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Rated: 13+ · Script/Play · Comedy · #1763431
A rock star teams up with his bandmates to stop FBI agents from taking over rock music.
Derek the Rock Star
By Nate Spidgewood

Genre: Comedy/Action/Adventure

Published on: March 29, 2011

This is the most exciting story I've ever written. It's about a teenage boy named Derek Finn - whose up-and-coming rock band was invaded by the FBI, who has a scheme to replace the genre with country music! So it's up to Derek and his friends to save rock music and battle the FBI to get his job back. I've really came a long way since spring of 2009; this story started out as a dream I had one night about a teenage rock star performing on a concert, but his job was ruined by a guy who disguised himself as a baby. After that, I began developing an idea of mine by illustrating the characters from my dream. I showed it to a friend of mine, who helped me name the characters. And now, I turned this idea into a screenplay sort of thing. I was going to make this story a video game. But at the same time, I've been thinking of turning it into an animated feature film, which has been one of these future plans that I've been considering for a long time. Also, I did some character sketches and concept art for the story, so please download these at www.natespidgewood.weebly.com, or check out my deviantART account at nate-spidgewood.deviantart.com. Comments, ratings and points are appreciated, let's hope they're really positive. So enjoy it.

-Nate Spidgewood

Dates Written:
May 2009-July 2009
June 2010
November 2010-January 2011
February 2011-March 2011

Cast of characters:

Derek Jay Finn - A brave, idealistic and good natured eighteen year old rock star, founder and lead singer/guitarist of his own band called Insane Brats, and the main character of the story.
Janet Caitlin Harris - A beautiful seventeen year old girl and Derek's girlfriend.
Herbert Scott Packinson - Derek's naive twelve year old friend and sidekick, and drummer of Insane Brats.
Peter the Manager - A wise talent agent and Derek's manager, and host of the failed Insane Brats concert.
Aston - Derek's bloodhound and loyal animal sidekick.
Steve Henry Bronson - A sarcastic redheaded teenager and secondary guitarist of Insane Brats.
Manny Ray Williams - A cynical African-American teenager and bass performer of Insane Brats.
Agent Roland - A nefarious and ill-tempered FBI agent and the main villain of the story.
Agent Bradley - A blonde haired secondary FBI agent and one of Roland's bumbling henchmen.
Agent Philip - A black haired secondary FBI agent and one of Roland's bumbling henchmen.
Babyface, aka Gordon - A naive and almost bald man who was disguised as a baby and acts like one, owner of an evil corporation called Country Music Partners, Inc., and one of Roland's bumbling henchmen.

(The story begins with a close up of a theater that was located at a field. The camera zooms in. Inside the theater's auditorium, an audience applauds. A guy named Peter comes up on the stage towards the microphone.)

Peter: Ladies and gentlemen! Our newest rock star: DEREK FINN!!

(A teenager named Derek Finn enters the stage, carrying an electric guitar, and waves at the audience. He stops to talk to the microphone.)

Derek: Thank you everybody for my influence! We’re very pleased to bring you our presentation. (to Peter) Thank you, Peter.

(Peter nods. Derek talks to his microphone again.)

Derek: Personally, I’m interested in rock music, and I’ve started up my own band called “Insane Brats,” with the help of my agent Peter, who is hosting this concert. Now it’s time for my band members to get ready.

(Derek walks towards the curtain and tells his band members to get ready. They enter the stage with their instruments. Derek talks to his microphone again.)

Derek: Now it’s time to start our song called “Soar High in the Sky.” But first, let's take a trivia!

(Derek takes a deep breath and happily yells to the audience.)


Audience: YEAH!


Audience: YEAH!


Audience: YEAH!


Audience: YEAH!

Derek: Then you're the Insane Brats like ME! Now it's time for the song! Ready for the countdown. One, two, three!

