Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1770432-The-Beautiful-Ghost
Rated: E · Short Story · Death · #1770432
story of a grandmother coming back to visit her grandson
        A family of three went to a concert at the Ford Proving Grounds in Michigan.  It was a mother and father, along with their little 5 year old boy.  The concert headliner was Alan Jackson, a country singer who had an advertising contract with Ford, the concert was for employees only.  No one in the family worked for Ford, they just got the tickets from another family member.  They were big time country fans, and the tickets were free, so they had to go.

         A month before the concert, the mother of the young boy lost her mom.  She was devastated as they were really close. Still reeling from the loss, the mother shielded the boy from the death, she thought he was too young.  He was young, too young to remember who she really was except his grandmother.  One thing he did remember was her always calling him “My Baby,” also that she loved to dance with him.  When she danced, she would take his hands and swing them back and forth, he absolutely loved it. He did not go to the funeral, but he knew what had happened and was deeply saddened, he loved his grandma and all the things they did together.  He missed her. He had to understand death for the first time.

         At the concert, the family walked up to the stage and set their blanket down, they got all situated.  They started watching the show, it was the opening acts at the moment.  It was a fairly crowded concert, and the people all seemed to be having a great time, except for an elderly woman who seemed to be alone, she was just wandering around the show.  The mother noticed her, and over the course of the show, she must have seen her over thirty times.  In-between the acts, the mother took the boy to the concession stand to get something for his little tummy.  They had to walk almost 5 minutes and had to wait in line for over 30, just to get some popcorn and a drink. The whole time they were doing this, she could still see the woman. After the concession stand the boy needed to use the restroom.  Another 5 minute walk, and 10 minute wait just to use a porta-potty, but the mother could see this woman the entire time.  Something seemed strange to the mother.  The woman was alone and didn’t sit down once. It seemed that no matter where the mother and son went, the woman was in plain view.  She began to get suspicious of the woman and kept an eye on her, something was going on.  It didn’t take long for her to figure it out what it was.

         As a popular song came on, upbeat and fun, the whole crowd got up to dance, the family included.  It was time for the elderly woman to make her move.  She was still hovering in the general area of the family, until she began to approach the mother.

         “Could I please dance with your son?” The woman politely asked

         Sensing something abnormal, the mother allowed it, and the woman began to dance with the young boy.  There was something strange about the way she danced though, something familiar.  And then it hit her, it was the exact same way her mother used to dance with the boy.  She was holding his hands and swinging his arms back and forth.  This was eerie to the mother, but still seemed normal, a lot of people dance that way.  She still couldn’t help but think the unimaginable, that this strange woman dancing with her son was somehow her mother, but that was nonsense, ghosts weren’t real, right?  For three songs the woman danced with the boy, twirling him around and doing his favorite, swinging his arms just like his grandma used to do.  He was too young to notice any similarities, but the mother just kept noticing more and more.  The mother was baffled as to why this random old lady would want to dance with her kid, and the same way her mother did, when she was alive.

         The next thing that happened will follow the mother forever and, through stories of the event, the son as well.  When the third song was over and the woman decided she’d had enough dancing, she picked up the young boy, hugged him tightly and said, “I love you my baby.”  At that moment, the mother knew who this woman was, and exactly why she was there.  This was her mother, and she began to cry, thinking about the past hour of her life, seeing the woman all around, even at the concession stand.  She got out her camera and asked for a picture, the woman obliged.  Once the picture was taken, the woman walked off.  After being around for the whole concert, the woman was suddenly nowhere to be found and wasn’t seen again, but the mother knew why.  The woman had gotten what she came for, one last chance to say goodbye to her grandson.

         To this day, the mother of that young, innocent, little boy gets tears in her eyes and a lump in her throat when she tells the story of that concert, and what happened there.  She knows without a doubt that was her mother saying goodbye to her son.  She can’t explain how it happened, her mother coming back in another body a mere month after she passed away, to dance with her “Baby” once last time before she truly moved on.  She chose to do it at a public country concert filled with people, but she chose this little boy and made the right moves and said the right things to make the mother know it was her.  The mother cherishes the picture of that random woman and her son.  She is now a firm believer in life after death and ghosts, as a direct result of this wonderful woman’s dancing and words.  She just knows it was her mother.

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