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A ordinary high school day turns into love at first sight! <3 |
Love is But a Mystery Scene 1 (Steven is sitting on the grass on the schools Football Field during lunch, doodling on his notebooks and daydreaming. Then Evan runs in, panting heavily with a Football in his hands.) Evan: (Yells into the distance) NICE GAME MAN! Steven: What's up Evan! Finally finished your game? Evan: WOAH! What are you doing here? Thought you were at the library? Steven: Well... I WAS, until a bunch of punks came in making lots of noise, so I came here thinking it would nice and peaceful.... I guess I was wrong. Now... what are YOU doing here? Evan: Duh! (Rolling his eyes.) I'm playing football and being ACTIVE.... not like others who sit on their butts doing work all day! Steven: That's not all I do! Also, at least my grades are higher! (Steven Smirks.) Evan: Whatever! So.... what are you working on there? Hm? Steven: Ugh... (Quickly tries to hide his drawings, but Evan grabs them) They are just doodles to pass the time... Evan: These are more than doodles, they are amazing! How long have you been drawing? Steven: (Steven Sighs) You caught me... It’s just a hobby I happened to pick up when there is completely nothing to do. Evan: You serious? (Evan looking really Shocked)You didn't... read books on how to draw... or ANYTHING?! (Evan continues looking through the drawings in amazement.) Steven: Why would I waste my precious time reading those Books of Non-sense! (Steven says in an offended, Yelling tone.) Evan: Don't get your panties in a bunch! Was just asking a harmless question! Sheesh, and who is this girl right here? Steven: That's just some girl I saw in the halls a couple days ago. Evan: Yeah right, it seems you have a crush on this girl! Steven: Maybe I do, maybe I don't. It's not like I can just ask her out, I know nothing about her. She could have a boyfriend for all I know! Evan: Alright whatever, HEY LOOK AT THIS!(Evan bends over to see what it is and picks up $10) I found 10$! In your face Steven!! (Evan starts Happy Dancing) Steven: Give me the money! If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have been here, so you wouldn't have found it! Evan: Well too bad! You wouldn’t have seen it if I weren’t here! Steven: Touché... How about we split it? 50/50 Evan: I guess we can do that... (Evan thinks a little bit) oh!! I got a better idea, let’s quickly run to the cafeteria and buy ourselves 2 burgers! Steven: I love the way you think! I haven't Eaten all day! (Evan helps Steven up off the ground and they run offstage.) Scene 2 (Maria is by her locker putting away her books from science class, when she noticed her best friends Courtney and Lily. Courtney had a smile on her face, as Lily didn't.) Courtney: Oh come on! That was funny! Maria: Hey ladies, what's going on? Lily: Courtney here... thought it was funny to trip some fat kid while he was walking down the stairs. Like, that's really mean! Courtney: HAHAHA! (Courtney Rolls her Eye's) It's not MY fault that he couldn't keep his greasy hands off those cheese burgers! Lily: (Starts Yelling) Like, that doesn't give you a reason to... Maria: (Maria interrupts Lily) GIRLS, GIRLS, GIRLS! Please just... stop talking for a second! (Pause, both girls turn and look at Maria.) Maria: Thank You! Now, Courtney! Why in the world would you do something like that!? Courtney: (Courtney starts scratching and looking all around her nervously.) Well..... Uh, I'm not sure, (Courtney smiles) BUT THERE WAS A GIANT THUD WHEN HE HIT THE GROUND! (Maria and Lily both Sigh and give her a dirty look.) Courtney: Wow! Tough crowd... you know what I'm going to go to the cafetorium and something to eat. Cya! (Courtney walks off.) Lily: Phew! Thought she would never leave! Maria: I really hate to agree with you, but she has turned into someone I don't know anymore. What do you think is with her? Lily: Hmm... (Lily looks at the ground for a quick second thinking) I know! Maybe it’s that new boyfriend of hers! He isn't really friendly. Maria: That's True. Also, have you noticed lately everyone is in relationship? Lily: I've noticed that for the longest time! You just figured that out? Maria: Yeah, sort of... but anyways, let's go to the cafetorium and talk with Courtney about her problems. We need to make a stand and see if she is willing to change for us. Lily: That's not such a... (Maria shuts her locker, and drags Lily with her offstage.) Scene 3 (Courtney is sitting at one of the lunch tables with her friends, gossiping about Maria when Lily and Maria walks in and overhears the conversation.) Courtney: Like, have you seen the way she does her hair? It looks like she hasn’t brushed it her whole… (Maria Trudges in and interrupts Courtney.) Maria: EXCUSE ME?! I come over here to talk to you about your attitude and you’re gossiping about your friend, or shall I say EX-friend. Lily: YEAH! EX-FRIENDS! Courtney: (Rolling her eyes) Like I CARE! I never really liked you; I just hung around you for your stuff! Maria: (Maria sighs) You know what? Im done here! I feel sorry for whoever wants to be friends with your backstabbing self! Lily: YEAH! You tell her Maria! Were out of here! (Maria and Lily go to walk off stage, when Courtney stands up and grabs Maria.) Courtney: You’re not going anywhere! (Courtney starts spinning Maria around in a Circle then lets go, as Steven walks in backwards yelling at Evan offstage.) Steven: Ill go save us some… WOAH! (Steven turns around and gets knocked down by Maria and both fall onto their backs.) Courtney: Ha-ha! Teaches you to mess with me! Come on guys! Lets blow this joint! (Courtney walks off stage with her friends from the lunch table.) (Maria starts getting up brushing the dirt off herself, then quickly