(The band plays “Soar High in the Sky.” Derek plays his guitar and sings the lyrics. And then, all of a sudden, the entire concert becomes a fantasy sequence. In this fantasy, Derek and his band members are standing on top of the clouds. Then they run to jump into small hover cars and fly through the clouds and in the sky, hence the song's title. Afterward, the sky becomes a pixilated tunnel-like place and everyone were riding through on their hover cars. Then they fly from the tunnel to outer space, where Derek, along with his bandmates, jump off their hover cars and float to a nearby space shuttle. They get into the spaceship and fly to Earth. Then they were kicked out of the ship just before they get to Earth, and they fall to the sky until they stop at the clouds. They were almost hit by an airplane that was flying towards them, but they somehow manage to escape it. After that, they fall from the clouds and everything changes back to the concert. Derek and his bandmates land on the stage and he plays his guitar once again. The whole band keeps it up until the end.)

Audience: *Applause*

(Derek bows. A teenage girl named Janet Harris runs up on the stage and kisses Derek’s cheek. Suddenly, a horrible baby noise comes out of nowhere and everybody was shocked. One of Derek’s band members, a twelve year old named Herbert Packinson, looks all around.)

Herbert: What’s that?! Is that a baby?!

(A man, who is seen in a diaper and with combed down hair, thus disguising himself as a baby, runs onto the stage, and then cups his hands around his mouth and makes crying sounds at the audience. This is Babyface.)

Peter: (annoyed, to Babyface) No, no, no! You’re not allowed to be in the concert! Imitating a baby is unnecessary!

Babyface: Oh ho! I like imitating a baby because they call me Babyface!

Peter: “Babyface,” you’re not supposed to imitate a baby because you have a nickname.

Babyface: How come? Ain't I supposed to cry so someone would feed me a bottle of milk?

Peter: You're just a man, and you've made yourself a really terrible baby. Now get out of the concert.

(Babyface walks away with a sad look on his face. Peter looks at Herbert.)

Peter: You must be the smallest in the band. What’s your name?

Herbert: My name is Herbert Packinson, and I’m twelve years old. I’m a drummer of this band.

Peter: Twelve, huh? And you're a drummer? I don't know such a youngster would be involved in a rock band, anyway.

Herbert: Well, I just managed to get a job with my parents' permission because Derek and I were friends. My job is to become a drummer of his band, and it's a miracle.

Peter: You thought it's cool, huh?

Herbert: Yep! It truly is!

Peter: Okey-doke. (to Janet) And you? You must be Derek's girlfriend, right?

Janet: Oh sure. I'd love to oversee his band and I'm in love with him.

Derek: You oversee my performances? I've never noticed that.

Janet: Of course you didn't! I've always loved you.

Derek: Thank you.

(Suddenly, a trio of FBI agents breaks into the auditorium and interrupt Derek's conversation. One of these agents was heard shouting.)

Agent Roland: Hold it right there! Why in the world are you playing this same ol' type of music?!

Peter: Who are you?!

(All of the agents show their badges.)

Roland: FBI.

Peter: FBI?!

Roland: That's right. We're the Federal Bureau of Investigation. I'm Agent Roland, and this is Agent Bradley and Agent Philip.

(The other two agents nod.)

Peter: What are you doing here? This is a concert for our new band!

Roland: We're here to invade this kid's new job.

Peter: No, you're not going to destroy Derek's job, are you?

Roland: Well, we tried to use our servant Gordon in disguise to ruin the concert. But the plan failed! And I'm so angry that I'll fight back.

Peter: Wait, who's Gordon?! The guy who dressed as a baby??

Roland: Yes, Pete. I tried using him as a weapon to sabotage everything. You ruined it.

Peter: I know! Are you trying to trick us?

Roland: Oh yeah. And now we're here to ruin the kid's rock and roll job.

Peter: You old scumbag. Don't go near Derek!

Derek: Uh oh.

Roland: (to Derek) Give me your guitar, little guy.

Peter: No! Back off!

(Peter tackles Roland and they both get into a massive wimpy fight. Derek, Herbert and Janet battle the other two agents.)

