Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1763722-Evil-is-all-around
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by taz Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Horror/Scary · #1763722
hopefully a fantasy, fiction short story with evil, monsters love and ultimate betrayal
It was the coldest night of the year or so they say, and it looked like it was to, everyone was wrapped in long coats and had, scarves, hats and gloves on, briskly going to and fro wanting to get back into the warmth of their houses or offices.

A young girl was walking slowly through the darkness, her head was lowered against the violent wind, her sleek midnight black hair was flapping widly behind her, her figure was tall and slim her coat was short and leather, her legs were being hugged by the trousers she wore but it seemed as though she did not feel the cold as she walked slowly through the centre of the town, slowly she raises her head to see where she is going revealing her emerald green eyes.

A few minutes later the young girl turned off the main track and down into the suburbs, turning down the wide driveway of a large house that looked as though it was a new house but history records show it has been there since the early 18th centuary, the house was leering and tall with so many windows you lost count at a one hundred, the brick work had been worked on as the centuaries turned to keep it intact, no one really knew why, people think the building is a listed building and the government hire people to repair it, the door was large and ebony black, with a golden lion knocker on the front, the girl incerted a key into the key hole, entering the house.

The inside of the house is very different from the front a lot of the rooms have the 18th centuary feeling and there is still furniture from that era, the stais were long and winding a soft ebony banister sleeked around the corners making it as though the staircase would go on forever, the carpet on the stairs was a soft purple colour. To the side of the staircase was what looked like the main room was furnished with the most expensive furniture, a golden mirror was palced on the high wall on top of the fireplace as you travel down a golden clock is ticking silently away on the mantlepiece, opposite the wooden coal fire is a long medium brown oak and white upholstered recliner,the floor was covered in a thick red carpet stretching as far as the eye could see from one corner to the next.

Moving away from the lounge area you enter the dining room a long mahogny brown table covers most of the room you could easily fit twenty people around it at one time, the floor was mostly wood flooring with a white rug that had pink and yellow floral design on it sitting neatly underneath the table.

The young girl moves away from the dining room back through the main room and up the winding staircase, and into the main bedroom, the bedrooms again are completly different to downstairs, the bedroom holds a newer feel to it the bed is a double metal four poster bed on the bed sit three other people two male and one other female, one of the males looks up as the girl sits on the bed, his hair is a deep redish brown, he was about five foot eight, his build if strong but plump, his eyes were a clear grey colour, the young girl who was on the right of his feet had blood red hair, her eyes were a deep dark blue, her figure was small and athletic and the on the left there was another young girl with sun kissed blond hair, her eyes were a beautiful dark brown and her figure was that of a model.

Smiling the girl goes to the man on the bed and cuddles with him

"I found the perfect place for us tonight" her voice sounded like a soft summer night when it is warm but quiet

The man nodded and kissed her forehead, he gets off the bed, smiling at his girls as he goes and gets ready for tonight it would be fun the black haired girl was good even though she was new and still had much still to learn but this is what tonight was all about, he collected his long leather coat, the girls are already waiting downstairs.

They walk back down the streets the way the girl had just come from going through the centre of the town, it is quite deserted now as the evening is at a late hour, she leads them through some more streets before coming across a secluded pub that is filled with punters, the girl is smiling as she sees their faces light up with joy and hunger.

A young man staggers out of the door and down the dark alley that is situated between the pub and the walk way, there is a group of people at the end of the alleyway, he starts to walk quicker, hefting the collar of his coat further up to protect him for the sudden cold wind that had appeared around him, his raven black hair ruffled widely as he got closer and closer to the group of people that were at the end as though they were creating the storm, his bright blue eyes stood out clearly in the never ending darkness, finally he was reaching the end, passing silently by the group

"excuse me Mr" a young voice said softly beside him " we seem to be a bit lost could you possibly help us"

The young man sighed softly

"of course where....."

He was cut off midsentence as he stared at the group in front of him, stumbling back against the wall in shock, his eyes gazing upon a very beautiful girl who held long midnight black hair and emerald green eyes well they were green it must be the drink he thought to himself and the lightening, in this light her eyes had turned red but that was impossible he thought to himself as he stared at the girls beauty, feeling himself drawn to her, he gets up from the place that he had fallen, going to her feeling as though she really needed his help, like if she didn't get out of here, he started to reach towards her, ready to run from the group, she grasps his hand tightly, he could feel her emotions running through him, she steps lightly into him, craddling into him like she needed the comfort he looked at the group they seemed to be moving closer, he had to get away with her,move now, but her lips were pressed against his neck, like she was going to kiss him, he could feel his hear pounding inside his chest as he saw he heard utter a soft moan, before feeling a sharp pain in his neck and falling into darkness.

They were laughing all together as they arrived back to the house, they went of into seperate bedrooms all except the girl with black hair and the guy, they linked arms and went into the main bedroom they guy kissing the girls neck as they went giggling to the bed.

"i can't believe you found that place Alex it's perfect" said the man

the young girl known as Alex smiled

"i knew you would love it Joesph"

© Copyright 2011 taz (xtaz666x at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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