Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1769768-the-dragon-child
Rated: E · Other · Fantasy · #1769768
normal kid discovering his dormant powers
The Dragon child

Chapter one I Dream of Janitors

    Our story begins in an average classroom, on an average spring day at St. Petersburg high where far away from notice sat an average 17 year old boy
He had shaggy mildly long hair that sometimes pricked his eyes. the chair he was sitting on was with an angle balanced on its hind legs as Alex had gently swung back in it, feet still touching the ground but eyes fixed on the ceiling as if fixated by an unnoticeable detail. It was history class again and Mr. Clowton had started robotically reading from the text book, his voice only slightly changing to stress dates. It was a snooze fest. Most of the students were secretly texting, others had started idly chatting. 
    Alex however was far away, in his head, the melody of teacher’s voice only helping keep him more distant. He found himself floating in a corridor, it felt familiar to him but it was too dark to see anything. He could hear a Janitor sweeping, and as he continued moving about, the air around him filled the corridor entering and exiting through its cracks the contours of the hallway and its occupants suddenly became clear. Alex could see that he was inside his school, right next to the main gate.
He saw the old Janitor sweep as he hummed a tune from his days then heard the banter of two teachers as they walked into one of the offices, He noticed that a few figures gathered by a billboard they were conversing energetically, from their heights Alex deduced they were students, the talent show was in a week he remembered. It was dark still he capably identified where people stood, where walls lay, he even noticed some bugs tiptoe their way into their secret home behind a locker ,Seeing it all as if it was being etched on his brain. Everything was visible to him; it seemed through Sound! .
    He thought he might be dreaming he was a bat, it certainly wouldn’t be the first time he’d had a strange dream. He tried to interact with the occupants of his dream; they didn’t seem to notice him, “Hmm...a Dream” he spoke, though no words came out. It didn’t feel like a dream he defiantly felt detached but it was as if he’d just traveled into another’s body. The thought entertained him for a few seconds till he heard the main gate doors come open.
  Alex heard two different sets of footsteps proceed inside. One seemed to be a little crooked walking and accompanied by the loud tapping of a walking stick, from the second Alex heard a fluttery noise which he recognized to be a long overcoat, a rather peculiar choice for a summer day. The picture then formed, two figures were walking down the corridor, and without knowing how he was doing it Alex followed; floating above them as they entered the main hallway.

“The day of his revival draws near and we’re nowhere closer to finding the child”, “Why have you brought me here Mortimer?” demanded an old voice                                                                                                                                                      “The man we’re visiting Tedd Clowton supports the cause” the younger figure explained “he will surely share it with us” 

    Those two knew Mr.Clowton? He was always such a straight shooter, how did he get involved with these people ? And what did they want him to share with them?, they looked shifty and not to be trusted , Not wanting to let the pair out his sight Alex  followed them closer ,Passing the cafeteria, and into Block B ,they were in the vicinity, just two classes away, of where Mr.Clowton, and not to mention Alex, was.
    The two men came to a halt, they didn’t say anything, puzzled by the men’s silence Alex looked at them to try and see what they were thinking but he could only see them as faceless figure .The shorter man took a few steps, the other followed in silence, they turned around to face Mr.Clowtons class

“He is in there...” pointed the elder                                                                                         
“Do you mean Tedd? Yes I do believe you’re right” Mortimer replied                   
“NO NOT HIM” snapped the old man “the boy!"
“Alexander? What makes you say that?!”  Exclaimed Mortimer “I can feel his presence Mortimer ….the boy is in there” repeated the old man “We must get him to come with us ….at all costs”  he added             
    Alex was suddenly brought back to his surroundings, those last few words still lingering, he felt a sharp sensation prick through his brain, Why would those two know his name?, he thought ,Was he in danger?! In an attempt to calm himself down He looked around the room; everything was in the same place ….
“And that’s why they were finally defeated in 1875” Mr. Clowtons voice reappeared “that’s 18 75” he repeated, everything seemed quite typical, Alex’s eyes were now staring at the door, he tried to maintain an unphased expression despite his racing heart. He knew that something was about to happen and good or bad his life would never be the same.

”OK, now I want you to turn to….” Mr. Clowton was interrupted by a knock on the door                                                          ”Who is it?”he inquired but no one answered, following a second knock the door knob slowly turned and the door was swung open to reveal the intruders.
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