Herbert: (to Philip) Bring it on, you big ol' butthead!

(Herbert and Philip are in a huge battle.)

Janet: (to Philip) Stand aside!

(Philip backs away from Herbert and stands up.)

Janet: I know taekwondo. Hiyah!

(Janet attacks Philip with her taekwondo moves and beats him up. Derek is seen battling Bradley with his guitar.)

Derek: Take that! C'mon! You want me to bash your brains out??

(After the long battle, Roland snatches the guitar from Derek.)

Roland: See ya later, little fella. Oh, and now you'll never have your guitar! It's going to a museum!

(Roland takes Derek's guitar and runs away with the other agents.)

Derek: Oh man, what happened? And where did my guitar go?

Peter: They stole it.

Herbert: Oh no! They robbed us! We're doomed!

Derek: Robbed?

Peter: Yes we are, Derek. Now our concert is absolutely ruined.

Janet: Yeah, it's sad to see that your career is invaded and that your guitar is stolen.

Derek: Great. Now my audience is concerned. Those agents should know better. I guess we'll strike them and get my job back, but I don't know how.

Peter: Don't worry, little friend. We'll be planning a journey to get your job and guitar back...is that a good deal?

Derek: Right.

(Outside, Derek is having a conversation with Peter, Janet and Herbert, as well as his two other band members named Steve Bronson and Manny Williams.)

Derek: Okay, so we're about to begin an adventure to get my career back, and then we'll just defeat those agents.

Herbert: That would be great. Should we get uh...a map or something?

Derek: A map? Uh, sure. A map can help make our adventure way easier.

Peter: I'll be getting one for you, Derek. (to Steve and Manny) As for you two, will you help them on their journey too?

Steve: Uh, yeah, we'll help, and it's gonna be good. Right, Manny?

Manny: But Steve, if we ever had any adventure, we're gonna be in danger.

Steve: So what, are you a coward? You'd thought it'd be scary. That would mean you hate adventures.

Manny: I don't care. I might as well die of hunger without any food if this "adventure" thing got so boring.

Steve: Oh, so you're cowardly.

Manny: I'm not a coward, you jerk!

Steve: Yes you are, dummy! Because you're too scared!

Manny: No I'm not!

Steve: Yes you are!

Manny: No I'm not!

Steve: Yes you are!

Peter: Please, fellas, you don't even know what the adventure is going to be like. Just because you're having an adventure doesn't mean you'll get scared.

Janet: Peter's right. Adventures were a lot of fun. I mean, I had one with my friends when I was in my early teens, and it's one of the best things in my life.

Herbert: Wow, I never really thought of that.

Derek: You had an adventure in the past? Janet, what adventure did you have?

Janet: Well, we're just hunting in a desert in Arizona for an abandoned bike, but it looks like we're under attack, so we'll just take the bike with us and run away to safety.

Derek: That sounds kind of fun. Anyway, from now on, I'm going to meet with my manager Peter at my studio to see if this journey would be approved.

Janet: That's okay, Derek. We'll be waiting.

Derek: Okay. We're off to see the wizard.

(Derek goes on to walk to his studio. Janet stops him.)

Janet: Wait! You forgot something!

Derek: What? Do you have something to tell me?

Janet: Sure. You know what? Your members and I are coming with you to keep an eye on your meeting.

Derek: All right then. We'll talk to Peter at the studio. Does anyone else agree?

Herbert: Yes. I'd love to come.

Steve: Me too.

Manny: Me three.

Derek: Okay. Man, this journey is gonna be exciting.

(Meanwhile at the FBI organization, Roland is discussing with Bradley and Philip about rock music.)

Philip: So now that we've given the guitar to the museum owner, what would we do next?

Bradley: Uh, murder the kid?

Philip: No, we wouldn't murder him! It'll be horrible.

Bradley: Why not?

Roland: Will you be quiet for a moment, fellas? We've gotta figure out how to sabotage his job some more.

Bradley: Why would we do that?

