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A Wolfen with amnesia must rediscover his past, and has an unexpected tryst with a feline |
Chapter 1 The first sense that came to him was his sense of smell. He breathed in cold air heavy with the acrid scent of blood. Was he in danger, or perhaps laying on a battle field near the brink of death among the countless bodies of other soldiers? His mind still swam about in a black void lacking any recollection of self identity or what he had recently done. The next bit of sensory input that returned was touch. Where ever he was it was cold and he was lying sprawled out on his stomach with the chin of his muzzle resting on the icy ground. At least his head was facing up so he could have a look around before getting to his feet. All he had to do was remember how to see again. Something jabbed him in the ribs and seemed to hurriedly skitter away as if fearing retribution. There was other movement about as well. Perhaps the presence of many others but he was still too discombobulated to make anything out clearly. He felt another tap on his other side only this one pressed against the metal he was wearing. Was he wearing armor over his fur? It seemed to him to be very unnatural if he was. He received several more of those annoying pokes before he finally decided he had had enough. The next one he felt he responded swiftly and snapped his hand at the offender. He latched onto what he imagined was an ankle and immediately his ears were filled with a terrified screech that caused his head to split with aching pain. But at least he wasn't getting poked at anymore, although he wasn't sure which was the lesser of two evils. His captive scrambled about wildly without a prayer of escaping. Cerebus' hand was like a vice clamping down on the troublesome pest and there was no way a panicked individual was going to get free from him. Cerebus? Was that his name? Strange how he suddenly remembered it. His eyes snapped open and he rolled them to the side to get his first glance at what he held. It was a wolfen-kin, a thing similar to himself but smaller with long guerilla like arms and born in the wild. They were cunning but lacked proper intelligence, which made them still part of the animal kingdom. Oddly, it was wearing tattered rags that may have been clothing at one point and its fur was all matted and greasy looking like it had done little to upkeep its appearance. The creature he held was malnourished, and by appearance was more akin to a rat than a lupine. Since the scavenger was fixated on trying to get away rather than attacking, the little fellow was virtually harmless so Cerebus took his time rising to his feet and finding his balance. He stood holding his arm straight out in front with the wolfen-kin suspended upside down and unable to touch the ground. Finally he was able to get a good look at his surroundings, but what he saw was not at all to his liking. It was a cloudless night sky with a waning moon nearing the end of its cycle and plenty of stars illuminating everything. His keen eyes allowed him to see what was around as if it were midday. He was standing in a large clearing where the ground was sloped and a thin layer of snow coated the earth. The area should have been white, but instead it was soaked in the crimson color of blood. Scattered about here and there were a few human body parts, mostly arms and legs. Some of them were well toned with muscle and showed pieces of armor that resembled one another, which indicated to him they were soldiers of some type; militant men. But what he saw didn't add up. There was no where near enough to account for the massive amount of blood it would've taken to make this horrid scene. In addition where were the missing body pieces? He saw no heads or torsos. Also why was he standing in the middle of this obvious massacre? Was he in someway responsible? The next thing that caught his attention was movement in the trees just beyond the clearing. He turned his head in the direction he saw it and narrowed his eyes to focus. Sure enough it was humanoid in shape but the way it moved and the feral scent the air currents brought to him he could tell it was another wolfen of some type. This one seemed larger and in better condition than the one he had dangling from its feet. It even looked as though it had a cloak draped around its shoulders, obscuring its true form. Cerebus' eyes shifted to his left and right and more movement became apparent. Evidently he was surrounded by them. At least a hundred, if not more. They all appeared cautious; apparently waiting to see what he'd do with the one he'd caught. Cerebus had no desire to harm such a defenseless creature that was utterly harmless, at least to him anyways. So, unceremoniously, he let the ragged wolfen-kin go and it dropped to the ground. To the things credit it landed on all fours and used its long arms to help it flee. He had no love for the deformed creatures, but like any other animal he wished it no ill. He watched it as it ran for its life, disappearing into the shadowy foliage. The other figures continued to wait, holding their ground, still unsure if he was a deadly threat or not. This afforded Cerebus time to assess himself properly and maybe by chance find some clues as to what had happened. He was partially wearing a breastplate that covered only his upper torso, not his belly, and wrapped around his back. The shoulder and underarm straps were broken on one side and a good chunk of the metal was missing with its edges curled outward as if an explosion from inside of him had ripped the piece off. A shred of chainmail hung from the one good side of the armor and there were dents and puncture marks where some recent battle had made the entire thing useless. He also had attached