Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1764121-just-another-love-song
Rated: 18+ · Poetry · Tribute · #1764121
one of the last............
just another love song

U r so beautiful,
i can't do anything
without my mind drowning
in thoughts of U,
i look at ur face,
ur body,
the way U walk,
& i'm spellbound,
treading water,
floating in a wet dream

the things U did 2 me,
i still feel every touch,
every stroke,
every kiss,
one thousands times a day,
consumed by ur presence
both in the conscious,
& inside my dreams,
but always when i need U,
always when ur not around

can't put in2 words
what i need 4U 2 know,
each & every 1 sounds empty,
sound like they've been said
100 times b4,
but if U close ur eyes,
breathe in the cool morning air
& clear ur mind,
embrace the memories we made,
then u'll know baby, then u'll know

i wish U everything,
everything 4U,
i want U 2 know what it is,
what it is 2b a smile,
experience love without condition,
know what it feels like 2b complete,
i want all of this 4U my baby
but wishes r just hopes,
hopes with feelings,
its U who has 2 make them come true

please believe,
believe in everything U hold so dear,
never let others steal ur smile,
they're bitter, bitter & sour,
criminals of the mind,
instead rise above them all
remember who U r,
hold ur head high,
believe in the girl that makes me love U,
so again, i can hold ur hand in mine
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1764121-just-another-love-song