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An Essence Seeker, wielder of Grimorium and Animal Form appears. Can he keep the Balance? |
Phoenix eyes fixed intently on the shape in front of him, watching for any signs that the Sealhex was weakening. This powerful summon was, he reminded himself the only thing that would stop the magick from draining his life essence little by little each time he cast a spell. Gritting his teeth he reminded himself not to fail this time, as ultimately the earth would tax him for his use of Grimorium until his skin paled, crumbling off the bone as his Spirit was absorbed by life, returning to the Cosmos. It was a horrible fate, one that many had succumbed to in the years gone by, his stomach churned at the image that flashed past his imagination. Shaking the thought off he returned to the task at hand. Seventeen years old, Phoenix was no longer a child but not yet a man. Flowing blonde hair fell down heavy set shoulders which held a strong neck and proud face. Eyes normally blue as the skies glowed eerie green as he battled for control of his Craft. At the sound of a bird nearby he looked round, breaking concentration. Sweat running down his angled cheeks, his powerful legs bent a little under the strain as the magick stole a little more of his energy. His limbs hadn't always carried such power but days of running over vast mountain ranges with a pack of rocks upon his back and the sun beating his brow had made him as athletic as any of the Tri-Champions from home in Sarohs Desert. It was a long way to that scorpion infested sandbox although scaling cliffs he often spied its heatwaves far in the distance. Plains in which he practiced his fieldcraft and crossed blades with Enveros reminded him of the outskirts, the beginning of the desert with reeds blowing in the wind, carrying the scent of humidity, the sand-dunes promising solitude. Very little existed in that desolate place, the wandering tribes that had formed his home fighting tooth and nail for survival every day. Theirs was a harsh living, forcing the people of that place to either be strong or die. Nights of contempation and meditation upon the Lights of Life, swirling vortexes of energy at crucial points of the continent, high upon mountain tops, had taught him mental discipline and control. The brash youngster had come a long way from his beginnings of anger and violence. His tempered mind had sought to lash out at everyone and everything, looking for an outlet of his rage against the world. Like putty on the craftsmans wheel, Enveros had moulded him, teaching him the value of patience, understanding and the ability to think before acting. The result was a chiseling of his gangling body and a honing of his mind. Phoenix was, he knew, a strong and assured person. Changes in many ways had been wrought upon and by him, his powerful muscles the talk of the townmaidens, his skill and cunning at Chess and Tactics were a local legend. An unfinished work however, as there were more Masters to learn from. Studying for a year and day with the youngest of the Essence Masters, Phoenix had learnt much. Enveros' role was to open a Seekers mind to the world of the Grimorium with all its amazing possibilities, and inherent risks. The last week of training with this Master was upon him, failing was not an option. Moving his palms forwards then up, a white beam of light enveloped the powerful shape of some animal that was becoming more real by the second. Gathering his Will and focusing his intent he released more of his energy into the shape, all the raw force of a volcano erupting at his words. A grey cloud of light left his chest at the same time, disappearing into the ground, and he felt his energy drop drasticaly. Opening his mouth, his roar startled birds from the trees, his last ounce of ability thrown into the avalance of will, "Grimorium, Answer Me! Sealhex, Protect!" A second passed. And another. It looked like failure for the final time, the end of his training. Turning away, his face fell in remorse. Feeling at his lowest Phoenix realised he had failed. A perfectionist by nature he would never allow himself to overcome this defeat. "Wait young one", spoke his master. Turning back he saw the Sealhex change from an insubstantial shadowy shape to a more solid form. Teeth razor sharp glinted in light, the sun shone off white fur held over a regal feline shape Heart pounding in his dee chest he saw the Sealhex appearing, ethereal, definetley an apparition of the Otherworld, but definetley there. His year of labours had finally paid off and he allowed himself a small gasp and sigh of satisfaction before concentrating on his ceremony once more. Bending to a knee he welcomed his Animal Form. "Greetings White Tiger", for a powerful Siberian it was, "and my thanks for your presence and protection. May I know your name?" The answer was unexpected, not physical, but rather an echoing in his mind. The simplistic beauty of the creature standing in front of him belied the uncomprehensible nature of the conciousness that now brushed against his thoughts . One day, Seeker, you may know my name. That day is not now. Know me simply as Kanatsi. I will protect you, guide you and help you where I can. As long as you accept your lessons of Karma I shall watch over you. If you do not, things shall change. For now, your Grimorium is under Our control, use it wisely. Bending his legs, Kanatsi leapt forward at him teeth bared, black and white patterns of his body flowing like water down a river. Phoenix flinched, but saw the Tiger fade and waver, insubstantial again. The powerful animal reached his skin and vanished. Looking down at his chest, Phoenix saw a tatoo appear there, the exact likeness of his Animal Form. It's glow lit up his on his torso like a dragonfly, only momentarily and then settled to a normal hue. His spirit rose to fly with the winds as the first waves of magic lapped against his mind and the Sealhex confirmed its presence within . The door to Grimorium was opened. 