to one of his thighs and both shins a series of metal bands that were connected by clamps and stacked above one another linked in some fashion he couldn’t quite discern. What ever the reason he had been wearing the armor before, he knew not, but it was little good now and the gear irritated his skin. It compacted all his black fur and in some places pinched or pulled hairs. Since the figures in the distance shifted about restlessly waiting to see what he’d do he figured he had time to remove the cumbersome gear. As he was kneeling, removing the last shin guard, the wolfen surrounding him began to advance, closing in to form a circle with many wolfen-kin filling in any gaps among their ranks. Most of them were as he was, true wolfen, and wore cloaks or other patchwork materials draped around their shoulders. It made them look like a mound with steep sides and wolf heads mounted on top. The fabrics concealed much about these unknown wolfen, but Cerebus could tell more than a few carried weapons, a very uncommon tradition. He took it as a good sign that none of them had drawn any yet, but that fact didn't do much to convince him they were friendly. The point remained how they greatly outnumbered him and had him surrounded. Cerebus stood his ground, resisting the urge to take a defensive stance. He didn't want to inadvertently instigate a fight. It was difficult to remain calm so he did his best to let his arms hang loose at his sides and to be as observant as possible. With the exception of maybe two of the wolfen he was definitely taller by a solid head, two in most cases. Without warning, from opposite directions three of the wolfens leaped at him aggressively. They were equally distant so if he faced one then the other two would flank him. In order to counter their strategy Cerebus knew he had to take the initiative, choosing one of his opponents and attacking before all three converged at the same time. He rushed toward the smallest of them figuring he could neutralize it inside of the precious second he'd have before the others were upon him. His opponents had weapons, but none of them were using any. That wasn't to say their natural claws were any less dangerous. They could just as easily slice him to ribbons as a sword could. Cerebus sprinted to his target and dug his heel into the ground at the last possible instant, causing the wolfen to misjudge its strike. It slashed at him with razor talons trying to extend its reach in mid swing to compensate. Cerebus snatched its arm out of the air, twisted his hips and viciously yanked, pulling the wolfen off its feet and throwing it hard into one of the other attackers. Both went flying and sprawled out on the ground. Before the two wolfens had time to collide Cerebus was already moving forward to meet the third. It was larger than the others, almost his size, and that was pretty big. The wolfen probably had a reputation to uphold in its pack so rather than balking at the speed in which the others were dispatched it turned its ferocity up a notch. A bad idea against Cerebus. It snarled viciously as it charged, prepared to strike with its claws and quite possibly its teeth. It turned out to be all a show for his benefit. The wolfen tried to mislead Cerebus into thinking it would fight in a blind rage, but instead leaned forward planting a hand into the ground and pivoting, sending both feet in a powerful arc that would've knocked his head senseless. Reacting faster than he could think, Cerebus leaned back narrowly dodging the toes with sharp talons, and slid forward, allowing gravity to pull himself down. His momentum carried him through and with both of his feet he plowed into the arm supporting the wolfens weight. There was a disturbing pop from its shoulder and elbow as both joints were dislocated and the large beast yelled out in pain, crumbling into a defenseless pile. The other two wolfen were just now getting to their feet and reorient themselves back on Cerebus. He still had a second or two left which was plenty of time for him to finish off the larger one, but he hesitated, looking at the bigger picture. The surrounding wolfen could've easily joined in the fight and have overwhelmed him, but instead they all remained on the sidelines, observing. They were still testing him, trying to see what kind of individual he was, and so far their judgment seemed reserved. His actions and how he handled himself was what was going to determine if he lived through this encounter. He still had a second left to dispatch the wolfen nearest him, but he had to do so without killing it. Otherwise such an aggressive action would demand immediate retribution and the entire pack would swarm over him. Acting swiftly he rolled onto the things back and reached around its neck so that it could feel his razor claws press into its jugular, but not draw blood. With a growl he snapped at its ear, tearing the tip off, marking him in shame. Essentially, without using words, he told the beast it was defeated and its life now belonged to him. It whimpered in acknowledgement which was all the time Cerebus could afford. His other two opponents were approaching and he had to face them immediately. He pushed off of the fallen wolfen, shoving painfully against its wounded arm and making it whine in agony. The other two came at him side by side and Cerebus launched himself straight at them. There was no elegance or coordination. It was just a straight up feral attack; their ferocity versus his. When they collided Cerebus made sure he had his feet firmly planted and braced for their onslaught. He gave up any semblance of defense in favor of agression and rammed both of his hands forward to dig his claws into their chests. The wolfens slashed at his arms and sides drawing blood, but the cuts were superficial