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by Tuba
Rated: E · Book · Friendship · #1754693
A young women is in a car crash and it takes her fiance and her vision.

This is the end, I thought as the pain began to subside from my body as I went numb. I could here the sirens in the background, but they too were beginning to fade away. I then noticed that the light from the street lamps were beginning to dim and fall away I began realizing that this was probably my last few seconds with Jarrad I reached for Jarrad’s hand and squeezed knowing that this would be the last time we were alive together, then the world began to spin away as I gave into the everlasting darkness.

“Miss? Can you hear me? If you can hear me open your eyes” I could feel the swaying of the ambulance as we raced down the street on our way to the hospital. The aching in my body was worse than it had been when the crash had first happened. I then tried to sit up but felt restraints holding me down. “You’re strapped in because we are driving, can you tell me your name?” the man asked. “Cara Palmer.” I gasped, as we hit a bump in the road. “Okay Cara, do you have any children?” I’m in an ambulance, and he is asking me if I have kids? “No, why does that matter? Where is Jarrad? Where is he? Is he okay?”

The realization that he wasn’t here with me had begun to settle. “The man you were driving with is he your husband?” he asked. “No, my fiancĂ©, we were headed to my parent’s house to tell them the good news. Where is he, is he okay?” Were we ever going to get to the hospital? I needed to see Jarrad. “Miss, I don’t know, I think he is in the other ambulance. I then realized that I had never opened my eyes. “Sir, what is your name?” I could hear the siren wailing louder than ever I guess we were almost there. “My name is Jonny.” I nodded my head in acknowledgement.

“Jonny, are my eyes open?” I felt a gloved hand touch my face and check my pulse yet again before I received an answer. “Yes, why? Is there a problem?” My heart started trying to break out of my chest and I felt the color leave my face. “Cara, are you okay? We’re almost there. Can you answer me?” I shook my head, “No, I’m not okay Jonny. I can’t see.”

One week later.

“I’ll be back to check on her in a little while. Okay?” Doctor Haden said, as she finished messing with my I.V. I nodded my head in response. I heard Doctor Haden’s high heeled shoes click on the checkered floor as she left my room. “Cara, when you’re ready the police have some questions for you. If you are feeling up to it that is.” I shook my head in disbelief. Why did they keep coming back? I had told them repeatedly that I couldn’t remember the accident all I remembered was the ambulance ride over. “I told them what I know already. Would you please tell them to just leave me alone?” I said as I sat up. “Okay Cara, but whenever you are ready to tell me the truth about what happened let me know. I’ll be here for you no matter what.” I heard her grab up her coat and purse and she left.

“Tick, tock, tick, tock” the obnoxious clock was beginning to get on my nerves. “I can’t stay here any longer, or I’ll end up going go crazy, again.” I said to myself as I threw the hospital blankets off of me and began taking all of the wires attached to me off. Immediately there were a number of machines beeping and people talking. “Miss Palmer you need to lie back down. You can’t be moving yet you still need more time to heal.” Doctor Haden along with numerous other nurses were trying to lay me back on my bed. “I’m fine I need to go home, I don’t want to be here anymore. I’m fine.” I continued to struggle against them but I guess one of the nurses called security and there was no use in fighting two large men. I got dragged back into my bed and plugged back into the machines as well as some knew medication to keep me “relaxed” I tried to convince them to let me go home but no such luck. I guess my next “escape” plan will need a more detail.

I was “asleep” in my bed; all of the nurses that were supposed to be watching me were all in the nurse’s room. This gave me about five minutes. I quickly grabbed my go bag that Jena had brought for me and slipped on my pants. I slipped on my sweatshirt, socks and shoes without even removing a single wire. I was doing great. I carefully slid off of the bed, using the side table to keep my balance I went to the wall where I ran my hand across it until I found the outlet. I yanked on the cord and the machines stopped their irritating beeping. I stripped off all of the wires and my I.V. grabbed my cane and made my way out of the hospital making sure not to trip over my own feet, for I don’t have the best balance.