'Success at last', he thought. Enveros stepped forwards, raising his arms above his head. Creating a ball of pure energy between his hands he intoned "Spirit of Source, forgive my student any wrongs in his use of Grimorium today, and guide him to accept the lessons of his actions." He pointed a finger at Phoenix, muttering deas and the light shot to rest above his head. A feeling of balance suffused Phoenix, as something unknown was put to rights. His limbs tingling like pins and needles, his lost energy was restored. Confusion riddled through Phoenix's mind like maggots through a rotten apple as he struggled to understand. Turning to his Master he opened his mouth to phrase his concern. "It is the cost of the Grimorium, and one that must always be repaid", Enveros mirrored his conflicting thoughts with an answer. "You should take care after every day of using your Arcane ability to rebalance yourself, thank what Gods there are, and accept the Karma of your actions. Not to do so will lead ulimately to oblivion." Accepting the words of his Master as the grave caution they were, Phoenix followed the ritual actions of cleansing and balancing again, taking care to listen as the young Master took him through the most important rule of Grimorium. "Magick", Enveros began, "perpetuates everything we know. All things are made up of the energy of magick. And when we access our Grimorium a little of our Essence is returned to the Source, to Spirit." Pausing for a moment to choose his words well, he continued. "This causes an imbalance in us, which you have just felt for the first time. It was gentle this time, but heed me well young Seeker, you must always rebalance and repay." He paused to let the importance of his message sink in, "We have discussed before the danger of not doing so, but I did not tell you the changes it causes. Your very Soul and appearance will mirror your use of Grimorium. Evil use will leave you a husk of your former self, as will not paying the respect and balance. Use for the good of mankind will ultimately raise your Spiritual vibration towards that of our source. Do you understand?" Phoenix face contorted, considering the implications of wrong use he shuddered at the possibilities. "I do Master, and what becomes of those who ignore the price to be paid?" "The soul of the person is slowly removed over time. Eventually, their original existance will be no more.. however, it seems an darker shade of the Source inhabits these deluded fools, using them as a marionnette does his puppet." Enveros let the gap in conversation build, allowing Phoenix to digest this, before finishing. "Beware these Shadow-Selfs, as they are more powerful than you can imagine. Thank what Gods there are that none have succumbed to this fate for many years now." Rising smoothly Enveros said "The lesson is here finished, as is your training with me. You will have several more days here before I give you the information you need to seek the next master and continue your journey as an Essence Seeker." The corners of his mouth raised in a rare smile as he turned on Phoenix, "Congratulations my student and friend. You have done well. Save what questions you have, and take some time in leisure in the City. I think you will need it. " A glowing blue light grew around Enveros as he chanted something beyond understanding of Phoenix training yet, and the Master disappeared. Staring blankly at the spot where the strange mentor has stood a moment before, Phoenix turned towards the trail, grumbling about not being able to vanish himself, and made way for the town before dark descended totally. Branches crunched underfoot, the smell of oak and pine assailling his nostrils pungent and musky as he put the leagues behind him. The scent brought memories of his training in the silent woods, flashing before his eyes like a procession of Ceremonials. Sighing at the knowledge of the distance that still lay before him the image of Enveros instantly teleporting back to the City made him ponder what was to come. Re-location was a skill reserved for the Masters, owing to the larger drain of Essence on the Wielder and, he had been told, other rules governing its use. One day, soon, I'll hold that title and skill, among many others. his thoughts were confident, aims high. From here he knew his quest involved searching for the other four Masters, learning from them the skills of the Elements. His time with Enveros only opened the door, the training with the others was crucial to actually being able to use his Grimorium. Till then he would havfe to rely on his proficiency with