Roland: I hate rock and roll. It spoils my life every time. And it sounds bad.

Philip: So Roland, will you think of a mission then?

Roland: All right, all right.

(Roland thinks a moment. Then an idea came in his head.)

Roland: I know, I know! Our newest plan is to replace rock and roll...with country music. Apparently, everybody hates country music, but I don't really care. Now this will be great of a plan, what do you say?

Bradley: Yes! That's gonna be the best thing ever!

Philip: Yes, Roland! Let's get on to it!

(Philip and Bradley start dancing.)

Philip and Bradley: Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Rock and roll is going down! Oh yeah! Oh yeah!

(Roland stares at Philip and Bradley dancing.)

Roland: Now, now, guys, let's not get too physical while we're scheming! (Roland hits his desk with a fist) As soon as we get to Gordon's place, we'll just urge him to replace any rock and roll radio stations while you keep your mouths shut. Deal?

Bradley: Deal.

Philip: Deal.

Roland: Okay then. Follow me.

(The three agents leave the FBI organization, walk to their car and drive over to an evil organization called Country Music Partners, Inc. that was run by Babyface himself. They arrive and Roland meets him.)

Roland: Hi Gordon! I've got some good news for you!

(Babyface was sitting at a computer bank.)

Babyface: What news?

Roland: We're going to hijack rock and roll stations by replacing them with country stations.

Babyface: Good, good. At least I can make money off of it.

Bradley: Yes! We're gonna get rich!

Roland: Shut up.

Babyface: Say Roland, why would we replace rock and roll?

Roland: Because it hurts my ears, and I hate it.

Babyface: Well, we're gonna rearrange the wires on this bank and use its keyboards to change everything around.

Roland: Excellent. But while you're doing this in the process, I'm writing a letter to Derek and we'll send it.

Babyface: Fine, we'll do it.

(Babyface goes on to navigate the settings on the computer bank's control panel. Roland walks over to a computer laptop and writes a note on it.)

Roland: "Dear Derek. We've finally hijacked the radio stations that play rock and roll and replaced them with country music which most people dislike. With some help from Gordon, owner of Country Music Partners, I just invaded your career some more. Also, I've stolen your electric guitar and delivered it to a particular museum called Muckle Mustard Museum whose owner will keep it as a collector's item. We've finally done it, boy. So there! Ha ha! Sincerely, Agent Roland."

(Roland uses the laptop to print the letter out, chuckling. He then grabs an envelope, writes down Derek's street address and puts a stamp on it. After that, he puts the letter into the envelope. He hands it over to Bradley and Philip.)

Roland: Bradley, Philip, this is a letter I've written to Derek, so we're about to send it. Now take it to the mailbox.

(Philip and Bradley nod and take the letter with them to a mailbox down the street. Roland sees Babyface changing the settings using his computer bank.)

Roland: How's it goin', Gordon?

Babyface: Yes, this is turning out great! Now I'm making bucks in the process to continue on!

Roland: Wonderful. Please do.

(Babyface replaces all rock music stations in the city with country music stations using the computer bank. Meanwhile, the whole town is traumatized by this habit. Cut to some horrified citizens. A teenager at his house turns on his radio, only to get country music instead of rock music.)

Teenager: What the hell?! (runs)

(Another teenage citizen with a guitar feels like listening to music, so he turns his radio on. But all he ever got is country music.)

Teenager #2: Country music!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

(Other horrified citizens include two parents who freak out over the replacement of their favorite station, a single man who furiously throws his radio out of his window, and two teenagers who scream and cover their ears after turning their radio on.)

(The next day, at the Finn household, Derek was having breakfast. His mom hands Roland's letter over to him.)

Mom: Here's your new mail, Derek.

Derek: Thanks, Mom.

(Derek opens the envelope and reads the letter out loud.)

