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Rated: E · Critique · Community · #1753218
To understand self as woman of strength in position of self respect and true will power.
" When wisdom enters your heart, and knowledge is pleasant to your soul, discretion will preserve you, understanding will keep you." Proverb 2:10

My first Coach growing up was my great grandmother, a woman of strength, wisdom and knowledge and I best better say "yes ma'am" "no ma'am" or "no sir" "yes sir." True respect was expected back then. It was "old school" learning, sometimes discipline was harsh, some of you may know what I am talking about here. I grew up in the early 70's, born Nov.10, 1963. So that lets you know where I've been in my life. Do you remember your first Coach at home? Your first teaching of discipline? A teaching that we will never forget and sometimes it still hurts to remember those days of our "whuppings" "beatings" or whatever you want to call them back in those days. They still will not be forgotten, the pain is still there. Sometimes there are those that are now abusing their children today or giving harsh discipline because of what they had growing up themselves.

The strong discipline in my home was harsh! My great grandmother was a strong african american woman and she meant business back then,I never understood. She believe in Jesus Christ very strongly and we had to follow that ritual no matter what! Do you remember your first Coach? Do you remember your first teaching of discipline in the home? A teaching that we will never forget and perhaps we should pass it down to the next young generation to come, for self respect, encourage each other when doing difficult task in life when Coach is not around or when Mom and Dad is not around or when Grandma and Grandpa is not around, but the knowledge and wisdow is passed down to us for our next young generation today. I look in my Roget dictionary for the definition of "Coach" Coach is a trainer, instructor, mentor, teacher, tutor, tutorer, athletic coach. My Coach meant alot to me, my Coach was my professional boxing coach, a true friend, "old school" Dad he would tell me like it is! A true Coach did not teach us to be dishonest with ourselves or others, especially families. Sometimes we became selfish and to concern about "me,me,me wanting to look good or be liked." Am I right? Our Coach see us make this mistake in life along the way, praying and hoping we will get our lives back in order to help the next young generation. All our Coach ever wanted was for us to give our life to the service of others in our community and not just ourselves all the time. We seem to forget and become that much selfish in life. So, what is a Coach to you? Do you think of your Coach's words today?
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