blade and his speechcraft, that ability which allowed one to talk their way out of almost any situation. The leagues passed in a dreamlike light pondering, his gentle breathing and rythmnic pounding of his boots the only sound, lulling him to a meditation like trance. So it was that when he crested the valley a twinkling of lights scattered the basin of the next like dragonflies at the edge of a river, he took heart. It was a welcome sight after his labors. The guards at the gates to town recognised him, banging shield with sword. "Well met Seeker!" "Well met indeed" the reply came easily and companionably to his lips. "Enveros?" His one word was a question of its own. "Sups his ale in pleasure befitting of his ability and stature. Today is not the day you best him, youngling." The guards' ribbing was expected, in good humour. It was somewhat of a running joke known throughout the town that Enveros set a challenge for him by teleporting back to the town in short distances. A gauntlet; catch me if you can. Realisation and remorse hit Phoenix. Today was the final day of his training, he had failed the challenge. Till he returned as a Master, his mentor had the better of him. He grudgingly spoke, "A bet is a bet, seems I owe you both an ale. It awaits you at your shift end." Never would it be spoken that he wasn't a man of his word. Wandering away, seeking his quarters and some fresh smelling clothes, he allowed his demenor to relax, waving to friends, smiling at strangers. His lodgings were in front of him in moments, the familiar sight putting him truly at ease for the first time in days. Washing and changing quickly, he pulled his soft boots on. The green felt soothed his aching ankles. Going to his chest he lifted out and belted on his ornate Athame, a gift of his Mother, a Witch of Sarohs. His fingers fumbled with the ties to his purse as he attached it, gold clinking softly on his leg as he left for the inn. He walked into the in proudly, bearing both his title and status as a new Grimorium Wielder like a badge of honour. Many heads turned to him and bowed in a newfound respect. It seemed the master had been her before him. A voice floated to his ears over the tumulus of clinking beer glasses, chiming coins of the game of skill and the laughter of drunken debauchery. "Step lively young student" his master sat in a quiet corner. Briskening his pace he reached the darkness in a heartbeat and spoke to the Essence Master with the respect he was due. "Well met, Mentor" the smile on his face was true, Enveros was a friend as well as a Master, "seems you have beaten me again. The last time for now. " Laughter broke the air like a peal as his Masters' face broke into a grin. "Bested you, that I have young one. But worry not, you'll have your chance. Now, what do you know of your future from here?" Phoenix cast his mind back on the hints of earlier discussions, to thoughts and plans only whispered of but never fully explained. "Well, I do believe I have to leave these lands in search of other Masters. Of them I know not much, I confess. What can you tell me of my journey?" The Essence Master raised his hand palm upwards. A flash split the surface, and a scroll appeared on it. Handing this to Phoenix his voice spoke not physically, but to his mind directly. Read this, but read it alone Seeker, for its' words are for your eyes only. Ask your Animal Form to remember it, and it shall. Destroy it completely after you have perused it. The scroll vanished into the depths of Phoenixs' robe. He would read over it later, but his mind dashed in excitement. What would it contain? The secrets of the other masters were well kept, and he crowed inwardly at the thought of meeting them. Only a patient calm radiated his expression as he flicked his hand to the waiter passing. The young man gave him a quick nod and then darted to the bar, returning moments later with an ale, grabbing the tenders arm before he disappeared his lips hardly moved "Keep some in that barrel, seems I owe the guards a drink again" A sly smile split the workers features, vanishing just ask quickly. Coins clinked into his upturned palm before he merged once more with the press of bodies in the smoky room. Phoenix turned to his master again, to find the mans wise eyes upon him, laughing but teasing. He knew of the bet, but left it unspoken. "Well my student, a lot of time has passed, you have done truly well." his eyes brimmed with pride," However, you have a lot to learn and always have room to improve. Don't get above your station, there will always be someone to bring you down a peg at some point in time." The masters words were as wise as always and Phoenix knew that was the closest to any advice he would get from the new Essence Master. Humbled, he took a knee in front of him, head lowered in humility of his master and spoke in reverent tones. "My thanks for your time and effort, friendship and laughter. This was truly the time I began living and you have set my feet on the path i know to be true" A time passed in companionable silence, drinks flowing freely before Phoenix got to his feet a little unsteady. His masters bleary eyes raised to him, glazing like those of the desert dolls made for children, and he bid his farewell. The man had enough and knew he would pay for it in the morning. |