Derek: "Dear Derek, we've finally hijacked the radio stations that play rock and roll and replaced them with country music which most people dislike. With some help from Gordon, owner of Country Music Partners, I just invaded your career some more. Also, I've stolen your electric guitar and delivered it to a particular museum called Muckle Mustard Museum whose owner will keep it as a collector's item. We've finally done it, boy. So there. Ha ha. Sincerely, Agent Roland."

(Derek becomes embarrassed.)

Derek: Oh my goodness. They stole my guitar, gave it to a museum as a collector's item, and replaced my favorite kind of music with country music? That's terrible! I can't believe this.

(Guilty, he goes on to talk to his bloodhound named Aston.)

Derek: Aston, look at this! These agents took my guitar and gave it to some kind of museum while they used country music to replace rock! What are we gonna do?

(Aston shrugs. Derek walks off to get the dog's leash.)

(Later, Derek enters his studio with Aston, bewildered.)

Herbert: Hi there, Derek.

Manny: What's wrong?

(Derek tells Peter, Janet, Herbert, Steve and Manny the bad news he received, showing them the letter from Roland.)

Derek: I got terrible news: I just found out those agents joined forces with someone named Gordon to replace all of my town's rock stations with country music.

Everyone: WHAT?!

Derek: It's absolutely horrible!

Peter: Wait, I know who Gordon actually is.

Derek: What?

Peter: He's the same guy who dressed as a baby and wreaked havoc on the concert.

Derek: Oh I see.

Steve: ...Well?

(He then tells them more bad news.)

Derek: Also, I've heard that they took my guitar and delivered it to a random museum!

Everyone: *Gasp!*

Janet: Derek, why the heck would they give your guitar to some strange museum? It's just an instrument.

Derek: They tried to invade my career, Janet. And I know my guitar is an instrument.

Herbert: Oh man, more trouble to come.

Peter: What museum did the agents give your guitar to, Derek?

Derek: Muckle Mustard Museum. It's where they keep instruments as collector's items.

Peter: Oh heavens, that museum must have been bad.

Derek: I agree.

Manny: I couldn't believe Mustard Mucks Museum, or whatever you call it, steals music instruments like your beloved guitar. What crazy people.

Derek: Yeah, and it's pretty terrible.

Peter: By the way, Derek, don't forget you're about to begin your journey. Here, I brought you a map.

(Peter gives Derek an ordinary map.)

Derek: Oh. Thanks, Peter. I'm glad you got one.

Peter: You're welcome.

Derek: Okay guys, now all we'll have to do is go to Muckle Mustard Museum, get my guitar back, escape that place, take down country music and fight those pesky agents. Then we'll just get my job back and save the day.

Everyone: All right!

Derek: Perfect! But first, let's hold our hands out and say our names. (puts out hand) I'm Derek Jay Finn.

(Janet, Herbert, Steve and Manny gather around and put their hands out.)

Janet: I'm Janet Caitlin Harris.

Herbert: I'm Herbert Scott Packinson.

Steve: I'm Steve Henry Bronson.

Manny: And I'm Manny Ray Williams.

Derek: All right. Let's go!

(All throw their hands in the air, take Aston, the letter and the map with them, and run to Derek's car.)

(The gang is driving down the highway. Aston is looking out of the window and panting. Janet is looking at the map while Derek was driving. Herbert, Steve and Manny are sitting at the back seat with Aston, whose leash is being yanked by Herbert. Janet is pointing at the map, showing Derek the museum's location.)

Janet: Hey Derek, I know where the museum is.

(Derek looks at it.)

Derek: Great, Janet. We'll be driving over there.

(Steve and Manny were discussing at the back seat.)

Manny: You're right, Steve. Maybe I won't be afraid of this trip at all.

Steve: Same here, dude. Peter told me about this.

Manny: Let me guess. I've always thought adventures were pretty dangerous when I was a child, but I just changed my mind, so I'm with you.

Steve: And Derek. Well Manny, we'll just stay together and have fun. Honest.

Manny: Precisely!

(Herbert looks at a landscape out of the window.)

Herbert: Hey guys! Look at this whole desert! There are some neat mountains over there!