I didn’t even make it across the street before Jena called me from her cell. I fumbled around with my phone until I found the answer button and pressed connect. “Hello?” I said as I continued my slow walk down Maple Street. “Cara Lee Palmer! You are so dead once I get a hold of you.” I could hear the sound of an engine starting in the background and the garage door creaking open as Jena left her house to come and get me, again. “I’m fine. I was going crazy in there.

Besides they didn’t even see me leave. Wait, how do you know that I left already?” I heard Jena chuckle in the background. “Two reasons, one I knew what you were up to as soon as you asked for a go bag, and two the Hospital called. They said you had made a run for it.” Crap. “I was headed for your house.” I said in my defense. “Where are you? I’m on my way.” I was in unfamiliar area and not being able to perceive my surroundings I was unsure of where I was, and that wasn’t favorable to me. “Umm, I’m not quiet sure. I know that I’m over by the Hospital but I don’t know what street.” Other than the hum of the engine there was silence on Jena’s end. “I see you.” I’m pulling in next to you.”

I felt her car breeze past me and the driver’s door open. “Cara? Let’s go.” I nodded. I walked slowly over to Jena. “You’re taking me back aren’t you?” I heard her sigh as I approached. “Cara I-” she didn’t get a chance to finish for I tripped over the curb and fell flat on my face. “Cara! Are you okay?” I nodded my head. “Yeah I’m fine.” She helped me to my feet before she noticed that not only had I fallen but I’d hit my head as well. “Cara, we are going back to the Hospital now. You could have a concussion.” I shook my head. “I’m fine I just want to go home.”

We stood there in silence listening to the other cars drive by us. Finally I broke the eerie silence. “Jen, if I go back with you willingly you have to promise me two things,” I paused waiting for a response, “Jen?” I asked after there was no response. “Oh sorry I nodded. Okay?” I took a deep breath before continuing. “One that they won’t restrain me in any way, and two that I will be out of the hospital within three days. Deal?” Jena grabbed my hand and shook it. And with that we headed back to the Hospital.

As soon as we had stepped back on the premises I was immediately dragged back to my room where the not only lectured me about making dumb choices but they almost tied me to the bed but one things for certain, Jena never backs down after she has made a deal no matter who the deal is with. Come to find out I did not have a concussion no matter what Jena still believes.

“I’m ready to get the crap out of here.” I said to Jena as finished tying my shoe. “Oh I know you are.” It had been three and a half days since I had been “admitted.” I reached down and grabbed my bag of supplies that Jena had brought for the second time. "Let’s go." I said as I fumbled around for my cane. "Cara?" I tuned to the direction of her voice. "I think that you should go to a special place for the blind so you can learn how to 'see' and what not just for a little while though." I could tell that my expression had hurt her but I didn't care. "Jena I do not need to go to any sort of center. I can manage on my own." I heard her sigh and head toward me, I expected her to be short with me but I was suddenly embraced in a hug that made all of my worries seem to disappear. Only to awaken to the truth of my predicament.

One week later.

I could feel eyes peering at me from behind which didn't help me feel too welcome. "We have a new patient today. Cara Palmer, she is going to be staying with us for awhile." said nasally voiced therapist, Dr. Becker. I could tell that she wasn't going to be on my good side. "Would you like to share Cara?" I let silence continue for a few brief moments before I answered. "Ah, no I'm good." I could tell that she was upset by my answer. "Just know that we are here for you okay?" she said as someone to my left fidgeted in there plastic chair. I nodded my head and she continued to talk.

I unconsciously began to trace the faint line below my elbow marking what had happened the previous week. “Cara are you okay?” my head automatically snapped up even though it was unnecessary. I hadn’t realized that tears had welled up and fallen over my cheeks. I wiped them away before replying yeah, yeah I’m fine.” I lowered my head so I was ‘looking’ down again before Dr. Becker continued with the rest of here discussion.

