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Serrony Jones is a 13 year old girl and she protects the universe from bad guys. |
Galaxy Guardians My Life ~*Chapter*~ 1 “Ah! Will this ever be over?” I screamed silently as I sat at my desk gazing out the school window. “I can’t wait till I get back to good ole' G.H.S!” I thought. “Miss Jones I’m guessing you know the answer?” That’s my teacher, Mrs. Sims; she’s crazy. She wears the same colors every day, black and gray. Yuck! She always has her hair in this ugly bun; it's just tacky. She wears the same black and gray gym shoes every day! One word to describe her is yuck! “ Serrony Jones!” “Huh?” I looked up. “Since you've finally come back to earth, I would like to know how many….” “(*Ring!*)” “Yes! The bell!” “Serrony!” Ms. Sims yelled. “ Bye Tacky!” “That’s it! Two weeks detention!” “Wahoo! Schools out!” I shouted. I raced out the class room so fast; I was like a red-headed rocket. Ms. Sims' voice was only an echo in my ears. I stopped to clean out my locker for the last time. I can't believe this is really going to be the last time I see this place. This time I'm not leaving for just the summer, but for good. I decided to stop being in a rush, and take a moment to reminisce on my days at Tally Middle School. I slowing walked down the corridor as all the students were rushing to get on their buses. They were excited that school was letting out. I stood in front of the principal’s office;I've been in there so many times, I thought. Then, when I passed Mrs. Bagollia's room, I recalled I had so many detentions in there. Before I knew it, I was in the front of the school. I glanced through the glass and saw all the kids screaming, dancing, and talking to one another; tears started to fall from my eyes. I quickly brushed them away and walked out the door. I could see Kyle from the other side of the yard. He was running full pelt and was bright pink because of it. He was running so fast, it looked like he was stumbling; his brown hair was flopping everywhere. He stopped in front of me and looked down. "What's wrong?" he asked with a concerned look on his face. I looked up at his brown eyes and sighed. "Nothing," “Well...hurry up, we’re going to miss the bus!” he yelled. “Chill, we have lots of time,” I said. “You call five minutes time!” “Why didn’t you just say that! Let’s go!” I shouted. I took Kyle’s hand and we ran to the bus. “Are you psyched about Galaxy High?” “Yeah totally, I can’t wait for our first year of high school,” I said as I mused at the possibilities. I said goodbye to the bus driver. After all, this was our last trip with him forever; it seemed like the right thing to do. As we jumped off the last step and onto the curb, I could tell Kyle was bursting to ask. “So I was wondering.....” Kyle said as he started to blush. Oh no! I thought. This must be another question about Black Widow. She’s a girl we met two summers ago at Galaxy Middle school. Her real name is Rene, but everyone calls her Black Widow; she’s on our team. He’s been crushing on her ever since! Black Widow had short purple hair, and her eyes were a graceful aborigine color. I had to admit, she was pretty; I totally knew why Kyle liked her. It was because she had big boobs, and she knew how to show them off too. She was only fifteen, and almost all her clothes were low-cut. This didn't add up because she was so quiet and mysterious. 'Yeah?” I said. “Well…. I was wondering if you talked to Black Widow in a while.' 'Yeah” “Did she say anything about me?” “ Yeah she said that she would love to marry you, and you’ll have beautiful big-headed children together!” I laughed. “That’s not funny Serrony!” Kyle’s face turned red as an apple. I laughed so hard that I felt like I was about to burst. One thing I always liked about Kyle is how he got embarrassed so easily. I have no idea how we became best friends; he's so nerdy. He can act like such a sissy sometimes; I think I'm the guy in this friendship. “Well this is my stop” I said. “Bye” “Bye lover boy!” I made kissing sounds all the way up the drive way. “See you tomorrow!” “Bright and early!” I yelled back as he began walking. I stopped at my front door and looked around to examine my surroundings, even though it's the year 3,000, earth has not changed much since the 2000s. Sure we have flying cars, but come on; who doesn't? Earth doesn't really like to communicate with the outside galaxies; they are still trying to get used to the thought of other planets. If you think about it, it has only been fifty years since they realized there was life o other planets. They are some aliens that have different colored skin and antennas,but there are other aliens like me who take on human form but still have alien traits.We are immune to bullets, knifes, and man made explosions. This makes humans think we are above the law, and makes them afraid of us. In some cases humans marry aliens and have kids, and they are called "half links.” That is where I come in. My father is an alien,and my mother is a human. Sometimes when half links are born, the government tries to take them away from their families and run tests on them. My mom didn't want that to happen to me and my brother, so she made us hide our powers from humans. (*****) “No, that’s no good either!” I screamed at the top of my lungs I have nothing to wear!” I said this while packing my stuff for tomorrow. “I don’t think it's that bad” said Princess; she always calls on my V cam at 7:30. “It’s pink!” “Just wear the blue jean caprices with the pink dragons on it and the pink flip-flops!” said Princess. “Now, what do you think of this?” said Princess as she showed me a white, strapless belly top, a white mini skirt, and red pumps. “Now that’s fabulous!” I said! “Really?” “Totally!” I'm always a little second guessy about my fashion sense, but Princess is the most fabulous girl I know; she's a true fashionista. She comes up with the craziest looks, and they all work for her. She is also younger and