looks down at Steven and goes to help him up.) Maria: I'm so sorry! (Reaching down to help him up.) Steven: (Standing up looking away) No it's my... (Steven takes a look at Maria) oh wow, hi... Maria: (Looking really concerned) Are you okay? Do you need to see the nurse? Steven: I'm uh, (Steven starts backing up slowly) fine, I have to go, bye! (Steven turns around and runs offstage.) Maria: No wait! I never got your name... (Maria looks at the ground and see's Steven left his doodling book.) Oh, what's this? (Maria bends down and picks up the notebook) That guy left his notebook behind! (Right as Maria goes to open to notebook, Lily comes running in.) Lily: Maria!! Are you alright?! I rushed over here right when I heard what happened. Maria: Yeah, I'm fine. Lily: What's wrong? You look like you saw a ghost, and what's that in your hand? (Lily points to the notebook in Maria's hand.) Maria: I'm not sure, I was about to look, then I saw you coming. Lily: Oh! (Lily starts jumping up and down really happy) Can I see it please? I want to see what's in it! Maria: Well, it's not mine to say who can see it, but I guess it can't hurt to look. (Maria holds up the notebook and opens it while Lily stands closer to Maria examining the pages in amazement!) Lily: Oh my god! These are amazing! Whoever did these is talented! Maria: Oh wow! Yeah they are amazing aren't they? (Maria turns the page with Lily watching closer.) Lily: Look! (Lily points to one of the pages) That one looks like you! The person that did these totally has a crush on you. Maria: (Maria looks up and into the distance with a huge smile on her face, where Steven left) Yeah. Scene 4 (Steven is sitting in his math class studying for the math test when Evan comes running in late.) Evan: Sorry I'm late Ms. Wong, (Looking at Steven) Someone didn't save me a seat in the cafetorium so I couldn't find one. Ms. Wong: That's the MOST lamest excuse I've ever heard! Evan: But... Ms. Wong: No buts young man! Just sit down a be quiet, I got to run and make some photocopies. (Ms. Wong walks offstage with the sounds of her shoes getting further away.) Evan: Well, now that the wretched woman is gone... (Evan grabs the seat behind Steven and pokes him on the shoulder) WHERE IN THE WORLD WERE YOU AT LUNCH?! Steven: Sorry man, I had a "little" accident in the Cafetorium and needed to get out of there fast. Evan: Whoa what? What happened? Steven: I had a bump in with the girl in my drawings. I couldn't even barely say hi, so I had to get out of there. Evan: Really?! Oh come on dude! She was right there you could have asked her out if you like her that much. Steven: It's harder than it looks, have you ever had a crush that you couldn't talk to? Evan: Nope! Steven: Exactly, and aren't you going to study for the math test for when she gets back? Evan: (Evan kicks back and smiles with his feet on the desk) No, because it will be insanely easy! Steven: I wouldn't be too sure. I just finished and I think I'm going to draw some more. (Steven picks up his packsack and starts to look through it and can't find his doodling book.) Uh, my book is gone! (Steven continues to look through his pack sack.) Evan: Oh that sucks, its probably in your locker or something, and does it ever concern you why Ms. Wong isn't married? She is like 100 years old and has never been married. Steven: I really don't care at this point. (As Steven talks Ms. Wong walks in silently and overhears what Steven says.) It's probably because her name sounds like a type of dinner or her mean attitude. Ms. Wong: Pardon Me?! Go to the office Steven now! (Steven sighs and walks offstage and the class says "Ooooooooo", as Steven leaves Maria walks in.) Maria: Hello Ms. Wong! Ms. Wong: Well hello there Maria, what can I do for you? Maria: I found a notebook with drawings in it, and I'm looking for the owner. (Maria looks threw her bag and pulls out the notebook.) Do you have any clue who's it is? Evan: (Evan looks up and gasps) That's Steven's notebook! Maria: Oh! Steven is his name? Do you happen to know where Steven is? Ms. Wong: I just sent him down to the office for making fun of my name. Maria: Oh dear! I don't think he meant it, but I best be going to return it to him. Thanks for the info! (Maria puts the notebook in her bag and walks offstage.) Scene 5 (Steven is sitting on the bench outside the office twiddling his thumbs and looking down at the ground, then Maria walks in and sits next to him.) Maria: Hello Steven. I have something of yours! Steven: (Steven stops and looks up at Maria) Oh hi, what ugh... do you have? Maria: Earlier when we bumped into each other, you left your notebook behind. I didn't think you would mind, but I took a look inside and the drawings are amazing. Steven: (Says Nervously) Ah, I get that a lot. Maria: Then I saw a drawing that looked like me, is that picture actually me? Steven: Well, ugh... yes. Maria: (Maria smiles) Alright, ill give you this notebook back on 1 condition. Steven: Um, what's ugh... that? Maria: You have to ask me out, I know you like me. (Maria giggles.) Steven: (Steven is completely shocked and smiles) I don't even know your name, and how do you know my name? Maria: My name is Maria, and Evan told me this was your notebook. Steven: Alright Maria, will you go on a date with me and be my girlfriend? Maria: Yes! I thought you would never ask! (Steve and Maria both look at each other, then hug and smile.) Steven: I really like you Maria and I will never leave you! * FLASH FORWARD* (Steven and Maria are 80 years old sitting on a bench in the park holding hands and smiling at each other.) *FLASHBACK* (Steven and Maria are back on the bench in front of the office, hugging.) Maria: Neither will I. The End. Please Rate and Give a Review! My first time writing something. ![]() |