and he'd heal from them in no time. Their weight pressed into him and he bent his knees and elbows absorbing the inertia until like a coiled spring he was able to push back. Pushing with all of his muscles he exploded upward, leaping into the sky and taking his unwilling passengers with him. At the apex of the jump he angled them down so they would absorb the impact and fully extended his arms which would drive his full weight against them. The three of them went a lot higher than Cerebus anticipated. He wondered if locking his elbows was going to lead to him dislocating his own joints. Unfortunately it was too late to retract. He was going to have to find out the hard way. They crashed heavily into the ground, the impact sending red snow and little chunks of dirt flying into the air. Cerebus could feel their bodies compress under his hands, cracking ribs and driving all the air out of their lungs. The wolfen warriors were utterly stunned. It was more than obvious that he could easily finish them off. He rose slowly with one of his ears swiveling to check on the location of the other larger wolfen he had downed. Surprisingly it had stayed right where he had left it. "Enough!" a powerful voice shouted. It was the voice of a leader. Cerebus twisted his hips to face the wolfen, but he still remained partially crouched, ready to fight if need be. The pack leader walked fearlessly into the circle. He had the cleanest cloak of them all which he pushed over to one shoulder revealing a sheathed longsword with a jeweled hilt hanging from a belt. A heavy leather vest hung open on his muscular frame and loose fitting pants that had the legs torn off just above the knees. He had short dark brown fur which made it easy to see his impressive physique as well as the multitude of scars. This wolfen was an experienced fighter. Even though he was more than a head shorter, Cerebus wasn't foolish enough to underestimate him. He hovered over the recently defeated wolfen as he watched their leader walk over to the heap that marked the first fallen which still laid where it had originally fell. "You know what I must do, don't you?" the pack leader asked of the wolfen where it whimpered pitifully, but his eyes remained unwavering on Cerebus. "Assuming you live through this and don't bleed out, consider yourself banished. Do not return to the pack, or else I will kill you personally." Without another word he lifted his foot and stomped down hard just in front of the creature’s throat. He used the talons on his feet to tear out the jugular where moments before Cerebus had touched. Unceremoniously he dismissed the mortally wounded thing as though this was a common action and stepped over it continuing his advancement to meet the deadly warrior who had defeated the largest among the pack. Cerberus still braced himself, just in case the pack leader planned on fighting, but the wolfen held a pose as if he was indifferent. He stopped a few feet in front of Cerebus making an exaggerated assessment. "The armor you wore suggests you're a city wolfen. A guard dog or an attack dog perhaps." The brown wolfen articulated its words clearly, a feat Cerebus had great difficulty in mastering, and his eyes reflected a sinister intelligence. The words he was choosing were derogatory and quite possibly bait to see if Cerebus had control over his anger. The pack leader paused dramatically allowing ample time for the trespasser to respond, but Cerebus held his ground and continued staring straight back with his own eyes studying the potential threat. "You're obviously quite intelligent, unlike most of the company I have to endure here. I can see it in your eyes. Oh yes. A lethal combination with the body you have." He began to slowly circle around, observing Cerebus and narrating what he thought. "Your hair is thickest on the shins, forearms and chest which suggest you've been bred for the role of a warrior. The fine quality of your black fur also indicates you were well looked after likely for the sake of appearance because we all know a well groomed wolfen looks less fierce and offensive to humans. Did you belong to a noble family and they dressed their loyal hound to look pretty? They must've trusted you a great deal because after all you haven't been declawed or had your canines pulled." The offensive wolfen completed a circuit and was starting a second and the whole time Cerebus' kept still with his ears rotating to follow his steady movements. Rather than let his words anger him he kept his cool and looked for the slightest hint that could help him figure out what he was doing here. Unfortunately, so far the only thing he was able to tell was that his presence here was unexpected and he was not known. "Hmmm...," he paused in thought. "You're a city wolf with some established status due to the fact you wore armor, and expensive bits of metal at that. But you decidedly shed your shell in preference to stand before us in nothing other than your own fur. I'd say you're not completely domesticated which means there might be hope for you yet. There's a strong hint of the wild inside you, isn't there? "And what about this most impressive scene we find you in the midst of?" He gave a sweeping gesture indicating the blood and human limbs littering the ground. "Were you responsible for all this, or are you a survivor?" He stopped circling off to Cerebus' left taking in the site and watching his body for subtle clues. "Would you care to speak?" he asked, giving him a moment to respond. "No? Ahhh, but with a powerful muzzle like yours I suppose speech is not something that comes easily to you. You were better designed for biting and ripping flesh apart. By the way thank you for having the decency to leave my warriors intact. A wise and calculated decision on your