two inches shorter than me; I am only 5'4. I've always looked up to her for the past two years I've known her. She’s always so confident and strong; so sure of herself. She's skinny, doesn't have many curves, she has long pink hair and darling green eyes. Princess knows what she wants to be when she grows up. Me on the other hand, I don't even know what I'll be having for dinner tomorrow. “Okay thanks, got to go, time for dinner; see you tomorrow! Good night!"Princess yelled. “Sweet Dreams,” I said back. I turned off my light and laid in my blue furry bed, I was so stoked about tomorrow;I couldn't sleep. Starting eight hours from now, I'll be a full-fledged guardian in a super kick-butt high school. I wanted to come to Galaxy High and show everyone how much I changed over the school year. I want to be a new person, not a kid anymore but a young woman. I finally had the body to fall out of my swim suit, and no more padded bras for me. I thought I would never get tired, but soon I was fast asleep. Galaxy High Here We Come ~*Chapter*~ 2 It was a glorious night, the moon was shining brightly; in the sky the stars were appearing as clear as a clean glass window. There under the beautiful starlit night stood a balcony, covered with red roses, it was very dark. Black Widow strolled out of the shadows wearing a black satin halter dress with a purple dragon on the right side.Her hair was in a cute chop stick bun, with her long bangs hanging in her face. She sat down at a table surrounded by roses. Kyle walked up to her in a nice suit. "Ummm... B-Black Widow...” he stuttered. "Oh Kyle, call me Rene." "Okay...R.Rene?" "Yes Kyle?" "I-I was wondering... If you would be my g-girlfriend?" “ I would love to be your girl friend, now kiss me you fool” “Kyle, wake up!” I screamed from my V cam. “Just a minute mom...” he mumbles. "Mom..? Who are you calling mom?" Kyle sat up in his bed shirt-less and rubbed his eyes. I took one look at his muscle-less body and shook my head. Kyle is so nerdy. I can't believe his room is still covered with action figures and comic books; not to mention his role model is superman. Maybe if he spent less time in his grandfather’s car shop, he could gain some muscle; when is he going to grow up? "S-Serrony!" Kyle's eyes got really big; he immediately covered himself with his cover. "Get off the screen!" He shrieked. “Oh stop acting like a baby! We've known each other since 2nd grade. Um….You have some dried drool on your face, and get dressed I’ll be there in 20 minutes,chop chop!" I turned off my V-cam and rushed to the bathroom. Kyle has the craziest dreams; I laughed to myself. Sometimes, I use my powers to sneak into his dreams, and mess them up a little.This one time, I made him have a dream he was dressed up as a banana, dancing for the president. Then this other time I made him dreamed he was a girl! That one was more of a nightmare. He makes an ugly girl, it looked so wrong. Yuck! I took a look at myself in the mirror; then I noticed my orange hair was all over my head. "Oh, my gosh!" I shouted. I went on my v-cam looking like an idiot! I'm so lucky Kyle is kind of blind when he wakes up. Twenty minutes later, I was out the bathroom and looking good. I quietly said to myself, “Here we go Serrony the first day of the rest of your guardian life.” “Serrony, breakfast is ready!” My mom called. “Coming!” I ran down the stairs and sat down next to my brother Ryan. “Good morning, ugly,” He said, with a devilish grin on his face. “Good morning, gorilla breath,” I snapped back and tried to make the ugliest face I could think of. “It's too early for this,” My mom yelled. “I’m so glad you’ll be gone for a while.” Ryan groaned. “I’m glad I’m going to be gone too!” I said as I finished my eggs and sausage. Then I got up from the table. “Finished,” “Okay bye honey, here’s your bags. VC me soon as you get to galaxy high. Be good, and don’t give Princess Talya and Yuna trouble this time, please!” “I’ll try mom, bye! ”I said, “Have fun!” She called out the door. I waved and started walking to Kyle’s house. I walked up his drive way and knocked on the door. Kyle’s mom answered it. “Hi Serrony, how are you this morning?” She asked. “Good.” I replied “ Hi Serrony!” Yelled Kylie. Kyles little sister. Kylie is the most adorable little thing. She has nice long silky blond hair and big brown eyes just like her big brother, but that's the only thing they have in common. Kylie is mature for her age, and likes to hang out with older people like me. Her brother on the other hand is fifteen and still plays with action figures. “Hi Kylie!” I yelled back. She ran down the stairs and gave me a hug. “Ready to go?” Another voice called from upstairs. “Just get your big but down here!” I screamed. Kyle walked down stairs wearing blue jeans and a superman t-shirt. “It’s not that big!” He snapped back. “Now lets go before we miss the transport shuttle.” “Okay.” Kyle said, dragging his suit case. “See ya mom!” “Bye cupcake! VC me when you get off the shuttle!” We walked out the door and headed for the shuttle station. “Cupcake?” I laughed. “Shut up.” Kyle blushed. We walked into the shuttle station and sat down in the waiting area. I crossed my legs and pulled out the latest issue of Earth Girl magazine. “So you excited about seeing Ray?” Kyle asked. “Um…..” I stuttered. Ray is this super cute boy I met last year at Galaxy Middle School. He used to sit next to me in class and every time he talked to me something totally stupid came out my mouth! At the last ball of the year, he asked me to dance! We glided across the dance floor it was so magical! “Yeah, I can’t wait! And don’t sit next to me on the shuttle I want him to.” I said. “All abroad the Galaxy High School shuttle!” the driver called. “Time to go.” Kyle said. “Yeah, Bye earth!” I yelled as I got on the shuttle. “Serrony!” I turned around, “Eskimo! Blue Jay!” We ran to each other and hugged. “Serrony!” I know that voice, I turned around slowly oh my gosh! Its Ray he called me! |