Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1777551-Angar-A-New-Threat-
Rated: ASR · Fiction · Fantasy · #1777551
I wrote this in 3rd grade

A New Threat

BY: David Staros

Once long ago in a place called sanos there was a 17-year-old boy named Angar. Angar's family was very poor but every once and a wile Angar went hunting and either sold it too, get some money or brought it home one day Angar went hunting but instead of deer he found a letter it said


Dear Angar,

This is your guardian Ingoth

don't be scared with what I am about to tell you but your father is in war no not the father that raised you but your real father sorry to dump all this on you now but your real life awaits Just flow the map on the back of this letter and hurry your father needs you


your friend


P.S. look down

When Angar looked down there was a small package when he opened it and in side there was a ball and a small card he read the card first it said

dear Angar,

my guess is you read my letter well anyway the idem inside is an orb so if you have any question you can ask me just roll the orb and you can talk to me

so Angar rolled the orb and nothing happed Angar looked at the card again

P.S. Did I tell you it cannot roll on dirt?

So when he got home he raced to his room when he got there he rolled the orb on the ground and it opened up and a man came out of it like a genie "what is my true life" Angar asked "I cannot tell you. You must figure that out on your own just follow the map" said Ingoth as Angar kept asking questions outside Angar's room door his mom and dad were whispering "I think we should tell him"said the mom "no it will ruin his life" Just then Angar came out of his room with his backpack on "where are you going Angar" asked the mom Angar pulled out the map and said "to my real life"

Three weeks later Angar got to the elyine forest one of thee most dangerous places in the world but it was a good thing he got his father's sword and unfortunately he had too, use it

on a snake but a big one called a hasmlot a day after that he met a another 17-year-old boy named Hasgan an archer that is ok with a sword and great with a bow hasgan helped Angar get thorough the forest because hasgan lived there for 10 years then Angar saw the kingdom when Angar got to the gate he needed a pass or papers he had neither scared Angar took out his sword and stabbed the guard as hasgan shot the archers then Angar cut a hole thorough gate when he got in the first thing he could see was the stable Angar

Got two horses one for him one for hasgan they both rode thorough the kingdom with their swords out killing any guard they passed when they got to the castle hasgan shot an arrow with a rope tied too, the back of it to the top of the castle and started to climb after hasgan got up Angar started to climb the worst part about it was Angar was frightened of heights but he made it then they went to the roof on top of the throne room hasgan shot a magic arrow at the roof and made a silent but a strong explosion they both went in the hole made but it was not the throne room it was more of a hideout one or two hours later anger and hasgan felt the floor move down suddenly a door opened and two guards were In front of them the tow boys stabbed the two guards flipped over the king and queen and stabbed the two other guards "good morning your highness and your majesty" Angar said greeting them "what does you want" the king said in a brave voice Angar took out the letter and said "I'm looking for my parents seen them any were" "how did you get that asked" the king "how do you know about it" asked Angar "it is our son's" replied the king "that's not possible it was to me my name is Angar Look TO: ANGAR" yelled Angar but some guards heard him "that just means you're my . . ." the guards came and captured the two boys "drop them and leave" they did as they told "you should not be hear I'm at war it is too dangerous" said the king "I know that's why I came hear I want to help you I mean I did got pass an army"Angar said "that is true I'll regret it but you can stay"

5 Years passed from that day and Angar practiced every day with the help of hasgan one day a messenger came into the throne room and gave the queen a letter when she read it she burst out in tears Angar ran in the room asking "what's wrong mom" "well your father went to war unknowingly and died" said the crying queen just then Angar started too, cry with the queen "no, no, it is not true my father is alive" the morning after that hasgan came in yelling "ANGAR YOUR KING!" when hasgan got in to the room Angar was in hasgan got quiet because all he saw was a dead mom and queen later that week, the kingdom had a cremation but the preset was scaring Angar he was said stuff like "the Armageddon is here" but Angar still swore he would end this war "A NEW THREAT IS COMING" four years passed and Angar could not get those words out of his head and every night he dreamed about the Armageddon starting in his kingdom and every day woke up and looked out the window to make sure his dream did not come true and it never did one day Angar was in his throne room as tired as can be and a messenger came in and gave Angar a package "you may leave" Angar said after he Left anger opened the package it was only a feather four days later the feather was replaced by a phoenix that could talk to him one day the phoenix said "get on my back and hold on" "where are we going" Angar asked "just come on" the phoenix responded so Angar got on its back "hold on" the phoenix said as they took off they were faster then two million horses combined a hour or two later they landed the first thing Angar could see was a sword "this is the first sword that killed satan ever in the battle for heaven" said the phoenix "ok but why me" asked Angar it was said that "only a ruler as pure as you has the strenght to defeat satan" responded the phoenix "How" asked Angar "this sword has satan's blood on it and only his blood can stop him" said the phoenix then Angar said "I have no training" "that's ok the sword is your training" the phoenix said Angar practiced for the rest of the night but in the under world satan has enough ghosts and demons to make the end of the world satan said some words too, his army "our time has come the overworlders will perish to our power we will be the new overworlders rise my brothers soon we will control both worlds" the next night a crack opened up in front of a kingdom called shashgan then suddenly the under world's army came out of the crack in less then a hour shashgan was under worlds' control unfortunately that kingdom was one of Angar's allies so knowing he was the new threat he declared war they locked swords and went to they're armies then Angar talked to his army "come on guys they might have a bigger army but we have bigger harts

We can win this battle and this war" Angar's army took out all they're swords "Lets do this for our kingdom and for the world" and then they both said "ATTACK!" three days later of pain and death Angar only had a small army left the rest were dead or with a medic Angar held up his sword and said "Ingoth I need you " just then a strike of lighting hit his sword and all his men were alive and healed and the crack was closed satan saw the lighting and headed toward it when he got to Angar they started to fight three or four hours satan got tired of Angar and pushed and stunned him back then he was going to kill him but the general got to him first in a few minuets later satan cut off the general's sword away and stabbed him Angar got so angry he got out of the stun and stabbed satan the same way satan stabbed the general sadly satan stabbed Angar and as satan disappears so dose his army and as Angar dies he hears a voice saying "thank-you Angar thank-you for stopping the new threat"
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