part I'm sure. Still though you could give me the simple courtesy of shaking or nodding your head. Yes?" Cerebus slowly nodded while shifting his stance so that he faced the pompous fellow. "Finally, some participation. Now tell me are you responsible for this blood bath?" he asked with sudden intensity. The question was obviously important to him, but Cerebus had no answer. He simply did not know. "Because if you are I'd certainly enjoy knowing how you did it." The wolfen stepped closer and the two of them stared down the length of their snouts meeting the steady, hard glare of the other. "We really don't like humans here." His voice was a growl, a warning for Cerebus in case he felt otherwise. "Well with that little matter being addressed I think we'll be vacating the area. I wouldn't want to make myself available for any potential repercussions. By the way," he said over his shoulder as he began walking away, "my name is Scythe, and I'm currently looking for a new champion. Know anyone who might be interested?" The wall of wolfens surrounding them parted for their leader as he approached and they all began following in the same direction leaving Cerebus behind. After a few moments he was the only one left standing amidst the bloody carnage he had awoken in. The only thing different was the wolfen warrior left laying on the ground which was presumably dead. He was alone and completely at a loss of what to do. There was no memory as to how he got there or why he was lying unconscious in the middle of a massacre. He was confused and lost and thought his best hope for any answers might be with Scythe, an unappealing concept. There was something about that wolfen Cerebus didn't trust. He was obviously intelligent in a callous, wicked sort of way and had the necessary physical strength to be the leader of such a large pack. But if he wanted answers he was going to have to deal with him. If he could at a minimum find out where he was and all of what was nearby then maybe it would help to jog loose his memory. Before the pack got too far Cerebus leapt in pursuit and even though they were sprinting through the woods catching up with them was not difficult. He kept pace easily and maintained his distance. If he had wanted he could've done so with stealth, but to find answers he had to be seen. All that was needed was an invitation. The woods were dense in some places with oaks and pines. Here and there patches of snow on the ground lingered from the winter season and the higher altitude made it possible for it to last longer than any where else. After what seemed like an hour one of the wolfen broke off from the main group just before conversing briefly with Scythe. It circled around perhaps in an attempt to sneak up on him, but Cerebus had seen the creature leave and had no trouble tracking its movements. When it drew near he waited expectantly and if the wolfen had any thought of attempting stealth it abandoned the notion. Like most of the others it wore a cloak too. While running the length of it was bunched up and carried, but when standing in one place for any length of time they let the material drop and settle around their shoulders to help trap their bodilly warmth. "Scythe wants you to join him," the beast said in a guttural voice. "I... ex... set,"(I except) Cerebus answered doing his best to imitate speech. His trouble wasn't due to lack of knowledge for he was very intelligent and well versed in language both the spoken and written word. When it came to speaking however, he was physically impeded because of the size of his jaws. He had severe trouble manipulating his lips to pronounce certain sounds and as a result had to improvise and talk slowly. The wolfen displayed no awkward reaction to his speech impediment and simply headed off in the direction that would take them to Scythe. ********************************************************************** Cerebus sat in front of a fire pit with flames blazing as tall as he was. The pack shared their food with him as though he were a guest of honor, and Scythe poured attention on him telling him everything he knew about the surrounding lands and the nearby cities. Scythe didn't exactly give the information away freely. He was probing for the truth as much as Cerebus wanted to figure things out for himself. Unfortunately none of what Scythe told him revealed the slightest sense of familiarity. Anything he learned about himself was what the clever wolfen leader was able to piece together and there wasn't much at that. He learned of the four nearest human settlements and judging by the few pieces of armor at the scene where they had met he was most likely from the farthest one, a place called Stone Hold. Animal humanoids like themselves generally stayed away from humans with a few exceptions here and there. Very rare was it that wolfen or any other animal kin made a life for themselves in cities unless they were meant to be slaves of one type or another. By the end of the evening Cerebus still had more questions than answers, but some were better than none. Scythe offered to personally show him an available place where he could rest and consider his future. "You know," he spoke as he led him along a path that hugged a steep cliff with many warrens carved out that the wolfens claimed as their homes, "I'm serious about my offer to you earlier." "Hut... un?" (What one?) "I still require a champion. A second in command. A strong individual of intelligence and who watches my back. Someone loyal to me and who can also accept that I'm the leader. You'd make an ideal second." "I... don like... hhhou... you... treated... the other... un." (I don't like how you treated the other one) "Of course not, but what I did had to be done. Perhaps you don't fully understand especially if