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by Dragon
Rated: E · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1751676
It's the new year and Josh has made his final descion. What is it? Find out now! 3rd story
It was the new year and Josh was upset. Sleepking told the council about what happened at the dome. They did not take it well at all. They thought of his actions as treason and not only banished him from the council but from the whole creature world!!! That was just unbelieveable. He only had one day left at the base and then it was goodbye. He was packing his things when Britney entered the room. "I am really sorry, Josh." she said. "It's ok." he responded. "Thats the way of life I guess. You end up bad, it turns great, and then goes down so fast you can't stop it." Britney stayed there at the door for a long time and then decided to help out with the packing. With her help, he was able to get done sooner then expected. Charilizard, who also didn't take the news well, came by later to say his good byes. He stayed behind as well before he went off. That day many creatures came by all saying how they will miss him. Even the greatest creature of all, Alphomeg, came by to visit. The day, though couldn't last forever. The sun was setting and time was running out. Josh found himself staring at that same horizen he saw 5 months ago the day Darkray kidnapped Britney. He relived that day in his head and never noticed Britney sit next to him on the cool grass. She startled him by saying "This horizen still is beautiful." He smiled at her comment and laughed allittle. "I remember when you first came here 5 months ago." he said with the same smile. "Things sure have changed, haven't they?" she looked at him with a surprised look on her face. "Josh. You just got kicked out of the council." she said. "I know." he responded to her statement. "I mean between the two of us." "oh." she said. "Thats what you ment." they then spent a couple of minutes remembering the adventures they had together. Each one was unique. But the one that stuck out to them the most was the day they kissed. That day so many months ago they remembered so well. Soon the sun had set and the moon rose. It was a beautiful full moon meaning Darkray isn't coming anytime soon. "Well, it's time for me to go." Josh said finally getting up as he said this. "Where are you going to go?" she asked also getting up. "I mean, your banned from the creature world, a wanted fugitive in ours, and now you have Davy Jones hunting you down at sea. No where is safe for you anymore." "Except the Univeta region." he said with a new idea sparked in his head. "The what region?" she asked with a surprised face. "The Univeta region!" he said again. "It's a new region that has just been discovered. It's a place only a handful of people know about. It's a place that is not excactly all creature but a place where people and creatures bond together to overcome challenges. Plus, all the creatures that are there are totally new. I can disguise myself as a tourist and I could recruit new members for a new army to fight Darkray. But I will have to keep a low profile." "Josh." she said in her most calm voice. "That is a really crazy idea. How will you get there? How will you recruit new members and form a whole new army? It's just crazy." "Crazy enough to work." said a new voice that startled them both. They turned to see Charilizard standing there with a serious look on his face. "His plan is crazy but what other choice does he have. He is safe no where but there. I would like to go with you, Josh, but I can't leave the army now. But I can report to you what happens while you are gone. I must leave now. The council is trying to find someone to take your place and I plan to be man." "Allright man." said Josh. "Good luck with it." Charilizard nodded in approvel and flew back to the base, leaving the two alone once more. Neither said a word as they walked back to the base, hand in hand. Morning came fast that day and no one was ready for it. But time was up and Josh had to leave. He stood at the gate with everyone that wished to see him off. There wasn't a big crowd but Josh didn't care. All he cared about were the 2 people who were next to him right now. He gave Charilizard a firm hand shake. "It was a pleasure fighting with you, my friend." said Josh with a sad smile. "I think you might like to know that I was able to get your positionon the council." said Charilizard in a semi happy tone. "However, Sleepking has gained more power. I have a feeling he might take over." "We will worry about that when it happens. But congragulations on the new job." said Josh in a happier tone. "I will keep you posted about the things that happen." said Charilizard. Josh then turned towards Britney who was also with him and gave her a hug. "Just be safe till I return." said Josh in a sadder tone. "When will you come back?" asked Britney looking into his eyes. "Who knows." was his anwser. "I may be back but I may never come back. But I do know that our paths will cross again someday." "Well then can I have this one memory that will last a life time?" before Josh could anwser, she kissed him. It was one of the best feelings Josh ever had. The image of the last time they kissed flashed in his head and enjoyed it even more. But, like all good things, it had to end. As they departed, Josh just wanted to bring her along with him but he knew she has a life to get back to. Suddenly, a great, green beast flew from the sky and floated just above the ground in front of them. One of the great gods, Skygon, floated there looking like it had something it had to tell Josh. Josh hugged Britney one last time. "I well see you soon." he said. "Just don't forget about me." All she could do though was nod and watch him leave and approach the hovering beast. Josh stopped in front of it and bowed to it. "Skygon." Josh said to it. "It has been far too long." Skygon spoke in a godly voice. "How are your brothers, Skygon?" Josh asked it. When he first met Skygon, there was going to be a great war between the six brothers. Each one had created something to make this world as it is like Timegon with time or Skygon with the sky. "We are good thanks to you." he replied. We now live together in harmony like we should have long ago. Now about why I am here." said Skygon reading Josh's mind. "I have come not to say goodbye yet but to transport you to your transportation to the new region. It is far away but I can take you there in 15 min." "Allright." Josh replied. After giving Charilizard one more handshake and Britney one more hug, he climbed on top of Skygon and he took off heading north. Josh looked back once more to see his base, his home, fade off into the distance. He sighed and looked back forward to see a stretch of never ending sky in front of him. "Wow." he said. "It is beautiful, isn't it?" asked Skygon. "Thats what I wanted when I created the sky. I wanted man to look up and see the never ending sky and then think about the never ending possibilitys. No matter how dark it may get or when there seems like there is no where to go, you will always get out whichever way you go." "Thats a good quote, Skygon." said Josh. "I have nothing else to do while I fly through the sky." he responded. Just like Skygon predicted, they arrived at the airport in 15 min. They landed in a forest that wasn't to far away so people wouldn't freak out at the sight of Skygon. Josh climbed down from Skygon's back and landed softly on the grass. "Thank you for the ride, Skygon." he said. "Wasn't any trouble at all." Skygon replied. "Just remember this. No matter where you go, your friends will always be your friends. Even if they go to the dark side." With that said, he took off back into the sky. Josh pondered these words of wisdom as he walked out of the forest to start his new adventure.
© Copyright 2011 Dragon (bees at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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