran as fast as I could with my rifle on my back and a box of extra bullets. After a long time in the forest I got to the village I ran to get to the piles of bodies and as I thought the bodies weren't there anymore either the military took the bodies or hell was going to break loose, for who knows how long. I started to scavenger the village for supplys and hints on what to do next, when inside one of the house a girl came towards, when she stopped she was in a dark corner of the wall, but I could see she was covered with blood, I got my rifle ready to take a shot when I heard her crying then I knew she wasn't infected, for now. She then approached, her deep silver eyes gazed at me and started to tell me her story, about how her mom and dad were killed by the military, and how they had taken the bodies on a helicopter. At first I was relieved that the military had taken the bodies, after all they could take care of it right......but just to make sure I decided to go after them, I couldn't just leave the girl there, plus she begged me to take her, so we decided to take a good night's sleep before heading over to the camp where the military had taken the bodies. DAY 5 I woke up at about 5AM, I had to make sure everything was ready to go, the little girl was still sleeping, I wanted to let her sleep after all that had happened but we had a long day ahead of us. I woke her up, gave her some coffee to help her get up, gathered the supplies and left. As we walked by the simple little village, I could feel the emptiness of the town, the streets which were once filled with joy life are now only reminders of the past and everything that had happened. After reaching the end of town, I noticed that the little girl stopped and was looking back, I shouted "Hey, little girl!", but she wouldn't respond, I got closer to her and asked her name, with a sweet, innocent voice she replied "It's Lisa", I said "Come Lisa, let's go" We left with the sun rising to our backs. We started our journey through the forest, after a few hours Lisa said she was tired, I replied "Okay, but only for a few..." she stopped me and said, "Did you hear that?" I looked behind her and there was another one of those diseased, I pulled the girl, got my rifle and blew that thing's head off right before it reached us, I turned over to the girl and saw she was somewhat calmer then before, I ignored and continued our walk. At about 6 PM we had finally reached the military base. We took camp and made something to eat, I knew I had to scout the camp so I put Lisa to sleep and went to scout around, I found a breach in their patrols and was able to get in. It was already night and it started to rain, I had to be quick and find the bodies. I heard some soldiers coming, so I quickly hid under a warehouse. After the soldiers left, I got in to the warehouse and found some kind of improvised lab, the bodies where hanging in pods and seemed to be frozen, some scientists where examining what seemed to be samples. I tried to approach one of the |