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Rated: 13+ · Other · Writing.Com · #1752539
A brief poem i did based on a dream i had. Basic content, a little violent
A Dream?
By Jacob Scott

As I close my eyes and drift to sleep,
A roaring voice comes to greet.
Followed by the brightest light,
It kept the voice out of sight.
It spoke to me in a voice so deep,
Beckoning, “follow me.”
Without doubt I go to sound
It led me to ruin all around.
Buildings crumbled and people gone,
I ask the voice what had gone wrong.
The voice then revealed its form,
An angel from the light began to mourn.
“It is of saddest news to you
That the time of man has ended too.”
Then I ask the angel “why?”
But the angel did not reply.
Then I was alone,
In a place unknown.
It was another worldly plane
A place where light only reigned.
There I saw a proud steed
Arrogant and without need
The horse was white and seemed noble
But from its shadow appeared trouble.
A hound of the purest black
Came from the shade and began its attack.
Blood spewed from the steed’s belly,
As the hound continued tearing.
The steed did not defend,
But let itself come to an end.
It fell over on its side,
And its blood flowed like a tide.
As the hound continued to gorge itself,
The blood painted an image by itself.
It curved and split in an artistic way,
And revealed a baby’s face to me.
It was a little angel portrayed in blood,
With a baby’s smile across its mug.
The proud steed was no more
Only the baby in blood and a laughing hound were on the floor.
I felt myself begin to tear,
As the others began to stare.
I blinked and then I was somewhere new,
And I saw a face I knew.
The angel with the voice that was of the light,
Stood once again within my sight.
He told me that this is the end,
Soon the terror will begin.
I asked for mercy, he shook his head,
“You are the one who will cause the dead.”
Once again I made my plea,
And in the light the angel did flee.
I was left alone and mourned to myself
When a booming voice came and I did fell.
The voice wasn’t in words, but in clarity
And revealed my dreams reality.
It showed me that the steed was us
That I was us
The hound was him
And the infant angel was the end
It said it was up to us to end it all
If we don’t change, like the steed we will fall.
And in a warm, loving way,
The voice began to drift away.
And with a last glimpse of heavens light,
I was in a familiar sight.
The world in which I live and love
Was ending all because of us.
So do I try to fight the cause
Or do I let us end it all.
This power was given to me
To tell you a truth that will set us free.
So do I tell people what I have seen,
Or write this off as a dream?
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