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A fanfiction about Roxas and Larxene falling in love |
Larxene woke up in her bed at The Castle That Never Was. She awoke with an emotion that she had never experienced before, loneliness. Just like the rest of the Organization she had finally received a heart a few days ago when Xemnas had successfully merged with Kingdom Hearts and given hearts to all the Nobodies. The loneliness she felt was the kind she had read about. She felt it because she needed a boyfriend. He had to be someone she could talk to who understood her and cared about how she felt. Unfortunately none of the Organization members she knew were like that at all. All they did was stare at her breasts, which had recently grown to an H-Cup size from DD-cups. “Wait, there is the new member who was able to complete Kingdom Hearts. What was his name again? Oh yeah, it was Roxas,” Larxene mused to herself. She remembered that he could almost always be found in Twilight Town. When he wasn’t killing Heartless he was often on top of the clock tower eating ice cream. She opened a Dark Corridor and went to the world of Twilight Town. As soon as Larxene stepped out of the portal she saw Roxas walking away from a moogle. He was whistling while he walked towards a bookstore when he spotted her and stopped. She walked up next to him and he started talking to her. “Hello Larxene, fancy meeting you here. Do you need anything from me?” He asked. “Yes, I was wondering if you could give me a tour of Twilight Town.” Said Larxene, “I don’t know this place very well and knew you did so I was hoping you could show me all the interesting places.” “Sure,” said Roxas, “I could show you around town.” “Let’s start here with the town bookstore.” “They have just about every kind of book, including books about the secrets of the keyblade.” Then the two organization members took a tour of the town. After the bookshop they went to the town square to see all the various buildings and alleyways. A few heartless popped up but Roxas got rid of them with a thundaga spell. They later took a walk through all the underground tram tunnels. Then Roxas showed her Larxene the secret hangout he and the local teens went to. The tour ended predictably at the Sea Salt Ice Cream Shop. “Somehow, I knew you would end the tour here Roxas,” said Larxene with a teasing tone in her voice. “Hey, it’s my second favorite place in town,” said Roxas. “Then which spot is your favorite?” asked Larxene. “I’ll show you after we finish and, Hey look at your ice cream stick.” Larxene looked at the stick wondering what he could possibly think was so special about it when she noticed the word “winner” in fancy script on one side. “Winner of what?” asked Larxene. “Just an extra bar,” said Roxas, “But it’s so rare that it is really a symbol that luck is on your side.” “Now let me show you the best place in town.” Then Roxas took Larxene through a twisting path to the town train station. When they went inside they took an elevator to the top of the building. When they got out Roxas did something unexpected. Instead of just sitting on the balcony he jumped up to the roof of the building. Larxene quickly followed and found him standing perfectly balanced on the spire of the building. He had a smile on his face that she had never seen before. He stepped down from the spire and told her to step up. “If you take one look from here, it will change you.” said Roxas. “I can always see even past the horizon. Larxene took one look and true to Roxas’s words she did feel a change. She could see every building in Twilight Town with surprising detail. And from the top of the tower the world famous “Twilight Sunset” looked 20 times more beautiful. She saw that this was the real reason Roxas was always here. He wasn’t just addicted to the ice cream store. It was only a side stop on the way to this fabulous view. She stepped down and worked up the courage to ask Roxas a question she had never asked anyone before. “Roxas, would you be my boyfriend.” Larxene asked. For once in his life Roxas had no hesitation. “Yes, I would like that very much Larxene,” he said. They stepped down from the roof and sat on the balcony, arms around each other, and watched the sunset until it was true twilight and then returned to the castle. |