(Derek turns to look at the desert.)

Derek: That looks nice, Herbert, now get back to your seat.

(Herbert sits back down. He still stares at the window. Then he talks to Derek again.)

Herbert: Where's Peter? I didn't know where he's at, Derek. So why didn't he come with us?

Derek: What are you talking about? He's at my studio.

Herbert: Oh, I get it.

Janet: By the way, Derek, are we driving to Muckle Mustard Museum first?

Derek: Yep. This is when we're trying to rescue my guitar from its owner. Also, will you help me find it there?

Janet: Okay. I'm on it.

(Derek smiles. He then drives to the distance.)

(Inside the auditorium where Derek's concert previously takes place, Roland is guiding Bradley and Philip how to get Babyface on stage and trick Derek's band's audience.)

Roland: Now guys, when you try and bring Gordon to the stage to trick the kid's audience, don't goof anything up, otherwise our plan would fail once again. Get it?

Bradley: *Gulp* Okay, we listen.

Roland: Perfect, now I'm getting Gordon.

(Roland walks off to get Babyface, who has a ukulele in his hand.)

Roland: Hey Gordon, let's go and trick Derek's audience.

Babyface: Why?

Roland: Because the audience is so stupid that they're all addicted to rock and roll, which has been thankfully replaced with country. Now let's go.

Babyface: Right on, sir.

Roland: Don't call me sir.

(Roland and Babyface walk over to Philip and Bradley.)

Roland: This is going very well, guys.

(Suddenly, Derek's "Insane Brats" audience arrives at the auditorium and buys tickets.)

Goer #1: I can't wait to watch the concert again!

Goer #2: Me too! Insane Brats is an amazing rock band!

Roland: They're coming! Bring him to the stage!

Philip: Aye aye.

(Philip and Bradley grab Babyface's hand and drag him onto to the stage. Babyface pulls his ukulele out, plays it and starts singing a country song.)

Babyface: Wah wah wah, my name is Babyface, and I want a bottle or else I'll cry...

(The audience gets angry and starts booing and hissing.)

Babyface: Hey, what's wrong with me singing??

(The audience throws vegetables at Babyface, who frantically runs around the stage.)


(Roland runs up onto the stage and sees the angry audience.)

Roland: Damn it, not again!

Babyface: You came!

Roland: What the heck is going on here?!

Babyface: The audience is throwing stuff at me for singing a song!

Roland: That's because I made you take over the kid's performance, you moron!

Babyface: I...

Roland: And look, these clueless traitors are more interested in rock and roll than country! I can't believe it! My plan failed again!

Babyface: Uh...

(One of the angry people in the audience walks onto the stage and blames Babyface.)

Angry Goer #1: Look at this, diaper guy! You were singing a country song in place of the band's spot! What does this have to do with Insane Brats?!

Babyface: Well actually...it's just something to trick you.

(The goer gets mad and walks away. Another angry goer steps up.)

Angry Goer #2: How dare you! You ruined my favorite type of music with your babyish country music stuff! Loser!

Babyface: How come?

Angry Goer #2: Grr...

(The goer walks off.)

Babyface: (to Roland) What would we do now?

Roland: We'll just run outside and catch the kid and his doofus friends. Right, Gordon?

Babyface: (sigh) Ok.

Roland: Then let's move it.

(Roland and Babyface leave the auditorium, along with Bradley and Philip.)

(Moments later, Derek and the gang were walking down the street, searching for the museum.)

Derek: Well fellas, we're almost there.

Herbert: Oh oh oh, Derek, let me tell you something!

Derek: What is it?

Herbert: You know, there are so many awesome things at the museum and I think it would be fun to look at all sorts of collectables over there! Like all those great dinosaur fossils and models of historical people!

Derek: Herbert...

Herbert: And I'd also like to look at very old paintings and old antiques and...


Herbert: Huh? What?

Derek: We're not looking for that kind of museum. We're just searching for a museum that has been known for stealing instruments and keeping them as collector's items.