you were raised by humans. No matter. I'll explain. Goliath, that was his name, surrendered to you. He basically acknowledged you as being more dominant than me. I cannot allow such behavior if I'm to remain in control. "Worry not for his fate. The wound I inflicted would not have killed him and once he's recovered, which he should have done so several hours ago, he'll set out on his own and eventually form a pack, although I'm sure it won't be as large as this one. Goliath was big, intimidating and had a loud bark, but he could never handle pain very well. Always had a low tolerance." Scythe shrugged the distant thought away treating it with little consequence. "Fear not for yourself. You would not be treated so. I could teach you, reintegrate you to wolfen society, and after a year’s time or more you could eventually form your own pack as well. I'd even be willing to let you take a few of my members, an unprecedented gesture I assure you, and something we'd have to agree on and orchestrate beforehand." Cerebus just shook his head limiting the use of his voice. Scythe and the others claimed they didn't mind the way he talked and agreed he managed extremely well considering his physical features. He thought it was more like a handicap that they were willing to overlook because they respected brute force and his powerful jaws certainly reflected that. "Very well," he sighed with a dramatic affect, "if that's your decision. I suppose you'll be wanting to head for Stone Hold to find out what you can, but before you do you might want to consider another option. Staying. "Very little good has ever come from humans interacting with our kind. What ever your past with them is it may be best left alone and you can start fresh here." "Hhhye... you... rrr... eely... ont... ee... to stay?" (Why you really want me to stay?) "Two reasons my friend." Scythe looked at him with a serious gaze, emphasizing how he felt. "One: because you truly are a unique breed of wolfen. You're smart. When you fight you're not using blind instincts and you have skills. Probably learned them from the humans. Two: having someone like you at my side can make a big difference with minimizing our conflicts among humans. Too many of our kind die or become enslaved at their hands, and when we retaliate it only makes things worse. Whole packs get wiped out. We need more wolfen like yourself to lead and protect and who know how to deal with humans." "You... hear... how I... talk. I'n not a... d... lo... nat." (You hear how I talk. I'm not a diplomat.) "Ha! How you speak, my friend isn't the issue. The point is that when you do others listen. Being heard is always more important and you don't waste your words. You choose them carefully and get straight to the point. "I'll respect what ever you decide," Scythe said as he put a hand on top of Cerebus' shoulder in a brotherly fashion, "but I think you should seriously consider staying." He was sincere with his offer, but there were undertones to it that bothered Cerebus and he couldn't quite put his finger on it. Not knowing caused him to be reserved and until he was able to unravel what Scythe truly had in mind he was unwilling to participate in his scheme. "Here," he gestured to a natural opening along the face of the cliff, "you can make yourself comfortable in this warren for the night. In the morning I can provide you with some provisions and equipment if you want in order to help you on your way. I also have a special gift for you waiting inside. Enjoy your evening." Cerebus hesitated a moment, considering Scythe's words before he ducked his way through the entrance to the cavern. As soon as he stood up on the other side his nose was bombarded by an overwhelming musk. He immediately began to hone in on the source, but a grating sound vibrated the walls at the opening and he whipped about only to realize too late that he had been sealed in by a large rock. He quickly threw his weight against the stone trying to push it out of the way, but it was no use. The space was too narrow and he had no way of getting proper leverage on the object to shift it. Accepting the fact he had been imprisoned he turned to explore his surroundings more carefully. There was a large opening in the ceiling where the light of the stars and moon illuminated the place in a soft blue color. It looked as though it would be a difficult climb, but one he'd still be able to do. It didn't make a lot of sense to him to have the entrance sealed when he could leave through the giant hole above. Upon closer examination he saw that the walls higher up were slick with something slimy and he realized that a climb out might not be as easy as he initially thought. Something shifted slightly low to the ground, near the far wall. It was a cinnamon brown body of fur laying on its side with knees pulled up to its chest. It had a fuzzy tail tucked between its legs curled against it front hiding any definitive features. The creature looked as though it had a long head of hair that conformed to the curve of its back. Judging by the thin waist and wide hips he guessed it to be a female, but it didn't look anything like the wolfen he had seen. Cerebus moved closer to get a better look and he heard the smallest of whimpers come from the prone figure. Like himself she wore no clothing but his fur was thicker and he didn't require it where as she was quite the opposite and the lack of covering made her seem naked. Her ears were pointy like his but smaller and stuck through the thick fur on top of her head that resembled hair like that of a human. Her ears were also flattened, clearly displaying her unhappiness, which he figured had something to do with the iron collar around her neck and the chain mounted to the wall a few feet away. The air was also heavy with