Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1770620-Alignment-of-Earth
Rated: E · Short Story · Contest Entry · #1770620
For Writer Cramp Contest... prompt visitors are returning to Earth 2121 for Earth Day
The shifting of alignments of the planet is finally coming to a rest...Earth will have new visitors.  I will be one of them...technically I am not new to the planet.  I was and am still on a layer of Earth some can not see.  Today that will change. 

Many years (over a hundreds) my family and I have waited to return and no longer be whisperers in the visions of those living.  They could have shifted so much earlier...sooner but time, place and positioning is everything.    There are those that thought this shift would happen in the year 2012 and for some it did for others ….well they just ignored or didn’t see us.  We  returned partially to the flesh to our level mimicking what they do eating where they eat re-learning to use our systems again.

Now they ...those of our relations that are left, they will see us know us as family and we will be as joyous to see them as they will us.  How will they know us you ask?  Well in dreams we’ve told many of those who would see this time coming to research the lineage and keep us in there memory and record the history that we before lived and will now live again.  You see the mind and blood are things that keep the body flowing and the same thing that keeps the earth moving.

This time we will know things we did not know before such as that death is part of life but will always be renewed.  Pain is part of life and is needed to know the opposite which can love.  Love is what life is and will make the world move and align each time so we, the ghosts, the memories of ancestors can move on.  Love is what keeps us unaligned as does the pain the living feel with losing us.  The alignment of all level of Earth will combine with truths, half truths and things that have thought not to be true.  That is in a sense everything will combine to move on.  We will all move on together with forgiveness, with faith and with love.     

The Earth shift in labor pains and quakes.  The people fear what is coming but we do not because we know there is no end there is only us and what moves on... we all continue or so we are to believe because at point we know we have died but yet we exist.  You see no one is suppose to know there true future or what’s to come.  The same for those you call the dead or ghosts we just know we can no longer connect with those living.  We have our own world going the same time you do.  Sometimes the worlds have intermingled in the past and people scream aliens or ghosts.  They don’t understand what we already know there are many Earths.   

I watch an wait as a girl types a story of my life of our families history.  She does not know what she is doing is creating a birth of a new world....but yet the same world.  She sees me in her mind’s eye but not yet in flesh.  She know of me as only Ginny....she knows me only as Great aunt...died young...but yet I am not gone. 

Earth shifts again I see lands expand to make room for us.  We know it is crowded on our side is only going to be more so when we make our way through the alignment.    I see an old land return with old building not used since ancient times in tales it was called Atlantis another Avalon.  Is it some sort of magic which brings it back when it is needed and sinks it when not. 

We are becoming restless and eager.  We feel the same love and pain for those we have left but can not show it in any way except to visit in dreams.    I shift again into a space that has nothing I hope not to stay here long.  I want to be where everyone is where the celebration begins.  I need to be there my wisp of a body aches for it, longs for it...waiting is still the most painful but I do what needs to be done.
© Copyright 2011 Shannon McGee (smmcgee at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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