Herbert: Oh, I completely forgot about it.

(The gang continues walking. Janet points at a museum that was actually called Muckle Mustard Museum.)

Janet: Hey, there it is!

Derek: (excited) That's it! We finally found it! Now's our chance to get my guitar back! Let's go!

(Everyone begins to walk except for Aston. Derek is yanking on his leash.)

Derek: C'mon Aston, we gotta go.

(Aston shakes his head no.)

Derek: ...You know what? We're entering the museum. Now come with us.

(Aston rolls his eyes and comes along with the gang. They walk over to the museum's entrance. Then Derek opens the door and they enter the museum. Inside it, they wander around and all they could see are music instruments.)

Herbert: Wow.

Manny: Dude, that's right. We all know the only collector's items this museum has are instruments.

Steve: Same here, Manny. Must have been a music museum.

Manny: Oh really. It must have been.

Janet: Guys, just keep quiet, because that's just disruptive.

(The gang spies all around at the museum. They look at the instruments. Suddenly, Aston saw a glass container that has Derek's guitar, so he runs from the gang.)

Derek: Now what, Aston? What are you doing?

(Aston shows them the container and barks at them.)

Derek: (excited) *Gasp!* My guitar! Lucky you, Aston, you just found it! Good boy!

(Derek runs up to the container and opens it, reaching the guitar. Suddenly, an angry female voice was heard.)

Voice: What's with all the barking?! No dogs allowed!

Derek: Uh oh!

(Derek grabs the guitar from the container. The voice turned out to be a mean woman who owns the museum. The woman walks over from her office.)

Woman: You get that mutt out of the museum this instant!

(She saw Derek getting the guitar.)

Woman: MY COLLECTABLE! Put it back, you little creep!

(She runs up and tries to grab it from Derek. They both wrestle.)

Derek: No, my guitar! Get back!

Woman: It's my collectable, you pest, now gimme that!

Derek: It's not your collectable! It's my guitar! I used it for my band, and that's final!

Woman: Oh yeah?? Just let me put it back!

Derek: No!

(Derek grabs the guitar and escapes with his friends.)

Woman: Wah!

Derek: Run!

Woman: Hey, come back here, you thief!

(The woman chases after Derek and his friends.)

Derek: Well gang, we almost made it!

Woman: Derek! Come back here with my collectable!

(The gang runs to the museum's exit.)

Derek: The exit! Let's go!

(They escape from the museum. The woman runs at the door and stops, shouting out for Derek.)


(Derek and the gang run to their car and drive away.)

Derek: Hey guys, I finally got my guitar back.

(He picks up his guitar and shows it to them.)

Herbert: You did?

Derek: Yep. With the help of Aston, of course.

(Aston pants. Janet approaches Derek.)

Janet: Oh Derek, that's very nice of you.

Derek: Thanks. Personally, I got it back with the help of my dog.

Janet: Wow, nice.

Derek: Now our next mission is to stop country music.

Janet: Ok.

(Derek grins. Driving off to the distance, he was heard shouting with joy.)


(Meanwhile at sunset, Roland was driving his car with Philip, Bradley and Babyface.)

Philip: Hey Roland.

Roland: What?

Philip: I saw the kid entering the museum with his friends and getting his guitar back.

Roland: WHAT?!

Bradley: Yes, it's true.

Roland: Dagnabbit! Now rock and roll is coming back! I hate this.

Bradley: Why?

Roland: It makes my ears bleed, you know that? They'd BETTER let it go and let country live. If not, I'll beat 'em up, okay?! I'LL BEAT 'EM UP!

Philip: Okay, you're starting to scare me now.

Roland: Oh yeah? I hate that we get rock and roll instead of country!

Babyface: ...huh?

Roland: Well...I'll show those fools. Alright?

(Roland's henchmen agree.)

Roland: Brilliant. Let's search for them.

(They continue driving.)

© Copyright 2011 Nate Spidgewood (natespidgewood at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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