her scent and it was something that stirred a basic desire within his loins. Evidently the female was in heat and Scythe's intended gift became very clear. Cerebus unwittingly growled his displeasure at what he saw, the mistreatment and disrespect of the female. Unfortunately she mistook his meaning and emitted a shaky cry while she desperately tried to curl herself up even smaller. "Please, I don't want to do this," she begged with her eyes tightly closed. "You don...t... hath... to," (You don't have to). He did his best to sound reassuring which was difficult with his deep voice. She dared to turn her head and peek up at her cellmate, allowing Cerebus to get a better look at her face. He was slightly surprised when he recognized the decisively feline characteristics and fully understood that she wasn't wolfen, but a cat-like species known as rokosh. He reached for the collar around her neck and she immediately turned away from him automatically fearing what he might do. Grabbing the latch he gave it two sharp twists with his bare hands which jostled her, but also served to break open the iron band. She cried out in a terrified yelp as he shook the collar and her along with it. After he released the broken metal he let her be while she continued to shake with soft sobbing noises and pulled herself into as small of ball as she could manage. He figured eventually she'd understand that he wasn't going to molest her like she probably thought. Cerebus turned away from the feline and slowly paced the area, studying the walls and plotting the best route for climbing out of the pit. He wiped at his nose several times wishing he could do something about the rokosh's overwhelming scent. The place was too small and the room available easily became filled with her aroma, especially with no air current to help dilute it. He wasn't sure if inhaling such a concentrated amount was affecting his mind and wondered if controlling himself might become an issue. He stopped his pacing and stared at her longer than he intended. She seemed to notice and she muffled her crying with short intakes of air. A few seconds later she began to uncurl her form and struggled to get on her knees. Her arms shook as though they were severely fatigued and she could do no more than hold herself aloft on her elbows. She tried more than once to plant her hands on the ground and push up, but the effort required was clearly too much and fell back down. Unfortunately he couldn't help but to notice how shapely and alluring her feminine figure was. That combined with the scent of her flavoring every breath he took was beginning to have a very physical affect on his own body and he could feel a deep, instinctual desire to mount her. Cerebus shook his head and returned to walking around the room once more, not fully aware of how much heavier his breathing had become. It was impossible to get her out of his mind. The pose she held herself in with her tail raised high, inviting him to take advantage was too much. It made him feel as though he'd go mad and lose himself to his baser animal side. "Uu...uhhhhh," she sighed with release and he could see her entire body quiver all the way to the tip of her tail. It created an involuntary response out of him making blood rush into his groin causing the beginnings of an erection that he did not want. "Just take me... and be done with it," she struggled to get through what he thought was a continuation of her crying. It was hard to say for sure. It almost could've been taken as moaning. "I don' ont too," he said, his heated emotions causing him to speak rapidly and with hardly a care to how he annunciated his words. The rokosh seemed to comprehend him well enough and she surrendered herself to a more severe bout of tears. She twisted her head around to get a better look at him and he could see her watery eyes and tear streaked cheeks. Her face looked as though it were contorted in pain and the sight of his penis reacting to her pheromones, betraying him, caused her to squint her eyes tightly closed at the offence. "Oh, God!" she yelled in anguish. "Did you come here only to torture me while you pleasure yourself?!" Cerebus balked at the very idea and didn't know how to respond. There was no way he could mate with her. She was an entirely different species. But what bothered him even more was the fact if he did act on his instincts he'd be taking advantage of her heat. It was something she had no control over and his actions would be little better than rape. She didn't do a damn thing to make his moral dilemma any easier the way her rump was up in the air and her legs spread displaying herself completely. He stood frozen, wanting to accept her offering with lustful abandon, but also wanting to preserve his own conscious of right and wrong. There was no compromise between the two. "A... ahhh... ...," she seemed to have trouble breathing and the air stayed trapped in her lungs while her body went through another episode of uncontrollable shaking. Not that he meant to focus on it, but he had a clear view of the private area between her legs and the way it puckered open and shut with apparent need. Her unbidden lust was capturing his will to resist and his penis began to rise in response, bobbing up and down as it hardened. "...Eh!" she squeaked suddenly as if she had reached a climax of sorts and panted trying to catch her breath. Fresh tears streamed down her face and Cerebus couldn't help but to feel sorry for the poor female. "I can't stop the burning!" she cried out in pain. "It hurts too much! Please do something!" He had never known what a rokosh was like during their heat and the pitiful creature looked utterly miserable causing him to feel a distorted sense of sympathy and an urge to please her desperate need for sex. His