“Now who wants-” I interrupted up her “Can I leave now?” there was a shocked silence that followed my statement. “No. You need to stay.” I carefully stood up and began walking towards what I hoped was the edge of the circle. Ignoring her angry protests as I left the group. “Patrick. Will you please escort Mrs. Palmer to her room?” I heard Patrick’s shoes squeak on the tile floor as he headed in my direction. “Leaving already Mrs. Palmer?” he whispered into my ear as I reached for his shoulder. I nodded once to acknowledge that I had heard him. Patrick gently grabbed my hand and raised it up and to the left to where his shoulder was. He slowly walked toward the opposite side of where I had guessed the exit to be.

A few moments later, when we were out of earshot of Dr. Becker, Patrick asked. “Why are you here? You aren’t an abuser; you don’t have any eating disorder, so I ask. Why are you here? Will you tell me the truth this time?” I could tell that he was waiting for an answer but I wasn’t sure if I had one for him. “The truth,” I paused “The truth is mine.” Patrick sighed as I finished my ‘answer’ but he respected it wall the same because he didn’t say anything until we were at my room. “Here you are Miss. Palmer.” I heard the click of the door handle as Patrick led me into my small on person room.

I reached inside my cabinet and grabbed the phone that I had managed to hide. “What are you doing?” my head snapped up as Patrick came closer. I opened my mouth to explain but I didn’t get the chance. “You know that I have to take this.” I tightened my grip on my phone and shook my head. I could feel the heat from his hands as he drew nearer and grabbed my hands. Patrick gently pried my fingers apart and took my phone, I could feel the tears coming, but I held them back. I wouldn’t let him see me cry. I heard him walking away and as he closed the door and the tears started to flow.

“She has been uncooperative this entire time.” Dr. Becker said to the group of Doctors as she shuffled the papers with Cara Palmers information on them. “Why do you say that?” One of the twelve doctors said as he inclined his head. “She never participates in group, never talks or communicates with anyone and she got up and walked out of group just the other day. She is crazy and needs a specialist. Someone more inclined to her special needs…” There was an audible murmuring amongst the doctors until one man spoke up. “I disagree.” There was a shocked silence as Patrick stood up. “She is not crazy. She is as sane as you or I.” The hall was filled with an instant murmuring as Patrick slowly sat back down. Dr. Becker was livid her abnormally squashed face was contorted in rage.

“You. Have. No. Right. To. Speak. In. These. Meetings.” She whispered. Her breathing was coming in short gasps. The Doctors were all waiting with baited breath for the next blow from either adversary. “You are an egotistical ghoul that needs to get a different career when you don’t want to deal with them you send them away.” All twelve doctors’ eyes were on Patrick as he quietly sat down.

“Cara Palmer?” what did they want now? I thought to my self as I grasped for my cane that was supposed to be resting against the table to my right. “Crap…” I had undershot the handle and knocked my cane over and on to the floor. I began running my hand along the floor searching for it and thinking that I must look ridiculous. “Would you like some assistance?” Patrick asked. I nodded my head and I heard him slowly lift my can up off of the floor. “Thanks…” I mumbled as I grabbed the seat of the leather couch and slowly stood up. “You are wanted at the front desk.” He said as he gently grabbed my arm and pulled me to the left.

I complied knowing it was useless to try and resist. “You need to watch it… Doctor Becker almost got you transferred to a permanent ward. If you aren’t careful you will never get out of here.” Permanent! I already feel as though I’m never getting out oh here and now you tell me that I still might be stuck here as well…“Please…Please help me…” Patrick stopped walking, and I turned to where he was facing. “Help you? How can I help you?” I reached for his face and gently grabbed his chin. “You can help me forget.”

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© Copyright 2011 Tuba (UN: zealda1234 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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