mind was going insane with every passing second until finally he could tolerate no more. Without thought as to what he was doing he grabbed his shaft, supporting it as he walked over and knelt behind her. In response, she leaned forward dropping her shoulders to the ground so she could reach back with her hands and spread herself open even wider, anticipating his entry. Some distant part of his mind continued the hopeless struggle of denying what he was about to do. It was enough to at least keep him from shoving himself all the way in without regard if he hurt her or not. He lined the tip of himself with her opening and gently pushed the mushroom head into the folds of her swollen flesh. Her body eagerly accepted his presence and with no restraint she rocked her hips back forcing him to penetrate faster than he intended. Before her body had swallowed half his length she stopped in mid motion and sucked in air between clenched teeth. He could feel the tightness of her and could only imagine she wasn't as prepared to receive him despite her eagerness. He wanted to continue driving forward, but he did not relish the idea of adding to her pain. With great effort he forced himself to hold his position while she adjusted to his size. After several seconds she found a sense of renewed strength and managed to push herself up with her arms so she could be on all fours and have better control of how she moved. Slowly she rocked forward allowing him to slide out of her to the very edge and then backwards again taking in a little more than she did before. "Ohhh hh hh hh hh hh hh," she exhaled with a trill of ecstasy after each slow and deliberate plunge and as he withdrew she inhaled deeply, preparing herself for the next push. Gradually she took more and more of him until her ass pressed firmly against his hips. After a couple more slow deep thrusts she felt comfortable increasing the pace and tried rocking herself faster. Once she began hastening her efforts Cerebus quickly lost whatever restraint he had. Up until now he had given her control, but it was time to remind her that he was dominant. Bending over, he lunged for the back of her neck while wrapping an arm around her belly holding her against himself so he didn't slip out. With a vicious growl he placed his teeth on the slender flesh below her skull and slammed a fist heavily against the ground like a pillar to support his own weight. "Oh God!" she yelped when she felt the points of his teeth poke her skin. "Don't kill me! Don't kill me! Please don't kill me!" she whimpered and ceased all movement. He gave an abrupt short thrust jerking her body without warning causing her last word to sound more like a squeak. A second growl vibrated from within his throat, this one sounding more stern, and the rokosh fell silent with only her quivering lower lip indicating the fear she felt. Her musky scent combined with the dread that paralyzed her intoxicated his senses overriding any shred of decency. ************************************************************************ The dark beast bearing down jerked her body again reminding her both of his stiff member inside and the overwhelming desire to breed. Her mind didn't know which to concentrate on, the fear of dying or her primal need for gratification. The two concepts made it impossible to maintain any coherent thought allowing her instincts to consume her entirely. He repeated his movements several more times and with each violent vibration her focus went to what she felt between her legs. The motion was less thrusting and more like his body all of a sudden tensing, causing his penis to stiffen and flex against her vaginal walls. Every shocking pulse caused her to feel more aroused despite the teeth scraping against her neck and she couldn't prevent herself from making tiny little moans. He hadn't punctured her skin so it was possible she might still survive the experience. Death quickly became a distant worry and she lost herself to the more carnal pleasures of her darker side. Even the sensation of his jaws threatening to snap close, taking her life in an instant, added a thrilling risk and heightened the sexual experience. After he was satisfied with her submissive state he released the death lock from her neck and went back to gripping her waist. However his entire demeanor had changed and he no longer seemed concerned for how she felt. He set his own rapid pace of pushing her away and pulling her back, driving into her greedily. The only thing he was fixated on was reaching his own climax as he smacked his hips against her ass creating small ripples with each forceful impact. The speed in which he slid in and out caused a lot of friction and rubbing all her internal nerve endings in the extreme. More quickly than she imagined she felt a massive build up of heat and fell into an explosive orgasm well beyond control. A very primal scream tore out of her throat as she bucked and kicked her legs with sporadic twitches and her back arched uncontrollably. Her arms buckled and her front half collapsed choking her impassioned scream short. There was barely enough time to throw an elbow forward, bracing herself so her head didn't smash into the ground. She continued to vocally express her raw emotions but her yell was broken in pieces with the forceful pounding that plowed her into the ground. Her angled body allowed him greater access and he pushed even deeper reaching a depth her fingers couldn’t possibly achieve before. Finally after suffering her condition for days she was getting what she so frantically needed, although she had mixed feelings upon feeling him push so deeply into her, contacting the very edge of her womb. What she felt was an odd mix of pain and pleasure adding to the insanity consuming her being and bringing to question how much of it she could endure. ************************************************************************ Cerebus had his way with the female. Her odor ignited his own instincts and he lost himself in the experience. He could feel her nether regions squeeze his shaft ever tighter making it nearly painful to continue, but he was too close to his own climax. Nothing was going to stop him. Her muscle spasms took over her entire body, disrupting his break neck rhythm. Spontaneously he dug his fingers into the thick fur on the back of her head and yanked her off the floor with one arm. She screamed again, but this time in response to the shocking discomfort, interrupting her moment of pleasure. Both of her hands shot up to where he held her and she tried to lessen the weight by holding onto his wrist. This caused her back to arc away from him and her entire upper body hovered above the floor. He held her suspended like that while he continued to ram her from behind, causing them both to slide across the floor with each impact. The way she looked clinging desperately and shaking all over greatly added to his excitement and he could feel himself being pushed over the edge. It was inevitable. There was no withdrawing now. He was going to reach his climax any second and finish inside her. Her large breast stuck out and jiggled every time they collided, and suddenly, struck with the desire to hold and squeeze them, his other hand left her hip to grope the sensitive mounds of flesh. He reached around, grabbing her left breast, and pulled her all the way back to his chest, relieving the strain he was putting on her neck and arms. She was panting heavily and her chest heaved with exhaustion from the continuous effort to satisfy the insatiable hunger her heat cycle created. Holding her there in that position he realized to his dissatisfaction left him half exposed and unable to bury himself as deeply as he had been. He liked where she was and wasn't willing to let her drop to her previous position so he brought a leg forward between hers while remaining on one knee. In response she raised the leg his had shoved over and was barely able to keep his tip within her threshold. She did her best to hook her foot around him but he had pulled her too far upright to make it possible. His other hand slid past her hip and palmed her stomach flattening her against himself while at the same time he began rising to his feet. Carefully he lifted them off the floor and she instinctively reached for his shaft, holding it in place, ensuring he did not pull out. To maintain her grip on him she had to arch her back away bending slightly at her hips and she expressed her satisfaction with a sigh upon feeling the length of him slip back into her. He was clearly taller than she was and even with his feet flat against the ground and his legs a little bent she still had to stand on the tips of her toes. Satisfied with their new pose Cerebus wasted no time, and got right back to pounding his body against hers. In his eagerness he constantly made her feet slip loosing her ability to support herself and once again her hands flailed behind her searching for anything she could grab onto to keep herself from falling. Her left arm extended almost straight back coiling over his arm with the hand cupping her breast, and with her other found purchase on his opposite forearm, unconsciously digging her claws into him and drawing blood. She held on as tightly as she could, no longer concerned whether she was able to make contact with the ground. Her feet flapped around and her legs dangled uselessly to either side of him. His muscles began to grow tense and his thrusts more rigid until finally he shot his hips forward with a powerful driving force, leaning himself backwards while at the same time pulling her up angling her in exact alignment with his erection. They both grunted loudly as all her weight pressed down hard, impaling and immobilizing her against his fleshy spear. For several seconds nothing happened and the two stayed that way as if they were statues displaying that hard to capture moment of perfect bliss. Then suddenly she felt the unexpected sensation of his knot forming at the same time his penis pulsed, firing hot liquid in a pressurized stream and triggering a second orgasm from her. She shouted in a high pitch giving voice to her pleasure and her eyes glazed seeing nothing beyond the emotion of fulfillment. Some of his milky fluids dripped out of her before his knot completely sealed the rushing tide that came pouring out of him. The rokosh expected his expansion to stop once it had plugged her hole, but his knot continued to grow, filling her beyond her limit. The sounds she made quickly changed into screams as terror and pleasure played havoc on her mind. She spread her legs out as far as she could and held them stiff like a board, fearing if she didn't his knot might cause her to rupture. The hard rod jammed up inside continued its pattern of flexing, dumping a seemingly endless amount of semen into her. Her belly grew unnaturally warm and glancing at her midsection she could see the area of her uterus swell with the presence of the bulge at the base of his penis. The rokosh stared in disbelief praying the sexual ordeal would come to an end soon and it didn’t grow any larger. Gradually his strength ebbed as the flow of his white fire lessened to a drip and he fell to his knees sucking in a gush of air like he had been holding his breath the entire time. She fell forward without grace, unable to summon the strength necessary to catch herself with her arms. Fortunately she was able to at least lift her head high enough so it wasn’t the first thing to hit the ground and her chest cushioned the fall. It hurt less but hurt all the same. |